The Contradiction Between Hum...

By Weeblet-san

78.9K 2.6K 554

Mochizuki Aito, a white room product, is trying to enjoy the three years of freedom he was given due to the w... More

Aito Mochizuki's Monologue
Chapter 1: The Beginning of My New School Life
Chapter 2: A Random Encounter
Chapter 3: Special Gift
Chapter 4: Club Registration
Chapter 5: Swiming Class
Chapter 6: Murderous Intent
Chapter 7: Zero Points
Chapter 8: Confrontation
Chapter 9: Improvement
Chapter 10: Development
Chapter 11: Misunderstanding
Chapter 12: Island Exam Begins
Chapter 13: Strategies Forming
Chapter 14: Conflict
Chapter 15: Phase One Complete
Chapter 16: Deal
Chapter 17: Reason
Chapter 18: Results
Chapter 19: Future
Chapter 20: Discussion
Chapter 21: Opinion
Chapter 22: Students
Chapter 23: Entertainment
Chapter 24: Persuasion
Chapter 25: Next Step
Chapter 26: Cooperation
Chapter 27: Perspective
Chapter 28: Game
Chapter 29: Opportunity
Chapter 30: Identity
Chapter 31: Effect
Chapter 33: Observation
Chapter 34: Change
Chapter 35: Break

Chapter 32: One-Sided

731 25 15
By Weeblet-san

   We had reached the final day of the test. Unlike on the island, time passed quickly aboard this ship, surrounded by luxury. While this was indeed correct, that didn't mean there were times where it felt like time moved slowly. This, for example, was one of them.

   I don't know what the administration thought, but putting a bunch of class leaders was bound to make things difficult. No, that was their intent from the start. If it wasn't then they would separate all of us equally, whether of our standing in the grade.

   Nonetheless, the conversation becomes nonexistent every time we meet. Although Class B, except Kanzaki, has tried their best to interact with the rest of us, the results have been underwhelming. Class A is not participating, even the other two who disobeyed Katsuragi's advice, seemed to be following it. Something must have happened, or they just don't feel like talking.

   Class C, specifically Ryūen, has been observing the situation more than he is participating. Of course, that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Not to mention that the other two Class C students are standing still, shutting their mouths, barely moving almost like statues.

   I, on the other hand, was doing whatever to pass the time. I was on my phone, listening to the conversation, and taking 1 minute naps. This won't last long as I have to keep the ball moving. I can't just laze around even though I deserve it.

   "Everyone, I have a proposal that you might like," I said, finally taking this discussion somewhat seriously.

   "I'll reveal the VIP under one condition," I raised one finger.

   "Before you tell us the condition, there is something I want to ask you, Mochizuki-kun," Ichinose said.

   "Go ahead."

   "Why reveal the VIP now instead of later? Won't it be easier for someone to send an email to the school between now and the last meeting?"

   "That's the thing, why spend the whole time convincing all of you in the last group discussion when I can do so now? I never specified when I'll reveal it, right?"

   "Then what is your condition?" Inquired Ichinose.

   "It's quite simple. According to the rules, if the VIP's identity is shared, everyone here gets 500,000 private points, aside from the VIP who gets 1,000,000 in total," I pointed towards the two Class A students.

   "All of the private points Nishikawa and Matoba earn from sharing the identity of the VIP will be transferred to me," I smirked, staring at them with a smug attitude.

   "Huh?! How is that fair?!" exclaimed Nishikawa.

   "Ha, who was the one who said that they didn't need that measly 500,000? Can't you see my poor self is in dire need of private points?" I mocked.

   "Still, that isn't a valid reason," grumbled Matoba.

   "Why don't you two just give up? After all you have no say on the matter..." I talked as if everything was already set in stone.

   "Huh? What do you mean?" He said bewildered at my words.

   "You're just a random student in Class A. You hold no influence, that's why you are working under someone as you both are disposable to your class. Just like pawns."

   "However, that isn't the case for the representative of a class. They get to make deals that affect all of the class. Whether it's good or bad for them," I continued, slowly letting them realize their situation.

   "You do get what I'm saying? Or do you need more time for the information to go through that tiny brain of yours?"

   "Don't tell me you..." Matoba clenched his fist.

   "Katsuragi!" said Nishikawa, glaring at Katsuragi.

   "Hahahaha! Quite the loyal dogs you two are, assuming right away that it was Katsuragi," I clapped my hands, clearly amused by the situation.

   "Though I will say the two of you sure are hypocrites."

   "Now what unbelievable nonsense are you saying!?"

   "Nothing in particular, but you see, for someone who's been sabotaging another person, they don't seem to be keen on receiving the same treatment. Double standards at its finest!" I waved my hands, dismissing their complaints.


   "Now, now, you two still have a chance to null the agreement."

   "Tch, I won't even get my hopes up."

   "It's quite simple. If a single person here is against this then I'll retract my offer and you two will be left alone."

   "Well, there's no use making it suspenseful. Raise your hands if you agree with the condition."

   I scanned around to see everyone's opinion on the matter. To no one's surprise, every single person here raised their hands.

   "Oh, would you look at that!" I sarcastically said, rubbing salt on their wounds.

   It went just how I expected. While Ichinose may be naive, she's not stupid. I even made sure to make a situation where they'll be willing to agree. I already knew Class D, Class C, Kanzaki, and Katsuragi would agree. However, I want the results to be overwhelming in my favor.

   In the case that I used an underhand method to make them agree, I doubt they would support it, though it wouldn't really matter as it would go either way. Still, I can't have my relationship with Class B dwindle as I need them for something else. Otherwise, I wouldn't have given it a second thought.

