Adopted by Scarlett Johansson...

By scarlettsbitxh

67.3K 1.4K 302

Georgia Banks is a 14 year old girl that runs away from her foster house, she doesn't know where she is gonna... More

Getting Ready Pains
The Question
New Home In A New State
Momma's Birthday
Lazy Day
"Don't Leave Me Momma"
Christmas Decorating
New Years
Daniel's Birthday
New School
Coming Out & Girlfriend
Coming Out To Dad & Date With Megan
First Day Back In School
Big News
Telling Everyone
Sick Daniel
6 Month Scan And Brace Off
Meeting her Uncles and Aunt
Surprise Party For The Twins
End Of An Era

Private Jet

1.9K 41 3
By scarlettsbitxh

Mom woke me up once we got to the airport, I held me close to her side while we walked through the airport because she knew I was still worried because of the time in the airport last time.

We got all of our bags weighed and then put onto the plane before going through security, we walked past all the gates making me confused but I didn't question it.

We walked down to where all the planes were out side and I see a private jet, I look at mom and she just smiles and nods.

"There is no way you have a private jet Mom!"I shout making everyone except Daniel laugh, they all smiled at my excited as me and Daniel run to the plane.

There is people standing at the stairs greeting us, I smile and look back at mom to ask if we can go on and she just nods and smiles.

Me and Daniel run into the private jet and are taken away by it, it is very pretty and very spacious, I sit down on this big couch with a tv and there is a dining area and bedroom making me squeal.

Mom and everyone else eventually gets on and mom sits beside me on the couch with Cosmo, I look around another time smiling making Cosmo laugh and mess my hair up.

"Hey this hair took me 2 minutes to do!"I say playfully making Cosmo mess it up even more, I stick my tongue out at him and he starts to tickle me making start to kick my legs while laughing.

Eventually he stops and we both look at each other just staring before bursting out into laughter, mom and Colin look at his while shaking their heads and smiling while Rose and Daniel sit at the dining table playing a board game.

We wait for take off and I start to get nervous, Cosmo hugs me and stays hugging me until we take off inti the sky, I cling onto him while he holds me tight telling me that I am safe and nothing is gonna happen.

We are finally flying in the air smoothly, I start to feel sleep creep up on me but I try to stay awake because I don't wanna miss out on the flight, "Hey Cosmo"Mom whispers walking back over to the couch where me and Cosmo are, "Hey mom"Cosmo says stroking my hair, "You know you're a great big brother to her and Daniel"Mom says to Cosmo, "Thanks Mom, I think she's asleep so will I bring her into the bedroom or will I just leave her here?"Cosmo asks mom, "It's up to you if you wanna bring her into the bedroom go for it"Mom tells Cosmo, he nods and walks over to the bedroom with me in his arms.

"I love you little sis"Cosmo whisper before kissing my forehead, "I love you too big bro"I whisper half asleep, "Do you want me to get mom?"He asks me, I nod my head slightly with my eyes still closed.

He goes and gets mom and she walks into the bedroom before laying with me on the bed, "I heard you wanted me baby"Mom says pulling me over to her, "I just wanted your hugs because your hugs are always the best"I tell her, she smiles slightly before pulling me fully on top of her, she holds me tight and before I know it I'm fast asleep.


Mom woke me up before we had to get off the plane, she went to go and help Cosmo with the bags so Colin came in and helped me off the bed, he walked off to help with the bags as well so it was just me and Daniel since Rose was already in the car waiting to go.

"Sissy up!"Daniel says making grabby hands to me, I smile and gently pick him up and sit him on my hip, he lays his head on my shoulder while I walk out of the jet and towards the car.

"Let's get you into your car seat shall we?"I say sitting Daniel into his car seat, he smiles and giggles when I tickle his stomach.

I climb into the back of the car where me and mom sat on the way to the airport, Cosmo comes into the back with me and hands me a blanket because he knows I'll probably sleep through the car ride.

I thank him, I've never had good experiences with cars, I am either sick or get flashbacks about when I first heard about my dad and then flashbacks of the footage I saw of him getting killed and everything because some random old lady showed it to me in the hospital when I was visiting my dad.

I put my seat belt on and lay the blanket over me and close my eyes trying to forget everything and just focus on the present. Mom and Colin get into the car and we start driving to our new house, well it is new to me and Daniel but not for everyone else.

I fall asleep during the car ride and then I am woken up to the doors opening and closing, I sit up and look out the window to see we are outside a massive house in the middle of the woods.

Well it is only like 20 minutes away from the city but anyways, I get out of the car and hold Daniel's hand as we walk into the house.

"This is your new home, come on and I'll show you and Daniel your rooms"Scarlett says beckoning for me and Daniel to follow her.

She brings us to Daniel's room first, it is just a massive plain room with a bed in it and closet and bathroom and then she brings us to my room which is even bigger than Daniels and has a closet and a bathroom as well.

"They are plain for now but tomorrow we are gonna go to the store and you can pick out anything you want and then we will go shopping for some new clothes for Daniel, Colin can't come with us and Rose and Cosmo have school tomorrow so it will just be us three"Mom tells us, I hug her and so does Daniel, she hugs us back and we stay like that for another while until we pull away.

"Thanks momma"I say, "Thanks mama"Daniel says as well, "Anything for my little princess and prince"Mom says making me giggle and Daniel as well.

1120 words

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