Paranoia Call || One-shot

By IndecentPlanc

41 2 12

"The ID number you called did not answer your call, would you like to make a voicemail-" "JA, DU A.I FOTZE!" ... More

Paranoia Call

41 2 12
By IndecentPlanc




A bullet pierced through the man's shoulder, and soon hails of bullets came flying towards him as he rolled behind a concrete divider as cover.

Neon lights clashes with the robot's alarm signal and sirens, loud noises and shootings fills the underground slums in havoc.

The man from before, sat still and tried to keep his head down from the bullet hell that is the killer robots.

"Shit.." He cursed under his breath, clutching at the injured left shoulder which poured down black blood.

His red x-marked eyes wander around what's in front of him, the thick paleness of his skin began to pour down some sweat.

"Agh, dammit. Fuck all this, I'm not gonna bail my ass out of Eden again"

Within fractions of quantum scans, he took out a gun from seemingly thin air.

Readying his feet, he crouched down and gets a far head start in running as he evades the bullets skillfully.

Running while firing some of his mags, he eventually found an alleyway that's quite empty.

With no more thinking or thoughts, he instantly makes a turn to the alley and runs as fast as his legs can go.

Coming to a three-way turn, he stopped for a moment to pick a path.

However, what he did not notice is a killer robot is right at the top of the roof.

As a free chance came it's way, the killer robot launched an ambush and jumped at the man; making both of them fall to the ground harshly.


The killer robot didn't waste anymore time and took his left arm, right before he recovered from the shock.

Grabbing his left arm, the robot then pulled his arm that resembled like a doll part and tears it's thick porcelain shell.

Black slime-y flesh that connected the insides of the flesh came teared as well, blood spilled like a river beneath them on the ground.

The flesh came apart like rubber, with ease the robot successfully took off his arm in a mess.

He screamed in pain, feeling every single bit of sensation.

But his willpower managed to keep him conscious, and pointed the gun right at the robot's head.

The outlines that's on the gun began to shine a bright white light, tracks of electricity began to travel on the metal as he gripped the trigger harder and harder.

"Die, you-"



Upon release of the trigger, a short beam of laser shot through the robotic head; melting it's inner components which killed it instantly.

It's cold, limp, metal body collapsed to the ground alongside his teared off left arm.

Huffing heavy breaths, he brought himself up from the ground and the pain.

Then at the corner of his eyes, he could see the small LED lights from the killer robots nearby, so he made another run for it at a random direction.

Running and running towards nowhere, he arrived at the main road of Sector:Z again.

Despite the open space scaring him a little bit, it is much better than getting cornered at a tight space in the alleys.

In any case, he continued to run with black blood spilled out like waterfall.

"Gott, I don't think I can run away with this thing spilling out"

But then he stopped in the middle of the road, and pointed the gun at his head.


He pulled the trigger and the bullet traveled through the head, killing him and making him fall on the road.

However after about a second, he stood back up with seemingly no more injuries alongside his left arm grown back.

"Alright, let's get out of this shit-hole before I get fucking beaten up by bloodthirsty automats.."

With no more time to waste, he runs at a different direction and hoped that he won't get caught.

For today at least..

He just wants to stay the fuck away from the interrogation session with a british woman.

- - -

Pitter, patter, pitter, patter..

The sound of boots walking through empty roads that reflected the neon lights bounced around, the black blood trailed for quite some time until it stopped at a spot in the middle.

The darkness of what's above the abundance of killer robots and police resembled that of a starry night sky, but it is actually in fact; a huge dome of roof that has lights on it.

Surrounding area of Sector:Z however, is not as bland as the roof but as empty as the roof.

Bright bleaching neon colours, empty roads, closed shops, and a couple of shady people running from the police.

Sector:Z is now devoid of any communal life, but infested with gangs, mafias, rats, mutated people, drug traffickers, etc.

Now that all of Eden's finest killer robots are assigned here, the neon city has transformed to a slaughter-fest of a place.

Well, what were you thinking anyway?

There's no way in hell, that high rankers in Eden wants to deal with this shit.

"Tsk, fucking cunt. The damn shit-'ead ran away"

Said the short pink haired twin drills woman, who adorned Eden's military uniform.

