Same Love ✔ [Lesbian Love St...

By Iridescentforever

45.9K 1.1K 113

[ wattpad featured story since 2016 ] Book One in the Love Series: She keeps me warm and safe. This kind of... More

Authors Notes
Still in the dark
Strange meeting
Green and Blue
What the -
Take me to church
Help us
The Tragedy
Goodbye Letters
Edited Version Available

Hiding in the closet

4.7K 117 8
By Iridescentforever

Present Day -

I held onto my girlfriend tightly. I was going to miss her so much these holidays. Her family were going away to Spain where her uncle lived.

"Be safe okay?" I said.

She kissed my cheek. "Always."

Her mom thought we were so sweet, holding hands and going out with each other every weekend. Little did she know what was really going on.

I didn't think my parents suspected anything. I still talked about guys a lot and I didn't act differently with Leah than any one else.

But Leah was different.

We've been together for awhile now, yes we had our fair share of fights, but that was normal in any relationship. Sexual or not. Our relationship wasn't based on what we did as a couple, but the bond we shared.

"I love you." She spoke in my ear.

"And I love you."

I let her go and waved goodbye as she got swallowed up in the sea of people. Michael and Ryan were with me. I turned to them.

"Are you gonna miss your best friend?" said Michael.

Ryan snorted. "Dude, how many times must I tell you? Aberdeen, Haley's high school friend, is her best friend."

"Then what's Leah to her?" Michael frowned.

"Her good friend."


Michael still didn't get it.

He didn't know like Ryan did. I only told Ryan because he was in the same situation as me. His boyfriend was older than him and his mom wouldn't like that, besides the fact that she would never approve of her son having a boyfriend in the first place.

Michael was straight and had a long distance relationship with Tayla. They were together for four years now, but I sensed he wasn't really happy with her.

I just never said anything on the topic.

"Mike, get the car so long." Ryan shooed him away.

He knew I needed to off load. As soon as he left I cluched Ryan's arm.

"I miss her already and she hasn't even left the airport yet."

"I know. She'll be back soon, don't worry."

Ryan didn't look or act gay. He was well built and had curly brown hair and green eyes. I would actually date him, you know, if he wasn't...and I wasn't...

"Listen Hailey, I want to ask you a HUGE favour." He said, scratching the back of his head with the one I wasn't holding. "My mom has been going on about me not bringing a girl home yet. I was wondering if you could help me out?"

"Certainly, I would love to. I'm going to have to ask my dad though about going to a boys house. I'll ask tonight and see how that goes."
He engulfed me in a hug. "You're the best!"

"Love ya Ry."

"Love ya Hay."

We both laughed and casually walked hand in hand to the car.


"Daaaddd..." I stode to where he was sitting reading the newspaper.

"Yes my love."

My dad looked up from his glassses and smiled warmly. I gulped. I wonder how he was going to take it.

" remember that day you came to watch the football game? Do you remember the captain, Ryan? He's my friend."

He furrowed his brows in thought. "Ah! Yes. That tall guy that you're always hanging out with. He's quite nice looking hey?"

"Yeah..." I smiled. "He invited me to his house on Saturday. May I go please?"

"Hmm...let's see what your mom says."

After my mom came home we had the conversion again.

"A boys house? Will his parents be home?" My mom asked.

"Yes, his mom and his step dad."

"What do you think Nathan?" She asked my father.

"Well I suppose she can as long as we meet him and his parents." My dad said.

"And the door must remain open at all times when you are in it." Mom injected.

"Thank you. And don't worry mom, nothing will happen." I made my way to my room.

"Dont be so sure. The male mind only works one way. One thing on the brain. It's not so easy saying no."

"Trust me. There is no chance of that ever happening..."

I said to myself and suppressed a giggle.

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