The Revenge Game Mxb

Af Shery7888

252K 11.4K 2.6K

Oz is a user, he thinks he is playing the son of the man who hurt him the most. Tenley knows that Oz is using... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49 Extra

Chapter 48

4.1K 188 11
Af Shery7888

Oz's POV

"I love you," I said kissing him once again, I am not getting enough that right now I can't focus on anything.

"Calvin" Tenley whined even though he was kissing me back "I love you too" he mumbled Then kissed me again and again until we started making out.

"Cut it out we are on time" Mekhi screamed in our earpieces making us jump though I was back to kissing him again "I will fuckin shoot you down if you two don't get your asses in position" I smiled kissing Tenley once more before making my way into position but not without giving him one last look. I don't want him out of my sight and I am glad I will be on the lookout for them.

I entered the building searching for my way to the roof with the help of Mekhi. Once I got up after knocking out two guys on my way I finally made it to the roof and set my rifle up positioning it to the building where Grizzly and Ruth have to be hiding "In position" I announced after searching the entire area seeing just three guards outside, I had no visual on the inside "I have one guard in my visual, Tainted windows on the lower floor, the upper floor is empty"

"Alright, knock, him out," Mekhi said as I glanced through the scope then pulled the trigger killing one guard "Alright, Tenley and Pais it's your turn"

"Be careful baby" I said through the earpiece already worried about what will happen once they get inside. Grizzly might end them without me having visual in.

"I will" He announced as they jumped over the fence to get in, I kept my eyes out just in case of anything but I was anxious. I felt like I should have been in the field with him just to make sure he was fine.

"Pais your left" Mekhi announced, And to her left was a guy sneaking up at them. My focus was on Tenley mostly so I didn't get a chance to spot anyone. They jumped through the window and I lost all sight of them from where I am.

"Can you see them?" I asked.

"No, I lost visual" Mekhi announced back "Tenley, anything inside"

"Still empty" He whispered back when I heard a gun being coached right before...

"Guns down, GUNS DOWN" Someone yelled at them and the worst part is I had no eyes inside. I couldn't see what was going on "Move, the both of you move"

"Mekhi, please tell me you see something"

"Fake!!" A voice boomed with a loud banging of the table "I almost died yesterday because you're so foolish. I thought you could do this one thing right. What was the use of you keeping me alive when I am going to be faced with such a disappointment" I clutched my fist wishing I was in there to punch that piece of shit? He doesn't know how much I wish he was dead.

"Yes, I asked myself the same thing" It was Paisley's voice "Why did he keep you alive only to be met by such a disappointment" I love this lady, I wish I told her that before she went in there "Just so you know, we were disappointed a long time ago"

"Calm down," Ruth said "Where is the real house?"

"Why would I tell you that?" Tenley said with a clear of his voice "We lied, I wanted to see your true colors and I did"

"We all want money sweetie and he was a ticket to getting it. All I see is you chose to betray your family so that you can stay with him and all for the money"

"Th-that is not true" Tenley stuttered out

"Baby, I know it's not true calm down" I decided to calm him, I can never believe a word of that bitch.

"You can only betray family because of money" I wish I shot this bitch even if I know I can't. They would rather kill their parents themselves because I will never get involved.

"That is what you two do" Paisley jumped in "We didn't turn out like you-" A bullet was heard and my heart dropped.

"Paisley" Tenley yelled right before bullets filled the room. I couldn't see what was going on "Paisley is down"

"I will go in"

"No, we need you up there. Let me" Mekhi suggested. I was getting anxious but I let him get in, he jumped over the fence and got inside and I lost a visual of him. It felt like hours with bullets flying and I could not see anything.

"Oh my knight in shining armor" Pais said sarcastically and even if I could not see them I knew Mekhi has gotten to her but the question was where is Tenley.

"I thought you will be my sister's"

"Bitch, get me up" I heard a laugh coming from both of them.

