30 days with you

By caprihoeee

23 0 0

Ella Langford, straight A student, spends all of her previous summers working at her local hospital. This sum... More

The beginning
Day 1
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

Day 2

3 0 0
By caprihoeee

I stretched out of bed to hear the sounds of actual people downstairs. I ran down to see my mother and father stood there making breakfast.

"Mother, father" i squeal as i run up to them, wrapping my arms around them both. They lightly tap my back as they laugh a little.

"Ella you are going to get my dress all dirty" My mother says as she wiped down her dress and i let go apologising.
"So Ella what is the charity work you are doing this summer?" My father asks.

"It's not charity, it's helping sick people" i tell him as he looks at me sternly.
"It's a boy. He's got cancer and hasn't got long left to live so i am helping him on his last days" i add as they look at me shaking their heads a little.

"Poor boy" my mother mutters as she sips her tea.
"This will look excellent on your college applications though so it's for a good cause" My father says which i look at him disgustedly.

How could he say that about someone who was dying. I know that was one of my reasons on why i even volunteered but i also want to help Louis.

"Honey we've got to run" My father yells to my mum as he looks at his phone.
"Breakfast is on the table Ella, Have a good day" My mother whispers as she kisses me lightly on the head and both her and my father head out of the door.

God writing about how stuck up they are makes me so angry.

Day 2 was pottery class which baffled me on why Louis would pick something like this but i didn't question it. I quickly ate my breakfast and headed upstairs. I thought i should dress the part so i put on some blue, baggy jeans and a tight red top to give myself an artsy look. I braided my hair into two, loose french plaits and finally headed to my car.

I was excited to see Louis again today. Yesterday was so much fun and i feel like he will make pottery fun too. The journey to Louis' felt quicker this time as i pulled onto his driveway. I hopped out of my car and knocked on the door eagerly.

"Hey ella" Louis greets me as he closes the door and we walk up to my car. He has the same bag as yesterday with him as he places it in the back and we both hop in.
"No parents today?" i ask curiously.

"No they've gone to my little sisters ballet recital" he tells me.
"Little sister? i didn't know you had a sibling" I say surprised.
"Not just one. Got a brother at college too" he speaks as my face becomes even more shocked.

"How about you. Got any siblings?" he asks me as i start the car engine.
"Yeh i got an older sister. She's a lawyer" i say in a mocking tone.
"what you don't like her?" He asks, questioning my tone.

"No it's not that, it's just my parents expect me to live up to her" i confide in him.
"You are your own person. Not your sister. Don't let her being some fancy lawyer make you feel less worthy" he vocalises to me as i nod smiling. He made me feel slightly better about the situation because his words were always encouraging.

"It's supposed to be me helping you with your shit not the other way round" i respond, giggling a little as he laughs.
"Language Ella, you'll never get into college with that mouth" he adds pointing to my mouth as i laugh along with him.

We finally set off as he rolls the window down and lights a smoke. I stare at him and the road back and forth as he looks at me laughing.
"You want some?" he asks handing me the cig.
It was tempting. He looked so free and careless but i didn't like the thought.

"No i'm good" i tell him as he smiles and looks back out at the window.
"I like the outfit, very artistic" he remarked pointing to my clothes as i blush slightly.
"Thank you, I like the whole tracksuit, very chilled" I mock him slightly as we both laugh.

"I'm guessing it's pottery today?" he guesses as i nod.
"You guesses correct. What's the deal with pottery anyways. Wouldn't take you for an artistic kinda guy" i ask giggling slightly.

"What do you take me for ms Langford?" He questions smirking at me a little.
"An adrenaline junkie. Loves to do things that make your heart race" I tell him smiling as he nods his head smoking his cig.

"Yeh you could learn from me, how to let go" he tells me as i roll my eyes.
"I do let go. Sometimes" i say unsure on how far i have let go before.
"What you didn't revise for a test or something?" he presumes laughing a little.
"Shut up" i mutter, giggling a little as i hit him on the shoulder.

"I'm being serious though. One life Ella. Don't waste it" he tells me in a serious tone.
"Are we gonna have this conversation every time i pick you up" i ask shaking my head.
"Yeh. Until you let go and be free" He insists as i shake my head laughing.

"Well you can walk tomorrow then" I tell him laughing as i pull up into a parking space.
"We are here" I declare as i grab the bag and we head inside.

I pay at the front desk for the pottery class as we head upstairs right to the top. We opened the door to reveal a huge studio with art, and pottery tables all over.

"Hi i'm David and this is my studio" the guy greeted as he approached us.
"Hey i'm Ella and this is Louis" i tell him shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you. There are two spare seats at the back. I'll be sat at the front teaching you how to create a basic pot but if you already know how to then you can go right ahead" David said nicely as we both took a seat next to each other.

I approach a chair as Louis sits on the one next to me. We both place on the aprons that were on our stools and i turn on the spinning wheel like everyone else as i glance over at Louis smiling a little. I watch how David creates his pot in less than 2 minutes and was amazed at the talent.

I started by shaping the clay into a sort of pot shape but end up breaking it in half. I do it again and again but still cant manage to create the shape i wanted. Getting frustrated, i look over to Louis to see a beautiful pot sitting in front of him as he smoothed the edges with his thumb.

"Wow that's amazing" i whisper to him as he looks to me and smiles.
"Yours looks good too" he says sarcastically, laughing at my heap of clay. I shake my head laughing slightly as i throw the clay on the table gently.