She sighed in frustration, then turned around as she felt one of the robots tapping her shoulder.

This robot however is also designed to kill, but retained it's previous programmed commands to be an assistant.

It's an older model after all, so it looked like it had a crappy paint job a few moments ago.

"Mrs.Azrael, we have estimated that the target in mind has ran for about 8 meters. We may still have a chance to catch him"

"Well- Yeah sure it would, unless the dude could LITERALLY die and fuckin' live again dammit!" Azrael yelled.

"Like, is there anyone else who has immortality as their ability? None, fucking none! Which is fucking weird as hell!"

"What shit those Eden-fucks hidin' from me again? Christ.."

Her tired magenta eyes met those of the robot's head, then she realized that she's been arguing to a robot designed to kill and capture.

"Agh shit, forgot you don't understand this kind of thing. Just catch him if you can" She waved her hand, as the other massaged her forehead.


With that answer the robots wasted no time to scout away the area in groups, leaving Azrael alone in the roads.

Taking out a candy from her pocket, she ate it and chew it to relieve some stress.

"Fuckin' hell, I'm not paid enough for this shit"

- - -

Huffing and heavy breaths comes out of his mouth, he can feel his legs starting to lose out as he forced himself to run more.

Escaping hoards of robots wasn't easy, but he's used to it nonetheless.

Taking out Holographic Interactive Phone (H.I.P) from his pocket, he opened up a messaging app from it

There, he could see a message from a contact he had just called;

Mari, his BUDDY System partner and roommate + friends with benefits with a tinge of toxic relationship.

Clicking on the contact, he sees a couple of messages from her.

Pride, what's happening? What did you do??
-10 minutes ago

This isn't funny, Pride. I swear, if this is a joke then I'm obliterating your head!
-13 minutes ago

Dammit Pride, just respond to me quickly if you're safe or something.
Please.. You're making this worse for me too, you know!
-24 minutes ago

Pride snickered, to think he would worry one of the most scariest and strongest ability user in Dirt Alley is quite funny to him.

But right as his finger grazed on the key pad and text to her, a bullet went through at a fast speed which grazed his cheek.

Tilting his head instantly by the reaction, he manages to dodge a sudden bullet from behind.

He turned his head to see a group of killer robots, ready to mangle his body out like a pinata.

"Gottverdammt.." Pride cursed in German, as he then dodged several bullets the robots shoots.

Sure he dodged them, but he's no powerful ability user and some bullets hit him before he can slide away from it.

Blood trudged back like a pain filled balloon on a slingshot, erupted it's own content upon contact to the mold and mossy wall alleys.

Getting closer and closer to the robots, he pointed his gun at on of them and charged his laser shot.


He managed to get two shot of the robot's heads, three left.

One of the robots then charged at him, it's arms erected open and blades that resembled a praying mantis rised as it's arm replacement.

It swipes it's arms at him and despite getting caught off guard, he managed to back himself away.

However the slashes did a number on his stomach, though thankfully it did not cut him in half completely.

Bullets still graze and shot him, while some got deflected and sent away because of the robot's high quality metal.

With the gun still in his grip and time seemingly to slow down, he charged his gun again and shot both of the robot's arms.


After both of it's arms are shot away, he kicked the robot's chest as far as he could which sent it launching towards the other two.

And to spice it up even more, Pride took out a katana in the quantum inventory pocket.

Then sprints to the de-armed robot, with the blade pointed right at it's chest.

Puncturing the blade, it managed to go through the chest despite the thick metal and he pushed the robot as if it's a shield.

He pushed until he crashed on the two robots behind and flipped the katana, so that the sharpest side is upwards.

Electric particles covered the sword as he gripped onto it, ready to strike.


With a clean slice towards the top, the electrical katana cut through the robot from it's chest to the head; killing the three of them as their insides melted from overcharging.

Pride stood back up in his feet, black blood pouring down the bullet holes and wounds.

Heaving out a breath, he can feel the pain kicking in a the adrenaline rush fades.

"Ow, fuck.."

Using the katana to hold his ground from the pain, he pointed the gun at is head again.

