Her White Wolf

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As the universe began to recover from The Blip, it was an entirely new kind of journey for James Barnes. He w... Daha Fazla

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Thirteen

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Mich2992 tarafından

The next month seemed to pass in a blur. Steve returned to the states, but promised to visit again as soon as he could, Eagle was in his ornery phase and trying to get into everything, and the sessions were... going. Only two more words had been disconnected, but Shuri had yet to find out how to prevent James from passing out after she was finished doing so. The last session had caused him to be out for almost two whole days, which put everyone on edge, causing sessions to go on hold again while Shuri did more research.

James was currently walking to the animal clinic after having a morning check up with Shuri. He'd been given news that was good news, but he didn't know how Cleo was going to take it.

"Hold still..." Cleo coached as she held a baby leopard. It had gotten itself caught up in some brush and ended up with a wound after finally releasing itself. She lightly clicked her tongue as she finished a stitch and once she was finished, she was able to release it back onto the table. She was about to return him to his crate to continue healing when she heard the door. "In back," she called out, the baby leopard on her shoulder as she walked with it toward the rows of oversized crates.

When James walked into the back medical room, he smiled as he watched her return the cub to its crate. "Good afternoon, doll," he said softly, knowing she'd be excited to see him. He'd had to leave for the palace early that morning.

Her expression lit up as she heard his voice. "Hi baby," she said brightly, quickly crossing the space to wrap her arms around him. She raised up onto her toes and pressed a kiss against his lips. "How are you feeling? How was your check up?" she asked as she pulled off the latex gloves she'd been wearing for the wound care.

"I'm alright. Shuri says my brain scans are staying steady and the three words do nothing when she says them," he answered, keeping his one arm wrapped around her. "I do have some news though."

Relief washed over Cleo's expression and she smoothed her hand lightly over the back of his neck. Her brows furrowed, though, at the mention of news. "What is it?" she asked, coaching herself not to assume the worst.

"Shuri has given me a day. For my surgery," he answered. "They'll do the new dock for my arm next week."

Surgery? It wasn't clear to her immediately but as he spoke, her eyes opened wider in surprise. "You're getting your arm?" she asked, wanting to be very sure she understood. "Oh my God, James... how do you feel about that?". She desperately didn't want to respond the wrong way.

"I'm... nervous. But I'm excited too," he answered. "I'll have to get the base before the arm can be attached. It will have to heal."

Cleo nodded attentively, fingers playing in the base of his hair. She could feel his nerves but they weren't necessarily bad. "Okay, next week... wow, that's so soon. I'm so happy for you, baby." She caught his lips once more before lowering herself down onto her feet. "That means that soon... you'll be able to really wrap me up. In your arms."

James smiled brighter as he let her pull away. "I can't wait."


The day of the surgery arrived sooner than either of them thought it would. James was a ball of nerves, but Shuri kept him as calm as possible while she and her team prepped him then put him under.

The surgery lasted a total of six hours. Shuri was exhausted by the end but she wanted to make sure that absolutely everything was perfect for the ex assassin that had become her friend.

Once Shri finished wrapping the surgery site, she made sure James' vitals were good, then stepped out into the hall where she knew Cleo was waiting.

Minutes had started to crawl by very early on into the six hour surgery. There was no way that Cleo could find anything to fully distract herself. She wouldn't leave the palace. She had paced the building over a dozen times before she tried to sit and read. That was a joke.

She shot up out of the chair she'd been intermittently occupying and rested her hands on her lower belly, trying to will the anxiety there, to quiet. "Well?" she asked, voice as hopeful as she could muster.

Shuri gave her a tired smile. "He's in recovery. The surgery went as well as it could have. There was a lot to disconnect and reconnect, but in the end he'll be happier with this arm and hopefully not have any lasting pain."

Cleo stepped forward and embraced her best friend, squeezing her tightly for a few long moments before she released her and took her hands. "Thank you, my brilliant friend," she told her sincerely. "Go rest. You've earned it. Can I go in or should I wait?"

"I cannot rest quite yet. I want to monitor him for a bit first," she answered. "But yes, you can see him. He's still not awake yet, but he's cleaned up and the other stuff has been put away."

Cleo squeezed her friend's hands again before she embraced her one more time. "Thank you," she told her once more before she stepped away to go into the room James occupied.

