You saved me

By sadanne101

25.4K 773 370

Meredith Grey, double board certified surgeon in both neuro and general. She is a child prodigy and has been... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Part 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 5

1.1K 24 0
By sadanne101

This should be a long chapter btw

Derek's POV:

I began my day the same as usual I woke up early and headed into work there's nothing to do away from the hospital. When moving out here to Seattle I stumbled across this land it turned out to be 40 acres full of woodland, a large lake and a pond. A huge mountain and cliffs surrounded the area and it was then and there that I knew I wanted to buy it, what I was going to do with 40 acres of land ... I had no clue. But since then I brought a trailer and put it on the land and this is where I currently live but I like it. I get up every morning to fish and just enjoy the nature.

Today I woke up happier than usual there's no point in trying to hide it, it was obviously Meredith Grey it's like she's placed a spell. As much as I wanted to hate her for stealing my job I can't she has me wrapped and every time I have spoken to her I have come across as a complete idiot barely able to form even a sentence with her. I know Dr Burke has a problem with her but his seems to be a little more personal not sure why.


I arrived at the hospital and met with Burke immediately as we had an early case booked. Except when I then met with him he had changed the whole procedure which was not what we had agreed. I tried reasoning with him back to the original way but he was not cooperating just making it more and more difficult. So in any situation like this where surgeons can't agree we have to pull in a second opinion and that opinion would come from the chief. Chief Grey. I was looking forward to actually having something to say to her and be able to form full sentences instead of just random odd words. Her office was on the other side from where I was so I walked over and went straight into her office. Bad move. I should have knocked but I barged in. My plan of full sentences flew straight out the window as I walked in on her changing. All that was in my head now ... was her. Her wearing that black lacey bra. Those thoughts were now taking up my mind and now I was struggling to speak to her. I could feel my cheeks warming up I managed to get a few words out until someone else barged through the door. I'm not sure what it was but someone seeing her in her underwear annoyed me even though I had just accidently done the same. I turned around expecting Burke to be there but it wasn't I didn't know who it was but I took it as a quick getaway to leave and see Chief Grey when I was back with Burke.

I hurried off after leaving to go find Burke I really want to know who that man was in Meredith's office he wasn't wearing scrubs maybe he was a friend. What if he was her husband , a woman like her must surely be taken I hadn't seen a wedding ring on her finger though. I still can't get those images of her out of my mind from when she was changing it's wrong I know but they won't leave. However there's one thing I did notice whilst she was turned around and that was that there was a large scar from the back of her right shoulder down a quarter of the way down her arm. Something seemed off about it what if she got hurt badly and that's why she got it. No why am I thinking like that, I rode a motorcycle and got a small scar on my head, yes mine was small but maybe she had a cool story as to how she got hers. Anyway I went off to find Burke which I was originally doing and I told him that we had to go and sort this out by asking chief Grey he seemed uncomfortable to do it but this was the only way to sort out the fact of us having different opinions.

Once reaching the Chiefs office we entered it was awkward at first for me anyway but then we got straight to it. I cleared my throat 'We have a patient and we can't decide on a way to go for the surgery we need you to choose.' She motioned my hand to the scans and I handed them over.

'Hmm this is huge ... Well both work simultaneously and I prefer Shepherd's idea. Looking forward to seeing you boys in the O.R.' Chief grey said.

Dr Burke quickly jumped 'But Dr Grey you're not on this case.'

'No but I am Chief so your chief will be seeing you in the O.R. as I will be assisting Dr Shepherd. That's okay with you Dr Shepherd isn't it?'

I scratched my head ' I  promised Dr Stevens she could be in the O.R.'

'I'm sorry you want Stevens in the O.R. over me ?' She glared at me.

But then Burke butted in once again. 'She looks as though she has more experience than you.'

'I'm sorry Burke do you have something to say to me because it seems as though you have a problem with me.' Grey replied clearly annoyed.

Before Burke could say anything else I raised my hand at Burke 'No problem Chief Grey see you in the O.R.'

I left her office when she ushered me and Burke out. We both looked at each other a little gob smacked as we were just put in our places. I mean quite rightly so she is the chief but it's like taking order from a child. She's 24 for gods sake.

I went walking down to the nurses station and saw the over eager blonde resident coming towards me she was nearly skipping.

'Dr Shepherd I think there has been a mistake on the O.R board as my name has been scrubbed off.'

I let out a breathe 'Nope no mistake Stevens sorry you will not be assisting me today in the surgery I went to speak to the Chief and she decided to replace you with herself.'

