š„š…š…š‹šŽš‘š„š’š‚š„šš“ # o...

By hyujies

191 8 0

ā š„š…š…š‹šŽš‘š„š’š‚š„šš“ āž OSCAR ISAAC X FEM!OC PARTLY... More


just peachy

75 3 0
By hyujies

        liked by miladelphia and 161,274 others

        phoebejtonkin waiting for mila to come over with coffee ☕️ (why is she taking so long??)

        view all 2,482 comments


uhm? i am not taking long the
                                      line at starbucks is very long


but omg u mentioned me i
                                      thought i was too unfamous for
                                      that !! so honored


so pretty!!😍🔥


lmao can you please start acting
                                      your age this is so sad


@usertwo the hell do you want
her to say?? oh dear, i am  afraid 
ms. elsayed is late for tea


@miladelphia LMFAOO
                                     she's so funny i love her

"Ugh, finally! Could you possibly have taken any longer?" Phoebe greeted her friend. "You are so dramatic." Mila sighed. She handed Phoebe her coffee and stepped into the apartment. She slid off her shoes and her jacket and plummeted down on the couch.

"So, anyway. You know that offer I was telling you about? The romcom?" Mila asked as Phoebe sat down on the couch next to her. "Yeah, the one with the shared apartment, right?" She nodded. "Yes. And they casted the male love interest."

"Ooh, who is it? Someone hot, I hope." Phoebe smirked. "Oh, he's hot alright." Mila laughed. "Okay, well, tell me! Who is it?" Phoebe asked eagerly.

"Matt Bomer!" Phoebe dramatically gasped "I'm so jealous! Oh my god!"

"I know, right? But remember when Emma was his co-star? She said he was not a nice person to work with."

"Oh, right. I remember that. Well, have you agreed to the job yet?" Phoebe asked and Mila shook her head "No, I'm still not sure if I want to. Plus: Stacy said it would be unnecessary so,"

"Unnecessary how?" Phoebe asked. "Oh, you know, since I start shooting Signs in a few months and I've already done more than enough rom-coms. It's like..., it's not exciting anymore, you know? The plots are so similar and so are the characters. I need something different. And like every time I get a new role I'm like What if this is gonna be my breakthrough? but it never is and I'm starting to think I'll never actually have that." Mila sighed.

"Oh, yeah. I get that. But if I can get away from the PG-13 stuff, then so can you, okay? You're extremely talented and anybody who doesn't see that is a complete idiot! And don't forget: You're one step closer to your big breakthrough with every role you do." Phoebe smiled. Then, Mila jumped up "I forgot, you left your charger at my place yesterday. I'll go get it." She stood up from the couch and walked over to her bag. Rummaging through it, her eyes widened "Shit. I think I forgot my keys at the cafe." Phoebe stood up and walked over to where she was standing "You sure? Check the side pockets."

"I have!" Mila exclaimed "I'm gonna go back." she put on her shoes. "Do you want me to come with you?" Phoebe offered. "No, I'm fine. Thanks." she slung her bag over her shoulder.


When she arrived at the cafe, she quickly made her way to the front of the line of people, ignoring the annoyed remarks she received. "Hi, sorry, I was here, like, half an hour ago and I think I forgot my keys here. They must have fallen out of my bag. Have you seen them, by any chance?" she asked the waitress standing in front of her. "I don't think I have, but let me ask the others, just a second." and with that she walked off. Then, Mila heard whispering and camera clicks behind her, but decided to ignore it since she had other things in mind. The waitress came back with an apologetic look on her face "Nobody saw them or handed them over to us. I'm sorry. Do you need help looking for them around the cafe?" Mila sighed and shook her head "No, I'm fine. Thank you so much, though."

She turned around to walk away when she bumped into somebody's chest. Then, she felt painfully hot liquid all over her body and clothes. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, are you alright?" She looked up and was met with worried dark brown eyes. She was quiet for a second, trying not to let out a scream. She took a deep breath "I'm actually in a lot of pain right now, but other than that, I'm just peachy." She forced a smile. "I- Do you want me to take you to a hospital? I'm really sorry. I didn't m-" the man started. "-Hospital sounds good." Mila interrupted him abruptly. He nodded and led her out of the coffee shop and to a black car. He opened the passengers seat door for her and she gladly got inside. He sat down in the drivers seat "Again, I'm so, so sorry. Like, I was in thought and I wasn't looking and- Please don't sue me. Actually- no, if you want to sue me you should because that's my fault and you're probably in a lot of pain and-" he ranted "I'm not going to sue you." she interrupted him again.

