TOA: Rose Gold's Adventure Bo...

By HowlsBae26

2.2K 99 51

It seems as though things are finally starting to settle down. Jim and the others are gone, but I still have... More

I'm Back
New Beings
Bring It On
Level Up
Class In Session
A Lovely Night
Meteor Shower
Your Heart
What Would've Been Home
Going Back
What Was Once My Home
Time To Save The World
Krel's Perspective
Show Yourself
Untold Story
Strange Magic
Together Again
Movie Scene

Turn Back Time

71 3 2
By HowlsBae26

We followed Archie to the bookstore.

Meanwhile, I'm sweating bullets. The secret's gonna be out in the open. Everyone's gonna know I lied to them.

"Uh, Rose, are you ok?" Amber asked me, "You seem a bit off."

"We just heard the world was ending, you want me to be as cool as an ice cube?" I said.

"Point taken."

"Sorry, this is a lot to process!" Toby said, "Pets can talk? The world is ending? Again?"

"Not the best timing, I know, but we need your help all the same." Douxie said, walking up to us.

Oh, boy.


"Wai-- Hold up!" Steve said, "I thought you worked at the cafe or were, like, a model or something."

Douxie fiddled with his gauntlet and waved around light blue magic, "There's a lot about me you don't know."

"Whoa!" Toby marveled.

"What?" Steve said.

"You're a wizard, too?" Amber marveled.

"Indeed." Douxie said, "And might I say, Rose Gold is an excellent student."

My heart jumped.

Everyone gave me confused looks.

"Student?" Toby asked, "So that's how you've been getting better at magic."

"Hey, I got better." I said, "Isn't that what matters? I was sworn to secrecy, ok? A wizard's secret is no one's but their own."

I could feel everyone's eyes burning through me.

"But I'm your best friend." Amber said, "We tell each other everything. Is there anything else you're keeping from me?"

"No, no, no. I swear that's it. I promised I wouldn't tell."

Amber sighed, "I'll forgive you. But I'm holding this against your head for the rest of your life."

"Fair enough."

Douxie used magic to open the store, "Come on, then. The answers to all your questions are within."

"Yeah, right. In a bookstore?" Steve asked as we stepped in.

The bookstore transformed into the magic shop. There were books and other objects floating with green magic.

"You could've told me how cute he was." Amber whispered.

"Right." I said.

"Ah!" Toby gaped, "There's flying books."

There was a chest floating around, collecting all the books and trinkets.

"Ooh, what's this?" Toby asked, looking at an odd snow globe.

"Put that down!" It was Merlin, "Thank the ether you're here. We haven't a moment to waste."

"Oh." Amber said, "It's you."

"Whoa!" Steve said, "Crusty, creepy dude!"

"Though, I had hoped for more, Hisirdoux." Merlin said.

"I tried." Douxie said, "I couldn't find the changelings or the aliens. I'm pretty sure most left the planet."

"Merlin, it's me-- Toby Domzalski!" Toby said, "You know, War Hammer, Guardian of Arcadia, Geology Club president."

"No one could forget you, chatty." Merlin said going down the stairs, "And the amateur wizard."

I gritted my teeth and groaned in frustration. This guy really freakin hates me.

"And Steve Palchuk, Creepslayer!" Steve introduced himself.

"I have no idea who you are." Merlin hit the back of Steve's head with the trunk, "But we're desperate. Thankfully, we have the brute."

Aaarrrggghhh!!! was sniffing Archie, "Yum!"

"I'm not anybody's lunch." Archie said, hitting Aaarrrggghhh's nose, "Got it?"

"Wait, where's Jimbo and Claire?" Toby asked, "I thought they were with you."

"Answers forthcoming." Merlin said, putting more stuff in the trunk, "Make preparations. We've a journey ahead. And don't..."

"But, Master--"

"...'but, Master' me." Merlin interrupted Douxie.

"But... are you sure you want to count on these children? They're clearly not ready for this."

