Hidden Love

De Lov3W4rRomanc3

127 3 0

"I'm in fucking love with you, (Your name)," he whispers and that's when I let my tears of joy run down my ch... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 10

4 0 0
De Lov3W4rRomanc3

It doesn't take Jungkook long to get us back to my complex building. In fact, the entire twenty-minute ride was a bit of a blur besides Jungkook resting his hand on my knee the entire time, unless he had to change gears of course, which had me blushing and pushing my thighs together to prevent the heat, forming in between my legs, that he can just make appear at the snap of his fingers.

God, he's so annoying for that... but at the same time, irresistible.

The moment we are out of his car and heading into the entrance of where my apartment lies, his hand already finds itself in my own with our fingers interlocking once again.

"안녕하세요," the old lady greets us when she notices me walking through the double doors.

"안녕하세요!" I greet back happily, from the events of today, with a grin bearing across my face.

Behind me, I hear Jungkook greet the old lady too while I'm pulling him towards the doors of the elevator. Just as I am pressing the button to call the elevator, I could feel his lips hovering on the shell of my ear.

"It's really hot hearing you speak in my language," he husks lowly and it sends tingles down my spine and right where he seems to have it as putty in his hands.

"I'm slowly getting the hang out of it," I confess quietly when the doors to the elevator rattle in their place as they open for us.

I step into the metal box first and naturally turn around so that I can face the doors, but when Jungkook follows me inside he doesn't stand beside me, instead, he continues to face me with that same dangerous look that's almost becoming famous to me. From the look alone, he has me nearly grumbling in front of him.

"What?" I ask on an exhale.

"I really want to strip you down and pound you into your bed," he groans deliciously, "you make it really damn hard not to fall for you."

In sync with my shocked expression, the elevator pings before the doors rattle open and now it's Jungkook's turn to pull me behind him and down the hallway up to my door. Since he grabbed my bag before we left his car, he offers my bag to me allowing me to unzip and dive my hand into it to retrieve my keys. All the while, Jungkook doesn't take his eyes off me even when my stunning looking neighbour passes by us without noticing he is there.

When my hand finds my keys in the depths of my backpack, I pull them out and swiftly move them into the lock of my front door before turning the keys and unlocking the barrier to my humble abode. The moment I have my door unlocked, I push it open, kick off my shoes and leave Jungkook at the door for him to accommodate himself - he's been here and done it before.

Rushing past the open door to my living room, I throw my oversized hoodie through the threshold in hopes that it will land on the back of my sofa, but I don't stop to check. Instead, I eagerly make my way into my kitchen where I find the brown paper bag sitting where I had left it and relief washes over me that there is no bad odour coming from the bag only meaning that the food is still good to eat.

The hunger fueling my body makes me rip open the paper bag to get to the contents quicker so I don't have to fumble with the opening of the bag. Reaching up just above my head, I open the cabinet to pull out two plates and set them aside so that I can dish a portion for each of us. I decide to plate up Jungkook's dish first before popping it into the microwave so that he doesn't have to eat it cold while I then can dish up my own plate.

To be honest, for a moment, I feel like a chief in the kitchen at the busiest time of a restaurant and it makes me giggle at myself for feeling that way.

"Jungkook," I call through my flat.

"Mm," gets mumbled right behind me making me jump in shock.

"Holy shit," I curse on a gasp, "I didn't hear you come up behind me."

"I know," he whispers onto my ear while snaking his arms around my waist to hold me against him, "I wanted to watch you be such a good woman to me."

For a moment, I forgot why he was using his seductive prowess on me, but then I remembered what he said about two days ago.

"I cannot deny that having you at my place on forbidden ground, wearing those damn shorts of yours and making sure I'm fed when I walk through my door turned me on greatly."

Then the event of walking straight past him naked and into my kitchen to try and give him a portion of breakfast this morning also rewarded me with his open honesty about how I turned him on.

It's only the beeping coming from the microwave that pulls me away from his seduction.

"Sit down and I'll give this to you," I command nonchalantly only to earn me a slap on my ass which jolts me in surprise.

Hearing Jungkook walking away from me towards my dining table, I take the moment to swap his plate with mine in the microwave before setting a timer for it to warm up my food. Then I open my cutlery drawer to snatch out a pair of chopsticks and a spoon before hip bumping the drawer closed.

