Miraculous Sins

By forevermaddystories

66.5K 310 234


Adrienette(Not my story)
Marichat(Not my story)
Ladrien(Not my story)
Nalya(Not my story)
Lukanette(Not my story)
Felinette(Not my story)

Ladynoir(Not my story)

20.5K 108 145
By forevermaddystories

Hello everyone! This story is called "Until Eternity" by Miraculously_sinful. I split the first chapter and second chapter into two pieces so there would be enough room for the sin and smutt. This is by far the best story I have ever read on Wattpad and deserves so much more love than it has already. I would rate this a 10/10 in sin. Enjoy!

"And you're sure we should be doing this, Chaton?" Ladybug asked in a sweet voice, unsure of what Chat Noir's brilliant plan would bring. Unsure of the consequences their action might have to bring. Unknown of the pain she would soon be going through.

Ladybug and Chat Noir have been dating for a while now, yet they never got to reveal their identities to one another. Ladybug always said it would be too dangerous, and she wouldn't want to put him at risk.

While she was perfectly fine with seeing Chat Noir as Chat Noir only, at least until they had defeated Hawk Moth, Chat Noir was devastated.

He loved Ladybug with all of his heart, but he needed more. He needed to spend time with her other than once a day for an hour as they were patrolling, they were only doing other things for a little while, other things that were in fact in his favour, but he wanted more than physical affection. He wanted her, all of her.

He was hurting by the thought that he wouldn't even know who his girlfriend truly was, what she was up to all day and night, who her friends and parents were. He couldn't stop thinking about wether or not they'd know each other as their civilian selves. His head was spinning for hours every night.

He couldn't take her home with him, introduce her to his father. He couldn't take her out on little dates for no reason whatsoever at any time. He could only schedule a date with her, and they'd always get interrupted.

Chat Noir would have never left her on his own force, but maybe he would if something gave him a chance out. Not forever, but until he had found her.

"I'm sure, Milady," Chat Noir smiled as he intertwined their hands, pulling her closer to him as he would place a soft kiss onto her lips.

"But, Chat Noir, you know we can't-"

"-Reveal our identities yet, I know," He rolled his eyes and let go of Ladybug's hand.

"I'm just not willing to risk your life, Kitty," Ladybug tried to cheer him up as she had noticed the change in mood.

"We're both putting our lives at risk every single day to keep Paris safe, yet you're not willing to reveal our identities to one another? It's like you don't even love me!" Chat Noir freaked.

He knew she loved him, but he didn't understand why it would be a risk, after all they could die any day during a fight anyway.

"What are you talking about?" Ladybug questioned, feeling offended by such ridiculous exclamation, yet she had tears in her eyes.

She knew she was hurting her precious Chat Noir, but she couldn't do anything about it. Ladybug would've never been able to forgive herself if something happened to him because of her.

"Your best friend knows your identity, why couldn't I know?!" Chat Noir yelled, feeling the anger in him rise.

It had always bothered him, ever since Ladybug confessed she had told her best friend. They were already in a relationship when she did, yet she trusted her best friend more than her own boyfriend.

It grew windier on top of the Eiffel Tower as it got darker. It was nighttime, but Chat Noir had asked Ladybug to catch up. Usually she never agreed on 'catching up' except for this very night when she did.

However, the wind was cold, too cold for Ladybug's liking, causing her entire body to start shivering.

"S-She figured it o-out herself," Even her teeth were chattering.

Chat Noir, who actually wasn't facing Ladybug, turned around to look at her, seeing her shiver from the cold. His face immediately softened.

"Let's go inside," Chat Noir wrapped his arms around her from behind, pressing her against his body as close as possible, hoping it would warm her at least a tiny bit.

"Like where, Chat?" Ladybug asked, knowing his answer in advance.

"We can go to mine, keep your identity private as much as you like, but that doesn't mean I have to," He said, but once he did Ladybug freed herself from his grip around her.

"Chat Noir," She began.

"No, do not 'Chat Noir' me, again. I know what you'll say. 'I don't want to put you at risk,' but what if I'm no longer willing to date someone I don't even know?" He snapped, regretting it the second it was out.

Ladybug looked at him. Her face was straight, not showing a single reaction until her eyes began to water. She pressed her lips together, closing her eyes in slow motions as she tried to fight the tears that were building up.

