Traveling Souls

By Laprias

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Everyone over the age of fifteen has an identical scar running down the center of their chest. This is the ag... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 10

36 3 0
By Laprias

"Killi, Dusty, you guys can take a break now, if you want." I called out to them, waving my arm at them.

"Alright, let me just pull over," Dustin called back, jerking the RV to a halt once safely on the side of the road. 

"Wait, I can drive, we still should get Rosa to Orrienshire.." I faltered, watching as Killian and Dustin shook their heads at me.

"You don't need to." Killian stated, sitting on the seat opposite from mine.

"Rosa is the daughter of Dr. Earl! We obviously need to." I exclaimed, looking down.

"Come again?"

"Rosa is the daughter of Dr. Earl." I repeated for both of them, lifting my head up to see their expressions.

"So we're now harboring a daughter of the professor. Lovely." Killian groaned, splaying her legs and arms out on the seat.

It was her idea in the first place to take her.

"Do you think we'd be able to ask him questions?" Dustin asked.

"Possibly, Dusty. Possibly." I muttered, my eyes turning towards the scenery outside.

"I'm going to go check up on Talon, then. Tell him the news. Have fun." he called, walking to his and Talon's room and entering.

"So, do you have any questions that you'd want to ask if possible?" Killian asked, sitting up and staring at me intently.

"Maybe. I want to know how, like, we know we can find out soul mate." I confessed, realizing how that sounded. "I mean, I mean, how do we know we're in the right area and stuff!" I quickly fixed it, fiddling with my bracelet.

"I have a question. More for you." Killian stated. "Is that all you care about?' she whispered.

I strained to hear her, though I shook my head. "No, of course not!" I lowered my eyes and thought for a few moments. Was I lying to myself? "I care for you, and Dusty, even Talon." I sputtered out, trying to regain my footing with the conversation.

Killian stared at me, almost sadly, and shook her head slowly. "Sure, I believe you." she muttered, crossing her arms. "I guess,"

"You guess?" I managed to choke out.

"You don't seem very sure. If you haven't noticed, Lucy, you're always racing and you never slow down. It's not a good thing."

"We're not here to tell me what I need to change about myself, Killian." I snapped, my hands falling to my sides as I clutched my shirt.

"You're, no, I'm not telling you to change yourself. I'm telling you to stop being so obsessed with finding your damn soul mate. You won't even make friends with us in the end if you keep being this way! We're just used tools for you to find your soulmate. Then you'll leave us." she shouted, her voice raising by the end. She flung her arms out in a wild fashion, trying to calm herself.

"What are you talking about, I—"

Killian cut me off by sending my a chilling glare. "You claim you want to help others. You never do. When Rosa came, you groaned as if it was a chore. When we went to go find Ink's owner, you groaned about how it's wasting our time. I've seen people who could use help, but you never ask them. You know who asks them, Lucy? Do you know who asks them?"

I shake my head, lowering it slightly as the words sink in.

"Me, Lucy. I ask them. Dustin asks them. Talon asks them. You? You groan and moan and complain about how we need to get going. Then they  refuse our help. All because of you." she snapped.

I sat onto the seat, trying to ignore Killian, her standing over me. I heard a door open, and I knew that Dustin and Talon were now our audience.

"The things you say, Lucy. To Talon, especially. You hurt him, you hurt all of us and you don't give a damn because you only care about your soul mate!" she shouted, stomping her foot on the ground. "You're not kind, like I thought. You're selfish." she snarled in my face.

"I-I'm trying, I swear—" I choked out, trying not to cry. "I don't want to be kicked out, I want to help others, but—I don't want to become like Brinley, Killian!' I exclaimed, jumping up.

"You liar." she barked at me, and I leaned back, surprised at her chilling tone.

I flinched as she raised a hand, as if to hit me, before she lowered it, her eyes softening for a few moments. 

"Everyone has problems, Lucy. I know what it's like to be not helped. If you'd just slow down and talk to people, you'd understand that." she whispered, turning on her heel and leaving me in the room.

I stared at her  as she left the room, my vision becoming blurry. I took in a breath, though it was shaky and I leaned my head back against the seat, shutting my eyes.

"Lucy?" I heard a small, quiet voice say, and I opened my eyes, seeing Rosa standing there.

"Rosa? Did I wake you? I'm sorry." I whispered, standing up. "Let's get you back to bed."

Rosa stared at me, shaking her head and taking a step back. "What happened? Why are you and Killi fighting?" she asked me quietly. "I heard it all,"

So I guess all three of them saw our fight.

I shook my head slowly, my eyes glancing up at Dustin ushering Talon back into their room.

"It dosen't matter." I retorted weakly.

"Yes it does." Rosa stated stubbornly. "It matters a lot to you. Stop trying to think it doesn't." she scolded me, frowning.