Jungkook watches me carry his plate of food over to him with his eyes trained on me and his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. Gently placing the dish in front of him along with his utensils, I go to turn away only to have my hips grabbed and pulled back to sit across his lap; his face immediately burying itself into my neck to place a string of tender kisses there while his tattooed hand travels up my inner thigh making my breath catch in my throat and my core to pulse at a desperate plead for him to take me on my dining table. Since I am sitting across his lap, I can feel his member hardening underneath my thigh that is sitting across his groin.

Like he could tell what my body wanted, he whispers onto my skin, "I'm trying so hard not to take you on this dining table right now."

Another set of beeps sounds loudly through my kitchen which seems to be the password for Jungkook to unlock me from his grip.

"I'll let you eat while I decide what I'm going to do to you," he groans into my ear making me gasp silently before I begrudgingly lift myself from his lap.

"I don't think we'll have time to do any of that," I answer submittingly over my shoulder while wandering back over to my microwave.

"Then you can come back to mine tonight and I'll destroy you then," he challenges me only to make a smirk grow across my lips even though he can't see it.

"I don't think Bam would be pleased to hear his owner getting some," I joke teasingly while popping open the microwave door and retrieving my plate from inside of it.

Once again, I open the cutlery drawer to retrieve the exact same utensils I gave to Jungkook before hip bumping it closed again and taking myself into the next available seat next to Jungkook.

"My parents came to pick him up the night after you left my place," he says before tucking into his food.

My eyebrows pinch together when I realize he was waiting for me to get my food so that we can eat together. That alone makes my heart swoon for him even more than I thought it could and a subconscious smile grows over my lips before I begin to tuck into my food.

"Then how am I suppose to keep my promise to him if he's not here?" I joke making Jungkook chuckle through a mouth full of food.

It bewilders me how this one man can go from absolute sex God to an adorable bunny-featured man in just a mere couple of seconds.

"He's coming back tonight or tomorrow night depending on where I am going to have you."

"You're really determined to have me again, aren't you?" I tease with a hint of seduction, holding a spoonful of kimchi fried rice just in front of my mouth.

Our eyes lock the moment I finish speaking before a scoff escapes his lips while he abandons his food and leans back in the chair he is sitting in.

Back to being a sex God, I suppose.

"You don't want me?" He challenges again with a flick of his eyebrow and a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

Before I could say anything, I watch as he slowly lifts his hips and brings the waistline of his sweatpants down over his hips to rest them in the middle of his thighs. His hard member stands prominent underneath the fabric of his boxers. I can smell the rice on my spoon calling my name, but it's not the reason why my mouth waters. Transfixed on his every movement, I watch him slide his tattooed free hand slip past the waistline of his boxers and hold himself. Salvia builds up in my mouth just remembering how he tastes on my tongue and I have to swallow hard to prevent myself from drowning in it.

Jungkook daringly watches me before he begins to stroke himself underneath his boxers without me even seeing a peek of his tip. This action rivals something within me, and with a loud clatter against the plate I drop my spoon and stand up only to whisk my t-shirt off my body. A satisfied chuckle emits from his throat before I practically drag his boxers off his hips and down his shins along with his sweatpants. During the time I am stripping myself of my leggings and panties, Jungkook kicks his boxers and sweatpants off his ankles before pushing the chair a little away from the edge of the table; giving me room to stand over him with his thighs in between my legs.

"You want to do it like this?" He husks clearly taken over my abrupt actions.

"Yes," I breathe out seductively only to receive a response of a moan.

Leaning forward, he kisses the skin just underneath my belly button while his free hand comes around my side, up to my back and unclasps the hooks to my bra. I simply allow it to fall away from my body for him to toss it somewhere in my kitchen. Taking a step closer to him, he lets go of himself to pull his sweatshirt over his head and tosses it to the floor, I take hold of him in replacement of his hand and I crouch down low enough to slide his tip over my dripping entrance to lather him.

"Holy fuck," Jungkook hisses, from my excitement, while taking a firm grip on my hips to steady me, "so you do want me."

His tone of voice is laced with not only amusement but pure bliss as well.

"Shut up," I mumble to him just as I guide his tip into my entrance.

