#7 - Sanitized

By CookieWookie37

11.3K 273 153

(I wrote this before Side Order!) Mizuta Ahato: An Octoling DJ with no free will or information about who sh... More

Before you Read...
Fresh Start
Musical Memories
I'm not alive.
The Move!
Fuzzy Octolings!?
Agents: Here to Help!
Ahato's Return
Alternan Mind Games
Side Order!
Connecting the Dots
What the shell?!
Nearing the End.
Finale (BONUS!)


1.1K 16 0
By CookieWookie37


I wanted to be Sanitized?

Why would anyone want this?

Maybe I wanted it at the beginning. But not anymore. After all this time, I've grown to hate my sickly appearance and my ruined mind.

Well, it's not like I can do anything about it. The misinformation's already out there.

My true story has remained untold, I guess...

...Until now.

In the past...

I scraped at the dirt, barely able to escape the Elites. I could hear their Octo Shots splattering the ground with magenta ink as they chased after me. I somehow managed to climb over the small cliff, and I took a moment to rest, but then the Elites splattered the cliffside with ink and swam up. I ran as fast as I could.

But, of course, these Octolings were trained hunters. I could never outrun them.

I felt them claw at my arm, and then a black-tentacled Elite grabbed me. She pulled out a syringe of the Inklings' awful Low-Tide ink and shot it into one of my tentacles, forcing me to retreat into my Octo form. She stuffed me into a Kensa Sloshing Machine.

"THAT'S THE LAST TIME YOU'RE GONNA BE LET OFF THE HOOK!" She screeched at me. My tentacles trembled.

She walked over to a kettle prison and threw me in. "STAY THERE UNTIL I COME BACK!" When she finally left, I shifted back to my Octoling form. Inside my cell were a bed and some ink (Blood?) splotches. This was a temporary cell.

I'd waited for about half an hour, although it seemed like an eternity before the Elite came back with Octavio's daughter, Octaria. "...Sounds like a good idea," the Elite grinned, showing all of her sharp teeth. Octaria looked through the ceiling grate to see me. "So you're the one causing trouble around here, right? Well, I'M in charge of this place until we can free Octavio from the Agents, and I say...YOU'RE BANISHED!" She cackled.

What? But I wanted to leave this awful valley in the first place! Guess they didn't know that, so I shouldn't tell them.

"BUT!" Octaria continued. "We're gonna bring you to the Kamabo Co. lab first!"

Then the Elite shifted forms and dropped through the grate. I could now see that she had a Kensa Sloshing Machine...and...a syringe...

"Not again-!"


It was dark inside the Elite's slosher. And bumpy. I don't think she was paying much attention to me. But I think we were riding a train.

Then, the Elite suddenly grabbed me and lifted me out of the slosher. We were on a train, and we had arrived at the Kamabo Co. lab, where 2 blue-tentacled Octolings were guarding the big white double doors. Now that I think back, I'm pretty sure their skin was a pale green. But what I noticed first was the fact that both of their eyes were black, with cyan irises. I shivered as they quickly opened the doors and then went back to the exact position that they had been standing in before: An defensive stance, holding their Octo Shots like they were ready to fire.

The Elite stuffed me inside a blindingly white box with the Kamabo symbol on it before tossing the box down a chute and walking away. I could hear her annoying laugh the whole way down as the sound echoed through the metal tube...

And then when I reached the bottom of the tube, I must've hit the ground pretty hard, because I blacked out.

When I woke up, It was because an Octoling scientist had found the box and pulled me out. "Get up, Sanitization doesn't work if you're unconscious." She screeched. She pulled me out of the box and I shifted to my Octoling form. Then, the scientist strapped me to a white chair. And then she pulled out...

Another syringe!? I swear to Cod if I see ONE MORE syringe today...

She filled it up with some swirling cyan ink. While she was doing so, I noticed that she had a normal skin tone except for a spot around her eye, which was green. The same eye was black with a cyan iris, but her other eye was white with a brown iris. Also, her hair was a green-blue gradient with orange tips, Like the guards at the doors except for the colored tips.

"What will you do when you get to the surface?"

Was she trying to make small talk at a time like this? "How did you know that I was trying to get to the surface?" I asked. "Octaria told me before you arrived," She explained. " We knew that you wanted to leave, and we know that it is truly impossible to stop someone this determined. So what will you do?"

"Well, I want to be a DJ. I've already thought of a name...Dedf1sh," I replied. Her ears perked up for a second. "A DJ you say?" She asked. "Actually, what we're doing will be able to enhance your abilities, and you may be able to create music much faster than an average person. We just have to Sanitize you. We originally intended to keep this information from you, but now I have an offer for you."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Will you create music for us in exchange for freedom?"

I didn't have to think for long before accepting the offer. "Yes!" I exclaimed.

"Good. Well then, I hope you're ready," the Octoling said before giving me the Sanitization shot. I blacked out shortly after, with high hopes.

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