The Murder of Caroline Fisher

By The-Forensics-Girl

61 10 13

Caroline Fisher was murdered in 1995 and her case went cold. Ten years later her murderer shows up again and... More

The Murder of Caroline Fisher

43 10 13
By The-Forensics-Girl

Trigger Warning: Guns, Murder, knives, Blood, and Violence 

May 1, 1995

It was 1 P.M, on a sunny spring day in Queens, New York. Caroline Fisher was driving home from work, and humming to a song on the radio. She was about to turn onto the dirt road that lead to the shortcut to her dorm, when her car was cut off by a blue car. The car was right beside hers. Three gunshots rang, and Caroline's car spun off the road, and into a ditch.

A few hours later a patrol officer was doing his patrols, and came across a white truck flipped over in a ditch. He got out of his car to inspect the damage. He walked into the ditch, and walked around the vehicle. On the drivers side, there was a blonde girl lying on the ground with three gunshots in her head, and scratches from the broken glass all over her face and arms. He radioed the FBI. 

Within half an hour the FBI showed up. The car was searched and only her cell phone was found. Her wallet was missing. The FBI searched her phone and discovered her name was Caroline Fisher. Agents Tessa, and Karl were assigned to question the three emergency contacts on Caroline's phone; Hailey Carter, Lisa Quinn, and Rebekah Clark. 

They decided to go to Lisa's dorm first, because it was only ten miles from the crime scene. When Tessa and Karl arrived at Lisa's dorm, Lisa didn't answer, instead her roommate Rebekah Clark answered. When asked if Lisa was there she replied that she had not seen her friend since early that morning. They thanked her and left.

Next they visited Hailey Carter. Hailey lived in Westfield, New Jersey, which was a two and a half hour drive. When they arrived at Hailey's house they saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair sitting on the porch. As soon as the girl saw the car pull into the driveway, she went into the house. Karl and Tessa got out of the car and walked up to the front door, and knocked.

A blonde woman answered. " Hello how can I help you?"

"Are you Hailey Carter?" Tessa asked.

"Yes," Hailey asked confused. " Is everything okay?"

"  Caroline Fisher was murdered today at 1 PM and you are one of the names on her contact list. Do you know who had a reason to kill her?" 

Hailey went pale. " I don't." She didn't know what else to say. Her sister had gotten along with everyone, the fact that she had been murdered was shocking.

Tessa nodded, knowing that this woman had just received devastating news. She and Karl left Hailey's house and drove back to Caroline's dorm where Lisa should've been. After they knocked Rebekah answered the door. She was nervous and tugging on her light brown hair. They asked if Lisa was home.

"Lisa hasn't returned. She might be at her sisters house they're really close. Lisa's sisters name is Beth." She gave the agent's Beth's address and they left for Beth's house‏.

They arrived at Beth's house. As they went up to the porch they saw something was wrong. The door was ajar. Karl and Tessa drew their guns, and walked in quietly. They searched the house and when they reached Beth's room, they found her.

She was lying on the bed staring unblinking at the ceiling. The room was a mess. There were books tossed all over the room, and pieces of a lamp were broken and strewn across the room. Beth Quinn was clearly dead. Karl called for backup, and Tessa left to search the perimeter, to see if Beth's murderer was in the premises.

Within an hour the house had been turned into a crime scene with police all over the place. Beth's body had been taken in to do an autopsy, and everything in her house had been taken in as evidence.

At FBI headquarters, the medical examiner, Jerry Walker declared that Beth's cause of death was strangulation, and that her time of death was about one thirty. There were skin cells on Beth's neck that had been sent up to the forensic scientist Alice Winters.

 Alice told Carl and Tessa that the DNA pulled off Beth's neck was Lisa's. Lisa had killed her sister and ran. Alice also revealed that the bullets extracted from Caroline's head matched the gun that Beth owned. It seemed as though Beth had killed Caroline, and then to get revenge for her friends murder Lisa had gone to Beth's  house and strangled her.

