Adopted by Scarlett Johansson...

By scarlettsbitxh

67.3K 1.4K 302

Georgia Banks is a 14 year old girl that runs away from her foster house, she doesn't know where she is gonna... More

Getting Ready Pains
The Question
New Home In A New State
Private Jet
Lazy Day
"Don't Leave Me Momma"
Christmas Decorating
New Years
Daniel's Birthday
New School
Coming Out & Girlfriend
Coming Out To Dad & Date With Megan
First Day Back In School
Big News
Telling Everyone
Sick Daniel
6 Month Scan And Brace Off
Meeting her Uncles and Aunt
Surprise Party For The Twins
End Of An Era

Momma's Birthday

1.6K 37 1
By scarlettsbitxh

I get woken up Colin shaking me gently, I open my eyes and see all my siblings standing there smiling at me. "Why are you all waking me up for?"I ask annoyed that they are waking me up.

"It's mom's birthday so let's go and wake her up"Cosmo says helping me up from my bed, I groan and we all walk down to mom's bedroom.

We all stand at the door and make a plan, so me and Daniel are gonna run and jump on her and then Rose and Cosmo are gonna shout happy birthday to her and then Colin is just gonna stand there watching.

Me and Daniel burst through the door and jump on mom making her jump awake but quickly smile when she sees me and Daniel, "Happy Birthday Mom!"Rose and Cosmo shout while Colin stands watching with a smile on his face.

"Thank you kids, was the jumping entirely necessary?"Mom asks laughing at me and Daniel, "Yes it most definitely was"I say making her laugh even more until she starts to tickle me and Daniel.

"I can just tell you two are gonna be troublemakers"Mom says while still tickling us, me and Daniel just keep giggling and kicking around trying to get out of mom's grip until she eventually stops torturing us.

"How about we all go and grab some breakfast?"Mom suggest while me and Daniel try to recover from our attack, me and Daniel just nod out of breath making everyone laugh.

Mom pulls me and Daniel up and off the bed and we all head downstairs with me and Daniel running ahead of everyone.

We all sit at the table eating our breakfast while mom figures out what we could do for her birthday, "How about we go to an amusement park that is like an hour away?"Mom suggest, everyone agrees and we all go to get ready after cleaning up breakfast.

I jump into the shower and wash my hair and body quickly before getting out of the shower and doing my skincare and then drying and curling my hair, walk into my closet and pick out some blue ripped denim jeans, a black cropped top, my brown zip up hoodie and my airforces.
Georgia's Outfit:

We all head out to the car and we all start to talk about how fun this is gonna be, after an hour in the car we all arrive at the amusement park, I look at see all the rides and I can't wait to get on my first roller coaster.

Rose and Cosmo go with Colin to some of the super big rides but I'm too short to go on them so I just stay with mom and Daniel, we sit on a bench while the other three have fun on the roller coaster.

"Georgia do you want to get on any of the rides?"Mom asks me as Daniel eats his lollipop that mom gave him, "I do but I am scared because I've never been on a roller coaster before"I admit to mom, she smiles and thinks for a second.

"How about me and you go on a ride in a little bit when the other three come back and then we can pick which ride we will go on"Mom suggests, I nod and we wait for the others to come back, me and mom head off to a small roller coaster but it looks like it has a lot of turns and spins.

We wait in the line until we can go on the ride, me and mom sit beside each other and I hold her hand, she looks at me and gives me a reassuring smile, I nod and we wait until the ride starts.

The ride started off very fast and there was a lot of turns and I definitely didn't like it, I started screaming and crying making mom hold my hand tighter, eventually the ride stopped and I was quick to get my buckle undone and get out of my seat, mom followed me and just ran off the the platform and down the stairs while mom was running after me.

Mom caught up to me and hugged me tight while rocking us side to side, Colin and the others come over and Rose rubs my back while I cry into mom's chest.

"Shh baby it's over, it's over you don't need to worry anymore"Mom whispers to me making me calm down slightly, "I don't like it"I sob out making mom hold me in her arms even tighter, "Momma I need the potty!"Daniel says not realising what's happening right now.

"Colin can you take him to the bathroom I just want to calm Georgia down"Mom tells Colin, he nods and takes Daniel's hand and brings him to the bathroom.

"Are you okay now baby?"Mom asks me, I just nod into her chest, "I'm sorry for this"I say pulling away and drying my eyes, "What are you sorry for?"Mom asks me kneeling down so she can look in my eyes, "For being annoying and crying almost all the time and you having to deal with me and it's your birthday you shouldn't have to be comforting me"I admit making mom frown, she stands up and brings me into another hug, "Don't ever say sorry for being upset or scared, you haven't ruined my birthday and you are my daughter it is my job to comfort you when you cry baby"Mom tells me, I nod and continue hugging her.

"Mom me and Cosmo are gonna head onto that ride over there so you guys can have some time to yourselves until Georgia calms down"Rose tells mom, mom nods and guides me over to a bench.

"So I guess me and roller coasters are not a good match"I say giggling slightly, Mom laughs and strokes my hair out of my face, "I guess so, I'm just glad that you're okay baby"Mom says before kissing my cheek.

I smile and just lay my head on her chest as she rubs my back soothingly, I am so lucky to have a mom like Scarlett, I miss my mom but now I have a fresh start with a new family that love me and protect me and that care about me.

I am one of the luckiest girls in the world I've got to admit it.

1090 words

Not proofread

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