Married at first sight

By benandmirandalover

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Ben and Miranda had nothing to loose but a marriage and love to gain. The two would be married to a complete... More



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By benandmirandalover

Next month was quickly here and Miranda and Ben were back on track like never before.

It was the end of August now and they walked into the room and saw everyone who interviewed them sitting in front of them at a long table.

Miranda looked at all the cameras rolling and she just wasn't impressed and was so glad that this was over. She never wanted to see any of these people again in her life after what that had done but pay back was definitely going to be a bitch.

Several talk shows asked for them to come and share their story and Miranda wasn't leaving no stone unturned. Soon everyone would hear about their scheme.

"The time is come for you two to two are about to make one of the biggest decisions of your lives."

Neither one of them looked nervous. Miranda was confident and so was Ben that this was it.

"Do you want to stay married or do you want to get a divorce."

Ben turned to look at Miranda and he took her hand. "Of course I want to stay married to you. It didn't take long for me to love you and it certainly didn't take long for me to fall in love with you. Right here is where I want to stay. You're the perfect woman period and the perfect one for me. I haven't met anyone like you and no one compares to you. You are the only one who could ever make me feel this way and I'm not ever letting you go." Ben stated quickly and Miranda smiled leaning in to kiss him.

"I'm staying married because I love you more than anything. You complete me and you make me feel whole. I don't think I could ever go with out you and I don't ever want to experience that again. I want a family with you and to watch them grow as we grow old together." Miranda replied pulling him into her for a hug.

They heard the applause of the panel and Miranda rolled her eyes.

"Here is the check for you all and the process of changing the deed of the house is already done you just have to sign these sheets and drop them off at the back."

Miranda and Ben took the paper work and nodded and Ben grabbed her hand helping her up.

"I'm so glad this is over, I never want to see you conniving people ever again." Miranda said forcefully and Ben rubbed her hand to calm her.

Neither of them bothered with a handshake or anything to the panel as they walked out of the door.

"Oh I forgot to tell you that I promised Tuck we would take him to funville bounce place when he gets out of school."

"I'm down with that but I can't participate. You know I've been feeling nausea for the past week and jumping up and down doesn't sound appealing " Miranda pouted.

"Ohhh I'm hoping it's a little one in there." Ben joked rubbing her stomach and Miranda's eyes widen.

"Dam that could be a real possibility. Take me to the pharmacy." Miranda demanded and Ben nodded, he was only joking about babies but if it was possible he was now suddenly nervous.

Miranda grabbed three different brands of pregnancy test and she walked out of the pharmacy. Ben got out and opened her door for her and he watched as she grabbed her water bottle and began to drink.

He drove them back to the house and they walked inside. "I'm going to the bathroom to take these test."

"Okay I'll come with."

"To watch me pee on a stick?" Miranda questioned.

"I have been in the bathroom with you while you have used it. What's the difference?" Ben questioned.

"Come on then." Miranda laughed walking upstairs to their bathroom.

Miranda took the test and after she was finished she laid them on a towel and told Ben to set a timer.

The timer went off after 3 minutes and Miranda nodded for Ben to look at the pregnancy test.

Ben walked over to the counter slowly and Miranda walked behind him. Both of them were nervous but couldn't place what for. They both wanted to have a child together.

Ben's eyes widen when he read the test and Miranda grabbed the other one that was beside it.

"Aww we're having a baby." Miranda cheesed and Ben nodded still speechless pulling her into a hug.

"Congratulations." They both told each other simultaneously and Ben smile could have reached his ears.

A couple weeks past and both Miranda and Ben were dressed nicely. Miranda had on a leather dress with black heels and her hair was half up half down.

They accepted the request to come talk on the real about marriage at first sight and Miranda was nervous yet excited.

"Marrying a complete stranger on TV, it seemed like a ridiculous premise for a television show...or not. Viewers obsessed over marriage at first sight and what seemed like a old fashion love story with bumps in the road, one year later has turned into the ultimate fairytale for one couple. Dr. Benjamin Warren and Dr. Miranda Bailey...take a look at their remarkable journey." Lonnie love voiced and everyone turned to look at the screen.

