101 Dalmatians: Dark Deception

By Ericjrwatsongmail

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This revolves around Wallace Dearly, The Dalmatian Squad, Timon & Pumbaa who finds themselves in a ballroom... More

Chapter 1: No Way Back/ Level 1: Monkey Business
Level 3: Deadly Decadence
Chapter 3: Retribution/Level 4: Stranger Sewers
Level 5: Crazy Carnevil
Chapter 4: Mortal Ramifications/ Level 6: Torment Therapy
Level 7: Mascot Mayhem
Level 8: Bearly Buried

Chapter 2: Into Madness/Level 2: Elementary Evil

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By Ericjrwatsongmail

(Once they went through the portal, they saw a large, red, webby wall. Preventing them from going towards the door)

Scrappy Doo: What the heck is this?

Bierce: Malak has blocked the entrance. I don't think he likes y'all very much.

Patch: I see.

Bierce: Go to the ring alter. I can unlock the power to boost your speed for brief periods of time.

Cadpig: So we're going to get speed boost?! Awesome!

(They went back to the ballroom and approached the ring alter. The statue made a noise that made the purple orb glow. Bierce took the tablet and puts it on the statue. Then she gave it back to Wallace and he saw what it is. There was two stylized arrows)

Pumbaa: These must be the speed boost.

Bierce: Use it wisely. And don't thank me ---- we'll work that out, later.

(The gang went back through the portal. As they went back, Wallace presses the Speed Boost app. As he did that, himself and the others moved about a lightning speed.)

Simba: WHOA!

Rolly: Wow!! We're really fast!

Penelope: This is going to be helpful.

Wallace: Let's break this barrier!

(The gang speed boost their way through the web-like barrier and went through the door and all their vision went red again. They're vision went back to normal as they looked around their surroundings. They're were in an open circle area. The sky through the window in the celling was dark night blue with lightning shining outside.  They were big pencils standing up on the walls on each side.)

Precious: Are we in a school?

Doug: Yep. We're in a school. But not just any school, we're in a elementary school!

Bierce: Have you ever miss your school days? After all, it was the last time you were innocent. 

Wallace: Wait, wait, wait, wait! I know this school! This is the same school I used to go to back then when Me, Timon and Pumbaa were in Dansville.

A/N: I made that place up. If it is or not that it's actually a real place, let me know in the comments.

Timon: Yeah, that time when Me, Pumbaa and Simba helped defend you against the bullies. *Sighs Happily* I remember that day.

Lucky: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get that! Let's focus!

(The gang saw another barrier blocking the way)

Bierce: Another barrier. You all know what to do.

Scooby: Right!

(Wallace activates the speed boost for him and the others as they break the barrier as they passed a school bus that is in the school. They then entered the auditorium with multiple chairs and stage with a banner saying, "WELCOME STUDENTS!"

Two-Tone: Hmm... We're in the auditorium.

Wallace: They had plays here sometimes.

Pumbaa: I loved the plays!

Timon: So do I! They sometimes have us be part of the plays.

(They walked closer to the stage and then suddenly, the lights came shining on the stage. A melodic piano plays out)

Wallace: I missed that piano playing that.

(Then, a little girl appears out of nowhere)

Girl: Ohhh new friends! I'm so excited! Welcome! I heard we might get some students here soon. So I put together little welcoming party for ya!

Wallace: Agatha?

Agatha: Oh, Wallace! Nice to see Ya again, old friend. It's really nice to have some new friends to play with. Don't tell the others but they've been getting pretty boring lately. 

Timon: Where are the other students?

Agatha: You don't wanna know. But y'all will spice things around here, won't ya? Y'all can share everything with me. All your secrets, all your mistakes, all your pain. That's what best friends are for, right?

(Agatha then disappears as a door opens to the their left and a bell rings)

Wallace: Agatha, what happened to you?

Lucky: How do you know here?

Wallace: I'll explain some other time.