'But Dr Shepherd it's a once in a lifetime surgery.'

'I know Stevens , observe from the gallery.' I began walking away from her to the outside coffee cart.


'If you have an issue take it up with Grey though that won't go down well Stevens'

Truth be told I didn't feel bad telling her she was off the case she stands way to close to me in the O.R. It was a slight relief. And I was sort of looking forward to having Grey in the O.R next to me. But now I needed coffee that was my only thought right now. The best coffee is the one outside at the cart. It was then when I heard a familiar voice behind me I turned around handing my money over for my drink.

'Shep' the man spoke I began laughing when I looked past him to see a group of med students quivering behind him.

'Mark how did you get lumbered with all the med students you don't even teach the interns. So which one have you got on drink duty then?' He returned my answer with a glare before a young man came up 'Dr Sloan I have your cappuccino you asked for.' Mark then took the drink and sipped it then spiting it out 'Are you trying to poison me what have you done to this ? Never mind go grab me a pickle sandwich from that Italian shop that just opened a few blocks away.'

'Sloan why haven't you assigned them to a resident for the day?'

'Well I went to the chiefs office and noticed he wasn't there this young doe eyed girl was she must have been lost so I came to find you. You're the new chief right?'

'Sloan let me interrupt you right there, now I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as you have been off for the last 2 weeks but well you know I was after Chief but Richard didn't give me the job.'

'What? You can't be serious.'

'Serious. Anyway he gave it to a new Dr that being Dr Grey.'

'I thought you and Burke were on race for chief let's go find this guy called Grey see what's the deal'

I then looked at Mark and he immediately could tell what the look on my face meant.

'Oh god what Shep?'

'Dr Grey is not a guy he is a she and she is 24 probably the woman you saw in the chiefs office the other day so she was not lost as you thought, that was the chief your looking for but guess you now have yourself stuck with the med students and only now just finding out about the newly appointed chief.'

His jaw dropped opened he sighed 'Drinks at joes? You deserved the position.'

'No I'm good it's alright and rain check on drinks? I have some errands to run later.'

Mark nodded his head 'You have a thing for her don't you?' laughing as he walked away. He was right I did have a thing for her. I checked my watch for the time and went to go get ready for surgery.


Meredith's POV:

I haven't done any surgery in over a month and I have been desperate to do it. So my first surgery here at Seattle Grace will be a Neuro case but I will be assisting Dr Shepherd I felt bad stealing it off him as I'm starting to think I have a slight soft spot for him. Anyway I needed to go scrub for surgery. I walked in the scrub room and saw Shepherd and Burke were already in there.

'Oh you showed up Chief' Dr Burke looked at me tying his mask.

'Why wouldn't I show up Dr Burke?'

'Oh no reason I was just surprised.' He commented before going into the O.R.

I raised my brow at him then turned to Shepherd 'Is there a problem that I don't know about?'

'You stole the job from right under our noses he's probably still annoyed about that.' Derek said turning to look at me.

'Do we have a problem Dr Shepherd because I'm not prepared to take all that into one O.R especially with such a risky surgery.'

'We probably should, I should be annoyed that you slid in and took the chief position which would give us a problem but for some strange reason no, no we don't have an issue' he smiled at me before putting on his mask.


'See you in there Chief'

I nodded my head in response.

2 hours had passed since the surgery had started Dr Burke kept throwing small remarks here and there they were just getting old now and he is acting like a child. Dr Shepherd and I were surprisingly getting along well and I found conversation very easy to make with him. I looked up to the gallery to see Dr Stevens staring down at me so I looked at Shepherd 'Why is Stevens staring at me?'

Burke quickly jumped at the opportunity to speak 'Probably because you took her place here in surgery.'

'Oh well if she has an issue she should have brought it up not start glaring down at me, but let's hope she doesn't stare at patients they make get uneasy.' I then saw her face change as she clearly heard me through the intercom system. It was then when my pager went off.

'Chief it's for you.' A scrub nurse told me.

'Who is it?'

'Alex Karev? I'm not sure who that is.'

'Oh no that's fine I do.' I took a moment to think there wasn't any reason surely as to why Alex would be paging me but what if it was important. I looked up to the gallery and spoke 'O'Malley come down here and scrub.' The brown haired man jumped up in his seat but sent a concerned look over to Stevens and hesitated.

'O'Malley are you scrubbing in or should I get someone else.' I raised my voice. He then moved out the gallery and came down to scrub.

