Luna II(A BTS Soulmate AU)

By JiminBeJammin

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Vacation is over and the largest group of soulmates in the world is back in Seoul and back to work-this time... More

🚨New Story Alert🚨


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By JiminBeJammin

The ride to the house couldn't take longer for Luna, who was of course excited to see her soulmates. As soon as the car stopped rolling, she was out of it, practically skipping to the front door. Joon chuckles behind her, amused, but happy to see how much she missed them. As soon as she turned the doorknob, JK practically pulled her inside and in his arms, her legs around his waist as he hugged the life out of her. Joon walks in, closing the door behind him, leaning against it as he watched JK practically shove his tongue down Luna's throat.

"Noona?!" he hears, and Jimin comes sliding around the corner, something he'd been doing on the hardwood floors since they arrived.

This alerted the rest of the house and soon Luna was being passed around from soulmate to soulmate, each one drowning her in kisses and hugs.

"We got you good didn't we?" Jimin snickers, making JK laugh,

"Did you cry Noona?" he teases and she purses her lips, shooting them a glare.

"What do you think?" she sasses, reaching out to pinch both their nipples.

"AH, stop!" they both shriek, making them all laugh.

"Laugh at my pain, I laugh at yours," she grins, hiding behind Yoongi when JK reaches out for her.

"Those nails are deadly," Jimin pouts, rubbing his chest.

"You probably liked it," Tae chuckles, swatting at Jimin's hand when he attempts to pinch his nipple.

"For what it's worth, I voted against it," Jin says and Tae quickly chimes in to agree while he's being chased around the island by Jimin.

"I did too. I didn't want to make you cry Princess," Hobi says, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back against his chest.

"Well I'm glad you three care about my emotions. I was going through it," she pouts, making Yoongi scoff.

"Don't even start kitten. You know we're gonna make it up to you," he says, surveying her outfit now that she was standing still.

"Sexy isn't it?"  Jin asks, biting his lip as he blatantly checks her out as well.

"Too sexy. You're burning my hands baby," Hobi teases," making a sizzling noise before attacking her neck with kisses,

"Your face paint is so cool Noona. You look like a rockstar," JK compliments as he grabs both Tae and Jimin by the backs of their shirts and pulls them under each arm, stopping their cat and mouse game.

"She is a rockstar," Tae says, winking at her.

"If I see you in one more red outfit, I don't know what I'll do," Jimin flirts, making her laugh.

"Speaking of outfits, you need to get ready baby. We leave in an hour," he says, making her eyes widen.

"An hour? What am I supposed to wear?" she asks.

"Whatever you want, preferably something you can move in. Casual?" he says and Hobi nods.

"Just go shower baby, I'll pick out some options for you," he says.

"Thanks Hobi-ah," she grins, pecking his lips before rushing off to shower,

It would take her a while to get the face paint off alone so she knew she needed to get a move on. She didn't know what they had planned, but it was safe to assume it was some sort of party. Whatever it was, she was grateful they took the time to plan something for her.

-1 hour and 20 minutes later-

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Let me put my earrings back on and I'm ready," Luna says from her closet when Joon comes to check on her progress.

"Come on woman, we're already late," he groans.

"My bad, I had to re-do my hair," she says, turning the light off in her bathroom after surveying her look one more time.

"Can't rush perfection I guess," he sighs when he sees her look for the night.

"You can say that again. Jiminie's gonna lose his shit. You look so good Princess," Tae says, making her smile.

"Thanks love," she grins, sliding her lipgloss into her pocket.

She was wearing a red Michael Jordan Love 23 jersey, distressed denim shorts with red fishnets underneath, and black and white platform sneakers. She put her big diamond hoops and new Sailor Moon chain back on along with a diamond Rolex and a scattering of white gold rings on her fingers.

(This without the jacket)

On the way to their destination, she couldn't help but notice how nervous some of them were, although they tried to hide it. They were clearly trying to play it off and distract her with teasing and compliments, so she let it go—figuring they were just worried about her liking her surprise.

"This feels kinky," she'd grinned when they handed her a blindfold before getting in the car.

"It's just so you don't see where we're going. We've got plenty of time for that later though," Yoongi said, making her body beat up at the thought.

They'd been driving for about 15 minutes when she felt the car stop.

"We're here already?" she asks, brows furrowed in confusion.

"Yup, come on," JK says, helping her out of the car and then swooping her up in his arms, carrying her bridal style.

They weren't ready to take off the blindfold yet and he didn't want her accidentally twisting her ankle on the way. Her arms instinctually wrap around his neck as she listens to her surroundings. She could tell they were outside of course, but nothing else other than their footsteps. As they got closer, she heard more movement, although she was still unsure what it was exactly.

"The anticipation is killing me," she groans, making JK chuckle.

"Well you don't have to die a minute longer," he says, setting her down on her feet.

Whereas she knew they were on grass before, this felt smooth and sturdy like concrete.

"You ready?" Joon asks and she shifts on her feet impatiently,

"Yes, can I take this off now?" she asks and he chuckles, pulling it off for her.

"Surprise!" everyone shouts and it takes her a moment to register where she is and what's going on.

