DaiKaiju Hunters: True Heroes...

נכתב על ידי KaijuMaster20

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Kevin Serizawa is adopted by Rose-Xiao Long Family, but he has been abused and neglected for years and only c... עוד

Prologue/ Intro
2. Saving Mantle
Last Member
3. Voltage & Purusodile Vs. Qrow & Robyn/ Shinobi Kaiju
4. Virgolial's New Friends (Short)
5. DaiKaiju Hunters Blasted Ace Ops/ Retrieving Spring Maiden's Powers
6. Rise of Luna Mothra Larva, Calling DaiKaiju Guardians & Eternaterra Rises
8. Virgolial's Revealed
9. DaiKaiju Hunters Vs. Eternaterra, Zilants & Skorpio Pt 1.
10. Final Pt. 2/ Ending
Post Credit

7. Quantum Ranger & Kamen Rider Shinobi Vs. RWBY, JNP, Oscar & Emerald

170 4 9
נכתב על ידי KaijuMaster20

No Pov. 

=====Schnee Mansion======

When Kevin along with DaiKaiju Hunters are sneaking in the mansion to bring Penny, he looks back at them. 

Kevin: Okay guys, let's grab Penny out of there before Irondick comes for her. 

Virgon: Okay guys, let's do this. 

???: You're not doing this alone. 

They turned to Jazz, Kurma, Harry the Hippogriff, DNArkon, Raiju, Wani, Houto and Luna Mothra Larva riding on Raiju's back. 

Virgon: Alright, the gangs are all here. 

???: Not all here yet. 

They looked up at the tree, and it was Shinobi NinKaiju. 

Shinobi NinKaiju: *smirks* Hello my friends, you probably know who I am. 

Voltage: Oh great, it's a great King of the Ninjas: Shinobi NinKaiju. 

Shinobi NinKaiju: Shut up Volt, me and Shinji are here as well. We will face our enemies at all costs. 

Virgon: *smirked* Alright, while Kevin is here along with Shinji to find Penny. We'll go after this Space Kaiju and be defeated once and for all. 

Kevin/Shinji/DaiKaiju Hunters: *nodded* Right. 

Purusodile: *smirk* Let's do this. 

They spread out to do their mission, when Kevin and Shinji went to the mansion to go inside to find Penny to bring her to not let the huntsmen and huntress ruin the mission for Ozma. 

Kevin: You're ready. 

Shinji: *smirk* Oh yeah. 

Kevin bring his Quantum Morpher and transformed. 

Kevin: Quantum Power!

Shinji: Henshin!

Both Kevin and Shinji transformed into Quantum Ranger and Kamen Rider Shinobi. 

Quantum Ranger: Let's go find Penny. 

Kamen Rider Shinobi: On it. 

He threw a smoke bomb on himself and he disappeared, while Kevin ran inside of the mansion to find her as well. 

Quantum Ranger/Kevin: *thoughts* Soon Yang, we'll get out of this place and make our new home soon. 

=====Inside of Schnee Mansion=====

When Team RWBY, JNR, Oscar and Emerald are planning to get to Atlas, and suddenly a Shinji breaks the window and gets to his battle stance. Then everybody got in their stances. 

Kamen Rider Shinobi: *glare* Where's the Winter Maiden?

Jaune: *stern* What do you want with her? 

Kamen Rider Shinobi: Our mission is to guard the Winter Maiden from Ozma's hands, now you stand down now or things might get messy. 

Ren: *glare* You can't take Penny from us, we have to protect her-

Then Quantum Ranger came inside as well. 

Quantum Ranger: *anger* You already failed your mission once, twice and all of it. You're pawns to him. 

He pointed at Oscar, and Oscar glared at them. 

Oscar: *glare* Who?

Kamen Rider Shinobi: *glare* You know who we're talking about, isn't that right.........................Ozma. 

Then Oscar's body glows and turned to Ozpin aka Ozma. 

Ozpin: *stern* I should've known that was you heroes come here to protect humanity and faunus. 

Kamen Rider Shinobi: *glare* That's right, my Shinobi kind we're protecting Faunus from any bad people like Jacques Schnee and Atlas. You did nothing but a fool.

Quantum Ranger: *glare* Get ready for this Ozma, your time is ending here right now to put you in the first place.   

Ozma/Oscar: *glare* Is that what you want, then let's dance. 

Then Yang interrupted. 

Yang: No, we can't do this. 

And Blake stands beside Yang as well. 

Blake: Yang is right, we can't do this. Let them handle this, they handle this before and they can save the world. 

Jaune: *stern* Are you crazy, letting them handle Ironwood and Salem. They have no chance agaisnt them. 

Quantum Ranger: *glare* You're wrong, DaiKaiju Hunters are here to protect Mantle and they're at Atlas to handle against Irondick and his minions. 

RW/JNR/Oscar-Ozma/Emerald: *shocked* WHAT?!

Kamen Rider Shinobi: He's right, till they defeat them. We will defeat all of you. 

Quantum Ranger: *glare* And also, I always wanted to destroy you Ruby or should I say........................................Sister. 

Ruby was shocked and Yang as well, and he took his helmet off and he revealed himself and everybody was shocked. 

Kevin: *glare* Now you know, I'm here to bring Penny and never come near you. 

Ruby: *shock* B-But, I thought-

Yang: *glare* No sis, he's been took care from DaiKaiju Hunters. 

Weiss: Yang, Ozpin says that DaiKaiju Hunters are our enemies. 

Blake: *glare* No Weiss, they're true protectors who teamed up with God of Light. They're only protecting us from them before this world from Ozma and Salem. 

Ruby: *glare* You're our teammates. 