"I'm sorry, Bugaboo, I didn't mean that," He tried to apologize, but she knew he did mean it.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself, wrapping her arms around herself even.

"I'm sorry, too. Ask me five questions about myself and I will answer them with one hundred percent honesty," Ladybug said once she could find her voice, yet it broke anyway.

"What's your name?" Chat Noir asked, knowing she probably wouldn't answer that one.

Ladybug took another deep breath as she let the tear that built up run down her cheek. She knew her answer would only make things worse.

"I can't tell you that," She said in a soft and teary voice.

"Do you know how many people in Paris probably share the same name as you?" Chat Noir reminded, earning a nod from her. "So at least give me the first letter," He begged.

"M," She said, "Marinette." Chat Noir's eyes widened as he had not expected to ever get the whole name.

His face softened. He placed his hand onto Ladybug's waist, pulling her into his embrace.

"Marinette," He whispered to himself, giving himself some goosebumps.

"Do you know anyone with that name?" Ladybug asked in fear, yet she was kind of hoping he did know someone.

"No," He lied. He had not thought of Marinette Dupain-Cheng being Ladybug, they were way too different personality wise, but he also didn't want to freak his lady out with knowing one.

"Okay, besides Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I don't know her personally but I've seen her on a few covers for her new clothing lines," He then added, remembering Marinette was a favour fashion designer by now.

"Oh, yeah," Ladybug laughed, "I've seen that, too. Suddenly Chat Noir is no longer the face of Vogue."

"He will be, next month," Chat Noir noted as he looked to the side in an arrogant way, yet he wasn't being serious.

"How old are you, Marinette?" Chat Noir asked. He knew she would be around his age, or at least he hoped so. She couldn't have been too old since he knew she was still at school when they first met.

Ladybug chuckled, mainly because he had called her by her name and not 'Ladybug.'

"You've just wasted a question," She began, "I'm 21."

"Thank God," Chat Noir was relieved, finally knowing he was right with his thesis.

From this point on, he knew he would have to ask way less personal questions since he might actually figure out her identity. As much as he wanted to know, he respected Marinette.

"What's your favorite flower?" He asked, earning a confused expression at first.

"Tulips," She smiled as she was only thinking about it. "No matter the colour, they're all pretty," She added.

"I'll save my last two," Chat Noir winked as he smacked his hand right onto Ladybug's butt cheek while taking her into his embrace.

She would press her head into his chest, taking in her favourite scent as she was at her favourite place in the whole world, his arms.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Chat Noir looked at the time, seeing it was already 11:30 pm.

"Okay," She answered softly against his chest, placing a soft kiss onto it.

"Will you text me when you're at home?" Ladybug nodded.

Despite their Ladybug and Chat Noir phones that were included in their yoyo and staff, they had decided on each of them creating an instagram account so they could message there. After all, they needed some kind of communication.

"I love you, Kitty," Ladybug placed a kiss onto Chat Noir's lips, "so,so much."

His hands immediately cupped her face, allowing himself to deepen the kiss as they went along.

He really enjoyed having his lips meeting the softness and warmth of hers, knowing they were all his.

"I love you, too," He whispered back against her lips in between a couple of kisses.

Oh Valentine's day, Adrien used to love this day. The countless of presents he would get from random girls around the world that happened to 'like' him weren't even the best part. I mean, who doesn't like free stuff?

But Adrien, oh Adrien, he didn't care about the presents, in fact, he didn't care about the day really, all he was looking forward to yearly was seeing his lady.

Before Chat Noir and Ladybug were officially dating, he would spend the day with Marinette, just watching some horror movies to celebrate being single, but ever since he turned 19 all he cared about was Ladybug.

He never asked if Marinette felt bad that he wouldn't spend the day with her anymore, but then again, they're both 21 now and she knew he had a girlfriend. And besides, Marinette would never complain about this, she was way too good of a friend for that.

Only moments after he left the house Adrien made his way towards another destination, not even the spot he'd always meet with Ladybug at, yet it was another building.

He unlocked the door before stepping inside. He had already decorated everything, bought furniture and just made the tiny house seem occupied.

He lit up some candles before taking out his cat-phone to call Ladybug. Once he pressed that call button it didn't take long for an angry Ladybug to pick up her phone.

"Where in the world are you?!" She almost yelled as she would have been standing at the top of the Eiffel Tower for half an hour already.

He was late. Chat Noir was never late when it came to meeting up with his Ladybug and she knew it. If he would be running late due to personal reasons, he would always let her know, but he didn't this time.