He looked restful in the recovery bed, she was thankful for that. The new joint was covered for now, carefully wrapped in tight bandages. She walked to his right side to take his hand as she pulled up a chair beside him. "I'm right here, handsome," she whispered, raising his hand to press a soft kiss against it before she settled it back onto the bed.

James didn't wake for close to a half an hour. The higher drug dosage that he required made it harder for him to wake up. His eyes fluttered open, thankful he was in dim lighting as he looked over to see Cleo, leaned over with her head on the bed, asleep. "Baby?" He murmured.

At some point Cleo had drifted off, her fingers resting on the top of his hand. That's where they had been when she'd dozed off. She felt James speak more than she heard him at first and she blinked her eyes open. It took only a moment to orient herself before she raised her head to look up and find James's eyes looking back at her. "Hi baby," she said quietly, her fingers lacing through his. "How do you feel?"

"Fuzzy," he murmured as he blinked his eyes, trying to feel more awake. "But it's nice to see your face."

"That will fade, just give it time," she told him quietly, smoothing her hand over his arm lightly. "The surgery went well, Shuri said. Your new arm should be a lot lighter and feel more natural."

James smiled softly. "That'll be nice," he agreed, still sounding sleepy.

Cleo stood up and reached up to gently smooth her hand over the skin of his jaw. "You can sleep, baby, I promise I'll be here."

"I've hardly seen you today," he murmured.

Her smile softened and the warmth in her eyes intensified. "I know, but that's okay. There's plenty of time to see me when you're rested," she encouraged gently. "I love that you want to see me, though."

He smiled softly, his eyes barely open. "I love you, Cleo."

"I love you too, James," she told him and she leaned in to press a soft kiss against his temple. "I'm not going anywhere." He could rest; there wasn't anywhere else for her to be. She held his hand securely and intermittently pressed gentle kisses against it as she read a book on her phone. She was ready to care for him; they'd taken care to set up his house for recovery and she was prepared to stay there with him.

Though... they were together every night now. They alternated where they stayed because it felt... too soon to talk about living together. Right?


James got to go home a day later. He was currently sitting on his couch as he watched Eagle chew on a large bone at his feet. He smiled at the thought of Cleo being around all of the time while he healed. It would be nice to have her with him.

Cleo had gone to her house to gather a few last minute items before locking up and making her way back to James's. She didn't know exactly when she'd go home again, though it would be easy enough if she realized she, or they, needed anything. She didn't have any reservations about staying with James. Slowly, his house was becoming more of a home with the more time he spent in it. She wanted him to feel comfortable.

As she opened the door, Eagle's head shot up and he ran to her. "Hi big boy," Cleo greeted pleasantly, petting him for a few seconds before she walked further in, eyes settling on James. "Are you comfortable?" she asked, setting her things down on an end table before she moved to join him on the couch.

He smiled at her fondly then nodded. "I'm a bit itchy, but other than that I'm okay." James then reached out for her. "I could use a kiss or two though."

Cleo wrinkled her nose a little in understanding. "Those stitches are gonna do that. But you heal faster than most so they shouldn't be in too long." Her smile grew and she slipped in closer to him. Her hand found his jawline as she caught his lips for a kiss.

James sighed into the kiss, bringing his hand up to cup the side of her face. "I might need a bandage change too," he murmured.

She laughed lightly against his lips and kissed him one more time before she nodded. "I can do that," she replied before she pulled back and pushed herself off of the couch. New bandages were on the table and she picked one up along with a pair of gloves before she slipped back onto the couch on his left side now.

"Let's take a look..." she murmured to herself as she carefully, gingerly peeled the bandages off and slowly she exposed the dark grey and gold of the new shoulder joint. His stitches looked good, like he was healing quickly and well. "I've gotta say...I think I'm gonna like the look of this new arm."

"I know it'll be Vibranium," he answered, taking a breath before he looked over at the new joint that took the place of his shoulder. "It'll take getting used to."

"It will. But I hope you'll be happy with it," Cleo replied as she carefully cleaned around the surgical site. "Are you used to having one arm now?"

James nodded. "It's become normal to me. I think it will be weird to have two again. But I'm also looking forward to it."

"You'll get used to it, having two," she replied. "What is it that you're most looking forward to?"

"Anything I can do with you," he admitted softly.

Cleo's smile brightened and she turned her eyes to take in the gentleness of his as she began to rebandage his shoulder. "What do you wanna do?" she asked as she worked. "Dance? Cut my food for me? Grab both my hips? Run both hands through my hair?"