"Do you guys see Tenley" I cut in

"No, but Ruth is dead" Finally, I was about to open my mouth and ask when a window broke, and out fell Grizzly's body filled with cuts. Tenley had pulled out his earpiece so I could not hear anything he said, I was just glad he was alright and in control of the situation.

His mouth moved to point at Grizzly, they were throwing words that I could not hear even though I was still on alert. Tenley pulled out a knife and sat on top of his father with his knife on his neck while gritting out something in anger. But then he pushed his dad back and got off while shaking his head as if in disappointment or like he couldn't do it.

I knew deep down no matter what his father did he will still not be able to end him and I didn't know how to feel about it. I was glad he didn't kill him but then again that means we will be on the run if Mekhi's attempt to make a legacy doesn't put us in enough danger.

His plan didn't sound bad, it was intriguing but until I get to see the money none of that will be taking place. Tenley turned to walk away and I saw Grizzly pick up a gun and point it toward Tenley, on instinct, I pulled the trigger, and before I could stop myself the bullet had lodged into Grizzly's skull.

As soon as it hit he fell to the ground and Tenley turned back towards his now-dead father "Oh fuck" I gasped realizing what I had done. I wasn't supposed to shoot, I promised myself I will not kill that man. My eye was still in the scope and all I was thinking about was to turn back time, I should have shot the leg or the hand that was holding the gun.

I went for the head.

Tenley knelt putting two fingers on his dad's pulse. I pulled out my phone dialed his number right away and as soon as he picked up all the words I had to say disappeared. I was only listening to his breathing as I waited for him to say something yet he didn't

"Tenley baby I-" the phone cut off "ARGH" I screamed throwing the phone into the wall.

"Why are you screaming?" Mekhi's voice came, I had forgotten I still had the earpiece. I just pulled it out leaning onto the wall as I glanced into space knowing this time I fucked up big time. I may have fulfilled my promise to my dad and Simon but I fucked up with Tenley.

I slowly started disabling my rifle just lost in thought and what would normally take me two minutes to do took me ten minutes. I finally slung the bag on my shoulder before making my way back downstairs completely dejected. As soon as I got out I found Tenley leaning against the car with his hands folded on his chest.

I walked over stopping in front of him not knowing what to say. He couldn't do it yet I did it after promising not to "It was my shot" I admitted, there was no use in denying it.

"I know" I waited for him to add more yet he didn't, I leaned my elbows onto the hood of the car as silence took over us. I wanted to know how he felt but he wasn't saying anything.

"Is he dead?"

"You went for the head, I don't think he would survive a second"

"I don't know what to say"

"But I know what to do" I turned to him and he had a knife and a gun in hand "Which should I use?" I averted my eyes from him turning to the side feeling my heart clutch in all the bad ways. I sighed taking off my rifle bag pushing it into the back seat turning to him and choosing the knife. He pushed the gun into the back of his pants and held the knife to my neck.

I gulped closing my eyes, I didn't want to see his eyes as he ended me even if I wanted an intimate way of going I still wanted to remember the eyes that looked at me with love. "Any last words" I shook my head nope, I was not scared to go I was scared I didn't get to have enough time with him. A burst of laughter made me open my eyes to find Tenley clutching his stomach laughing hard

"Why are you laughing?" I said with a move in my shoulder trying to get my stiff body relaxed.

"You thought I was going to kill you," he asked with tears in his eyes from laughing hard.

"Weren't you"

"No, actually I came here to congratulate you but then you came out all dejected with regret all over you so I decided to play" the relief that escaped me was beyond me as I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"It was not funny" I argued pulling him into me "Don't ever do that again"

"You're my daddy, you know I can't kill you" he smiled pecking my lips "I knew he will try to kill me and I trusted you to have my back" my heart melted, I moved my hand to the side of his neck and attached our lips in a passionate kiss.

"You're really getting punished for that"

"I know"

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