'Chief where are you going?' Asked Burke.

' I'v been paged Dr Burke I have to go why ask such silly questions.' I opened the door and left heading straight to my office as that is where I thought Alex would be.

I walked into my office and I was right that's where he was but he wasn't alone. That was when I noticed the blonde locks that matched mine sitting on his lap. 'Why have you got Ellis she is meant to be at preschool.'

'The teacher rang Mrs Kingsley I think her name was saying Ellis had an accident she scraped her knee there was a small cut as you can see' Alex pointed to Ellis' leg. 'She was crying asking for you and as it was her first day I knew she was obviously nervous Mer so I just brought her with me here then paged you after we all got bandaged up sorry if I interrupted anything important.'

'No nothing important' I smiled. 'I'm glad Ellis is doing alright now, thankyou Alex.'

'Not a problem how could I resist such an adorable face plus I'm sure she missed her favourite Uncle Alex.' He playfully spoke whilst tickling her.

'Mer I was just telling you I had her, we will probably hang out in the hospital today together grab something to munch I needed a friend with me today anyway go back to whatever you were doing and I'll see you later.'

'I'll be in O.R.2 If there are any issues do not hesitate to page me Alex I mean it and thankyou for taking care of her today.'

'Mer, go, go to surgery.'


I walked back into the O.R. Causing a few heads to look up.

'Chief Grey you're back would you like me to scrub out?' George asked me.

'No I wouldn't make you do that I was just coming back to observe and I wanted to observe from in here.' I smiled at him to show him everything was alright.

'So where were you then Chief.' Burke stated.

'None of you're business I'm afraid Dr Burke.'

'Of course none of my business-' before he had time to finish his sentence I interrupted him. 'Dr Burke there is clearly an issue between you and I, your recent behaviour I have brushed off but now, now I have had enough of it you have been acting like a baby who spat their dummy out and because of this I noticed you struggle co operating with people, first me then earlier this morning with Dr Shepherd after you had agreed on one thing but you changed your mind. You believe that if you jump everyone else will jump with you and I'm sorry but that is not the case and so in order to ground you I have decided on hiring a new Head of Cardio so you can be co-heads together, maybe work on your people skills. They will be starting very soon Dr Burke here's your heads up and oh their name is Dr Altman try not go get short with her as she is not as nice as I have been towards you and your attitude.' I snapped raising my voice slightly and with that I took a seat watching Burke look lost for words.

After another 2 hours had passed the surgery had finished and it was a complete success thank god. Even though I wasn't operating for the last 2 hours of it I still felt on a surgery high but I had told Dr Shepherd that I would do the notes on this case so I went to go chart out down at the nurse's station.


Derek's POV:

Surgery was a success nothing could make me happier knowing I helped save someone's loved one. The O.R. today was interesting to say the least Grey finally put Burke in his place. At the end of surgery she then offered to take care of the chart I said no but she insisted then pulled the fact that she is the chief card which meant I had to give it over but I don't know why she willingly offered to do them. I have been on this case since the beginning and I wanted to follow it through to the very end even when doing post-op notes so I chose to go get the chart off of her. Her office was the first obvious place to look for her.

I took the elevator up to the Chief's office and knocked before entering this time. I heard a voice call me in though I noticed it didn't sound like hers but continued on entering. It was then when I looked to her office desk that I noticed the same man from earlier this morning was sat in her seat and he was holding a small blonde child. Why was he sat in her chair.

'You're not Chief Grey.' I told the man.

'No your right I'm not I lack lots of her qualities I am a friend of hers. Dr Alex Karev new head of Paediatrics here.' He answered me holding his hand out to me to shake. 'And this here is little Ellis.'

I smiled and took his hand. 'Dr Shepherd head of Neuro, and it's nice to meet you Ellis. Do you know where Grey is? She has a chart of mine.' It was just then when I spoke that the door opened and there she was.

'Ah Dr Shepherd I was just going to find you, here I finished the chart all should be in order thankyou for having me in the O.R. today even when I had to step out, I see you two have met.' She exchanged looks between Alex and I.

'Yes I did he informed me he is taking over head of Paediatrics so I'll see you around but I must be off now, See you tomorrow Chief.'

I headed off to the attending's lounge to change out of my scrubs and get ready to leave. Before I headed back to the trailer though I needed to go out and do some bits.

Meredith's POV:

I got off at a decent time today so Alex, Ellis and I went out grocery shopping which we had agreed upon earlier. I put my handbag in the car boot Alex's luggage  as well as Ellis' backpack from this morning as he put Ellis in her car seat. I then went round to get in waiting for Alex to then get in the passenger side.