Yang: *glare* Once sis, you, mom, dad and uncle abused him for longer and I love Kevin so much and you're nothing to me. 

Kevin: *glare* She's right, Yang is my only sister/girlfriend in my life and you're just a brat who couldn't stand a chance.

Ren: *anger* That's it, I'll do this by myself. 

Then he charged at him, and Kamen Rider Shinobi threw his shuriken at his leg and he screamed in pain. Then Jaune and Nora charged at them, and suddenly two more heroes came to their rescue. It was Dino Charge Gold Ranger and Kamen Rider Wizard. 

(A/n: D.C. - Dino Charge).

D.C. Gold Ranger: *smirked* Hey guys, you could use some help. 

Kamen Rider Wizard: Yeah, I heard these bozos did to Remnant. 

He turned back at them and he pointed at Emerald. 

Kamen Rider Wizard: *glare* And her, she and her fearless leader Cinder who murder my family and I'm here for vengeance.

Quantum Ranger: And what are we waiting for, let's get this party started. 

Ruby: Yang, are you with us or not. 

Yang: *glare* No, me and Blake are with Kevin and his friends. 

Jaune: *stern* Then you and Blake are traitors.   

They charged at them, and Kamen Rider Wizard gave Blake and Yang their belts. 

Kamen Rider Wizard: Just say henshin to turn into one of us. 

Blake/Yang: *nodded* Right. Henshin. 

Their bodies began to transform into their Kamen Riders forms. 

(A/n: Yang Xiao Long aka Kamen Rider Blaze). 

(A/n: Blake Belladonna aka Kamen Rider Shade). 

Yang: *excited* Whoa, I'm a Kamen Rider. 

Blake: *smiles* Same, let's battle against our former teammates. 

They charged at them and they clashed their weapons, Kevin kicked Ruby and slipped her on the ground and saw Oscar charging towards him and he punched him and he threw him towards the walls. Kamen Rider Wizard fighting against Emerald. 

Kamen Rider Wizard: *glare* You took everything from me. 

Emerald: *stern* I don't even know who you are? 

Kamen Rider Wizard: *glare* You will. 

He charged at her and kicked her in the air, and he changed rings. 

(0:58 - 1:10).

He transformed into his Hurricane Form. 

He floats in the air, and he slashes her and she grunts in pain and he kicks her back down on the ground and he floats slowly towards the ground and transforms again. 

Kamen Rider Wizard: Let's you can this Dragon form. 

(2:18 - 2:39). 

Then he transformed into another form. 

Then suddenly, he summoned his wings. 

Then he grabbed her and he threw her in the air and he began to use his finisher. 

(1:42 - 1:52). 

Then she went unconscious, and he landed back down and looked back at her. 

Kamen Rider Wizard: *glares* This is what you get. 

He transformed back to normal. 

Chris: Or my name isn't Chris Drake. 

====Back to the others=====

When Dino Charge Gold Ranger and Kamen Rider Shinobi fighting against Jaune and Ren, they both kicked them and used their weapons to blast them and explode and they went unconscious. Dino Charge Gold Ranger transformed back to normal.

Will: *smiles* Before we go back to your Kaiju friends, I'm Will Parker. 

Shinji: *bow* I'm Shinji also known as Kamen Rider Shinobi. 

Meanwhile, Yang and Kevin fight against Ruby and Oscar and they both kick them. Kevin blasted Oscar and he exploded and went unconscious. Yang and Ruby fight against each other, and they both give each other a death glare. 

Ruby: *glare* I can't believe you sister, you and Blake are joining him to save the world. 

Yang/Kamen Rider Blaze: *glare* Yes I am, I'm not coming back to you or my step family again. 

She punched her back and she jumped high and then she used her finisher. 

(A/n: Yang is Kamen Rider Wizard and Ruby is the Minotaur). 

She screamed in pain and went unconscious and she looked back at Kevin and transformed back to normal and she walked towards him and kissed him. 

Yang: *smiles* I'm glad you're back. 

Kevin: *smiles* You too, my sun dragon. 

She giggled and kissed, and looked back at Weiss and Nora are defenseless and they looked at each other and smirked and they charged at them. 


They finally defeated them and now they're looking for Penny, and they spotted Penny walking towards them. 

Penny: *smiles* Hey Yang and Blake, who's your new friends. 

They looked at Kevin and his teammates and turned back to Penny. 

Yang/Blake: *smiles* It's a long story. 

=====Back to DaiKaiju Hunters======

When Virgon and his teammates are finding Eternaterra the Skeletal Space Dragon, and suddenly Luna Mothra scent dark aura nearby and she squeaks. 

Luna Mothra Larva: 

Raiju looked at her and he nodded to her and turned to Virgon. 

Raiju: She says that there's a dark aura is here. 

Virgon: But where? 

They heard rumbling noises and they went towards the sound, and they saw Salem and her minions getting defeated by Eternaterra and he killed Tyrian and Mercury. Luna Mothra Larva used her silk and stink on Cinder's back and dragged her and left Salem and she screamed and she got eaten by Eternaterra. When Luna Mothra Larva kept on dragging her closely and she put her in front of them and she used her powers to take her Fall Maiden's powers away and she absorbed it inside of her. 

Shinobi NinKaiju: Well, that was fast. 

Voltage: At least Salem is dead by that Space Skeletal Dragon. 

Then Cinder can't fill her powers and she turned to Luna Mothra Larva, suddenly she got angered at her and charged at and then Virgon kicked her towards Eternaterra and eat her alive and swallowed her and looked back at them. 

Virgon: *serious* Get ready guys, this is our final battle here. 

They all got in their battle stances to face against their enemy in the final battle. 

Then the screen went black. 


To Be Continued. 

See ya in the next 2 chapters left. 

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