All I could do is be entranced to watch how his mouth slowly hangs open from the smirk that was just there, his eyes flutter closed and his head leans back over the backrest of the chair, while I slowly ease myself down onto him until there is no more left of him to enter me.

My insides painfully twist with the pleasure of him filling me up to the brim, my skin is hot like I've just been set on fire and my walls hold a firm grip around his length. His hands tighten their grip on the skin of my hips and I can feel how tense his thighs have become to prevent himself from losing it so quickly.

Sitting on him, I allow myself the sweet time to adjust to his size even though I am finding it hard to not move against him for the friction that my body so desperately craves from him. In fact, I'm finding it so hard not to move that the blissful tension of pleasure ripens through my blood making me hang my head back, my eyes close softly and my mouth fall open wide enough so that my teeth can catch my bottom lip to prevent it hanging off like I have a screw loose in my jaw. 

A groan is all I hear coming from the body beneath me making me open my eyes to see that he's taking in the sight of me sitting naked on top of him; his hands gracefully sliding up and down my sides to feel the silkiness of my skin against his palms. I guess he didn't have the time to admire me the last time I was naked in front of him.

Swiftly, Jungkook stands from the chair pushing himself deeper into me and a moan cracks loudly through the empty space of my kitchen through my parted lips. Lazily pushing his plate of food to the side, he sits me down on the edge of the dining table before hugging my waist in his arms. From his shoulders, my hands slide up to take hold of the back of his neck and my legs do to his waist what his arms are doing to mine. 

Slowly pulling back with his hips, pleasure rampages through my sensitive core and it's almost bitter-sweet when it reaches the depths of my stomach and into the muscles that it can find. A long groan rumbles deep within his throat when he pushes back into me and I can only whimper at how much of a hot mess he already has me in.

"So fucking good," he whispers into my ear while he deliciously pulls his hips back once again, but his comment has me naturally calling his name.

Not only has our lunch been forgotten about but the need to go back to work has been completely disregarded from our minds as we poison ourselves in each other's pleasure.

Leaning back against my right elbow allows him deeper access between my legs to which he accepts and casts his line of view down in between us. The slow tender attack of his hips continues as he watches us repeatedly connect making him bite his lip in awe of the view he is getting. Suddenly his attention trains on the rest of my body when I lay flat against the top of my dining table. Taking his left hand away from my hip he starts to knead my breast before pinching my perked nipple between his index finger and thumb.

"Jungkook," I moan, leaning my head back harder against the wooden table.

"Oh fuck, I can't take this anymore," he moans pathetically.

Lazily looking at him through my fucked out state, I watch as he slides me off the edge of the dining table making me bring my body up so that I can wrap my arms around his neck. Without hesitation, he turns away from the dining table and strides his way through my hallway and over the threshold of my already open bedroom door, kicking it closed behind him. Along the way, I kiss, suck and lick at the skin that's available to me on his neck.

Without losing his place inside of me, he places us gently down onto the covers of my bed but instead of being across my bed like last time, he makes sure to have my head firmly upon my pillows.

His face hovers closely to mine that I can feel his rigid breath fan across my lips before he begins his torturous slow attack again. Opening my knees away from his hips, he moves much more fluidly now that his knees have something to press against.

"I'm taking my sweet time with you," he groans onto my lips while my eyes fill with lust just looking at how fucked out he looks.

"Work," is all I can manage to whisper.

"Fuck work," he moans before softly colliding my lips with his own in a passionate kiss only to break it a moment later, "ever had someone make love to you?"

Despite the slow-burning pleasure building a knot in my stomach and having my whole body sensitive to the agonizingly slow torture he's putting my insides through with his hips, I shake my head in response to his question.

"Then I'm lucky enough to be the first."

A gasp escapes me at his words and I claw my fingers into the locks at the back of his head to bring his lips over mine again in the passionate kiss he broke off. Even though our kisses are hot and passionate, Jungkook continues to keep his sensitive inducing pace.

Clenching my walls around him, I hear him groan into the kiss and feel his hands fist around the material of my bedsheets. Locking one leg at a time on the sides of his waist, I break the kiss to bring my chest up against his before pushing all of my strength into him making Jungkook lose his balance and fall to the side. However, I play this to my advantage and keep pushing my strength into him until he's on his back and I'm now on top of him.