One thing didn't quite add up. Caroline's death was released to the public at two P.M, but Jerry had informed Tessa that Beth had died at one thirty. So Lisa couldn't have known about Caroline's murder unless she was present when the crime was committed. Tessa walked quickly down to Alice's lab to ask her about tire tracks found on the street Caroline was found.

" Tessa you know those tire tracks you had me examine? They belong to Lisa's car!"

"Thank you Alice." Tessa. Tessa ran to tell inform Karl of what Maggie had told her. "Karl! I have a suspect."

"I do too, who do you think it is?"

"Lisa Quinn. It's all to much of a coincidence. First Lisa kills her sister, who shot Caroline, then the tire tracks we found belong to her car, and Beth was killed half an hour before we released Caroline's death to the public. That would mean that Lisa would have to have been there to know. Who do you think it is though?"

"Lisa Quinn too. I just got a call from the local police, who got a call from the bank that Caroline uses. Earlier today at 1:50 Caroline withdrew all her money."

"But how is that possible Caroline's dead?"

"Well clearly it wasn't the real Caroline. It was Lisa. I did some research on her, and her and Caroline look almost exactly alike. Same blonde hair, blue eyes, they are even almost the same height. Therefore Lisa could've easily walked into the bank and stolen all her money."

"But why would Lisa steal her best friends money?"

"Well Caroline did receive a big inheritance from her grandmother recently, and Lisa was deep in debt."

"We need to find Lisa quickly, she might already be out of state."

"I'll put out a bolo for her."

The bolo was useless Lisa had vanished. Ten years had gone by and she still hadn't been found.

                                              December 5, 2005

Rachel Carter was walking down Main Street. Her wavy red hair blew into her face. She hated winters in New York, they were too cold and windy for her liking. She walked into a store and saw a familiar face. Her Aunt Caroline. Caroline looked right at Rachel, and walked past her out of the door. Rachel was about to follow her when a group of kids walked in. When she was able to leave the store she couldn't find her aunt anywhere. 

"You're going crazy Rachel. People can't come back from the dead. You're also talking aloud to yourself." Rachel said to herself.

She went back into the store, and drifted around mindlessly, distracted by what she just saw. As the sun went down she left the store and started walking back to her apartment. When she got to her apartment she walked inside to see her twin sister Lucille sitting in the middle of the living room floor doing a puzzle.

"Hey Ray! How was town?"

"Good. I saw the craziest thing. I went into that small clothing store by the library, and saw Aunt Carrie."

"Well when a loved one dies it's not uncommon to think you see them again. Maybe that's what happened."

"Yeah maybe," She sighed. "I'm not totally sure though. She seemed so real. Anyways I've got to get to bed, I have to go into work early tomorrow."


Rachel spent the night reviewing her Aunt's case on her computer. The search for Lisa Quinn had gone on for a year when the FBI announced it a cold case. She looked through old news articles, to see if anything strange had occurred in the ten years that had passed. There was nothing though until she reached an article from two years ago.

It read that the infamous  Lisa Quinn had been caught in New Hampshire. She was arrested and interrogated, but in the end the police announced that the woman they had arrested was not Lisa. Rachel yawned and looked at the clock, it read midnight. She shut her computer down and went to sleep.

The next morning Rachel got ready for work, and got in her car. As she drove to work, she planned to ask her colleague Tessa Bryant, about the old case. However when she got to FBI headquarters she had no time to ask anyone about anything because there was a murder. 

The victim was a man named Connor O'Leary. He was killed in his house which was big, made out of brick, in a colonial style. The investigative team consisted of Tessa, Karl, and Rachel. They all walked through the foyer, and into the living room, where the man sat tipped over on a brown couch. On a coffee table in front of him laid two cups of coffee, both half empty. 