The video and camera footage played highlighting their best and worst moments.

After the video finished, the crowd clapped and Adrienne spoke. "Please welcome. Benjamin and Miranda."

Miranda held Ben's hand walking out with him and waving at the crowd. Ben helped her into her seat before he took a seat.
"It's so nice to meet you both." Tamera greeted.

"It's nice to meet you all too." Miranda replied with a chuckle.

"So I confessed to you all on break how when I first heard about married at first sight I thought it was ridiculous." Jeannie started.

"Yea yeah." Miranda laughed.

"What made you all want to give this a try?" Loni asked.

"A dare." Miranda answered laughing thinking back to her an Callie.
"I was with my best friend Callie Torres, who you all saw was my maid of honor. I was recently divorced and I wanted to something different with my life. She suggested this because she had just came across the ad and I was so hell bent on not doing it until she called me a wimp and I am anything but a wimp so I did it and it was the best decision I have ever made."

Ben cleared his throat before speaking. "I was ready to settle down and I was talking to my brother about starting to date when our bartender over heard my conversation and he handed me the flyer. "

That is so cool and different can you tell us about your wedding day experience and what were the feels?" Adrienne asked.

"Go head." Ben smiled at Miranda.

"In the beginning I was preparing and I was getting nervous. The closer the time got the more I realized that I was about to be married again and committed myself to a person again and this time he was a stranger. I almost didn't want to go through with it."

"I had faith in the beginning. I was just curious to know who she was and what did she look like." Ben answered.

"If you were to have met traditionally, lets say speed dating do you think you all would be together now?" Tamera asked.

"Yes." They both said simultaneously.

"Ben knows me. He gets me. We just click and fell right into place. I probably would have been more guarded and hard to get to know because I would protect my self but I believe Ben would have fought for me."

"I definitely would have fought for her. She's beautiful, sexy, insanely talented and incredibly intelligent. Every good and beautiful word that you can find in the dictionary Miranda Bailey is in the definition."

"Awe babe." Miranda gushed.

"You all were fantastic and beautiful to watch during the season. Towards the end of it we saw your biggest trial and tribulation. Can you tell us a little back that?" Jeannie asked looking directly at Ben.

Miranda grabbed Ben in comfort. "I'll answer this and I'm glad we are on live television to clear the air. My husband did not cheat on me. It was the producers at TLC who thought we needed a little drama and boost in ratings. So they came up with this scheme to do so. Our emotions and relations were always 100% real, we had no Idea that they were doing that so I did think he was cheating on me. "

"Woooowww." Tamera voiced followed by the other voices in disbelief.

"Crazy right." Miranda stated and also turned to the crowd waiting for their response.

"Um that was a very difficult time because I love Miranda more than anything and I don't blame her for believing what she saw. I'm just glad that we got down to the bottom of it and I have my wife back." Ben added.

"When doing married at first sight when did you realize that he or she was the one? You know traditionally we go on dates to figure out before we get married and we can delete a person and not communicate with them anymore, when we realize we don't like them; however, there was no throwing them back if you don't like them because they are your spouse." Loni asked.

"I wasn't one to believe in love at first sight but honestly when the doors opened up and revealed Miranda. My heart soared, she was so beautiful and I was infatuated instantly. Then after talking to her at the reception. A thought crossed my mind that I could honestly marry this woman but it was great because I already did. I feel like we are equally yoked and there is no one better for me. I love our friendship, partnership and relationship in every aspect." Ben answered and Miranda used her fingers to wipe her eyes. Her hormones were raging.

"For me with Ben at first I wanted to be guarded because I had just gotten out of a marriage that went south after ten years but it was impossible. He made me nervous and I felt like a teenager with a crush all over again. It was Like he was always saying and doing the right things and when I realized he wasn't just saying, he actually meant it and his words matched his actions, I was falling it love. Ben always put me first. He always made me feel like a queen. I'm incomplete with out him. I not only wanted this man, I needed him and us means everything to me.