"So much for believing in us." I said with my arms crossed.


"Excuse me, college dude, these children fought off a 50-foot extraterrestrial!" Steve defended, knocking over a suit of armor. He freaked out when it fell on top of him and was holding the helmet.

"Dude, let go of its head!" Toby said.

"It's got my head, too, man!"

"Just put it back!"

"Ok, I see your point." Amber said.

"Master, I'm ready for this." Douxie said.

"Doubtful." Merlin said.

"I've spent years preparing, centuries--"


Douxie sighed in defeat.

"I mean, silence, all of you. Can you not hear that?" Everyone stayed silent as we shook our heads.

We then heard rumbling, making things in the store creak.

Everyone gathered together as Toby pulled out his war hammer and I took out my whip and readied my magic.

The cuckoo clock on the wall started chirping like crazy, "Something wicked this way comes."

Douxie got his gauntlet ready as we looked out the shop window to see what was coming. A creature threw itself at the window before being deflected off by magic. There were dozens of them gathering around the shop.

"Shadow mephits? Hisirdoux, did you lead them here?"

"No, no!" Douxie said, "I mean, I don't think so?"

"Yes, we did." Archie said.

The creatures kept throwing themselves at the window and the door.

"He found us." Merlin said, "The barrier won't hold for long. We must make egress! Tobias, take my things!" He threw Toby in the air with the chest through a trapdoor in the ceiling. The creatures started to break through the barrier, "All of you, to the roof!"

Merlin fought them off as everyone did what he said, Douxie and I staying behind, "Hisirdoux, Rose Gold, I said get to safety."

"I've got this. I can help." Douxie said.

"You're gonna need all the magic you can get." I said.

"Ugh. Still trying to earn that staff, are you?" Merlin asked.

"Yeah. I've learned a thing or two since we last met." Douxie said.

"So did I!" I added.

We blasted green, blue, and purple magic at the creatures as we went up the stairs.

"Use the Flux Rune Second. It's stronger." Merlin said.

"All right! I knew that!" Douxie said.

The creatures were surrounding Archie, "Douxie!"


Douxie roped Archie up and grabbed him with a rope of magic, "I'm fine. No need to worry."

Douxie looked at the creatures and some candles with a smirk. He took the flames from the candles with blue magic and combined them with the fire, turning it blue. He lifted the flames into the air, and threw it on the creatures, setting them on fire.

"Whoa..." I marveled. He was kinda cute in battle, "You're teaching me that."

"Fire?" Merlin asked in horror.

"Yeah. Magic fire!" Douxie said.

"In a bookstore?"

"But mephits are vulnerable to fire--"

"Move it!"

Everyone else was on the roof fighting off the rest of the creatures.

When we joined them, Merlin said, "Stand back!" He threw the snow globe on the ground. In green smoke and energy, a large strange ship emerged.

"Ship just got real!" Steve marveled.

"Everyone on!" Aaarrrggghhh!!! screamed, throwing everyone on.

Merlin jumped on and used his staff to turn on the ship.

Aaarrrggghhh!!! grabbed on as the ship started to hover, but the ship spun around since he was weighing it down on the roof. Douxie blasted off the last of the creatures off of Aaarrrggghhh!!! The ship floated away as he got on board.

Some darts were thrown at the ship as we flew into the sky by a strange green figure.

We flew higher and higher into the sky and soared through the clouds.

"Awesome sauce!" Toby freaked out as we flew.

"This is so cool!"

"What the heck is that?" Steve asked.

"Welcome, young squires, to Camelot." Merlin said.

The ship went toward a floating piece of land that looked like the remains of a kingdom.

"Camelot?" Toby asked, "As in ancient-old-people-times Camelot?"

Douxie had a serene look on his face.

"Something on your mind?" I asked.

"I'm home." He said.

I smiled at him. I guess it's been a while since he's been here.

"Excuse me, I have a question." Steve said, "How is this castle flying right now?"