"Welp, one more revive won't hurt"


- - -

"Mrs.Azrael, we have found his coordinates from one of our now; dead squad"

Azrael turned around as she hold a H.I.P in her hand, typing out a disclosed data of the current operation.

She sighed once she heard about what the robot said to her.

"Right then. Let's hope he doesn't fuckin' use a stink bomb on us again, also give me the coordinates Dumah"

"Affirmative, I will send a few more robots to make sure he does not escape as we catch him up"

A sound of "Ping!" comes out from her H.I.P, clicking on the notification it's the tracked out location of the target somewhere near Dirt Alley.

She simply hummed and began to chew out another candy from her pocket.

Both of them walked away from the road and towards the military van that's parked at the side.

"Let me drive for today, Mrs.Azrael" It said.

"No, I'm the one who's driving since you would never let me, so fuck off tin-can" She responded with the car key dangling in her fingers.

Dumah let out a hum, which sounded like a sigh and entered the van in the passenger's seat.

With a triumphant smug, she took the driver's seat and turned on the engine.

Taking a deep breath, she gripped the steering wheel.

The robot beside her started mumbling "Aeiou" over and over, but it goes completely deaf to her ears.

With frustration alongside stress that she had build up finally exploded, she kicked the gas pedal so hard that it almost breaks.

She yelled curses after curses, the speed of the car goes to insanity as the robot stayed still.


- - -

The man sneezed as he walks along the alleys, successfully escaping the hoards of robots minutes ago.

"I should get a new jacket, since that neon shit-hole is getting colder and colder each year.." He mumbled, as he tugged on a piece of his jacket that tore off easily.

"But gott, the payment for that arms deal was shit.. Guess I'll have Mari to take care of that"

Sighing out, he continued on his way and picking up his pace.

That is until he came across a road, and a flying car coming right down at him.

With a look of disappointment, he stopped walking.

"You've gotta be kidding me-"


The car's bumper hit him instantly, and he is pushed aback as if the damn thing is a car.

The vehicle did a drift before stopping with a small thud on the road.

On the other hand, he was launched afar and hitting the ground multiple times before landing, he slowly brought himself back up.

However, his legs are completely broken from the pact so he took out a pocket knife and slit his throat; killing himself.

Two figures got out of the car, one is a short pink haired woman named Azrael while the other is a robot named Dumah that's currently holding onto the car for it's dear RAM.

Eventually, the broken legs regenerated itself completely and he stood back up on his feet with no more injuries.

"Well-well-well, if isn't the Undying Samael" She snickered, taking out a sub-machine rifle.

"Oh please zwerg, I go by the name of "Pride" now" The undying man replied, taking out two pistols as well.

"Holy shit, "Pride"? That suits you too well actually, like you're seriously arrogant, crack-'ead, annoying as fuck, the whole conning thing and all.."

"Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it"

"Just doin' my job mate, and that job includes your ass in Eden right at this moment. Though I prefer callin' you Samael, cunt"

Azrael pointed the rifle right at him, who instantly back away a bit and points his guns at her as well.

Her fingers gripped the trigger firmly, that is when she was stopped by Dumah who puts the rifle down.

"Please let me take care of him, I do not want to risk you getting cloned again"

"The fuck? Aye hear me out 'ere tin-can, I don't give a shit about getting cloned and all because I have some mannequin ass to shoot at" She said, sounding slightly offended.

"Heilige Scheiße.. Du hast dich geklont, Theresa?" Pride spoke in full German, seemingly surprised by what she had said.

But rather than responding to him, both of them ignored the undying man and got back to arguing.

Not because they can't speak in that language, it's just that both of them don't like him very much.

The robot hummed a sigh again, "However, I personally think that it will be more effective and safe if I handle this"

"So you think I'm fuckin' useless then, you tin-can cunt?" She spouted out.

"That is not what I meant, but I believe that-"

"Können Sie beide aufhören zu streiten und mich einfach nur bekämpfen?! Ihr ignoriert mich und ICH FRIERE HIER EIN!" Pride spoke out, finally making them stop arguing.

"Well be patient, you.. ALCOHOLIC GERMAN DIPSHIT!" Azrael gave a bird at him, which made his mouth shut and eyebrows frown as he crossed his arms.