"I'll send you my location, come here," Chat Noir said before immediately hanging up.

If he hadn't ended the phone call Ladybug would have tried to argue with him, saying she couldn't come to his house once she saw it was an address for a house, not a tiny Café.

Time passed quicker than expected. 30 minutes went by and Ladybug still hasn't shown up, even though the house wasn't far away from the Eiffel Tower, so Chat Noir went to call her once again, but only to explain this wasn't his address.

"Chat, I've told you, I'm not-" Ladybug yelled as she picked up the phone.

"It's not my real address, I promise. I'll explain everything once you get here," Chat Noir interrupted before he would have to listen to her telling him how irresponsible he was being once again.

Five minutes later and Ladybug had arrived. Chat Noir was looking through the window, seeing her confusion as she couldn't see him anywhere, so he went to open the door.

"Chat?" Ladybug said in confusion.

"Come inside," He grasped her by her wrist and pulled her inside along with him.

"I would have never expected something more fancy for it actually being your house," Ladybug said annoyedly.

"It's not, Marinette. This is our new hang-out spot. It gives the both of us a place to transform. And before you're saying it's impossible, I bought the WHOLE house, meaning the other apartments, they're ours as well, and no one would know. I've used different names on the name tags outside, and I made sure the area around was barely inhabited," Chat Noir explained in fear.

He could see her confusion in her eyes. She wasn't happy about what he had done, but also she didn't seem to be mad.

"And now you no longer have a reason to be cold when we meet up since it's all warm and cozy here," He continued trying to talk this house good.

"Chat," Ladybug said softly under her breath. She gave him a slim smile, which then eventually grew bigger once all these information began to process. "How did you afford all this?"

"Is that a personal question I sense?" Chat Noir joked, leading Ladybug towards their new hang-out living room.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," She apologized, feeling terrible for putting him in the position to answer a personal question.

"It's not a big deal, Milady," He chuckled, "I happen to have quite a few connections. Now sit down, I have a surprise."

Chat Noir walked out of the living room, and just then Ladybug noticed the decorations Chat Noir had done throughout the room.

He put up white daffodils all over the room. Her face went straight for a second as she remembered the meaning of white daffodils, yet it was still somewhat cute.

Then her eyes wandered over to the candles. A white-grey candle scheme lit up the room in a romantic way. It wasn't too much lightning, but not too less either, it was just perfect.

He even hung up pictures of the two of them, selfies and some fans had taken from them over the years. She couldn't help but smile.

And then he came back. He looked different, his hair definitely did. It was him, but with a different looking hairstyle, still the same in some ways, just not exactly. It looked as if he tried to recreate the original as much as possible, but didn't succeed for one hundred percent.

"What happened to your hair?" Ladybug asked with a slight grin on her smile as she was bemused by his new look.

"Don't freak out," He warned, "But I'm not transformed."

He had imagined every possible reaction. A loudly screamed 'what', an hour of yelling at him for being so irresponsible, a sly 'oh, okay', anything, but nothing that she had really said.

"Well, certainly your civilian self needs a hair-makeover," She laughed.

"You can do whatever you want with my hair after you've de-transformed," He held a bag with clothing out for her, "And put this on."

"But, Chat Noir," Ladybug said as her face dropped into a sad expression.

"No, you have nothing to worry about. You'll still be wearing a mask, you can change your hair if you'd like. This is going to be a long day, we've planned on spending it all together, remember? Give Tikki a break. I promise I won't try to take off your mask or anything to reveal your identity," Adrien grasped her hands in his, leading one right up against his chest, placing the palm of her hand over his heart.

"You can trust me, my Lady," He looked her straight in the eyes as he said it with the most honest words ever.

"Okay," She whispered, "turn around."

"You can transform and change in the bathroom, or-"

"Turn around, silly kitty," She chuckled lightly, and so he did turn around.

"Tikki, spots off," He heard her say in a really soft voice.

Only for a split moment the thought of turning around crossed his mind, but he couldn't do it. He promised. He promised he wouldn't try to find out her identity, and so he wouldn't.

"Marinette," Another sweet voice said. He could hear the confusion in her voice.

Chat Noir always trusted Ladybug's words, and so when she had told him her name, he believed her. But after hearing Tikki say her name, he grew suspicious of it.