"The heart of Avalon." Merlin said. The center of the stone had a large green stone in it, "Its magic keeps Camelot aloft, powered by time itself."

Merlin steered the ship to go up, "Sir Galahad, how look the skies?"

"All quiet, my old friend!" Galahad called from where he stood.

"Keep your eyes on the horizon."

The ship steered more downward, freaking us out by how fast we were going.

"I say, coming in a little hot, don't you think?" Archie asked.


We entered the castle through a beam of green magic and landed inside.

"Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" Steve cheered."

"Whoa!" Toby marveled as we looked around.

"It's been 900 years since I was last here." Douxie said, "Hasn't changed a bit. Except for the flying part." Archie climbed up on Douxie's shoulder.

"900 years?" Steve laughed, "Yeah, right. You're like, what? Like, 19?"

"Give or take a few centuries." Archie said. He turned into his little dragon form and flew up.

"So, how many things can your cat turn into?"

"That depends." Douxie said, "How many things are there?"

"Uh, cool floating castle ship, but what's the grave danger you keep talking about?" Toby asked Merlin as we walked.

"Ah, there you are." Merlin said.

Claire and Blinky were here! Claire was in her armor, with her hair a little longer and Blinky had one of his arms in a sling, looking pretty beat.

"Guys!" I said.

"Claire!" Toby said.

"Toby!" She said.

"Aarghaumont!" Blinky said.

"Blinky!" Aaarrrggghhh!!! said.

We all came together for a group hug. God, I missed them so much!

"Not so tight." Claire said.

"Oh, sorry."

"Whoa, hey, Steve's here, too!" Steve said running up to them, "How 'bout-- how 'bout some love for Steve?"

"Oh." Claire said, "Hi, Steve."

"We have so much to catch up on!" I said, "But what's going on?"

"Yeah, what happened to you guys?" Toby asked, "Wait, where's Jim?"

Claire and Blinky looked defeated. They led us to a room that had a large green crystal. Jim was inside.

My blood ran cold. A lot has happened since they left.

"Jim..." Toby said, "What happened to him?"

"We were ambushed." Blinky said, "Some ancient, dark warrior. An unstoppable knight clad in green who struck down Master Jim."


"Master, is that the same knight we saw at the bookstore?" Douxie asked Merlin.

"One and the same." Merlin said, "That onyx shard is working its way towards his heart. I placed the boy in stasis, stalling its progress... for now."

"If I had my Shadow Staff, I could've saved him." Claire said.

"It's not your fault, Claire." Amber said.

"Who is this Green Knight?" Toby said furiously, "How do I get my hands on him?"

"I do not know." Merlin said, "The Green Knight said but one name, which chilled me to the bone. Morgana..."

"Oh, I hate that lady. Wait, I thought we kicked her bee witch butt to the Shadow Realm."

"Which he appeared not to know, but he bore the emblem of Camelot. Come with me quickly. I fear the answer lies in the past. A dark menace is coming, one even I cannot face alone. You are all now soldiers in a war started centuries ago for the world of magic."

He brought us to a room where he opened a device, showing a hologram of magic of a strange timeline, "Once the realms of Magic and Man clashed in endless bloodshed. King Arthur sought to wipe out magic that ravaged the lands in his war against Gunmar." As he spun the timeline, images of history appeared, including King Arthur and a mysterious cloaked figure, "I brought what few spellcasters I could under my protection to spare them from the sword."

"Including myself." Douxie added.

Morgana showed up on the timeline, "Oh, and Morgana le Fay."

"She was the finest student I ever taught." Merlin said, "Until she tried to kill me. Thankfully, in my all-seeing wisdom, I created a secret weapon-- the Trollhunter amulet. The war came to a standstill and I imprisoned Morgana at the Battle of Killahead Bridge. This Green Knight that assailed us was clearly born of dark magics, but I have no memory of him, nor what connection he could have to Morgana. We know not what he is nor why he pursues us. Though, his presence is a dire omen of things to come."