She turned towards the robot in front of her, "You know what, just go fuck him up. I don't give a shit anymore, my mood is down the drain n' shit"

Dumah paused for a moment before giving a short nod.

"Affirmative, I shall execute your orders-"

"High Executive Officer, Azrael"

The robot walked slowly towards the undying raven-nette, he got himself readied up for a fight with it.

However his expression said otherwise, his feelings are a bit conflicted with the fact that Azrael is now conflicted with Eden.

"So, she joined that scummy corrupt community of an "Utopia" huh?" He said to the robot, who stopped.

"Indeed, she has made the right decision"

"How come? And why's that? Hell, are you even sure she's here because of being held on the head?"

"Oh shit wait, you don't understand that. Because you're a fucking bloodthirsty vending machine after all!" He insulted it.

However, his insult has gone from the side of it's code and to the other.

It didn't even bother to spit an insult back at him too.

"Indeed, I do not know about that matter. But one thing that I do know and aware is.."

Crackling noises clicks and turns as the robot's metal plating starts to come off from it, Dumah continues to walk towards the cautious Pride; slowly.

"Anyone who speaks highly or lowly of Eden, must be-"

Smoke clouds seeped out between the dark spaces of it's inside machinery like it was in an exhaust pipe, the thick metal platings stuck itself down to the concrete ground.


Guns- No, a collection sub-machine rifles starts to erupt out from it's cages.

It's right arm replaced that with blades that puts previous robots to shame, as it resembled more of a gigantic claw than the praying mantis.

Dumah's single bright blue LED eye turned into a sunsetting yellow, right as it met Pride's eyes.

"Terminated at all costs"

The robot charged within a speed of light, it's after imaged glowed a bright sunset yellow.

Pride was caught off-guard by this sudden move, he wasn't expecting this specific one to be more powerful than others.

It gripped his collar with it's left hand, an engine sound starts to revel and unfold on the robot's feet.

The engine powered up and launched both of them as it sent them afloat, Dumah pushed him back onto a wall of a dead end.

Upon impact of the wall, the engine increases it's fire-power which made Pride to crash back first right at the wall.


Another wall comes in as well and it happened the same again, walls after walls after walls after many hundreds of walls came crashing down as the robot circled around Sector:Z and crashed at everything in it's way.

Eventually they reached an underside of a highway, Dumah then flies straight up with him still gripped tightly.

Both of them crashed with no more seconds to wait, and the impact was strong enough that it made one of the highway's road to be destroyed completely.

Dumah throws the badly beaten up Pride to the highway part that's not destroyed, right in front of the previously crashed one.

It floated down and landed on the road with it's giant claw still out.

Pride stood up with a limp and probably his spine totally broken, but he still had the willpower to move.

"I must admit, you're a very durable ability user. But that's not what your ability actually is, yes?" It talked to him, with the topic seemingly came out of nowhere.

"Yeah, didn't that british bitch told you about it?" He chuckled with a small groan, finally feeling immense pain of the many crashes.

The claws shined a reflection on the street lamps, as the robot decided to make a small-chat with him.

"Yes, she did. However, I do not believe it is truly a "Perfect Immortality" that is in the database and what she had told me so far"

"Heh, well you're not wrong on that.."

"Though, you're not entirely correct either pal"

Pride took out some sort of serum colored in scarlet red, his jacket now fully tattered and teared up, his tied black low ponytail swayed in the small wind.

"I actually had died once, because of old age"

"Ever since, I had to survive for gott knows how long now. Even if I want to die so badly, I'll always come back without a hitch"

"Guess that's what happened when you feared death so much, heh.." He laugh dryly.

With the serum still at his hand, he injected it on his neck and gave it a bit of a pressure as well.

It's red liquid punctured through the fabric and porcelain, it swam through the slime-y black flesh which absorbed all of it fully.

A red vein grows from the neck and to his cheek, yet it disappears quickly as it grown.

"That's why I call my own unique ability "Perfect Immortality" and not those uninspiring Eden dipshits, I'm literally more better in anything else than them even"

Pride scoffed, his red eyes glowed in a second.

The empty serum canister then was thrown away, down to the abyss of the bleaching neon city.


Taking out a flash grenade, he immediately throws it and detonated it with a gun that he took out quickly.

