Save Me (ON HOLD)

By BambiMichael

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A young werewolf struggles in an abusive relationship. Will anyone be able to help him? 18+ only. Get tf outt... More



602 29 16
By BambiMichael

This is a new book that I decided to write instead of help me. I hope you love this. I worked so hard on making it just as perfect as all my others.

The wrong move would usually makes him shutter in fear. Now he just awaits the results of his mistakes. He woke up fifteen minutes late. Most people would sigh as that does't seem like too much time to pass and they can carry on about their day. Fortunately most people aren't Larry Bourgeois. He stands in the kitchen feeling numb when he realized not only did he wake up too late to make his husbands breakfast he also didn't have anything to make him. He stood there listening to the sound of very loud footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Why the fuck do I not smell any food?" Larry sighs as he turns to face his husband.

"Baby I'm so sor-" Backhanded across the face was the response he got. The one he usually gets.

"I swear to god if your family wasn't coming over after I got off work I'd kill you. I'm gonna leave my card. You only buy what's needed for my breakfast and dinner tonight and you make sure they email me my reciepts. Also put gas in that piece of shit you drive so I don't have to do it later." Larry nods as he watches him take his card out of his wallet and place it on the counter. He then pulls Larry into a kiss which was highly unexpected after such a fuck up. Larry sinks into the emrbrace before he's shoved up againt he wall and his chin held tight in his husbands grip.

"Don't make me regret that. Be ready by seven that's when they'll be here." Soon he was out the door leaving Larry alone. He doesn't cry anymore. He's so used to this. Actually not this at all. He's used to being shoved around into every edge of the counter tops and smacked around. He learned to stop crying when the punishments got worse. Every little peep he made resulted in a harsher slap or suffocated just to the point of passing out. He quickly runs upstairs to change clothes to go grocery shopping. He grabs his phone that has a lock code on it he isn't allowed access to. The phone is only unlocked when Bryan wants it to be unlocked. Today is one of those days. See Larry comes from a big family. A family he is only allowed to see when Bryan says he can. Like today, he's only allowed to see them because Bryan got a promotion and he wants to celebrate it. Larrys family always supported Bryan. If only they knew that the reason Larry had been so distant was because he was forced away from his family. Not because he's been busy. Sadly Bryan is one of his twins closest friends and therefore Laurent listens to every excuse Bryan says with no doubts. On his way to the store he stops to get gas and has to get a print reciept because their system was down. He shutters from just the thought of trouble due to it. At the store he does his best to get his weekly shopping done as well as what hes making for dinner. Suddenly he's picked up from behind and he screams loudly. The panic that runs through his body is paralyzing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think I'd scare you that much." The voice says and he recognizes the voice.

"Lau you can't do that shit." He says grabbing his chest as he catches his breath. He soon smiles and hugs his brother tight. When they seperate he sees Lau stare hard at his face. He begins to panic again when he remembers the slap he got this morning.

"What happened baby?" Larry smiles at the name. Lau always calls him baby when he's worried.

"Me and Bryan got to wrestling this morning and he accidentally hit me." Lau smiled and kissed his forehead.

"I have to tell him to be more gentle with my baby." Larry smiled and looked at the ground. If only he knew. Laurent helped him finish the shopping before saying he'd see him tonight and hurried home. When he got home his phone rang and he asnwered quickly.


"What the fuck took you so long?"

"I ran into Lau at the store and he asked about my cheek." The other side of the phone was silent for a while.

"What'd you say?"

"I said we were wrestling and you accidentally hit me." Larry waited in agony for a response.

"Good boy. I'll talk to you later." With that he hung up. He sighed in relief because that means he didn't upset him. Larry put up the groceries and cleaned the house before taking a quick nap. He set an alarm for six to be able to cook dinner just in time so it's not cold. When he woke up there was a knock at the door. He quickly went and opened the door to see his mother and twin.

"Hey. I thought ya'll weren't coming til seven?"

