Two Families- Captain Scarlet...

By Xenatracyisgo

456 37 5

when Alix was young she moved to an island with her family so they could set up their secret organisation whi... More

separate ways
cloud base
remembering Alix
becoming a captain
finding family
she's a mysteron!!!
her powers
new recruits
goodbye colonel white

helping family

42 4 0
By Xenatracyisgo

Colonel: well Alix do you think you are feeling alright to go back to missions?

Alix: uh yeah I feel great and I get bored and restless easily when I'm not doing missions

Colonel: well we have work to do.

Alix: aye aye sir she salutes the colonel

Colonel: uh what you ok Alix that's not like you

Alix: sorry I have too much energy and feel I'm going to be weird I mean weirder than what I already am.

Colonel: ohhkay?? How weird?

Alix: we will find out together!😉

Colonel: yay??

Alix: so what's the mission

Colonel: the mysterons are trying to stop a truck along a highway that is on the  edge of a mountain and the Mysterons are planning to cause an avalanche to explode it above a small town of miners. The truck contains a bomb that is on its way to be tested. They also are going to try and get international rescue out the way and destroy them if the are there stop them and order them back to there base to keep them safe.

Alix: ok I'm on my way runs off and launches in her interceptor

On tracy island

John: international rescue we have a situation

Xena: what's up john

John: I'm picking up sizemic activity on a mountain in Norway there is a small town near by that is transporting a bomb of some kind if the truck is hit by loose boulders or there's an avalanche then the town will be gone

Xena: FAB john she runs off to thunderbird 6 and launches

Virgil: hey xena did You need an extra pair of hands to help you, GORDON leave thunderbird 4 fix it later come help

Xena: FAB virgil any help would be appreciated

Virgil: I'm launching now

Xena: ok thunderbird 2

Alix: en route to Rendezvous point ETA 5 minutes

Colonel: S.I.G. captain turquoise

Alix: makes her way to the mountain uh cloudbase there are two unidentified aircraft in the area what action did you want me to take

Colonel: do not attack I repeat do not attack be loaded but do not attack you here me turquoise.

Alix: S.I.G colonel to thunderbird 2 and 6 to the to aircraft in front of me this is captain turquoise of spectrum, identify yourself and explain what you are doing

Xena: spectrum this is Thunderbird 6 and thunderbird 2 of international rescue we are here to rescue the truck stuck under the layer of snow and rocks caused from the avalanche

Alix: please I warn you, you need to leave now this area is now there is mysteron activity in this vicinity

Virgil: listen spectrum we have a job to do if you want to help keep out the way

Alix: no you have no idea what the mysterons can do leave now the mysterons want to destroy they know that you can be a threat to there plan but you have no idea their powers and what they can do return home or I have orders to shoot you.

Gordon: let us do the is rescue then we will leave.

Alix: cloudbase do I have permission to fire a warning at international rescue they aren't leaving

Colonel: yes but only warning shots they do, do good work we don't won't to do what the mysterons plan and we don't want to help them

Alix: S.I.G colonel she shoots towards international rescue

Virgil: spectrum what the heck is this we are peaceful no need to shoot us

Alix: clearly your not getting the message

Virgil: I understand that you want us to leave but we need to do our job 

Alix: if you dont leave you are risking your life and there is a chance that you will become a mystreon I don't want that to happen to you brother

Virgil: I don't care about my life I will save everyone before mysel... wait did you say brother? ALIX IS THAT YOU?, TELL ME IT IS!

Alix: I'm Alix although while on duty please refrain from using my real name for privacy reasons ok virgil, Xena?

Xena: 'course sis
At the same time Virgil: FAB captain turquoise

Alix: Colonel they aren't leaving what now do we call in backup or leave them to deal with the consequences

Colonel: well connect me to them

Alix: patching you through now

Colonel: international rescue this is colonel white I order you to leave amediatly we will look after everything go back to your base

Gordon: all due respect it is out job to rescue people no matter what happens to us we must move on the world doesn't stop for anyone sir

Virgil: whispering not over the comms shouldn't have said that Gordo

Alix: the colonel and I can hear you

Gordon: whoops

Xena: come on bro really idoits, sorry about them

Colonel: that's all right not everyone can have perfect daughter like me

Alix: awe is that how you think of me colonel

Colonel: well yes but I was talking about Victoria my actual daughter

Alix: oh 😔

Colonel: I love you too i haven't forgotten you it's easy for me to protect you as someone who knows what is happening than it is for me to protect my wife and daughter just because I can't tell them anything

Gordon: that's so sad colonel

Colonel: yeah but shouldn't you have left now

Alix: they did

Colonel: oh

Virgil: bye Alix let us know if you ever need help

Alix: S.I.G thunderbird 2 she ends call with international rescue colonel I'm going to need back up to help evacuate the town

Colonel: did you want the angels or captain scarlet

Alix: I don't mind who ever can get here quickly there's another avalanche I'm on the ground there seems to be no one one in the truck the mysterons must have already taken it over.

Colonel: Alix, captain scarlet is 10 minutes out from your current location

Alix: S.I.G colonel hang on I found something it's a body outline in a bright green glow like how scarlet looks to me but it's brighter it's a mysteron

The mysteron moves out of the truck and towards Alix preparing to attack her. Alix quickly notices this and pulls out her gun but before she knows it she is knocked out from a blast of energy created by the mysteron

Scarlet: Alix I'm here where abouts are you after waiting for a response and not getting one scarlet gets worried and calls cloudbase cloudbase this is captain scarlet Alix Isn't responding to my calls I about to go look for her

Colonel: ok Captain she did say there's a mysteron around so

Scarlet: S.I.G colonel Scarlet walks around for a couple minutes then spotting Alix's limp body on the ground he runs to her scared what might have happened to her

Alix: in a light whisper that is hard to here watch out its coming for us just get the town to safety and leave me here I won't be going anywhere soon

Scarlet: no im going to save everyone but first you I will put you in the  that should keep you safe then I will get the town

Alix: grumbles in protest

Scarlet: yeah your not in a position to argue

Alix: screams in pain

Scarlet: Alix you ok

Alix: the mysteron threw an energy blast of some kind and it still hurts I have no idea what it was

Scarlet: it's ok we will work out what it is soon but first I need to save these people

Alix: nods lightly before falling asleep

Scarlet: rest well Alix he puts Alix down in the cheater then runs to the town just to find out it is empty not a single soul the town is a mining town but still no one in the Cafe to make drinks or food when they come back scarlet to cloudbase the town is empty no one's here it's safe it's just an old abandoned town I'm going to head back to base get the medi-bay ready Alix seems unwell I don't know what happened

Green: S.I.G captain see soon

Alix and captain scarlet get back to base and Paul runs Alix straight to the medi-bay

Scarlet: is she going to be ok

Gold: hard to tell but her vital signs are stable

Scarlet: hang in there Alix Scarlet walks out to debrief with the colonel

Colonel: so you say that the town was empty

Scarlet: yeah no one was there I walked around for 20 minutes and no one was home

Colonel: maybe it was inhabited by the mysterons

Scarlet: maybe we will have to wait for Alix to wake up

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