He chuckled and nodded. "All of it if you want me to."

"We have plenty of time to explore all those fun things," she laughed lightly, securing the new bandage before she got up again to discard the old wrapping and her gloves. "Is there anything you want to do now?" she asked, pulling her long hair over one shoulder as she approached again.

"I can't really do that much when I'm like this," he replied. "I wish I could be better company."

"Baby, I'm happy just to be here with you, really," she affirmed as she sat next to him m onagain, legs tucked beneath her. "Even if you just want to sit here, we can do that."

He turned and kissed her forehead softly. "I'm happy to have you with me."

Cleo's hand rested in the center of James's chest as she closed her eyes. "I always want to be with you," she assured him. "It's too lonely without you and Eagle now."

"I know what you mean." He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer as he kissed the side of her head again.

A warm smile spread across her face and she leaned into him. "You're going to get tired of me now, though," she laughed lightly.

James laughed. "Why do you say that? I don't see anything to get tired of."

"I just know that I can be a lot," she laughed in reply. "Especially when you're used to having space. But if you need me to go, just tell me."

"Mmm... I enjoy your company." He grasped her chin and turned her head so he could kiss her properly.

Cleo's lips eagerly returned James's kiss. "Thank you, handsome."

"You're welcome," he murmured before deepening the kiss by dipping his tongue into her mouth.

A faint sound passed from her lips as the kiss deepened and she felt helpless against him once again. "Don't get me too worked up with no place to go..." she teased quietly.

"I have a hand," he murmured. "Unless you can be more creative."

"I wouldn't want to mess up your healing process... what do you think you're up for?" Cleo asked, reaching up to smooth her fingers through his hair.

James smiled, his eyes closing at her gentle touch. "Whatever you want to give me."

"I have an idea..." she said, a sly grin smoothing onto her face as she slipped off of the couch onto the floor in front of him. She used her hands to spread his legs apart and slid in between them.

He smirked as he looked down at her. "What is this idea?"

"I think you can put the pieces together," she teased as she reached up to undo his belt before she unbuttoned his pants. "You're a smart man..."

"How will I reach you?" He asked. "Although I am more than eager to feel your mouth around me."

"We'll worry about that when we need to. For now, you can sit back and relax," she told him smoothly, pulling the zipper of his pants down. "Lift your hips a little," she coached and once he did, she pulled his pants down.

James licked his lips as she watched every move Cleo made, enjoying the feeling of her hands on his thighs. "Your hands are warm."

"Good. Cold hands would just kill the mood," she replied as she tossed her hair back over her shoulders before she pulled down his underwear to expose his growing erection. "There it is..."

He smiled softly. "Happy to see it?"

Cleo nodded, turning her eyes up to his as she rested more comfortably on her knees and reached up to pull her hair into a high bun. "I know you like to see my work," she teased before she smoothed her hands up his thighs again and leaned in. She licked her lips as she turned her eyes back down and playfully she licked the side of his shaft with her tongue.

James let out a sudden rush of air as his mouth fell open. "God Cleo," he breathed. He was already itching to grasp her hair.

Cleo giggled playfully. She loved what she could draw out of him. She was always looking for ways to make his toes curl. She dragged the tip of her tongue to the front of his shaft before she pressed her tongue flat to take him in a little more fully. "Do you like that, baby?" she asked, turning her eyes up to find his.

"Fuck yes," he breathed. "I love to watch you take my cock in your mouth."

A smile spread over her lips again as she pressed her tongue against the tip of him then swirled her tongue around it as if it were a lollipop. "Mmm, so good," she murmured before she took his cock into her mouth, moaning as she did.

James' head fell back as he moaned in pleasure, his hand finding her hair to grip onto gently. "Ugnh... Cleo."

She slowly engulfed him, wrapping her tongue around his shaft, allowing her to suck lightly, for now. "Yes, baby?" she asked innocently as she licked his length once more before she took him into her mouth again.

"God... don't stop," he moaned, gripping her hand gently.

She had no intention of stopping but his words let her know she was doing the right things. She moaned again, hoping the vibrations would enhance the pleasure for James. She tightened her lips and sucked a little more intensely before she let him go with a pop. "Fuck baby, you taste so good," she moaned before she reached up and grasped the base of his cock to begin pumping her hand in rhythm with her mouth as she began sucking him once more.

James' panted as he tried his hardest not to raise his hips, knowing it would put pressure on his healing shoulder. "Baby... mmm faster baby, please."

