Kim Family

By HolyDusk

81.1K 3.8K 472

The daily sweet dose of Kim Family consisting Taehyung - Jennie and their five naughty Kids More

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풀 베드

좋은 아빠

1.5K 77 22
By HolyDusk

Aera & Arang : 1 month old


"Who's my happy little girl? Is it you?" Taehyung was not above babbling nonsensically to his babies or speaking in a silly, high pitched voice

He was sure that some other people might've teased him for it, or thought it was downright foolish, but he didn't care. Being a good and present father, in addition to being a fun one, was very important to Taehyung, and he refused to take the opportunity for granted

Besides, the smiles it managed to get out of the little ones was the best tradeoff he could possibly think of. They had just started smiling in earnest about a week or so ago, but Taehyung really thought it was the greatest thing

Their grins were so big and uncoordinated, full of pure joy and happiness. Every time either baby smiled, it got Taehyung and Jennie giggling like there was no tomorrow. And those two simple questions, spoken in that baby - talk voice, had indeed gotten a smile out of little Aera, much to Taehyung's amusement

"Oh, you're so sweet" He cooed, lifting the infant into his arms and rubbing her nose to his nose together "You make Daddy so happy with that big smile of yours!"

Taehyung was so busy nuzzling with Aera that he failed to notice Jennie walk into the room. Arang held in her arms with his head resting against her shoulder. She smirked at the sight of her Husband and Daughter before softly asking

"You enjoying your time together?"

The man looked up and grinned "Of course! We're best. And I'm getting lots and lots of smiles out of her!"

"How cute" Jennie giggled, sitting down across from Taehyung

"How about you and Arang?" Taehyung asked, reaching over to toy with the boy's hair

"Well, I know he was having fun" Jennie sighed with a laugh "Mealtime is always Arang's favorite. I just have no idea how such a little thing can have such a big appetite!"

"Cause he's my son!" Taehyung chuckled

Jennie giggled and buried her nose in Arang's hair. After staying like that for a few seconds, however, she suddenly took on a more serious expression and looked back at her Husband, cautiously inquiring

"I hate to ask but have you started packing for the Los Angeles?"

Taehyung frowned upon and gave the exact answer Jennie was expecting "No. I don't want to go"

"I know you don't" Jennie sighed "But it's your job, everyone expects you to be there"

"But the babies are only a month old!" Taehyung said, looking down desolately at Arang and then Aera" As soon as he and the girl locked eyes, the little baby smiled again, and that only made things worse "How can I leave them now? How can I leave you now?"

Jennie bit her bottom lip "What, you think I'm gonna become unhinged?"

"No" Taehyung groaned, shaking his head. Jennie was still a bit sensitive, especially when it came to the matter of her postpartum depression. Whenever Taehyung expressed concern for her, she automatically assumed it had to do with that, which was never his intention and he was always quick to rectify "Nothing like that! I just feel bad not being here"

"It's only for a few days. Besides, I won't be alone! Your parents already said that they are going to stay here while you're gone to help out and I think they are very excited to spend so much time with their Grandchildren" She giggled with the last statement but Taehyung couldn't return her jovial mood. And then, out of nowhere, he posed a question that Jennie was absolutely not expecting

" you think I'm a bad father?"

Her eyes widened in obvious disbelief "No way! Why would you ever ask me that?"

Taehyung stared at her incredulously "Because I'm literally about to leave you and our newborn twins to go to a concert"

"Yes, for your job" Jennie repeated "You're not up and walking out on us, Tae! I know I'm still very hormonal, but I understand the difference"

"Then why does it feel like that's exactly what I'm doing?" Taehyung groaned

"Because you're being too hard on yourself" Jennie easily replied "And...this isn't easy for you. I understand that. You're protective of Me and the Babies. It's very sweet, and I appreciate it! Even if I do give you a hard time every once in a while. I know Arang and Aera do too, even though they can't say it yet. But you also love your work, you love being the Singer. And that's perfectly fine. Honestly, it's great! Your life, after all. And I'm here to support you in any way that I can. If that means missing you for a couple of days and being on single parent duty, then so be it. I can manage"

Taehyung said nothing but was clearly flustered. Jennie just smirked, knowing she had accomplished what she wanted. After all, he couldn't really keep arguing his own point after Jennie had made her own argument so convincing

