Scars & Hearts: The Batman Fa...

By primadonna_gurls

114K 3.8K 495

"Things were never normal in Gotham. Anya Flores knew this, but finding a masked vigilante knocked out on yo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Another Author's Note
it's been a while....

Chapter Seventeen

2.9K 111 12
By primadonna_gurls

Anya sat in the surgery floor's breakroom, a since gone cold coffee on the table in front of her next to an untouched muffin.

Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the previous night.

They'd nearly kissed.

She'd leaned in; had he?

She'd felt tension. She was sure of it, but as always, doubt flooded her mind.

How could she be so sure?

Was she so deep in her infatuation that she'd imagined the hints?

Bruce hadn't said anything after. Anya had simply informed Alfred she could not stay for dinner, and once the disappointed butler had left, they'd return to their slides.

Neither of them mentioned the almost-kiss, and she was very close to convincing herself it was a figment of an overactive imagination fueled by unrequited puppy love.

Nick sat across from her, a vending machine cupcake in his hands.

"My cousin was devastated to hear the news, as was I. When were you gonna tell me?"

Anya blinked. "What?"

"That you're dating the Bruce Wayne. I would have never guessed you were into that type of guy."

"What?" Anya couldn't hide her shock.

"You know what I mean. Kinda reclusive. Doesn't seem too friendly. No offense. He is really cute, so are you. You guys are a hot couple."

"I am not dating Bruce Wayne. Where did you get that idea? That's... crazy."

"Well, the Gotham Gazette says differently." He shrugged, chomping down on the cupcake. "It's all anyone can talk about on the floor."

That explained the stares she'd caught directed at her. And the whispers. 

Nick took his phone out, typed, then slid the phone across the table. Anya grabbed it. 

Bruce Wayne Dating Mystery Woman: EXCLUSIVE

Below the headline, a picture of Anya smiling, exiting Wayne Manor.

How could they even snap a photo without her noticing?

"I am not dating Bruce Wayne. This is ridiculous." She felt her cheeks heat up. "We're working together." She read further down; something about sources close to the couple stating they're very happy. "Source? What source? There are no sources, because we're not dating!"

Nick raised his hands in surrender, mouth full of his dessert. "Don't shoot the messenger."

Anya sighed. She slid the phone back to the nurse. "We're not dating." She repeated.

Nick nodded. "I've gathered such."

"Really, we're not."

"I believe you."

Something told her he didn't.


She'd been making her rounds, checking on post-surgery patients, when a call came in from Dr. Shorts.

Once again, she was on the elevator, this time, she directed the elevator down, past the lobby floor, into the basement.

How could they publish such rubbish?

She wasn't dating Bruce Wayne.

Couldn't a man and a woman be friends? Work acquaintances? 

Anya hadn't even thought of Bruce's reaction to these rumors. 

Would he be upset? He'd said he didn't mind rumors, and she'd agreed, but that had been before her own feelings had gotten... complicated. 

Maybe he'd find the whole thing silly? Maybe he'd laugh at the ridiculousness?

Anya had a feeling if the man did laugh, her feelings would be hurt.

The hospital's basement was gray and cold. It was home to the morgue and laundry rooms, as well as a few unoccupied rooms that now temporarily housed the previously on the top floor offices. 

Anya found her way to the door with a paper "Dr. Shorts" sign pasted on it.

She knocked. 

His dark circles were more apparent than before, and his appearance was disheveled. 

"Sir?" She asked.

Dr. Shorts smiled, tiredly. "Dr. Flores, please come in."

Anya took the seat across from the man, cautiously. She felt if she moved too suddenly, she'd startle the man into a medical emergency. He looked so frail.

"How are you?" She asked.


Anya gave him a look.

The man changed the subject much too quickly for her liking. 

"I was wondering how things are going on our project. I'm sorry I can't be more hands on. Things have been," He waved his hands.

Anya nodded. "I understand. Things have been, um, good. Br- Mr. Wayne and I have made significant progress. We're in the middle of finalizing some charts. The presentation is in about two weeks, give or take a few days. I think we've really got this."

Dr. Shorts sighed, a sound of relief. "Thank God something is going right."

Anya furrowed her eyebrows. "Is everything alright, truly, Dr. Shorts?"

He smiled, a sad twitch of his lips. "Haven't been feeling too good. Just- a lot on my plate."

It wasn't a good enough answer, not by a long shot, but Dr. Shorts reminded Anya very much of herself, and she knew if she were in his position, no matter how obvious her distress was, she'd claim she was fine too.

"Well, I look forward to hearing all about your presentation, Dr. Flores."

It was her cue to leave.

Anya stood up, thanked Dr. Shorts for his time, and left his office. She closed the door slowly, doing her best not to make a noise.

When she turned around, Dr. Espinoza stood there, eyes trained on her.

She blinked. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Ms. Flores."

Doctor, she wanted to correct, but she bit back the retort, lest Dr. Espinoza feel the need to bring up her crime scene trespassing. 

"How are you today?" She asked, because that was the polite thing to do.

"Reading." Anya looked down to the man's hands. One held a cup of coffee, the other a copy of the Gotham Gazette. "Very interesting stories this morning."

She doesn't respond.

Splashed across the front page is a photo of her.

"Have a nice day, Ms. Flores."

She watches as he disappears down the hall, a dark feeling gnawing at her stomach.


Author's Note: Hi, guys. I know I was doing so good with pretty much daily uploads last week, but finals are coming up, and that's just not going to be realistic. For those of you who don't know, which is basically everyone, I think, I'm a biology major in my second year of college. At least for the rest of April, expect uploads to be few and far between. :/ So sorry, but my chem final is worth 40% of my grade, and I can't risk distractions. When I come back, I promise to upload frequently as payback. I'll upload a chapter next week. Thanks for 3k reads! - C

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