It exploded it's contents, which is a bright burning light that's strong enough it managed to broke Dumah's camera system.

"Don't even fucking think of underestimating me, you damn automat!"

The flash blinded most of it's vision, Dumah tried to recalibrate the camera system to work but it didn't notice that Pride is in the air, with his leg up and ready to hit it on the head.

With a single kick of his leg, he sent the killer robot miles down from the highway.

Trudging down and down to the neon city again, as it was about to crash to the ground; he jumped from the highway and landed his feet right at the robot's head.

And the kick's impact is actually so big, that it made a decently sized crater on the surrounding area of Sector:Z which also destroyed some of the buildings.

However, Dumah is not giving up yet.

It's left hand gripped on his leg and with ease it managed to turn the tables by standing up, then throwing Pride miles and miles away.

With it's gigantic claw in a readied position, it brought it's claw up making the concrete ground to be separated into 3 and rise alongside a small quake.

The said concretes came to a crash at Pride who had landed on the ground, making a huge shockwave to the entire abandoned area.

But then..


An explosion erupts as it came to contact with him, sending hundreds of destroyed concrete at Dumah who deflects all of it.

When the smoke cleared, it revealed that Pride had worn a pair of Cybernetic Combat Boots (C.C.B) which glowed in particles of electricity.

"Damn, I wish I have Straßenkiller at this moment right now.." He sighed, as he lightly tapped his boots.

"Oh welp, what happened happens"

Shrugging his thoughts off, he lowered himself into a stance.

Pride took out both of his guns, his most trusted weapons when the third one is absent.

With a smirk, the second round of his fight between the killer robot begins.

"Seems like Sonne and Mond has to do all the work!"

- - -


Sounds of sub-machine rifles shot simultaneously, clashed along with the dual pistols blasting it's charged electric shots.

Pride efficiently dodged many of the homing bullets, and even parried some of them with his leg.

Several old abandoned buildings came crashing down, it's pillars of support got in the cross-fire between their fight.

Getting pushed and backed several times, they ended up in an empty construction building that had probably ended mid-way through planning.

The immortal man took cover in one of the construction pillars, as Dumah is catching up to him.

With quick work of his hands, Pride reloaded his guns in seconds.

This isn't the first time he fought a much powerful killer robots after all, and it's certainly won't be the last one.

His instinct screeched out to him that the robot will appear behind him and sure enough, right as he turned around; he is met with sub-machine rifles pointed right at his head.

Time slowed for the both of them, a smirk widened on his face.

The rifles shot it's endless magazine at him, it's recoil was enough to push Dumah a few meters away as the target is clouded in smoke by the bullets.

However, it can feel that something is wrong.

It stopped firing eventually and as the smoke dissipates, the immortal man is no longer in sight.

Just like what it thought, it surveyed around the area.

Signals going haywire and anomalies recorded every second, yet not a single one of them raised at an alarming rate.


"Hey, hey, hey! Don't leave your back unguarded!"

Pride suddenly appeared right behind it, particles of his faint after image traced his previous actions.

With the robot caught completely off-guard, he took the chance to unfold C.B.B to it's inner core and used the stored energy, and kick the killer robot's side as hard as possible.

Dumah is now sent away to the air and crashed down buildings on it's way down, after the landing it conjoint it's hands for it to turn into a cannon.

Targeting right at the construction building that he's in, it immediately charged up a shot and fired a bright laser that cuts through a column of buildings behind.

It transformed it's hands back to a normal state, before then blocking an incoming surprise kick from Pride who looks slightly battered.

"Not bad, but it didn't really killed me did it?" He steps back with a chuckle.

The robot chose to ignore his taunt and continued to attack him with punches and kicks, which makes him to dodge away.

With a cocky attitude that he'll win this easily, he found a window of opening and pointed both of his guns right at it.

"Welp, this has been fun-"

"Auf Wiedersehen für immer, Sie Blechbüchse!!"


A one final charged electric shot hit Dumah, perfectly right at it's head that got through it's now melted components.

A string of electricity traced on the hole, it's body then falls down to the many rubles around.

Flipping both Sonne and Mond with his fingers, he blew out the smoke on it's nuzzles.

