my slytherin Prince

By KaitlinHulme

2.1K 55 4

Hogwarts starts again after the big Wizarding war. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco and those that survived all r... More

The beginning of a new year
The sorting
What does he mean by that?
Shit Harry!

Funny story actually

164 6 0
By KaitlinHulme

Harry's POV
I was aching from head to toe and just wanted to cry but I couldn't show Draco that. Every corner I turned I felt my body shake. I couldn't help but feel like there was someone here. Waiting for me. I go to turn the next corner as a bodily figures comes around and punches me in the face. "That's what you get for being a bum boy. Where's your boyfriend when you need him." I recognise that voice. This masculine sound and how rough it came across yet you knew he normally meant no harm. It was Ron 
"Why do you have to treat me like this Ron. I get that I lied Bu-" I'm cut off my another blast to the chest and I feel the concrete hit my head. I'm never going to make it to potions.

Rons POV

I don't know who I am anymore. I mean I saw Harry and straight away got pissed off. Over what. Over the fact that he was too scared to say that he was gay. Well now I have shown him that's exactly why he shouldn't have said anything haven't I. I love Harry but everytime I see him something comes over me. I don't know what though.
As I go to walk into potions I hear sobbing coming from round the corner and know straight away who it is. I hide in the dark until he is close enough and punch him in the face. Whyyy I scream but nothing comes out. "That's what you get for being a bum boy. Where's your boyfriend when you need him?" He lay there for a while before opening his mouth. "Why are you doing this Ron?" How did he know it was me? "I get that I lied Bu-" he doesn't get a chance to answer as I feel my leg lift and kick him in the chest. His eyes widen as he gasps for air as he falls to the ground smacking his head on the concrete floor. Slowly grabbing his ribs and holding himself he sits up. What do I do?
I ran to potions as the bell rang. "Sorry I'm late sir I forgot what room we was in." I pant praying that Harry doesn't walk through that door to tell Professor Slughorn what I have done.

The lesson starts to come to an end when Harry walks in. "I'm so sorry sir but-" he looks at me as I give him a look that I know he will understand. "I needed to go to the toilet and then I got locked in. You see the thing is I forgot I was a wizard hahaha and was screaming for help but obviously everyone was in there lessons." He looks at me again but quickly steers his eyes towards the floor.
"Well Potter that will be a detention with me Friday night and quick question. Why do you have a black eye?" Slughorn waits for his answer.
"Funny story actually. As I opened the door once I realised I had a wand I walked into the door frame and that's what got me this beauty." He says pointing at his face.
"Very well." Slughorn replies as the bell rings to signal the end of class.

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