"How can Tikki say your name when I'm around? Kwami's can't say their owners name unless they're alone with them," He noted somewhat angrily.

At the change in tone coming from him, Tikki approached the disguised Adrien, giving him a broad smile.

"We can't, unless the person already knows our owners name," Tikki explained. "I can tell you her whole name, just that it would cut me off after 'Marinette'."

"I believe you," Adrien smiled, yet Tikki decided to proof it anyway.

"Her name is Marinette D-" Bubbles appeared and started to fly all across the room. It were magical bubbles, bubbles stopped Tikki from taking any further.

"Thanks, Tikki, but I already believed you. Plagg should be around here somewhere, I've heard he goes to visit you sometimes," Adrien winked, flattering Tikki for some reasons.

"Stop flirting with my kwami, Chaton," Marinette said jokingly as she finished changing into the Ladybug costume, "you can turn around if you'd like."

Chat Noir turned around, finding his lady standing there with a dress in her hands. At first he didn't think much of it, until he realized what kind of dress it was.

"It's a designer dress," His eyes widened in shock, knowing the designer only too well.

"Y-Yeah, I happen to know Marinette Dupain-Cheng only too well," She said, not really being completely honest either.

"You do?" Chat Noir made sure he heard that right, "Personally?"

"Y-Yeah, we're quite good friends as civilians," She tried talking herself out of it gracefully.

She wore the dress Marinette had only finished designing yesterday. The dress has never been seen in public before. And he'd only known it because Marinette asked Adrien for a colour scheme she'd go with.

"I really like the colours of it, you know," Ladybug said with a smile formed on her lips.

For a split moment Adrien felt more than proud of himself, knowing his lady liked his idea of fashion, yet he couldn't tell her that.

It was a cute regent and davy green dress, more of a summer dress but Marinette had paired it with one of her cardigans she had designed just for this dress to go along with. It had thin straps, showing the shoulders as much as possible. It even had an in-sawn dark navy grey belt which would be knotted together on the right side. And of course somewhere on the dress would have to be Marinette's signature logo.

"Well, you can tell her it's a really beautiful one, although I would have loved to seen you wearing it," Chat Noir smiled.

"You know," Ladybug began as she slowly started to unzip the costume again, "I think these costumes are one of the best ideas so far."

She walked closer to Chat Noir, cupping his face in her hands as she pressed her lips against his.

"We never get to," Ladybug said breathlessly between merciless, lustful, yet quick kisses, "finish what we start."

Chat Noir was overwhelmed, yet turned on. He had touched her body before, but never her skin really, it's always been his skin and hers with two layers of indestructible material in between.

He slid his hands up her sides, towards her back, slipping in between the fabric of the fake costume, roaming his hands right over Ladybug's skin.

His cold hands sent shivers down her spine. He lightly scratched her back from the back of her neck down to her lower back.

"I love you," Ladybug whispered between merciless kisses, being barely able to breathe at this point.

He then picked her up, the tips of his fingers pressing right onto her butt cheeks as he was carrying her right into the one bedroom of the apartment.

He plopped her down onto the bed and began to hover right over her.

"I love you, too, Marinette," He then finally said, breaking the tension that had build up inside of Ladybug, worrying why he wasn't saying it back.

"You're not wearing a bra," He then commented as he proceeded what his hands were feeling before.

"We can change that," Ladybug said in a deeper voice than usual.

With all over her strength she managed to turn them both around. Chat Noir now laying on the bed whereas Ladybug was sitting right on top of him, bending down so she could continue to exchange kisses with him.

Then she would stop, grasp his hands and rest them down right onto her breasts, recreating the support of a bra, just with his hands.

His cheeks turned a deep shade of red, yet the colour would intensify even more as Ladybug started to pull down the bodysuit, revealing her body up until her belly button.

Before Chat got to touch her, she would already bend down again, placing soft kisses from his neck up to his, from kissing, red, wet and slightly swollen lips.

She pulled down the zipper from his bodysuit, revealing his abs only sightly enough until he would sit up and remove the fabric around his arms.

Ladybug almost chocked on her own saliva as she saw how his pretty much well worked out body for the very first time without any magical suit.

He turned them back around, pressing with his weight onto Ladybug, yet holding himself up with one arm as his other hand was slowly making its way downwards.

Just when he had reached the beginning of the fabric from Ladybug's costume, he would look into her eyes as ask for permission.