"Mmm..." she moaned around him and with his encouragement she began to bob her head up and down, sucking harder as her hand pulsed up and down the shaft. She was learning what he liked and he seemed to like things a little more on the heated side. She wanted to match that passion.

"Yes... god Cleo, baby... I wish I could reach you," he moaned.

"You are making me so wet," she breathed sensually as her hand began to pump more feverishly. Her mouth rejoined focused on the tip of his cock before engulfing him again.

James growled in pleasure. "I wish I could be buried inside of you."

"If you behave," Cleo mused, using her tongue to lick his shaft, "maybe I can make that happen. But you would have to stay still..."

"I'll do my best to," he replied. James ran his fingers along her jaw before reaching her lips only to gasp as she sucked a finger into her mouth.

She slowly let go of his finger before pushing herself up off of the floor as she reached beneath her skirt to pull her panties down and drop them onto the floor. "You want to be inside me, baby?" she asked teasingly, smoothing her hands over her body.

James gulped, able to smell her arousal. "Please," he whispered.

"Ooh, so polite," she cooed as she stepped in toward him. As she reached him, she turned around, back facing him. She reached between her legs and took hold of his cock to guide him to her heat. "Mmm..."

He licked his lips, watching Cleo rub herself against him. "Could you lift your skirt baby? I want to watch myself disappear."

Looking back over her shoulder Cleo smiled sensually before she pulled her skirt up. If he wanted a show, she would give it to him. With her skirt gathered up she slowly began to lower herself onto him, a gasp escaping as her lips dropped open. "Fuck, baby... ooh, I love your cock..."

James groaned loudly as he watched his cock sink inside of her wet heat. "Fuck baby... you look so beautiful swallowing me."

A whimpering sound escaped her as she took all of him inside of her and slowly began to rock her hips, resting her hands on his knees as she began to ride him.

"Mmm... that's it baby, take your pleasure," he praised, gripping the cushion beside him to keep from grabbing her.

"Wait until we can do this with two hands..." she said sensually. She leaned back against him and angled to his right side so she wouldn't lean on his surgical site. Her hips pumped up and down as she licked her fingers before she reached between her legs and began to massage her fingers over her clit.

"You look so sexy," he murmured, turning his head to lick and suck at her neck while he wrapped his arm around her waist to help give her leverage. "I wish I could hold you and thrust up into you baby," he egged on. "I can feel how close you're getting."

"Ooh yes, baby..." she purred, goosebumps raising on her skin as he touched her. "You'll be able to take me even harder than you can now... toss me around like a rag doll. Ooh, fuck, baby..."

James sucked hard on her neck as he ran his hand down her body to rest with hers so he could feel her rub herself. "You're so wet baby," he growled.

Her hand moved at a more feverish pace over her swollen clit as his hand joined hers, beginning to move her hips faster, the sound of their bodies clapping together filling the air. "You make me so fucking hot," she said with desperation in her voice. "I want to make you come, baby...I want to come with you."

A groan left James' mouth as he let his head fall back, enjoying the overwhelming pleasure that Cleo was bestowing him. "Keep talking like that... and I'll be coming in no time."

He loves when I talk dirty. A throaty moan escaped her as she leaned forward to rest her hands on his knees. She turned to look back over her shoulder as she rode him feverishly. "Fuck yes, ooh, baby..." she whimpered. "Your cock feels so good, I need it..."

"Yes," he breathed, his eyes now eagerly watching her ride him, watching as his cock disappeared into her body over and over again. "I'm close, sweetheart."

Her lips dropped open and a few helpless moans spilled from Cleo as she bit her lip maybe just a bit too hard, though it didn't phase her. "Fill me up, baby, I'm yours... fuck," she practically pleaded, the tightness between her thighs mounting.

"Oh... fuck Cleo..." James gripped the couch cushion in a white knuckled grip. "I'm there baby," he gasped, "Oh fuck."

"Yes, yes, yes..." she whimpered and as she felt him release, she allowed herself to do the same. She began to contract around him wildly as her body was riddled with shudders, moans freely escaping into the room around them.

James reached out with a shaky hand to rest on Cleo's hip so she wouldn't fall. "Are... you alright?" he asked, trying to gain his breath back.

Her body shook as her orgasm moved through her body and her heartbeat throbbed in her ears. It was almost too hard to remember to breathe but she allowed herself to collapse back against his right side, eyes swimming with passion as she nodded. "I'm great... is your shoulder okay?"