He glanced at her in confusion before turning his attention back to the road "How are you so calm right now?" She sighed "Because, if i'm not calm I'm going to scream and I don't think that would make things better." she simply stated. "Well, if you want to scream, go ahead. I certainly won't stop you." he offered. "I'm not going to scream." she shook her head. Just then, they arrived at the hospital and he quickly parked the car. He got out and rushed over to her side to open the door for her. She got out and grabbed her bag. "Do you, like, need help walking?" he asked with the same worried expression on his face as earlier. Mila shook her head. She started walking towards the hospital at a very slow pace, grimacing at the pain. At the reception, the young nurse gave her a kind smile. "Hi." Mila greeted her. Just as she was about to explain what had happened, the man beat her to it. The nurse nodded at his explanation and typed into her computer. "And you're partners, I assume?" Mila was about to say no but the man quickly nodded "Yes, she's my girlfriend." She looked over at him in confusion. "Alright then, please fill out this form. You can sit over there while you're waiting." The nurse handed Mila a clipboard and a pen. She thanked her and they walked over to the sitting area. "Again, I'm really sorry." the man said. "Please stop apologizing!" Mila laughed and then winced "Ouch! Laughing hurts a bit."

She filled out the form and handed it to the nurse who then pointed her in the direction of a different nurse. Mila and the man followed her into a room and Mila sat down on the recliner in the middle of the room. Just then, a doctor came in and introduced himself. "Coffee accident, huh?" He smiled. "If you only knew how many of those we have on the daily." He put the clipboard down "It's quite funny, actually. People are so clumsy and they just don't seem to learn from their mistakes." The man cleared his throat "Not to be rude but could you maybe help her?" he urged. The doctor turned to Mila "Oh, yes. Of course. Where does it hurt, then?" He asked her. "Just about everywhere." She stated. "Alright, I'm going to need you to take your clothes off, please." Then he looked at the man "Should the boyfriend wait outside?" He asked. Before Mila could say anything the man nodded and stood up "Yes. I'll be right outside." And with that he exited the room. He sat down on one of the chairs that were lined up against the wall, his foot anxiously tapping on the ground.

After a few minutes the door opened and Mila and the doctor stepped out. There were bandages peaking out from under her clothes. "You're lucky it was just a second degree burn. I prescribed her some antibiotic ointment and I recommend Tylenol or Ibuprofen for the pain. Oh, and don't panic about the bandages. They're just there so the ointment doesn't rub off on her clothes."

The man nodded and they made their way back to the car. "Does it still hurt?" he asked her. "A little. It's a lot more durable now." She shrugged. They got into the car and sat in silence for a moment.

Then, the man spoke up "I'm Oscar, by the way. Oscar-" he hesitated for a short moment "Estrada." he introduced himself. It was just then that Mila took in his beautiful features. His hair was brushed back but there were a few strands laying on his forehead. His eyes were an intense shade of dark brown and they were captivating.

"Milana Elsayed. But you can just call me Mila." she stated with a kind smile. "Nice to meet you, Mila." he held out his hand for her to shake which she gladly accepted "The pleasure is all mine."

"So, where should I take you?" He opened the GPS on his phone and handed it to her. She typed in Phoebe's address and he started driving. Mila turned on her phone and saw that she had a few new messages, all from Phoebe.

did you find them?




answer me !!

did you loose your phone as well or what

you're starting to worry meeeee





are you dead

please don't be

okay PLEASE answer me

pretty please?

Mila smiled and quickly typed a reply

rlly long story, didn't find them, i'm on my way, i'll explain when i'm back

sorry for worrying you xx

"You alright?" Oscar asked her. "As alright as you can be when you're wrapped like a mummy with burn marks all over your body." She stated sarcastically. That only set him off again "I'm sorry, alright?" he had a pleading look in his eyes. "I know. You're forgiven. Doesn't mean that you should do that again, though."

"Oh, thank god! You know, for a moment I really thought you were going to sue me." he laughed in relief. "Nah, I wouldn't do that." Mila shrugged. They pulled up to Phoebes apartment complex and Oscar quickly shuffled out of the car and over to the passengers side to open the door for her. Mila chuckled "I can open a door on my own, you know?"

"Yes, yes, I know. But I literally got you hospitalized, just let me try and make it up to you." he said. "Well, I wasn't really hospitalized since I'm standing in front of you right now, so, no, you don't have to make it up to me." Mila smiled. "Shhhh! Just let me do this, alright?" he laughed. Mila raised her hands in defeat "Alright." she looked over at the large building next to her and cleared her throat "So, I better go. My friend is probably worried sick right now."

Oscar nodded and Mila gave him a small wave "Bye. Thank you for driving me here." He smiled "Please don't thank me, I have literally contributed nothing good to your day today."

"Well, I met a nice person — clumsy — but nice. That's good enough, isn't it?" she shrugged. "I suppose it is." he nodded. "Alright then." she turned around and started walking towards the large entrance of the building.

"Wait?" Oscar called after her. She turned around and eyed him expectantly. He jogged over to her "In case you do decide to sue me, you should definitely have this." he handed her a piece of paper with a phone number written on it sloppily "Although, you can just reach out to me without suing me. That would actually be preferable." he smiled. "I'll do that." she nodded.

"Cool." he mumbled and they stood in front of the entrance in awkward silence. "Okay...bye." she said and quickly turned around and into the apartment complex.

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