Pride's smirk is now replaced with a satisfied smile as he puts away the guns alongside C.B.B, to the quantum space that's a small badge on his tattered jacket.

"Now that's done, I gotta get the fuck outta here or Theresa will surely kick my ass harder than the automat.." He mumbled the last few sentences, as his expression turned into a nervous one.


Right as Pride was going to run away, a homing golden spear strikes right past him; grazing his cheek with black blood spilling out.

If he was one inch closer to the left, he would've had his heads blown off already.

"Ehhh, I don't think so mate"

Pride stood still as he turned his head at where the spear came from and sure enough, it's a special delivery from Azrael.

"Especially when you fucked up my robo-cop buddy 'ere, you ain't leaving before payin' for it's insurance"

"Also, you have to be thankful I'm not blowing your fuckin' heads off right now.." She glared at him, making the immortal man to raise his hands in the air.

"Because if not for the stupid-ass circumstances you fuckin' moronic head got into, I would've done that fucking ages ago"

Her face spells out fury and anger, well he can see why since fixing a robot like Dumah would cost a lotta dime.

However another reason as to why he's not fighting her now, is because..

He just fought a killer robot and he's too lazy to even bother to fight a person who had lost countless of times to him already

"Uhh, how about no?"

"I'm deaf to that you cunt, "yes" is the only fucking answer I'm accepting 'ere" She clicked her tongue.

"Coool, how about later?"


"But you said that you're-"

"I know but fuck off, German dick-wad"

He shuts his mouth with a pout and a frown, his arms now crossing to each other like a child.

Azrael sighed heavily, she massaged her forehead.

"Fuckin' hell Samael, you're giving me a damn headache"

Her glare at him intensified, yet her tactic to intimidate doesn't even affect him the slightest bit.

"Ah well, fuck it then" He shrugged with a bored expression.

"Do you take like, a Subway gift cards though? I have a couple" Pride said, taking out his wallet and a probably now relic gift cards.

The shorter female looked at him in disbelief.


"Pride" He corrected.


Azrael yelled out, her hands motioned out to the surrounding destroyed area.

"Yeah, but I still have the gift cards" He smiled.

"DUDE, I- FUCK!!!"

With utter disbelief and rage, she throws down the sub-machine rifle she's been carrying.


He tilted his head, a smile still relevant on his face as he waved the gift cards at her.

"I'm so done with you"

"Oh come on, I got it at like what? 2015 or something? It's not that old, you know"

She looked at him with a frown, "Christ.. You're fuckin' old, it's 3000 years ago Samael!"

"Pride, not Samael" He corrected her again.

A tick erupts on her cheek, her frown became more stern and her face got even more furious.

Azrael is not having the time of her life.

"Fucking die"

"Have done that couple of times, zwerg"


Then suddenly, a damn motorcycle crashed right ahead to one of them.

And that one of them is, Pride.

"Holy shit.." The short female mumbled, as she watched the motorcycle's rider did a drift right after they hit the immortal man.

Pride on the other hand, is sent crashing once again to a pile of ruble.

Surprisingly enough, he survived it thanks to the serum he injected to himself.

"AGH! COME ON, THIS IS THE SECOND TIME TODAY!" He groaned, as he slowly stood up while rubbing his butt.

The the motorcycle stopped it's drift right in front of him, the rider got off and took away the helmet that's on them.

With a swish, a long tied brown hair swayed along the wind as the female rider unzipped her jacket; revealing a green sleeveless sweater.

Her green eyes opened, meeting it's gaze right at him which made him flinch for a moment.

She frowned, her once blank expression is now completely masked by fury.

"Ach Scheiße" Pride whispered to himself, realising that he's now fucked beyond dead.

"Pride.." The brunette glared at him, easily making him to yelp.

"Y-Yeah, Mari??" He stuttered.

Mari walks over to him as he slowly kneel down, her figure that is once a bit shorter than him is now towering above with a menacing aura.

In the background, Azrael watched in curiosity yet stays away from the drama in front of her.

With a smile, the brunette spoke to him.

"Mind telling me why I've been feeling constant pain for the last few hours?"

Pride lifted both of his hands in surrender, sweats coming down from his cheeks like a waterfall.