"Hold on and i'll come and help you" he tells me as he stands up, grabs his stool and places it behind mine where i sit. He sits down as his legs open widely next to my hips. We were close but we weren't touching.
"Thank you" i turn back to him and smile as he leans in his chest touching my back slightly to turn on the wheel and he starts to mould the clay.

His hands come from behind me and slightly wrap around me as he reaches for the clay. His fingers gently smooth out the clay into the shape i wanted.
"Here now you do it" he whispers in my ear sending slight shivers up my neck as i place my hands on the clay.

His hands rest on top of mine as he guides them up and down the clay slowly moulding my pot. His head was very close to mine as he looked at me and smiled. I got the same feeling from when he kissed me at the skiing place but this time it was different.

The heap suddenly started to form a pot shape as he continued to guide me. His fingers interlocked with mine slightly as he smiled at me. It didn't feel awkward or tense, it was calming and comfortable.

"There all done" he says as he stands up and takes his hands from mine.
"Thanks" i stutter a little, slightly dazed at the feeling of his touch. I turn back around to look at the pot we made which actually looked good.

There was this weird feeling that crept over me as i thought about the way his soft hands gently guided mine. I don't know what it was but i wanted it to stop.

"Right. Well done class you have finished your session" David tells us as he smiles.
We pack up our stuff and both head to the bathrooms to clean our hands.

It was a unisex bathroom so me and Louis stood washing our hands together. Suddenly, a flick of water splashed against my cheek as i turn to see Louis laughing.

I look at him angrily and splash him back, flicking my fingers at his face as he squints.
"Oh you are so dead" he shouts as he cups his hands and puts them over the running water.

I squeal slightly running to the other side of the bathroom as he chases me and throws the water at my back.
"Louis!" i shout as i run over to the sinks and grab a hand full of water.

He runs towards a cubicle locking himself in as we both laugh. Walking to the cubicle next to his, i stand on the toilet seat and look over at him out of breathe, oblivious to me above him.

"Hey Louis" i shout in a cocky tone as he looks above and i pour the rest of the water i had in my hands straight onto his head. We both laugh as he runs his hands through his soaking hair.

"Well at least we are clean now" he states shaking his hair so it looked better again. I stepped off of the toilet seat and wiped my hands on my apron. We both head out of the bathroom and hang our aprons on the pegs.

"Thanks David, we had fun!" I thank him as we both approach him.
"No worries, come back anytime and have a good day" He says as we both smile and head downstairs.

"So Ella, for someone who looks like she should be good at art you were not so good" Louis says as i laugh along with him.
"For someone who looks like they shouldn't be good at art, you made an excellent pot" i tell him as he smiles.

"Well you know i'm just a man of many talents" he says smirking as i laugh back at him. We approach the car and both get in as i check the time. It was nearly 4pm so i handed the bag to Louis in which he took both of his tablets in minutes.

"So my mom wants you to come for tea at some point" He tells me as i start the car.
"well i'm free all summer, so i can come whenever" I say as i continue to drive.

"She wants to thank you for what you are doing" He says as he connects his phone to the car again.
"How about tomorrow?" i suggest.
"Yeh i will text her now" he says as i smile at him.

"Hey um what's your number i'll put it in my phone now" He asks as i look at him slightly confused.
"You know, if we both get lost whilst we are out or i run away" he says smiling a little.

I laugh as i read out my number and he quickly puts it in his phone.
"Right, now you can text me what time i need to be ready for tomorrow" He tells me as i smile at him.
"Will do Williams" I smirk a little as he smiles back at me.

He starts singing along to the song and i dance along with him. I kept on glancing at how happy he looked as i grinned at him cheerily.

After about 40 minutes of basic chat and dancing i finally pulled up to Louis house.
"I'll see you tomorrow el" he says smiling at me as i wave him goodbye and watch as he approaches his door.

I drive home to my house and park it up to see my parents car in the driveway. There home for once. I step in the front door and close it gently. Approaching the kitchen, i see both of my parents working on there laptops and phones concentrating, not even noticing me.

"Hi mother, father" I say as they don't even look up from there screen.
"Evening Ella" my father says sternly as i grab some leftovers of the lasagne they must have cooked earlier.

"How was your day Ella, productive i hope" My mother asks still not looking up from her computer.
"Good thanks, I took Louis to a pottery- I began to say before a ringing noise blared from my mothers phone.

"Sorry sweetheart i need to take this tell me later" she says as she answers the phone call.
I quickly eat my lasagne, barely touching it and i head upstairs.

Slipping on my shorts and top, I turn on my tv and lay in my bed. I was so sick of my parents not listening to me. There always too busy. Grabbing my phone, i notice a text message from an unknown number. I unlock my phone to reveal the message.

'Hey El thanks for a good day it was fun seeing you fail at basic pottery' I read as i smile at my phone.
'Hey Louis, It was fun seeing you get water poured all over your head' i message back giggling at my screen.

A few seconds later he messaged back.
'I'll get you back, just you wait'
'Will you now?' I text back sarcastically.
'payback is coming your way El.' he messages back as i giggle at my phone.
'Whatever you say Williams' i message back laughing a little.

He didn't reply back after that but he made me smile. I couldn't wait for tomorrow as i slowly drifted away in a deep sleep.

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