I swallowed and turned my head to the front, playing with my bracelet. "Why is Killi sad?"

"Why? She's sad because she wants to help everyone too. She can't. Not with you acting like—" she cut herself off, dipping her head. "I'm sorry, that was rude!" she exclaimed, her red hair becoming a curtain for her face once more.

"How do you know so much, Rosa?"

"My dad taught me to be observant. Taking your time pays off." she mumbled, barely audible.

I gave a small nod. "I see. I'm going to apologize to Killian." I muttered, patting Rosa's head affectionately.

"Wait—Lucy, is it true?"

"Is what true?" I asked her, turning back to face her.

"That—that it was a chore taking me in with you all?"

I stifles a gasp, lowering my eyes. "It's not a chore. I'm just being selfish. You're a great temporary addition, Rosa." I said, squatting down to meet her height. "I promise."

She smiled, hugging me quickly before backing up. "I'll go back into the room." she said, giving me a thumbs up and scurried off.

I sighed and stood back up, making my way to the front. "Killian?" I said softly, gaining her attention.

"What? You going to kick me out? I'll go. No problems there." she said, standing up.

I grabbing her shoulder, holding her in place. "Killian, I'm, um, sorry."

"For what?" she asked, looking slightly surprised at my apology.

"Being selfish, being rude, not thinking about what others feel when I say things, for not helping others with the group," I took a deep breath, releasing my grip off her shoulder. "For everything. I understand if you still want to leave. You should, probably. Take Rosa and Dusty and Talon with you. I'm a horrible group traveler." I paused, staring at my feet. "If you choose to stay, I promise I won't leave you guys—" I was cut off by Killian wrapping her arms around me.

"God, you're so stupid. I wouldn't leave with Dusty and Tal and Rosa. We're all a team. We're partners, remember?"

I nodded and gave a small smile, breaking off the hug. "I'm going to go to sleep, is that okay?"

"You can take my bed, I'll sleep in another room." Killian called after me. "No ands, ifs, or buts about it!"

I shook my head, entering my room quietly and stared at the bed already in use. Rosa must've gotten the beds wrong. Oh, well.


I groaned, opening my eyes and staring at Rosa hovering above her, eye wide. "Rosa?"

"I heard a scream, Lucy, I'm scared," she whimpered, clutching onto my arm.

I jerk up, pulling Rosa close as I hear a familiar voice of cursings. Of course. "Stay here, It's just Killi and the others."

She nods, pulling back as I step out into the hall, rubbing my eyes.

"The hell is going on? You woke up Rosa!" I stared at Killian's face, covered in whipped cream.

"Tal did it!" Killian whined.

"Dusty hit her! I didn't do anything!" Talon exclaimed back.

"It was Talon's idea!" Dustin said confidently.

I stared at the three of them, pointing to the main room. It was way too early for this. "In the room. Now."

They all bowed their heads, following me as I sat down in one of the seats. "What happened?"

"I went to go sleep in another room, and I heard a scream when I woke up. Then I got hit in the face with whipped cream." Killian stated plainly, leaning back and glaring at the two males.

"Then, uh, who screamed?"

Dustin looked to Talon, a small smirk growing on his face. "Talon did here."


"I thought I saw a spider." he muttered, crossing his arms and pouting.

"Idiot. Either way, you're both going to die. Killian, go get cleaned up, if you can. You can kill them after I'm done with them." I bluffed, stalking towards them.

"Nah, you can do the honor, I'm going to bed again." Killian called back, shutting the bathroom door.

"No way! Every man for himself!" Dustin shouted, shoving Talon onto me as we hit the ground and he ran to the front.

I hissed and shoved Talon off, scrambling after Dustin. "Come back here! I need to yell at you!" I screamed, hearing Talon yelling someone incomprehensible after me.

I heard a small laugh and whirled around, clamping my hand onto my mouth to keep from screaming. When did he get behind me?


I let out a groan and grabbing his wrist, dragging him, literally, out into the main room. "Talon, off the floor and onto the seat, Dusty, same to you."

They both sat down, glaring at each other.

"Alright, listen. We have the Co-founders daughter in here. Did I not say earlier that we have be quiet and calm for her?" I asked them, crossing my arms.

"You did." Dustin replied, pursing his lips as he looked away.

"Sorry, Lucy. We'll stop. For now." he said, staring at me.

I let out a cough and turned away. "Anyways, Talon. You're afraid of spiders?"

"Yeah! Also the dark, and rats and—"

"Dusty's afraid of ghosts!" Talon retorted, grabbing Dustin and dragging him back the the room. "We'll stay quiet for now, Lucy."

I let out a sigh, rubbing my temples. Why did I put up with these people? I shook my head and made my way back to the room, seeing Rosa had fallen back asleep.