   I even gave those two a chance! How generous am I, right? In all seriousness, I doubt those two can do anything about it. Although they can guess the VIP incorrectly on purpose it'll be pretty obvious. Such reckless behavior will bring Sakayanagi's faction down. The students will probably have second thoughts about joining her faction. Seeing as her offensive tactics will eventually lead them to self destruct may lead them away.

   I would like to say that, but I don't know how big her influence is over the class. It's all speculation on my part. I only heard she was basically the opposite of Katsuragi, so there isn't much to infer from that alone. There may be another reason why Katsuragi is losing to her.

   Well, as long as they keep spitting into different factions it'll be beneficial to me. That's why I support Katsuragi, not to mention things are bound to get more interesting.

   "As everybody agrees, then I'll tell you after the last group discussion, is that okay?"

   I waited to see their responses. But before I could, a notification beeps throughout all of our phones at the same time, in a deja vu-esque manner we again checked our phones.

   "One surprise after another, huh...?" I muttered, my eyebrows furrowed.

   What appeared was another email from the school. Which meant that another student had attempted to guess the VIP. That's fine and all, but it looks like I was right.

   "The test has now ended for the Cow group. Those in the Cow group are no longer required to participate any further. Please do not disturb the other students."

   This is actually quite intriguing. Cow, Dog, and Monkey, all of these share one thing in common. They were all the groups where the VIP was from Class B.

   Now, this could be pure coincidence, which I doubt, or something is going on. Assuming I'm correct the reason behind this was not to guess the VIP, quite the opposite in fact. The aim of this is to sabotage Class D. Still, this shouldn't be possible under the contract. However, I specifically chose to leave out a loophole, meaning that they took advantage of it.

   They really are in a league of their own compared to the rest.

   This should be good, I can't wait for the results!

   Though this also gives me a good idea who exactly betrayed the class. Although I don't really care about the class itself, some individuals are pretty interesting. That's why it's a waste to expel such people, don't you all agree?

   "It's bold how two people guessed the VIP during a meeting instead of waiting after it ended. Sounds awfully close to something someone here would do," I said.

   "While I agree, we can't necessarily do anything about it," Kanzaki shrugged.

   "You do have a point," I shook my head, leaving the topic behind.

   The remaining time was spent in silence as most were probably thinking about the Cow group. I was the same, though for a different reason. I am planning on talking to one of the people related to it.

   The meeting time was over, we could not do whatever we pleased. I stood up, stretching my limbs.

   "My fellow classmates, how about we talk about something in private," I called out.

   "We were thinking the same thing," Hirata smiled.

   "Great, then let's go," I cocked my head towards the exit.

   They nodded as they followed me. While waking I wanted to make some light conversation to see the current situation. Horikita is still affected by what Kiyotaka said so I don't have to worry about her for the time being. For these two, now that's a different story. I made sure nobody was near, then I opened my mouth. What came first was a disappointed sigh. I have been doing a lot of those lately?

   "So? I thought you all had the situation in control? Isn't that why you made that deal with Class B?" I kept my tone the same, and just continued walking.

   Finding the right place, I opened the door. Going inside, I scanned the room, choosing to sit down in one in the middle.

   "H-how d—" Hirata said before I interrupted.

   "Look, do you think it matters? We're talking about the class," I retorted, shaking my head.

   "We don't even know if it was a student in Class D," Horikita reasoned.

   "Wouldn't you like to know? I won't hold your hand, think about it then you'll see why I'm correct."

   I got a big hint, but even without it I can still reason why. There's no way Class A would do it as they are currently following Katsuragi whether they like it or not. Class B is pretty much impossible since the rules state that an answer will be invalid if the student who guessed is in the same class as the VIP.

   While Class C seems like the best option, why would Ryūen only identify when he can do it all at the same time. That's just the type of person he is. Which leaves Class D.

   "I see what you're saying, Mochizuki-kun," nodded Hirata.

   "Finally someone gets it. Anyways, Sakura, Ike, Sudō, Matsushita, which do you think is most likely to guess the VIP?"

   "I think we can discard Sakura."

   "And why is that, Horikita?"

   As I am the only one who didn't participate in the trial, I am not supposed to know anything. Plus they hadn't ever seen me talking to her. It's better to play it safe rather than risk myself.

   "She's too shy and reserved to do something like that. It took a lot of convincing just for her to testify," she said.

   "Fair enough, then I'll give my opinion as well. Sudō isn't the one who did it either," I said.

   "Can you say that for certain?" she narrowed her eyes, basically glaring at me.

   "Of course, look at specific students. My guess is that it was Ike," I said.

   "Now that you mention it, out of all the options, Ike-kun does seem like the one responsible," said Hirata.

   "Well, that was the easiest part, the question is not who, but why?"

   "I understand, but how? Isn't it hard to exactly guess the reasoning behind Ike-kun's decision," wondered Kushida.

   "If there was any in the first place," Horikita sighed.

   "That aside, I know I brought the question, but we'll have to leave the topic behind. There aren't any clues," I yawned.

   We talked about what to do during the next discussion for a bit, before going separate ways. I stayed behind, thinking if I should do something. Ultimately I came to a conclusion as I got up.

   "Kushida, stay here."

   "Is there something you need?" she asked.

   "You could say so."

   And so, Kushida sat back down while Hirata and Horikita left. There was silence as neither of us tried to start a conversation. Well, it was more like she was waiting for me to speak up. She had a puzzled expression on her face as she stared at me.

   I guess I'll have to make sure I do things here correctly or I will have to deal with more troublesome people. Time to start, I suppose.


This has been the longest I went without publishing a chapter...

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