Bierce: Looks like school is back in session.

Doug: I bet it is.

(The gang enters the as they collect two soul shards. They opened another door as they see another red barrier)

Timon: Alright, let's speed boost!

(Wallace activates the speed boost as he and the others breaks the barriers as they started to collect soul shards)

Agatha: (O.S) Ready or not, here I come!

Cadpig: We're playing Hide & Seek?

Simba: It seems like we are!

Wallace: Let's try and not get caught by her.

*20 Seconds later*


(Wallace opens a door that leads outside to a playground)

Bierce: There it is! The ring alter will always be found in the heart of each nightmare.

Precious: Noted.

*4 seconds later*

(The gang enters a room with a projector playing showing a graveyard)

Bierce: An unmarked grave, it must be Her's.

Patch: What happened to her?

Wallace: I really don't know.

Agatha: (O.S) I think you all are over here.

Wallace: Run.

*15 Seconds later*

(The gang found a secret room containing letterings like "Heartless,  & They Trusted You. They then see a drawing board that shows a drawing. It shows a drawing of a car in a lake or river with a mother and daughter in the car with arrows pointing to them, saying "Me" and "Mommy". The smiley face on top says "Daddy".)

Cadpig: What the?

Precious: This is weird.

Pumbaa: It looks like by this drawing, a family drowned in this lake but the dad of the family liked their death.

(Doug Houser looked ashamed. He somehow knows how this happened by the look on his face nobody notice. Wallace looked at Doug and approached him.)

Wallace: Are you okay, Doug?

Doug: Yes, I'm okay.

*1 Minute later*


(The gang collected half of the shards)

Pumbaa: Is that all of the shards?

Wallace: I don't think so. Because the tablet says that there's 156 shards left to collect)

Bierce: That's all of the shards here, but it's only half. The ring barrier is still active, there must be more in another part of the school. Hurray, and find the next zone!

Simba: There's another zone?

Lucky: It appears so.

Spot: We have to get to the p-p-p-p-p-p-playground!

Wallace: Let's get there!

(The gang got to the playground where the ring barrier is place. They saw the other part of the school called Agatha Elementary)

Timon: Agatha Elementary. Is she the class president of this school?

Pumbaa: That's what it seems like, Timon.

???: *Laughs*

Rolly: W-W-W-hat was that?!

Patch: I don't know but it seems to come from that person walking on the railing.

(They all looked at the railing and saw a person walking across the railing entered a door)

Two-Tone: I think that was Malak.

(They entered Agatha Elementary as they saw that in the hallway, it was grayer)

Scrappy: Wow, what happened here?

Wallace: It looks like it has been abandoned  or something.

Simba: Wait. Do you guys hear that?

(It sounded like child laughter but it was not Agatha's. It sounded like more children laughing)

Timon: Wait, there are more students here!

Wallace: They must be around here somewhere!

(They approached another red web barrier and then Agatha appears in front of them.)

Agatha: Aww, y'all took all my friends! Well it's been a while since I got to play with anyone or any people this long, but I can't around with you all anymore. Now I'll show you what I can really do. *Laughs and Disappears*

Woofster: She's going to show what she can really do!

Wallace: Not if I have anything to say about it!

(Wallace presses the Speed Boost tab as him and the others breaks the barrier)

Agatha: (O.S) Like what I've done with the place?

Lucky: What do you mean?

Bierce: How creative. It's her victims, this school has become her dollhouse.

(They looked at the glass windows and saw silhouettes of children behind the windows pounding attempting to escape and giggling laughing)

Timon: It's the other students!!

Pumbaa: I think she trapped the other students in the classrooms.

*6 Seconds later*


(The gang found a secret wall with a drawing of Agatha stretching her arms around the room with the words on top of her saying "Home Sweet Home" with a well. On the edge of it, is a secret note from E)

Wallace: It's another note! We'll hold on to this.