"Sore," he answered, turning his head to kiss her cheek. "But I'll be alright."

As she began to catch her breath, Cleo's body slowly began to return to her control and once she was able, she shifted on his lap to drape across him. "You're big and strong. You can take it," she teased him gently before she leaned in and kissed him softly.

James slowly returned her kiss, keeping his arm tight around her. "If I was in a lot of pain, I would tell you," he assured.

"Good," she cooed with a soft smile. Reaching up, she smoothed her fingers along the sharp line of his jaw. "Do you need anything?" she asked more gently as she pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"Besides a damp towel, I can't think of anything," he answered. "I love you baby doll."

Those three words made Cleo smile warmly. "I love you, handsome." I could get used to this. "It's sort of... too bad that you'll heal so quickly," she observed, biting the inside of her lip. With his advanced healing, it would only be a few days. "It's... kinda fun to playhouse."

He smiled and nodded. "I like it too. It's nice knowing that you'll come home every day from the clinic. Just having you here makes everything more... like a real home."

"You can have a real home," she assured him quietly, chocolate brown eyes swimming in his pools of blue. "You can make it what you want it to be. Shape it... however it feels right," she offered as she felt a tug in her heart. Do not smother him.

"But... that shape includes you," he said quietly. "If you want it to, that is."

It was moments like these that Cleo needed. Moments when James included her on his own. She was vigilant not to push herself on him because she wanted him to make his own decisions. "Of course I want it to," she replied, her voice quiet but sure. "James, I... I know things with us have moved really fast, but it doesn't... scare me. It actually makes me smile."

"I haven't been scared yet," James admitted softly. "I've been nervous and I've talked with Steve, but in the end I've always decided on you." He smiled before pecking her lips softly. "What do you think?".

Cleo's face softened as she combed her fingers through his hair. "I think I'm the luckiest girl in the world," she replied simply. "I'm... excited to see how the next few days go. With us, together like this."

James relaxed at her touch, feeling his eyes grow heavy even if his pants still sat at his ankles. "I'm looking forward to every bit of it."

She gently moved her fingers through his hair as she watched him begin to fade. He had healing to do, rest was important. "I love you, James," she whispered, voice barely above a whisper.

"I love you too Cleo," he murmured softly, quickly falling asleep, barely noticing as Cleo laid a blanket over him.


Cleo left James there on the couch with Eagle at his feet. She'd gone into the bedroom and unpacked some of her things that were easy enough to leave out. This house was becoming a home, and slowly she could see the blending of their influences even in the short time that they'd been together.

She found her way into the kitchen then and began preparing dinner for the two of them. She had chicken in the oven, mashed potatoes and green beans on the stove. Earbuds in, she quietly mouthed the words to Beyonce's "Partition", every now and then singing a little and dancing with the sway of her hips.

The smell of food woke James. He turned his head towards the kitchen just in time to see Cleo dance past the entryway, making him smile. He removed the blanket, stood gently, then pulled up his boxers and left his sweats on the floor.

When he walked into the kitchen, James' smile widened as he watched Cleo sway her hips to the music she was listening to, lost in her own little world. Man, am I lucky. I wonder what Steve would think of me now?

"Driver, roll up the partition please..." Cleo sang, shoulders and hips moving with the music. She had no awareness of James behind her until she turned around to begin to get plates out. She clutched at her chest for a moment before she broke into a laugh. "I need to put a bell on you," she said as she pulled her earbuds out of her ears. "How do you feel?"

He chuckled and shrugged his good shoulder. "Pretty good honestly. A bit stiff but I'm okay."

"There's some more medicine on the counter over there if you need it," she reminded him. "Dinner is almost ready. You woke up at a good time." She stepped in and raised onto her toes to kiss him.

James wrapped his arm around her waist to help her reach his lips as he gently kissed her back. "I'll take one before we eat. Hopefully it won't make me feel as drowsy that way."

"You need sleep to recover, drowsy might not be a bad thing," Cleo advised gently. "But I do like having you awake so I can see your beautiful eyes." A timer went off and she turned on a heel to turn off the over and pull the chicken out.

"That smells good," he praised, watching as Cleo sat the baking sheet on one side of the oven. "It's been a while since I've had this much home cooking."

Cleo turned over her shoulder to glance in his direction and smiled. "I don't cook all the time but I try," she shared. "If I wanted my dad to eat, I had to either bring it home for him or cook. I don't think the man fed himself for years."

