It Has Always Been You || A j...

By babytwinkle_

53.1K 2K 151

A jentop jenlisa adaptation of the story 'No one else but you' Lisa's parents know the fact that she's lesbi... More



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By babytwinkle_

Jennie's POV

Piles of paperwork on my desk isn't really a pleasant view to see

I'm not really fond of business, but it was something that my dad insisted me to since I was in high school.

And here I am.

I couldn't oppose the urge since I wasn't really good in school, so this was the only opportunity that I had to avoid myself from ending up sleeping on the solid, freezing pavement.

But yeah, I can handle the company like a boss, Well not yet.

I was checking the paperwork when I heard double knocks on the door.

Like a cliché boss in the TV show, I was about to say "come in"/but the door burst open before I could open my mouth


"What's up!" She excitedly greeted before she landed her ass on the office chair across me.

I swear I'll beg dad to fire this so-called 'the best employee' one day.

I held up my index finger inch away from her face without leaving my eyes on the papers

"No is the answer to your question."I already knew what she's gonna ask me, she slammed her fist on the wooden desk unsatisfied with my response.

Her eyes met mine and I could sense bad vibe through that look.

"I think you pronounced 'yes' wrongly." Jisoo started to make annoying 'click' sound with the pen on my desk.

I sighed deeply "look, I told you that I'm not interested in checking out some asses."

Jisoo really reminded me to Mino, they were really

fucking perverted assholes.

The day I started working here, my father introduced her to me as his 'best woman' in the company.

Jisoo was gay as fuck, and knowing that I'm gay too, she became so happy and excited.

And she was like "Yes!!! Finally, I'm not the only

one gay here!"

Since then, she kept forcing me to accompany her to go to the lesbian club.

Of course, she didn't know that I'm married because I didn't have the feeling to tell her and I am absolutely not going to hit on any other girls.

"Ohh come on!! Let's loose our hair down for tonight, it's our day off tomorrow!" She urged.

I glanced on my watch ignoring her, jisoo's still blabbering about how no fun I am, a boring girl, Not that I care.

10:45, time to go home.

I compiled all the paperwork into the drawer and locked it.

jisoo shut her mouth and stared at me "Oh you finally listened to me, great let's go!" She literally dashed to the door.

But I stopped her by shouting "I AM GOING HOME!" She stopped, looking at me in dismay.

I really wanted to go home now, my body felt like it going to collapse anytime soon probably right here and right then.

I didn't bother myself to argue with her so I just walked past her and went straight to the elevator.


Just like every day, I found that body of hers sleeping peacefully on the sofa waiting for me.

And just like the past days, I'll sit down next to the sofa watching her sleeping.

How can she still able to pull off that gorgeous face while she's sleeping?

Her chest moves up and down gracefully, just by looking at her sleeping, my eyelid became heavy and I could hear my bed calling for me.

I've told her frequently to not wait for me because there is no point in doing that.

After ten minutes, I did the same routine just like every day.

"...lisa-yah..." I shook her shoulder gently, her body stirred but she still refused to wake up.

"Lisa." The word came out a little bit louder, she usually wakes up only by my first call.

'She must be really tired.' I guessed.

"lisa" I called her for the third times but still no response.

"WAKE UP!" I yelled into her ear and this time she got the words.

Wasn't a good move though, no it was a bad idea, lisa's arm slapped my face hard and I flew back and hit the coffee table behind my back.

"Omo jennie!! I am so sorry!" She stood up, hurriedly kneeling down beside me.

It wasn't that bad actually but she reacted like she just accidentally stabbed a knife through me.

"I'm okay I'm okay!" I pushed her hand away from my thigh that was dangerously close to my crotch.

She looked offended by my actions but she hid her expression as fast as lighting and replaced it with deep furrowed brows.

"You shouldn't startle me like that!" She raised her voice.

Lisa waited for me to give her any reaction but I just walked off to the stair leaving her dumbfounded in the living room.


Since it was my day off today, I woke up almost afternoon.

After the fresh shower, I headed downstairs to the kitchen to fulfil my stomach's wish.

I spotted my favourite pancakes played beautifully on the plate.

But the food already lost it warmth, well it was my fault to wake up late, never mind, I'm not going to waste it.

*Take a bite* It was still heavenly good by the way.

'What should I do today?' maybe I could just hang out with jisoo, she may be a hopeless perverted whore, but she's a great person to hang out with.

After the fourth ring, she picked up my call "What's up kim?”

"Good." I replied simply short

"Hey want to hang out?" I asked flatly

"Of course!" She screamed through the phone, ahh! My ear!

"What's your plan?" I turned on the TV and searched for the anime channel.

"How about Xbox and pizzas?" I put the remote down on my lap.

"Sounds fun! Send me your address!" She shouted again with enthusiastic

I placed the phone as far as possible from my ear "Stop screaming for the fuck sake! I can hear you loud and clear!"

The sound of the door car slammed waving through the phone

"I AM IN THE CAR RIGHT NOW!!" She yelled even louder.

Then She laughed out loud, she did that on purpose obviously.

Her laugh cut off immediately when I hung up from the call.

I sent her my address, then resumed my attention on the

TV and ordered the pizza.


"Wow jennie, you really know how to waste that load of yours" She referred to my money as she explored my house.

"I didn't know that you're that type of woman." Jisoo swung the black heel in front of me as I placed a pack of beers she brought on the coffee table.

My eyes widened "Don't fucking touch anything here!!" I snatched lisa's heel from her hand and put it back to its place.

"Chill, I wasn't planning on steal it, I'm not really fond of those stuff anyway." She exclaimed as she began choosing the games.


After wasting our time shooting some zombies, we decided to go get some fresh air.

And 'get some fresh air' referred to get the dirt all over our clothes.

She brought me to the dirt track saying that it going to be awesome and fun.

And I had to admit it that it was really awesome and fun!

Girls also love dirt bike just like how boys do.

We were chatting about random topics in her car when I felt a vibration in my jeans' pocket.

Lisa's name displayed on the screen 'where are you?'She messaged me, lisa knew that today was my day off.

I looked at the time on my phone.


Ohh ,no wonder she asked me.

Her shift ended at 8:30, she must have been waiting for me, again.

"I should go back now."I said to jisoo who was busy watching the road.

"Okay." She showed me a thumb up, I texted lisa back saying 'Somewhere, I'll be back soon.'

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