"You guys are just beautiful. So what plans do you guys have in the future?"

"Well I can't really predict the future but I know that we will be together because we decided that we would be so what ever the up and downs are, that doesn't matter because we are together. We are also having a real wedding, a Christmas wedding, to include all of our family and friends so we are in the process of planning that now and..." Miranda trailed off looking at Ben for the okay. Ben nodded at her and Miranda smiled.

"We will also be welcoming a baby in about 8 months." Miranda announced putting her hand on her stomach with a smile.

"Congratulations." Everyone at the table cheered and the crowd cheered and clapped as well.

After the show Ben held Miranda's hand as they walked to the car.
"So everyone is coming over for dinner tonight and I guess we can share the pregnancy news with them." Miranda stated.

"Well it was just live broadcasted. I'm sure they will know but we can still tell them and have a dinner party celebration." Ben replied.

December was here and Miranda was in her robe as she sat with Ben getting her makeup done for their wedding. She didn't want him to see her dress but she didn't mind seeing him the day of because they already tied the knot.

"You look so good." Ben complimented watching the woman apply eyelashes to her.

"Thank you baby." Miranda smiled. "I just hope this contour helps with my pregnancy face." Miranda laughed, five months pregnant and she felt big as a house.

"You're beautiful and you don't have a fat face Miranda." Ben replied.

"What ever you say husband."

The two looked up at the knock at the door.

"Come in." Ben voiced and the door opened up revealing William.

"Give me a minute." Miranda told the makeup artist.

"I just wanted to apologize to the both of you. I didn't approve of you all’s marriage and I acted childishly, rudely and stubbornly. I'm happy that you all found love in the most--odd way but I'm glad that it worked out for you two. I would really love it if I can walk you down the aisle Miranda." William said and Miranda looked at her dad before turning to Ben, who waited for her answer as well.

"I forgive you daddy and we can move forward, so of course you can walk me down the aisle." Miranda smiled as her father then embraced her.

Miranda's mom came in next and everyone sat around talking as Miranda got her hair done.

When everything was in place and Ben was dressed he kissed Miranda on the head as he left out so she could get dressed.

Miranda was dressed in her Trumpet, Mermaid Tulle Spaghetti Straps Sleeveless Sweep, Brush Train Applique dress and her hair was in an updo. It was a chignon hairstyle and spiral curled two pieced of her hair in the front.

Miranda's had on dangling earrings  and a small teardrop necklace. Callie handed her her Christmas themed bouquet with white and red roses and evergreen tree, hinted with silver ascents.

Miranda looked over as her phone rung. "I thought I told you to put that on silent." Her mother chastised.

"Let me see it." Miranda asked reaching for it.

"Really who could be that important that you would answer your phone on your wedding."

"Hello husband." Miranda answered joyfully. She knew that he would be the only one calling her phone.

"Hey Miranda." Ben spoke casually. "What are you doing?" Ben added.

"Well if you haven't noticed, I am about to get married again. To the man of my dreams and you are going to make me late. So why are you calling now lover." Miranda teased.

"My bad I don't want you to keep your man waiting. Sounds like you got a good one."

"I do." Miranda replied wistfully.

"I just wanted to say, that I love you."

"I love you tooooo." Miranda whined into the phone.

"I want you to take love and multiply that times infinity then take it to the depths of forever, and you still would only have a glimpse of how much I love you."

"Aww Ben. Don't make me cry. I feel the exact same way. I love you more than all these stars in the galaxy and all of space and the ocean that has yet to be discovered. Now I have to hang up because my husband/ fiancé would hate that I was late."

"I guess I'll let you go and I'll see you around."

"Around where?" Miranda asked with a toothy grin.

"Well for starters at the alter." Ben laughed causing Miranda to follow suit.

"Well see yah there." Miranda giggled hanging up.

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