James chuckled. "I can cook a little, but sometimes it doesn't really turn out all that well." He walked over to the kitchen table and sat down once he grabbed the bottle of medicine that Shuri had filled for him.

She went about serving the food out onto plates before she carried one over to James. "Here," she said, reaching for the bottle of medicine he had after she set his plate down. She opened the bottle, knowing it would require two hands, and she set it back down on the table. It all felt strangely natural... caring for James.

"Thank you, doll." He picked up his fork and began eating, licking his lips at the taste. "This is really good."

Cleo sauntered back to the counter to pick up her plate and smiled excitedly. "Really? Oh good. I was worried that I wasn't bringing much to the table in this relationship aside from this rockin' bod," she replied with a small smirk.

He snorted and shook his head. "You have a lot more to offer babydoll, that much I can assure you."

She smiled girlishly and exhaled a breathy laugh. "You just think that because I made you fall in love with me," she teased lightly. She took a bite of her food and chewed it carefully, getting up mid-chew to get herself a glass of water. She got one for James too before she returned to the table. Cleo didn't even need to ask what he needed sometimes, she just seemed to know.

"Mmm... thinking back on it, I think you fell first," he smirked as he ate a large bite of his chicken, quietly thankful that Cleo had cut his for him.

"You think?" she asked, sitting up in her seat to lean further into the table with a similar smirk on her face. "The first time I met you, you made me cry... I'm not gonna let you forget that," she added teasingly.

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I know. I'll keep saying I'm sorry for it too whenever you do."

"Oh come on, baby, I was teasing," Cleo replied. She should have expected he'd still feel guilt about that. "I probably did fall for you first. You had every reason to be guarded."

"I think it all started on the night I walked you home from the dinner party," he smiled.

She smiled fondly and finished a few bites on her plate as she nodded. "M'Baku was following us. You defended me. That was the first time anybody's done that for me," she said, eyes warm as she looked at him from across the table. Yes, T'Challa and Shuri had counseled him, but James had been there in the moment. It felt different.

James nodded. "He hasn't given you any more trouble has he? I know he visits the clinic a lot."

Cleo shook her head, pursing her lips in thought. "He does, but he doesn't linger as much as he used to. The message seems to have been received," she shared. M'Baku had the potential to be charming in a... neanderthal kind of way if he evolved just a little. "Wow... if you think about it, without M'Baku we might not be here right now."

"Just don't thank him for it," James said as he wiped his mouth and took a drink of his water. "He might take it the wrong way."

Cleo scoffed. "He would absolutely take it the wrong way. No way," she agreed adamantly. Both of them are in a companionable silence for a bit until she looks over at him. "Steve sort of steered you in my direction, didn't he?"

"He uh..." James blushed. "Steve got me to step up and talk to you instead of hiding after what I did."

She reached out, resting her hand in front of him on the table in hopes that he'd take it. "I'm really glad that you did. It hasn't been that long, I know, but... I wasn't able to picture where I wanted my life to go. I didn't make plans because... the Blip was a lot. I was just putting one foot in front of the other," she explained, lines of her face softening. "Now I... I want to make plans."

James took Cleo's hand and slowly stroked her knuckles with his thumb. "I've never been able to make plans. They were always made for me. But... I would love to make some with you."

Cleo's chest ached in a longing way, grateful for the contact of his hand. Making plans together was a step, but one she felt sure of. "I would do anything with you," she assured him quietly, shifting her hand to lace her fingers through his.

He brought her hand up and kissed the back of it. "We'll work on some then. Whatever you want."

Her heart swelled and she closed her eyes for a moment as a loving smile washed over her expression. "We can talk about it. But there's no pressure to do it now. Thank you, baby."

"You're welcome." He ran his lips across her hand before he smiled and let her have it back again.

Taking her hand back, Cleo took a few more bites of her dinner before she set her fork down. Sitting back in her chair she pulled her knees up to her chest. "What do you want to do after I finish the dishes?"

James shrugged. "When am I allowed to shower?" He asked. "The itchiness might be helped if I can do that."

"You can shower, you heal faster than a normal person so you don't have to worry about infection," she advised. "My guess is that in two or three days you'll be good to go."

"Then I'll get my new arm," he sighed.

Cleo nodded with a soft smile. "Then you'll get your new arm," she echoed. "What's the first thing you want to do when you get it?"