"We came early to help you cook. Well I came to cook so you and your brother can talk alone." Mami smiled. Larry grasped his brothers hand and took him to the couch.

"What you want to talk about?" He asks curling into his twins side.

"Well to be honest, you guys have been married for three years and mating seasons coming so are we gonna be expecting babies? We figured you guys would've known by now if you could even have kids or not." Larry felt sick. He couldn't tell his brother Bryan had him sterilized a year into there marriage. He still had heat cycles but could no longer attempt kids.

"We haven't decided yet." Is all he could get out. See the twins were special. Most twins born with werewolf blood would both be alpha, beta, or human. Somehow Laurent was an alpha and Larry was beta. He was made to please. Since Lau and Bryan were both alphas, Lau set them up. Larry thought his feelings were for Bryan since he was always around when Larry was going through his changes. Now Larry had realized that it wasn't Bryan it was Lau. It was too late to tell anyone. It was also to dangerous to try and get out considering the last time he tried to leave he was nearly killed.

"Well I wish you'd decide soon because I want some neices or nephews." Larry nodded and chuckled but really he wanted to cry. He and his twin have wanted kids for years and not being able to breaks his heart everyday. He nearly teared up when the door opened again. Larry snuggled close to his twin because he knew who it was.

"Laurent I'm so glad you could make it." When Lau went to stand Larry clung to him making Bryan growl lowly. Larry let go causing Laurent to feel this gut wrenching sensation. Laurent shrugged and hugged his friend. He sat back and pulled Larry to him watching closely to his friends face. He watched as Bryan gave Larry an odd glare that made Larry shrink into his side. Lau quickly started a conversation to get his friend to stop staring at his twin. The promotion celebration went wonderfully. Bryan was preoccupied with chatting and getting praise to notice Larrys dissapearance. Well, that's what Larry thought. After an hour of hiding in their bedroom the door swung open to a growling Bryan. He softly shut the door as Larry's heart rate sped up immensly.

"Why the fuck are you not downstairs?"

"I had a headache I just wanted to sit in the quiet for a minute." Larry crawled quickly up the bed as Bryan charged him. He soon had his hands wrapped around Larrys throat.

"I worked hard for this job and to keep you in a nice house and you can't take the time to support me?" Bryan growled.

"Ungrateful pup like you needs more dicipline." Larry barely understood what was said as he grasped the hands around his throat. He did howver have enough mind to notice that one hand left and began pulling down his pants. He tried to scream. In all the abuse rape was never something he experienced. Sex between them was always something he enjoyed. The onlt thing he enjoyed sense it was the only time Bryan took care of him. Now he was turned on his stomach gasping for the air he missed before screaming into the pillow as he was penetrated. The pain he felt was indescribable. He would rather be choked again than go through this. He tried to fight back but his arms were locked behind him. He bawled at the feeling of being fucked dry by the monster his husband had. He gasped each time he thrusted forward. It only lasted a few minutes but to Larry it felt like forever. Eventually Bryan finished and cleaned himself up.

"Clean yourself up and come downstairs. Your mom is making a cake." When he heard the door close he bit the pillow and screamed. His mind couldn't believe what just happened. He felt he couldn't move. After a few minutes He did try to move and sobbed at the pain shooting up his spine. He heard the door and immediately started pleading.

"I'm sorry. I'll be down. I'm trying so hard. I swear!"

"Baby?" He turned to see his twin in the doorway. Laurent took one look and put everything together quickly. The response, the way his brother was sitting on the bed, the smell of the room, and the blood. Blood that was on the sheets and the inner thighs of his twin. Larrys shaky cried brought him back and he ran to him.

"Baby what...who...are you ok?" Larry shook his head. He sobbed into his brothers shoulder. When the door opened again an unsuspecting Bryan started yelling.

"WHY ARE YOU-" He stopped when he was Laurent.

"Hey Lau."

Mild cliff hanger. Hope you enjoy this first chapter. Let me know if I should continue.
Love you!!!

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