On his corpse there were no obvious signs of death. Rachel went around the living room taking photos of the crime scene. The evidence was bagged and put in the back of the truck, that they had ridden there in. Rachel walking through the lawn to the truck to pack up, when she kicked something in the grass. She picked it up and saw that it was a small glass bottle with a clear fluid still inside it. It looked like water, but she bagged it just to be safe.

At headquarters Rachel was looking through Conner's background, trying to find any motive. She saw that he went to high school with Lisa, but didn't  think much of it.Tessa got a call from Alice, and told the team what she had been told. Apparently the liquid found in the glass bottle was cyanide. She also informed Karl, and Rachel that Conner's blood results came back, he had been poisoned. There were traces of cyanide in his bloodstream.

Tessa instructed Karl to go and talk to Connor's fiancé, Jenna Stone. She then charged Rachel with the task of going through Conner's laptop. As she looked through the computer she saw a lot of emails all coming from the same email address.

After a while Karl came back. He relayed what Jenna had talked to him about. Jenna suspected that the person responsible for her fiancé's murder was his ex girlfriend Lisa Quinn. Lisa had been Connor's girlfriend in high school.  When they broke up she went crazy. Things got so bad eventually he had to get a restraining order.

Lisa was back.  Rachel came forward and told them that she had seen someone that looked like Lisa in the store downtown. Tessa inquired with the stores name was and when Rachel had gone there. She said that it was a small clothing store by the library around 7:30. 

They all left to talk the store zoner and check if there are security cameras. When theу аrrived the security tapes were handed over and the cashier that was working when Lisa came over with questioned. The cashier said that Lisa had done nothing suspicious just bought some socks and left.

Rachel strolled around the shopping center asking people to see Lisa walk by, or someone who resembles her walk past. No one had, Lisa vanished again. Rachel return to the team and they all left. As soon as they return to headquarters a new bolo was pleased up for Lisa.

Tessa told everyone to go home, and in the morning they would check the bolo. When Rachel got home her sister greeted her. She asked if there was anything that could help with the search yet. Rachel replied no, but they were very close to finding something. As the sisters had dinner, Lucille tried to change the topic by telling Rachel about her day at the clinic.

The next morning when Rachel went to work, Tessa pulled up the bolo and there was a match. The match was a woman staying at a hotel nearby. They grabbed their gear, and left. When they arrived the manager is waiting for them. They showed him the warrant they had, and they manager took them up to the woman's room, and gave them the key.

Before entering the room they knocked and asked Lisa to come out. When she didn't they use the key ,and went in Lisa, however was not in the room. The only sign someone was staying in the room was a small red suitcase in the corner. After this slightly disappointing discovery Rachel and Tessa left the hotel and split up in the street hoping to find Lisa coming back from wherever she had been. They split up Rachel one-way Tessa the other. Not long after splitting up Rachel bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry are you OK?" Rachel asked the woman helping her up.

" No worries, I'm ok." She replied 

Rachel made eye contact with the woman and saw that it was her Aunt's murderer. Once Lisa saw the badge that was pinned on Rachel's shirt, she took immediately took off running. She raced into oncoming traffic, and wove through cars, with Rachel on her heels. The agent called into her radio, that she was chasing the criminal. Unfortunately for the agent, Lisa ran into a busy supermarket, while the agent tried to get through the crowd, the murderer disappeared into it.

When Tessa and Karl came running, she told them them that Lisa had gotten away. Disappointed they headed back to the hotel. There Karl showed them a sheet of paper found in the side pocket. On the piece of paper five names were listed. Three were crossed out in red, Beth Quinn, Caroline Fisher, and Connor O'Leary. The other two were Jenna Stone, and Rebekah Clark.

In a rush the team bolted to HQ. Once there Tessa ordered Rachel to find Rebekah's current residence. After that had been done a team was immediately stationed around the woman's house, while they assigned her, and her family new identities. She then sent everyone who was not apart of that team, to go home, and prepare for a long day ahead of them.