James blushed as he thought about it. "Give Shuri a real hug," he admitted. "She's done so much for me. I feel like its one of the few things I can do to thank her."

Cleo's heart melted at his response and she lowered her feet so that she could get out of her chair and lean over to kiss James's cheek. "We'll make sure that happens. That's beautiful."

"I don't know about beautiful," he said as he grabbed her arm before she could go too far only to pull her in for a better kiss.

She giggled softly as she returned the kiss. "You're a sweet guy, James Barnes. Even if you try to pretend you aren't," she said before she reached to pick up his empty plate and take it to the sink.

He scoffed and sat back in his chair, feeling Eagle lay on his feet below him. "How do you know I'm pretending?"

Cleo laughed softly as she rinsed the plate and opened the dishwasher. "Everything about our relationship tells me," she said as if it were obvious. "You make sure I get places, you open doors, pull out chairs. All sweet stuff."

"That doesn't mean that I pretend that I'm not though," he pointed out. Quietly, he stood before silently walking up behind her. "Because I'm pretty sure you love it," he rumbled, just behind her now.

"You know what, that's fair," she commented as she turned on the faucet. His voice so close behind her like that surprised her, but her gasp was accompanied by a fast smile. "I do love it... you make me feel special," she said, turning her head to glance back in his direction.

James wrapped his arm around her waist before he nuzzled against her neck, the scent of vanilla wafting from her skin. "I like making you feel special," he said softly. "It makes me feel... well, special."

She shut the faucet off and smoothed her hands over his arm as he held her. "You are more powerful than you know, my love," she told him in a slightly husky voice. "Everything you are or will be... you're my hero."

He shook his head. "I'm no hero." James could never see himself as a hero. He'd done too many wrong things in his life to be called that.

"Hey," Cleo prompted, turning around with his arm still around her and she reached up to smooth one hand into his hand as the other rested on his good shoulder. "Let me decide what makes someone a hero to me, okay? I know you don't feel it and I respect that, but that doesn't mean I can't think you're one."

James nodded, suddenly feeling scolded. "I never meant to change how you feel."

She felt the change in his demeanor and immediately Cleo's face fell. "No, baby, I know... I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything bad by it."

"No, it's alright. I really don't think before I talk," he countered. "Steve always tells me that it's a bad habit that I have."

She continued to stroke his scalp with her fingertips in a subtle effort to soothe him. "You can say what you need to," she told him gently, "but sometimes, those of us who hear it feel like we need to make it better." She wished that he could see himself the way she saw him, but hadn't he said the same thing to her?

"You always know what I need to hear, you know that?" he grinned. "It's like you have a magic power or something."

Cleo snaked her arm further around his shoulder. "I just go with my gut and hope it helps," she replied. "I can sort of... feel you. I know that sounds crazy."

"Feel me?" he asked. "What do you mean? Are you able to explain it?" James was curious if she had an ability that she might not know about.

She hadn't really ever tried to explain it but she wanted to offer one to him if she could. "It's like... whenever you're feeling something, if you get upset or anxious or... whatever, I can feel it in my own body. Sometimes when we're not even together, I feel something in the center of my chest. I'm not sure that makes any sense."

James smiled. "That's pretty... amazing doll. I've never heard of anything like that before."

"Shuri has asked about looking into it but just calls it my empathic spirit," Cleo told him with a faint shrug. "I, unlike Shuri, don't think that everything needs an explanation."

"It's a part of you, that's all that matters." He bent down to give her a gentle kiss. "Do you mind helping me unwrap the bandage to shower?"

"Of course not," she replied, finding the hand of the arm he had wrapped around her. She took it and began to walk with him back to the bedroom and once they reached the bathroom, she motioned for him to take a seat so she could more easily remove the bandage. "We can let it air out a little after the shower before we wrap it again."

James nodded. "I think that's what it needs. I just hate how much it's itching," he sighed.

As she carefully undid the bandage, Cleo pressed a kiss against his temple. "I know, baby. We'll leave the bandage off for a while. If it looks good we may not need to wrap it again. We'll just keep an eye on it." As the stitches were exposed, she leaned in to investigate them before nodding. "Okay," she said with a soft sigh as she stood up straight. "Do you need any help or should I give you some space?"

"I'm used to adjusting with one arm, but if you'd like to, I won't say no," he smiled.

"I won't force myself on you," she replied with a soft chuckle. "I can take Eagle out and make sure he's good to go for the night."

James smiled. "Sure. I'm sure he could use a bit of exercise too. I'll be alright."