When she realizes where she is, tears spring in her eyes as she looks at the building and then over to her family who were standing off to the side, awaiting her reaction.

"Papa's Juke Joint?! Wow, it looks amazing," she smiles, reading the freshly painted sign next to the door.

"Doesn't it?! When we came to visit you, I was telling the boys about your granddaddy's dream to turn this old barn into a juke joint like the old days and how you were dead set on doing it one day," her grandmother says, reaching out to hold both her hands, happiness shining in her eyes.

"Wait, y'all did this?" She asks, turning to look at her soulmates with wide eyes.

"You always tell us stories of your grandpa and how he seems like such a wonderful man. It's really a shame we couldn't meet the man who played such a role in making you who you are, so we wanted to do something meaningful in his honor," Tae says, and she tries to hold it together, but it's a wrap when her bottom lip starts to tremble.

He smiles at her warmly and grabs her hand, pulling her into his chest and wrapping his arms around her in one of his signature bear hugs as she sobs.

"Let's head inside, let them have their moment," she hears her mother say and her family makes their way inside the building, some patting her on the shoulder on the way in.

She was beyond touched by their grand gesture. They knew how much her grandfather meant to her and how much hurt she still carried from his death—never really taking the time to grieve properly and drowning herself in work instead. She'd briefly mentioned she and his plans of fixing up a place on their property and how she wanted to still do it, but wasn't emotionally ready to do it alone. When her grandmother spoke of the same place and how that was the last thing Luna and her grandfather had talked about before his untimely passing, they knew they had to do something. They'd funded the project and planned it carefully, mostly with the help of her parents—Kwan(her father) being the one to actually do most of the renovations.

The men smother their soulmate with affection as she bawls her eyes out in Tae's hold, overwhelmed with emotions. Their eyes couldn't help but water as well, her cocktail of emotions hitting them hard. The strongest were love, appreciation, and the others were bittersweet—longing and acceptance—undoubtedly linked to her grandfather. She didn't have to say how she felt when it was so very clear to them already. She loves and appreciates them with everything in her and she misses her grandfather dearly.

"Thank you. Words can't even describe how grateful I am," she says after getting ahold of her emotions.

"No words needed love," Jin says, pulling some tissues from his pocket and drying her tears carefully.

"My makeup looks stupid, doesn't it?" she asks and they chuckle.

"Not at all. Chanel knew what they were doing with that formula. Does it come in my shade?" JK asks, effectively making them laugh and lifting her spirits.

"I'm sure it does Jungie," she giggles before turning to look at the building again.

"Wow, it really is beautiful guys. He would've been so proud," she smiles.

"Don't give us all the credit. Your mom and dad played big roles. Your dad flew here a couple times to do certain jobs himself and your mom came to hire local contractors. We just paid for it. They did the rest and thankfully, it was done just in time for your birthday," Hobi says.

"Ready to go inside and check it out?" Jimin asks and she nods, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

She's immediately impressed when she walks inside—the first thing she sees being a long bar top with a fully stocked wall behind it. The inside was rustic, but elegant as well with various shades of wood everywhere. There were chandeliers and big screen TVs mounted on the walls along with fireplaces and plenty sitting areas.

"This is nice," she grins, stopping to hug her parents, who'd been standing near the door, probably waiting for her.

"Isn't it? There's even a second and third floor. We thought it would be smart to put rooms in here just incase people can't drive home," Linda says, squeezing her tight before passing her along to her father.

"And for when I don't want guests in the main house," her grandmother adds with a wink, making her laugh.

"Thanks for all you've done dad. It means a lot to me, more than you know," she says, smiling yo at her father.

"It was my pleasure, really, I owe a lot to your grandparents, doll. This was just a fraction," he smiles.

Luna tours the building, stopping to hug and interact with family members on the way, introducing her soulmates to each one proudly.

"This building is huge, bigger than I remember," she says after touring the whole ground floor.

"We had it expanded. When your mom proposed the idea of using the second and third floor for rec rooms and guest rooms, we thought it would be a good idea to add some space. You really do have a huge family," Jin says, making her laugh.

"I really do. This place is perfect for when we have family reunions. There's never enough space in all our homes for everyone," she says.

"Kiki, where you at girl?!" She hears, turning around to see one of her uncles near the bar looking for her.

"Right here unc, what's up?" she asks, taking the shot glass from his hand when he passes it to her.

"We're doing a shot of moonshine," he says, passing her and all of the boys a shot from his place behind the bar.

"Alright, does everybody have a shot?!" he asks, passing shots to those that didn't.

"Alright everybody! We're here tonight to celebrate Ki's birthday as well as so much more. Here's to 26 years of life for my baby, gaining 7 amazing family members, and to this place in honor of the cornerstone of this family, Mr. James Cherry, affectionately known to many as Papa," Linda says and everyone puts their drink in the air before throwing it back—everyone simultaneously hissing from the strength of the drink.

"Now it's time to get litty," Jeanie yells afterwards, making them laugh.

"Aye unc, let me get a vodka Red Bull," Luna calls, setting her empty shot glass down on the bar.

It wasn't often that she saw this many of her family members at one time, so she planned to thoroughly enjoy herself tonight.

Time to let loose.

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