As soon as the sun rows Rachel immediately went to work. There Tessa gave her the instructions to Rebekah's new temporary residence, so that she could go and gather information on Lisa. She drove for two and a half hours, to Albany, where she pulled up to a small one story brick house, that was very long. 

 Rachel showed her FBI ID to the guards standing at the door. She rang the doorbell, and a little girl with dirty blonde hair and Amber eyes, opened the door. The kid smiled up at her, then a frantic woman ran up to the girl, and leading her away from the door. After a minute she reappeared.

"Hello, how can I help?"

"Are you Rebekah Clark?"

"No I'm Annalise Dalton."

"It's okay Mrs. Clark I'm with the FBI. I'm here to ask you some questions about your old roommate Lisa Quinn."

She breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness! It's time for the psycho to be put behind bars."

"May I come in Mrs. Clark?"

" Oh I'm so sorry! Yes  please do come in. And my last name isn't Clark anymore, it really is Dalton."

" Apologies, ma'am."

"It's alright, I'm just telling you for future reference."

During the interview, Rebekah told the cop, all that she knew about Lisa. All of the places she liked to go, where she worked during freshman year if college, and her personality. As soon as the meeting was finished Rachel thanked Rebekah and left, to relay the information to her colleagues. 

With the new information Tessa sent agents, all over Queens. There were undercover police in libraries, parks, cafes, if you went anywhere there was most likely an officer in disguise. Rachel headed out of HQ in her disguise. She checked into a motel under the name of Izzy Beaumont. She stationed herself in front of a window overlooking the outside eating area of a restaurant.

She sat there for a few hours before, Tessa took her place, and she left the motel going around the surrounding area. Then the next shift of law enforcement came and the current agents on duty left.

After this Rachel drove to her mothers house in New Jersey. There she spent the rest of the afternoon. She loved visiting her mom. She told her mother about what was going on recently, except for the recently opened case. Not only was she prohibited from doing so, her mother had never quite gotten over the death of her kid sister. As it became dark she went back to Queens.

Over the next few days she had fallen into a routine. Wake up have breakfast go to the motel watch over the park until noon when the officers would shift out, then do something until bed. This routine happened for a few days, until a snowy day, when Rachel received a frantic call from Lucille.

" Ray, it's Lisa, she's here. She claims I'm her doctor and she's here for her wellness check up. Hurry I-" the line suddenly went dead.

Tessa walked in the motel room to find Rachel, grabbing her gear, and about to run out. When asked why Rachel just ran past calling that her sister was in danger. Tessa ran after her, and got in the car as it was being started. On the way to the Family clinic Rachel explained what had just happened, and that it was possible that Lisa could mix the sisters up, since they were identical.

As soon as the car was parked in front of the clinic center, Rachel was running towards the entrance. When she was in she begged the front desk lady to tell her what room her sister was in. Finally the Lady caved and revealed, that Dr. Carter was in room 10.

 Rachel got there and called for Lisa to come out hands in the air. When nothing happened she called that she was coming in, and opened the door to see Lisa standing over Lucille. Lucille was bloody with multiple wounds all over her torso and face. Lisa turned to face Rachel with a psychotic grin on her face. The murderer tilted her arm back, and threw, Rachel dodged the knife, and it grazed her arm. She faced Lisa again, and as the elder woman drew another weapon from her boot Rachel shot her.

The commotion caused people to come into the hall to see what was going on. Suddenly two paramedics rushed in and put Lucille on a stretcher, to get her to a hospital. Thankfully Lucille made a full recovery, and was able to return to her profession, and Rachel continued hers.

A/n Yep that's the ending. I actually wrote this  for school, and I think it's fairly good. Of course some of this information isn't reliable, but some of it is. But I hope you liked it, thanks for reading! 

Also I would like to dedicate this story to my mom, who helped with the plot and editing 

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