"Night, Rosa." I whispered, climbing into bed.


I stared up at the ceiling, fiddling with my bracelet. My head turned as I saw Rosa hop out of Killian's bed, walking over to me tiredly.

"Lucy, I'm hungry." she muttered, rubbing at her eyes.

I gave a tired nod, sitting up and stretching. "I'll go get Dusty, or something."

Rosa nodded, stepping out my way and leaving the room to find the bathroom.

Rosa had grown quite accustomed to this place in the hours she's been here. I suppose it's a good thing, though I'll miss having her around. She's certainly wiser than any of us here.

I knocked on Talon and Dustin's door, seeing it open. "Hey, Is Dusty in there? Possibly awake?" I leaned over Talon's shoulder, on my tip-toes. Seeing no Dustin around, I landed with a small sigh back onto my soles.

He looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "Dusty, you awake?"

I strained to hear some sheets rustling, a tired 'Shut the fuck up' before everything went silent from the boy again.

"Define awake, Luce—Lucy." he fixed himself, shooting me a crooked smile.

"He's walking, and out of bed. Like this." I claim, turning on my heel to get Killian.

"Where are you going?" Talon called to me, and I waved my hand to him in response.

"Killian? I called through the door, and she opened it, giving me a smile.

"What's up?"

"Didn't expect you to be up so early, but can you get Dustin out of bed?"

"You mean in bed?" Killian teased, clicking her tongue in disappointment when she saw my unamused stare. "Fine fine, I'll get his ass up."

I snorted, following her back into Talon and Dustin's room. "Talon, get out of the way." I called to him warningly, as he moved out of Killian's way.

"Why did you bring Killian in this?" he asked me, glancing over at the two. Killian was currently slapping at the back of his head, telling him to get up.

"He only listens to yellers, if you haven't noticed. I hate yelling." I frowned slightly, as Dustin was pushed out of the bed with a thump.

"He listens to me, sometimes, he just need that extra voice power to get it though his head in the morning," Talon told me quietly.

"Fine, fine! I'll make you guys food." Dustin growled, standing up and pushed past us, rubbing his arm.

"Nice job, Killian." I said, high-fiving her as she walked past me and Talon.

"I say we should get started. I'm sure Rosa is getting worried about her father." I said quickly, leaving Talon standing in the room as I go to find Rosa. "Rosa?" I called out quietly, popping my head into my room.

"Yeah?" she called out, staring at me with a smile.

"Is Dr.Earl nice?"

"Yeah! I'm sure he'll be happy to meet you guys! You're all so funny and nice!" she said happily, sniffing the air. "Breakfest! I want some!" she shouted, running under my arm and to the kitchen.

I let a small smile grow on my face as I started my way to the front. "Dusty, bring me some food when it's done, alright? I want to get Rosa home as soon as possible."  

Dustin shot me a thumbs up, focusing back on the food he was cooking.

"Killian, give me the keys." I blinked as I held out my hand, but Killian shot me a sheepish smile.

"Talon has them. He offered to drive for today." she explained, and my eyes glanced to Talon who was already sitting in the driver's seat, starting up the RV.

"I see." I said quietly, raising my head slightly. "Well, I'll go be in the passengers seat then." I walked over to Talon, crossing my arms.

"Hm? What is it—" he froze, staring at me and swallowed, averting his eyes back to the road. "I—I just thought that I could drive today. You wanted to go to Orrienshire right? I know quicker way there." he explained quickly, flustered.

I stared at him a few moments, sliding into the passengers seat. He visibly loosened up once I nodded, glancing at me sometimes. "What?"

"Nothing." he muttered, sighing sadly.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, almost awkwardly as I reached out to touch his shoulder.

He shook my hand off, stiffening up. "Nothing. Just—"

"Food's here!" Dustin called out cheerfully, handing me a plate of pancakes with some bacon. I grinned, thanking him. "You want some, Tal?" I blinked, testing out the nickname on my tongue.

It was different, but okay.

"What? Uh, sure." He muttered, scratching his neck.

I nodded happily, handing him a piece of bacon as he chewed on it.

I stared at him, though I averted my eyes when he caught my stare. What was he going to say? Was it about what Dustin said? I shrugged and continued to eat, handing Talon pieces of bacon every few minutes until they were gone.

Everyone here is going to be my friend, I swear. I'll help others, that's a promise.

A/N: Hello guys! Thanks for reading, and wow, holy shit, we're just about 200+ reads I'm so happy. I never thought that it would be this popular in about a week or so. Stay tuned for Sunday's update! Thank you all for reading, and have a grand Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!

A/N 2: Finished! I added some parts, got rid of some, moved others around, added some dialogue, more descriptions, somewhat, and such. What do you guys think about the pranks? What about Lucy and Talon's relationship?

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