*Minutes later*


(The gang collected all the shards)

Bierce: That's the last of the shards. Now get to the ring piece, before Agatha gets you.

Gang: On it!

Agatha: (O.S) Y'all will never got the ring, I won't let you!

(The bell rings longer as the gang runs towards the playground. Once they made it to the playground, Spot grabs the ring piece)

Spot: Got the ring p-p-p-p-p-piece!!

Wallace: Now let's get to the portal!

(They tried to go back to zone 1 but the doors closed and Agatha appears behind them)

Agatha: I welcomed you all here, and I tried so hard to be nice to y'all. But you don't care! Not even you Wally! You all don't want to be my friend, you just wanna steal my things! You all are mean (Fumbles words from anger)...bad people!

Wallace: We're sorry, Agtha.

Agatha: Too late, Wally. Now you and your friends ae in trouble. Y'all made daddy made, too...

(Agatha disappears as the doors that lead into Agatha Elementary opens to reveal Malak)

Malak: End of the road, mortals.

(Malak then turns into a phantom-like creature)

Malak: Give that back to me, mortals!

Timon: RUN!!!

(Everybody runs as Malak chases them)

Malak: Hand it over, and I'll make your deaths quicker!

Wallace: No way!

Agatha: (O.S) Try to run, it won't do y'all any good.

(The gang dodges fake drawn portals made by Agatha as they made it to the auditorium)

Wallace: Yes, this the auditorium where we first met Agatha! Which means the portal is...

Gang: Through this door!

(The gang went to the door where they came in but the doors close and Agatha appears)

Agatha: Going somewhere? (Appears behind them) No! Y'all will never escape! I won't let you all take my friends from me!

(Agatha walks towards them ready to tear them apart)

Scooby: Rhat are we Ronna Do?

Lucky: I don't know!!

(Then, the doors behind them opens)

Bierce: It's opened.

Agatha: Bierce! Stay out of my room! You all are cheating!

(Agatha started running towards the gang screaming)


(The gang started speed boosting to the portal. Once they reached it, they jumped in)


(The gang laned back into the ballroom as Spot gives Bierce the ring piece as she places it oon the ring alter)

Timon: *Sighs* That was stress.

Doug: You know guys, she was almost the same age. Memories betray me here.

Wallace: So is ours, Doug. We need to keep going. We just need to survive a bit longer. Oh, I forgot! I got another note from E!

Scrappy: Read it! See what it says next.

Wallace: (Reading the note) Bierce's portals are not the only way to move between realms. In the hotel, Me and Sally found a imbued with the power. It's whispered its location to us. I'm not sure why it was there, but as long as we have it, we won't need the ring piece. We could never get past the creatures who guard them anyway. Who would be suicidal enough to even try? The relic is not powerful, but it allows us to walk through the shadows like he does. However, it only takes us to places where he has been. We try to keep our distance from him when he appears. If he discovers us, our fate will be sealed. Now his path has led us to some sort of school. At least it looks like one. It's not like the hotel. It's much worse. We can sense there is only one voice here and it is terrifying. Her appearance is that of a child, but that is no child. It didn't take me long to discover that we could see her. She purposely let me look deeper. I wish that I had not, because what I saw was unbearable. Sometimes, something so horrible happens to a child that their soul becomes corrupted by rage & sadness. When that happens, an evil child spirit is born from that suffering. This one's name is. The pain & suffering of children is a pain that she is forever tied to. She knew what my reaction would be. She is feeding on it. She is toying with me. We can hear her coming...


Emily: So if something happens to a child, the soul becomes corrupted by rage and sadness?

Wallace: Most likely.

Bierce: 2 down, 7 more to go. Are you all ready for another nightmare?

(The portal next to Agatha's opens up. It shows a pirate-like figure)

Patch: Is that a pirate?

Timon: Captain Morgan?

Wallace: I don't know guys but I guess we have to deal with these guys. Let's go!

(They entered the portal)

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