She leaned in to press a kiss against her lips. "Take your time. Be gentle with yourself," she counseled before she released him and stepped out of the bathroom. "Come on Eagle," she called with a clap as she slipped some shoes on.

Cleo and the pup took their time outside and she threw the ball for him. A sensation of peace washed over her as the gentle breeze of Wakanda blew through her hair. After about twenty minutes she opened the door to head back inside. "Go find daddy."

James smirked, hearing Cleo use the word dad was still something he was trying to get used to. He had just pulled on a clean pair of boxers and was patting his chest dry with a towel. It wasn't long until Eagle was pawing at the door, trying to get to him.

"Did you find him? How are you gonna get in there?" Cleo asked the dog playfully. "You might want to grow some thumbs, buddy," she added with a soft laugh before she knocked on the door. "Are you ready for company?"

"Yes," James chuckled as he turned towards the mirror, running his towel through his hair, making it overly fluffy as it dried.

Cleo opened the door and Eagle bounded in and up onto the bed. Laughing softly, she walked in after him and caught sight of James before she walked over and wrapped her arms around his center. She pressed a few kisses to his back before she looked into the mirror to find his eyes. "Good shower?"

"Relaxing," he nodded. "My shoulder feels a bit better too." he turned around to pull Cleo close. "Maybe next time you can join me."

"Of course I will," she replied as she looked up at him. Cleo reached up to run a hand through his fluffy hair. "I'll join you anytime you want, baby."

James chuckled. "It'll take forever for my hair to lay down again."

"It's cute," she told him with a girlish smile. "I'm going to get ready for bed too," she told him as she stepped back and pulled her shirt over her head. She had a suitcase laid out beside the bed and she headed in that direction as she unbuttoned her skirt and allowed it to drop from her hips before she bent over to pick it up.

"Okay, now that is unfair," James sighed. He turned and leaned against the bathroom doorway, making sure to stay on his right side. "Woman, you have no idea what you do to me."

"Huh?" Cleo asked as she stood up, a smile of amusement on her lips. "I have to change, would you rather I do it in the bathroom where you can't see it?" she asked with a light laugh.

James shook his head. "I don't mind having a show."

She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, allowing it to fall from her shoulders before she leaned down again to pick up a tee shirt. She meandered in James's direction as she slipped it on. She didn't bother with pajama pants. "It's a special show only for you."

He made a show of slowly licking his lips before biting down on the bottom one. "God, I hope so," he murmured then pulled her in for a searing kiss.

Cleo offered no resistance as he kissed her and she reached up to slip her hands into his hair. "As long as you want me, I'm yours," she replied with a huskiness in her voice.

"I think I'll always want you," he murmured in reply before moving to kiss down her neck.

"I can only hope," she replied as she tilted her head back to allow him more access to her neck. "I'll just have to make sure I keep you interested."

He chuckled as he reached where her neck and shoulder met before biting down softly. "I don't think you'll have any issues with that considering the amazing session we had before dinner."

"You want round two?" she asked with a mischievous grin.

James growled low in his throat. "Do you?"

"Oh, baby, I always want you," she told him surely. "But if you need your rest, I want to make sure you get it."

"I'll have to remember that," he said softly then kissed her cheek. "Do you think it'd be better to go to bed?"

"I didn't say that...we can always get into bed and see what happens. I'm not sure I can be next to you without wanting to ravish you, though."

James smirked. "Oh really?" he teased.

"It's a real challenge," she replied with sarcastic seriousness. "You have no idea. To sleep next to someone who looks like you is really hard."

He rolled his eyes as he reluctantly let go of her and walked over to the bed to sit down. "I don't know if I would believe that."

Cleo laughed softly as she climbed onto the bed. "Ok it's possible that I might be exaggerating a little," she told him as she laid down on her side to look up at him.

James turned to lay on his right side then sighed. "I can't wait until I can reach out for you when I lay like this," he murmured.

"Just a few more days," she reminded him, reaching out to smooth her hand over his face. "And then you can wrap me up in you."

"I know. Right now it feels like a lifetime," he sighed.

"I'll keep reminding you how close it is. That's what I'm here for," she told him gently. "I can't wait to feel your arms around me, baby."

He smiled. "I can't wait to feel you in my arms."

Cleo slid in closer to him and leaned in to take his lips. "Two more days. We can make it two more days."

"We will," he assured. "We will."

Okumaya devam et

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