As Merlin put the timeline away, a bell started ringing, alerting everyone. The castle jolted, knocking everyone to the ground.

"What's happening?" Claire asked.

"Have you never been under attack before?" Merlin said, "To the battlements!"

Everyone ran outside to see what was going on. There was another floating castle, but it was bigger, more menacing. There were two figures, one red, the other blue. They seemed like magical beings, and ready to attack.

"Everyone, get to safety, now!" Merlin called.

Me, Toby, Amber and Steve stayed where we were. I wanted to help, but I knew I wasn't strong enough for this.

A blast of ice was shot toward the castle. Merlin said an incantation and sent a beam of green magic as a counter attack. But the ice blasted the part of the castle Merlin was on, knocking his staff out of his hands, which Archie went after. Right when Archie got it, fire was shot at him, making him drop it again.

Canons were being fired at Camelot.

"Man the cannons!" Merlin said.

Somewhere below Camelot, cannons fired at the other castle.

"We must flee!"

"Can the world not be in danger for one day?!" I shouted over the chaos.

Douxie went to a tower and tried his best to steer Camelot away from the enemy.

A large blast of ice was sent toward the tower we were in, knocking us over on impact and connecting the two castles together.

"They're boarding us! We must break free! Steer us clear at my command!"

"I'm on it!" Douxie said.

We ran to the edge to see what was going on.

"All of a sudden, flying castles aren't so cool!" Steve panicked.

Another blast of fire was shot in the area Blinky, Aaarrrggghhh!!!, and Jim were. Jim almost fell over.

After another blast of fire, Merlin said, "These foes' powers are beyond us!"

More bridges of ice were made and more of those creatures from before were crossing them to get into Camelot.

"We've got to protect Jim!" Claire said, "I'm not losing him again!"

"Feel the wrath of the hammer!" Toby said.

We attacked the goblins and creatures on the ice.

"Die, creeper!" Steve shouted.

I attacked with my magic and whip.

We were slowly making our way to Jim, fighting creatures and trying to get rid of the ice.

Gallahead even sacrificed himself by flying the tower he was on into the ice bridges, "Hisirdoux, now!" Merlin called. Gallahead really helped us.

Steve, Claire and I made it to Douxie.

"Please don't blow us up. Please don't blow us up." Douxie said to himself.

"We don't have enough power for the jump!" Archie said.

"Trust in Merlin!"

A large burst of green magic was sent to the heart of Avalon, "Hold together. Come on!" The magic tore through the sky, creating a portal to what looked like ancient Camelot.

"We have to steer Camelot through the time rift!" Douxie strained. We did our best to help him.

From the other castle, the Green Knight, and the red and blue figures sent a magic blast of their combined powers. They hit Camelot, throwing everything off balance. Everyone held on, trying not to fall.

"No!" I screamed, holding onto the ledge.

We were all hanging over the rift.

"Jim!" Claire yelled as Jim fell into the rift, "Jim!"

"What do we do, man?" Steve panicked.

"Trust me!" Douxie said.

"Wait!" Claire said. Douxie grabbed her hand, "No, no, no!" Claire screamed as she fell into the rift.

"Flying castles suck!" Steve screamed as he fell.

I didn't know if I should keep holding on or to follow, but I had to trust Douxie. After a bit, I let go.

I noticed Archie flying after us.

Another magic blast was sent to the heart of Avalon, closing the rift, just as Archie and I were about to go through.

My heart stopped.

I was so close. I was right there.

"Rose Gold!" Archie called out as I fell.

I screamed as I fell.

Archie couldn't help and I couldn't levitate at this speed.

I couldn't do anything but feel the wind pull me down and Camelot getting further and further away from me.

What?! Cliffhanger!! Whooaaa!!!!! I hope everyone has a happy Easter if you celebrate and I'll see you next time! ❤️

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