"Ehe, ahaha well.."

However, since he didn't answer her question.

Mari looked around the area, to see that almost every buildings near them is turned into a damn tombstone for itself.

She feel her eyebrow twitch at this.

Not only that she had to feel every pain and emotion Pride is experiencing, she also had to go out and get him back to Dirt Alley.

Her day is already terrible enough currently and he just made it even worse, fucking worse.

Looking back down at the nervous "friend" of hers, she sighed.

"You owe me one, so I'll forgive you"

Pride looks up to her with a happy face, he's glad that he won't be turned into a blob of goo.

"Danke liebe, love ya!" He stood up and kissed her cheek, but instantly pushed away by the helmet she's holding with a small blush.

"Whatever, let's go home. I'm tired and I just want to sleep for today.." She sighed once again.

"Excuse me?"

Both of them turned around to see Azrael with a slightly offended face.

Then Mari looks at him again.

"Pride, are you?"

"What? No! I'm not, I swear. She's that zwerg I told you about, Theresa"

"Oooh, I see"

Going back to the shorter female, Mari puts her hands on her hips.

"Look, I know you want to put his ass in jail right now. But let's not do that, okay?"

"I don't know 'bout that, he's the fucking cunt that killed my boss's kid so.."

"Hanz can take care of that" Pride said with a smug.

Mari corrected him, "It's Gabriel, not Hanz"

"Who the fuck is Gabriel?" He looks at his partner with a frown.

She waved it off with another sigh.

"Nevermind, but you get the idea uhh.. Theresa?.."

"High Executive Officer, Azrael" The shorter female said, with Mari nodding to it.

She continued, "Also fine, I'll get you off the hook Samael, only for today because Gabby is involved"

"Huh, neat"

"But NEXT time, you murder a fuckin' HR's brat again. I'll have your ass right back to Eden, you damn German degenerate fuck"


In truth, he has his fingers crossed on his back.

He will do it again one day.

"Anyway, I'm outta here.. Need to get Dumah the tin-can fixed, let's never see each other again Sam"

Azrael walked away from them and towards the lying killer robot, however Pride corrected him before she goes away completely with the robot.

"It's Pride!" He yelled out with a smirk.


As her figure disappears to where she came from with Dumah, he snickered as he puts on the helmet.

"Well, let's go home now Mari"

She nodded and gave him the keys, "Mhm"

Both him and Mari got to the motorcycle and got on it, she leaned on his back and wrapped her arms around him.

"By the way, you still owe me a favour"

"Oh yeah that, what do you want then?" He twists the key on the motorcycle that's his.

As the engine starts up, Mari pondered to herself.

That is until she got a brilliant idea.

"Do the chores for a year and that's all"


Pride slammed his fist at the fuel meter, which made Mari to yelp in pain.

"Make it TEN years!" She sternly said, while rubbing her hand.

The immortal man took a deep breath.

"Gottverdammt, I hate you gorilla"

Mari chuckled and patted his back a bit too hard.

"I love you too, asshole"

- - -

OooOoOooOoooo, fancy A/N time.

Ahem anyway, enough fumbling around and shit.

I finally finished this half-assed first try at a one-shot and huh, it's not that bad.


But for me, I'm pretty satisfied with it (I think).

It's quite fun to challenge myself on this and I amazingly managed to wrote 4 consistent characters into this, which is a record for me.

Though Mari do ended up got shown at the end, but I think it's fitting for her.

Other than that, I do have complaints on making a VERY long chapter.

It took me a decade to swipe down this damn thing just to update and rewrite some parts of it, I can feel like I'm going to be insane after this.

Anyway if you're wondering about my health, I'm feeling more better now though my coughing fit is still bugging me (it'll get better though don't worry).

For exam, it's finished.


So uhh...

Thanks for reading this far and over A 6000 WORDS?! HOLY SHIT-

Uhm, anyway..

If this shit-hole gets 10 votes then I'll make extra content for y'all, as a send-off and a gift for fans who likes this.

I'll make sure to put in Behind The Scenes as well, but in the art book I made so don't worry for requirements and shit.

Thanks again, and ciao fellas


decided to reupload this because it's good lol

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