'Oh Alex we are ordering pizza by the way later as ... well you know that-'

'That you can't cook' he began laughing

I turned to face him and smiled before paying my attention back onto the road.

About ten minutes later we finally got to the store's car park Alex went ahead to grab a trolley whilst I unbuckled Ellis from her car seat. I went ahead to meet Alex at the front of the store he brought the trolley over and I put Ellis in the seat letting Alex push it.

We were nearly done with our shopping when I sent Alex off to grab some bits whilst I went to grab some tequila down the alcohol aisle. I strolled down the aisle looking at all the different alcohol while muttering to myself someone tapped on my shoulder.


'Oh Dr Shepherd.' I turned away from the shelf and looked at him immediately smiling.

'We're not at work it's Derek.'

'Ok Derek it's Meredith.' I raised a brow playfully.

Derek's POV:

I'd ran to the store to grab some bits and pieces when I could have sworn I saw her and I was right I saw Dr Grey. She seemed in her own world mumbling to herself so I decided to go up to her and say hello.


'Oh Dr Shepherd.'

'We're not at work it's Derek.' I told her.

'Ok Derek it's Meredith.'

'I'm more of a single malt scotch man myself what about you?'


'Tequila?' I asked her quite shocked at the reply she didn't seem like the one to drink straight up tequila.

'There's a lot more to me then you would think Derek' She smiled at me.

'I'm sure there is.' But before I could carry on talking to her I was interrupted It seems my day has just been filled with interruptions non stop.

'Mer I got you your shampoo and Ellis here some bubble bath,' Karev then looked up and saw me 'Oh sorry I didn't realise you were talking I'll take that and meet you at checkout.' Alex took the bottle of tequila off Meredith and walked on.

There was a moment of awkward silence until I spoke up again.

'I'll let you go I suppose Alex is waiting for you I was going to ask if maybe you wanted to go out and get coffee maybe or something but now that I realise you're with Alex I'm sorry.' I don't know why I said all that once I began talking I couldn't stop.

'Alex and I? ... Oh no ha Alex and I went to med school together we are best friends he's like the brother I never had we aren't a couple. And for the record I would love to go grab a coffee with you. See you round Derek.' She raised her hand and ran down the aisle.

Meredith's POV:

I went to the checkout to see Alex he had a large grin on his face.

'So?' He looked at me.

'What?' I asked him but the colour in my cheeks were leading on that there was more to say.


I picked up Ellis and put her back in to the car then got in myself and ordered take out whilst Alex loaded the car so that it was there by time we got home. Alex got in and so then we drove home.

'Right now tell me what you and Shepherd were talking about before I accidently interrupted you.'


'Oh come on.'

'Fine. He thought you and I were... were a thing.' Alex began laughing at the thought which caused me to as well. 'He then asked if I wanted to get a coffee sometime and here's the thing you know I don't date not after well... Finn because look how well that turned out. But there's something about Derek that... that- I don't know!'

'Mer honestly just give it a go, I hardly know the guy but by he way I have caught him looking at you he's definitely interested. I know after everything you have been a bit skittish but it's just coffee do it.'

I looked at him with a nervous look but I decided I will give it a go. We soon ended up back home and that's when I had to tell Alex.

'So umm I may not have completely unpacked and yes yes I know I have been here for a month but hardly anything is done so you will be crashing on the sofa.' I began giggling which made Ellis join in.

'Mer are you serious? God you really do need me. Sofa is fine, I will be helping you unpack soon as well. But for now I believe that that is indeed the Pizza let's go eat and then get Ellis ready for bed.'

I opened the car door got Ellis and her doll out and took her inside to pay for the pizza. Alex brought the stuff in and I got some plates out. We put on a Disney film for Ellis whilst we ate then once we had finished I put Ellis in bed and came back downstairs.

'Alex I'm just off for a shower then probably going to go to bed as I'm sure you're jetlagged and I just want to go snuggle with Ellis.'

'Alright Mer, see you in the morning.'

I went for a hot shower and washed my hair with my lavender conditioner then I started thinking to myself about Derek I hadn't spoken to him I don't even know him but he caught my attention since I first saw him and we got on well today in the O.R. I try to keep to myself to myself but he is making that hard I think I might try to get to know him better.

Thankyou for reading this part there's a small filler chapter after this before things get more interesting. Please vote and comment :)

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