Dragging the twins' basket towards them, Jennie softly kissed Arang on the forehead before placing him inside, nodding for Taehyung to do the same with Aera. He seemed hesitant at first, but soon put her in beside her brother, watching as the two babies gurgled and snuggled up against one another

"See?" Jennie prodded, her grin widening when she saw Taehyung lips twitch into a weak smile "They're such happy babies! They won't think you've abandoned them or anything like that"

"But you don't know that" Taehyung whined, throwing his head back

"Sweetheart, they're a month old" Jennie snickered "All they really know is eat, sleep, and cry"

"Not true! They also know how to smile now"

That caused Jennie to smile herself "You're right about that"

"And I'm going to miss their smiles..." Taehyung grumbled

Jennie giggled sweetly "Tae, I'll be sure to video chat you and send you pictures and videos every single day! You won't be cut off from the babies, I promise"

Taehyung still looked torn, and it broke Jennie's heart. She might've been able to prove her point to him, which was good but he was clearly still struggling with actually having to leave home. Getting up from her seat so she wouldn't have to move the twins and potentially disturb them, Jennie walked over to Taehyung right side and snuggled up against him

"You are the sweetest guy in the whole world" Jennie began "And I know how much this upsets you. But I need you to know that it's okay. It's okay for you to be upset and it's okay for you to go, too. Arang, Aera and I will always love you. No matter what"

"I love you guys too" Taehyung muttered "And I'm going to miss you"

"And we'll miss you too" Jennie assured him "But we're also going to be okay. Your parents will make sure of it!"

Taehyung couldn't help but to chuckle at the declaration "Trust me, I know that"

"Good" Jennie giggled, resting her head on his shoulder "I'm glad!"

Panicked whimpering caused Jennie to pull away from Taehyung, nervously glancing down at the babies basket. Not to her surprise, Aera had grown considerably unhappy in a matter of seconds and was now on the verge of a crying fit: her way of demanding to be picked up right away

"Alright, I've got you" Jennie cooed As she reached out for the girl, however, Taehyung covered her hand with his own and showed off a sheepish grin

"Mind if I take care of it?" He asked "I'm really going to miss cuddling with her while I'm gone"

Jennie smiled understandingly and silently nodded. She pulled back and watched as Taehyung picked up the baby himself, holding her against his chest and stroking the back of her hair

"There, there" He murmured, kissing the top of the baby's head "We're right here, baby girl! You're safe with us"

Aera gurgled, her near tantrum having been stopped in its tracks. Jennie couldn't help but to smile, finding it sweet just how comfortable their little daughter was with Taehyung. It wasn't a surprise, of course; she had watched Taehyung bond with and nurture both of their children since the day they were born. She just could never get over how truly precious it was

"You really are the sweetest" Taehyung mumbled to the baby, giving her a gentle hug "What am I going to do without you and your brother while I'm gone?"

"I could give you a stuffed teddy bear to bring along and snuggle with" Jennie lamely suggested, earning herself an unamused glare from her husband "Hey, just trying to help!"

"Haha, very funny" Taehyung hissed

"I wasn't necessarily trying to be funny but I'll take it" Jennie quipped. Taehyung said nothing and went back to nuzzling the baby in his arms. After quietly watching him for a few minutes, Jennie softly asked "Do you at least feel a little bit better? I know this still isnt easy for you but I hope you're not still thinking you're a bad father or anything like that. Because that's what really breaks my heart"

Frowning, Taehyung admitted "I think I'm starting to come to terms with it. I mean, you're right. I'm probably just being too hard on myself"

"No, you're definitely being too hard on yourself" Jennie insisted "You're always so confident, you should be the same way as a Dad! Trust me, you're the best"

His lips finally bent back into a smile "Thanks, Jen. That means a lot to me"

Smiling herself, Jennie leaned forward to give him a quick kiss "Glad I could help. Seriously this time" Pulling back, she continued "I think it's about time I started dinner. I was going to make one of your favorites; thought it might help to cheer you up a bit"

Taehyung's grin widened "A good meal can never hurt"

"I was hoping you'd say that" Jennie giggled, standing up from the couch "You're good with the twins for now?"

"Yeah, of course! We're gonna do lots of hanging out before I have to leave" Taehyung kiss baby's forehead as she made cute baby noise

"I'm sure they'll love that" Jennie murmured "After all....they adore you!"

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