"What are you waiting for," She breathed heavily only inches away from his lips.

"Your consent," He whispered as he reconnected their lips for a short while.

"Would you just make love to me already," She groaned with a smirk on her lips.

With that Chat Noir slid his hands into the pants part of her bodysuit, slipping his middle finger right between her wet folds.

Her breath hitched as she could finally feel his touch without the fabric of their suits in between.

"Kitty, please," She begged, not being able to wait any longer.

"Why, Milady, you're so needy today," He teased, slipping his index finger right inside her, hearing a slight gasp.

"Call it two years of build up sexual tension."

He started to penetrate her clit with his thumb while curling up his fingers inside her, listening to her soft whimpers as he would get her close, but always stop right before. A tease, he was nothing but a huge tease at this point.

"I don't think you need any more games, you seem pretty much ready," He chuckled as he felt her wetness around his fingers, to the point where it was starting to drip down on her.

"B-But be careful," She stuttered as he pulled out his finger and stepped away from Ladybug to remove his bodysuit entirely, together with his underwear, revealing all of his body.

"I will be, I promise," He said, tangling his fingers around her bodysuit before removing it from her.

He only took in the view for a brief moment before hovering back over his lady, leaving a kissing trace from her lower stomach up to her mouth.

He took a hold of his shaft, already positioning it in front of her entrance before he would take a look at Ladybug, breathing heavily under his touch.

"I didn't plan on having sex with you today," He admitted, earning a shy smile from Ladybug.

"I know, you never do," She whispered.

"I don't have any condoms here," Before he could say anything else she would pull his face even closer to hers, forcing her lips onto his.

Her tongue slipping into his mouth, fighting for dominance. He knew she wouldn't give up, she never did, but he wasn't ready to lose a tongue-war to his lady. He did eventually give in anyway though.

"It's not a problem," Ladybug then tried to say while catching her breath.

Once those words had left her mouth, Chat Noir slowly began to enter her. He put pressure onto her entrance with his hard-on, pushing in only the slightest, then pulling out and pushing in again a tiny bit deeper. With every attempt he would go in deeper.

He could see her frown in pain, luckily it wasn't for long, nor too bad, his heart wouldn't have been able to take it.

Once he was in completely, he stopped for a moment, allowing Ladybug to get used to the feeling. In the meantime he would kiss along her neck, sucking on her skin as he left a few little marks around her collarbones.

A somewhat moaned"Chat," escaped from her lips, causing Chat Noir to smile against the skin of her neck.

He then proceeded to pull out and push back inside. It would hurt, but also feel so good. A tear would roll down from the corner of her eyes, which Chat Noir then quickly wiped away.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled, "Do you want me to stop?"

Ladybug shook her head no, knowing the pain would soon stop completely and it did. After only a couple more tries to thrust in and out she would feel nothing but the pure pleasure it would bring.

She would moan more and more with every thrust he'd done. Both their breathings growing heavier as sweat began too appear on their bodies, both their hearts beating in sync, connecting them more to one another.

One thing led to the other, Chat Noir brought his hand down to her clit, rubbing it in a circular motion while continuing to push in and out of her. Her walls began clenching around him as she would feel a knot build up in her stomach.

Due to heavy breathing, moans and groans she couldn't even talk any longer before her eyes would completely shut close, letting out louder moans than before, feeling the orgasm take over her body.

And, to their luck, Chat Noir would come only moments later, still managing to pull out and release himself on her body, before anything bad would have happened inside of her.

He collapsed down beside her, trying to catch his breath, as so did Ladybug try to do the same.

"Was I your first?" Chat Noir asked once he had his breath steady again, rolling over enough to be able to lay his head down onto her stomach.

"Yeah," Ladybug admitted, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"I bet guys must have thrown themselves at you though," He placed a soft kiss onto her stomach.

"Well, I've been in a relationship for the past 2 years," Ladybug tangled her hand into Chat Noir's hair, carefully scratching his head. He would groan lightly as head scratches were one of the best feelings along with back scratches.

"So, who was your first time?" Ladybug asked.

"This strange girl, her name is Marinette, maybe you know her," Chat Noir smiled to himself.

"Me or Dupain-Cheng?" Well, technically either of them would be her still, right?

"My Marinette."

I hope you enjoyed these parts of the story! I was and still am obsessed with this story and totally suggest to check it out. Leave suggestions!

                                                                                                      Word Count: 4606

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