The smirk that I've grown to know and love corners the edges of his mouth before he offers his palms out to me. Taking one hand in each of my own, he laces his fingers with mine so that I can steady myself when I begin to match his slow pace with my own hips; rising and slowly easing back down onto him. His eyes never fail to stop admiring me as I ride him with as much passion as I could give him.

Somewhere in the background of my kitchen, a ringtone starts to sing for attention but it's not a ringtone I recognise and I see how a bashful look sweeps across his face.

"Its probably work asking where the fuck we are," he moans in pleasure since I haven't stopped my movements.

"Want to go and answer it?" I tease seductively only to earn myself a look of pleading on his face.

"No, don't stop," he whines.

Realising my hands from his, I lean over his body so that my breasts push against his chest and arms slither around his neck. His hands fall to take hold of my bum and begin to knead the flesh that sits there plumply even when my movements don't stop.

"What's that?" I husk into his ear only for him to respond with a longing moan.

"Don't stop, baby girl," he moans deliciously before he manages to get his lips in contact with the flesh on my neck.

The nickname alone could have had me climaxing around him.

"How long do you want to keep fucking me?" I husk again into his ear.

"I'm not fucking you, baby," he breathes when he releases the skin on my neck, "I'm beginning to think this is so much more than that."

Eye contact is created between us when he finishes talking. For a moment, my hips stop to try and register what he's saying but a smack snaps through my briefly silent bedroom and a sting begins to embed itself onto my left butt cheek causing me to squeak in surprise.

"I said, don't stop," Jungkook growls, his eyes burning with hunger even though just seconds ago they were filled with lust and passion.

At his command, my hips begin to rock back and forth over him making that pleasure-filled look fall across his face again. On the other hand, the forgotten ringtone begins to sing again from my kitchen and I hear Jungkook grunt in frustration.

"Focus on me," he mumbles between breaths, but my attention never wavered from him.

Sitting up from my leaned over position, I slowly begin to pick up the pace only to make Jungkook bite his lip while he watches me move at a pace that is no longer torturous for us. Pleasure strikes faster at my building knot and my muscles tense when they are overwhelmed with the sweet pleasure his length is giving me.

Allowing my head to loll backwards, I feel Jungkook move to sit up and attack my breasts with his butterfly kisses. I couldn't resist watching my flesh be devoured passionately by his mouth and it only makes my walls clench around his length causing him to moan into my skin, sending a vibration through my pleasure plagued body.

I continue with my pace only to feel Jungkook's thighs tighten underneath my own, but I know he's trying to hold himself back until I reach my climax first.

"Where do you want this?" He moans into the skin of my chest.

"What?" I quip, losing myself to the blissful end I'm so near to reaching.

"My cum, where do you want it?" He groans again.

For a brief moment, my mind snaps back to when we were in the kitchen and no condom was used when I impaled myself onto his length. It explains the bitter-sweet pleasure attacking my senses. Just the thought of him inside me completely raw adds the cherry to the knot in my stomach.

Snapping like a twig, my knot breaks its peak and my climax reaches down every inch of his length.

"Oh fuck, (Your name)," Jungkook moans deliciously, "having me in you, skin to skin turns you on that much, huh?" 

"Yes," I whisper out when my eyes shut from the heaviness of exhaustion but I could feel Jungkook's climax poking at its end, "Jungkook."

The moan of his name breaks his hold and I feel it as he releases his climax into me. His fingers tips bore deep into the flesh of my hips and I just know that bruises will be there tomorrow, if not tonight.

Since my thighs start to bear weight from my heavy climax, Jungkook helps me ride out our highs before he collapses against the bed bringing me down on top of him as he goes. Our breathing is rapid and synchronized while we lay there silently enjoying the bliss we both endured.

My eyelids begin to droop heavily when exhaustion takes the place of where pleasure was just sitting - my entire body.  However, a soft gentle kiss on my forehead makes me look up to Jungkook also looking blissfully satisfied.

"You are the best woman I've ever met," he whispers making me giggle silently, "where have you been all my life?"

A hot hue cues itself to appear on my cheeks and my heart to race giddily.

However, to abruptly interrupt our sweetest moment together, two loud bangings on my front door jolt us both with adrenaline.

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