بواسطة Khadija_Kende

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She is a girl. A muslimah. Hausa by identity. Masked. Into army. All for a certain reason, a reason know... المزيد



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بواسطة Khadija_Kende

Almost everyone was out getting on the bus for their outdoor training and the masked girl and a few others were not out. Yusuf was already on the bus as he was planning on sneaking away to meet his girlfriend while Aliyu was waiting for her.

She came out at the very last minute apologizing for being late. Her eyes met Aliyu's immediately as she got on the bus. He checked her out as she finds a seat. This is the first time he is seeing her in something else, she is either in uniform, a hoodie, or sweatpants. She was dressed in a tank top and jeans with Kimono as the overall and veil and like always masked. The kiss was the first thing that came to his mind after seeing the mask and he once again try to picture her face in his mind. Everything feels different since yesterday, what is this feeling?

He gets to compliment her after a hell lot of rehearsals in his head. "You look breathtaking" 

She nodded in response and he knew she smiled.

It was not an outing for fun it is still part of their training. They were going to the airfield for skydiving, it's a high-altitude military parachuting practice widely called military free fall MFF. Why would they need to learn that when they are not training to be Air Force? She is terrified of heights, her acrophobia is out of the world.

Would they ever get a break? No. Is the army for her? No. Will she ever become a soldier? No. Do they ever rest? No. Is she tired? Yes. Is it exhausting? Yes. Does she regret coming out for the outdoor training? Yes. That was what kept her busy the entire car ride, listing her comforts and discomforts become her habit since her therapy.

Aliyu saw her discomfort and asked what the matter is. She told him her fears and he told her to not worry cause they practice tandem skydiving i.e. diving is in pairs and he will make sure to be her partner. Tandem diving makes it easier and faster for their training especially with the number of participants.

After they reached their location, they were given time to go around and see the place. Yusuf used the chance to sneak to meet his girlfriend before the parachuting.

She thought she has forgotten what happened yesterday night but she recalled everything upon seeing him, and how he was looking at her all through the ride didn't help. What is this feeling?

She went to one of the security that is like her guardian in the barrack and gave him the list of what she wanted him to get for her, after all, he was paid to get her what she need. She needed to fill her food cupboard, especially her pringles. She gave him additional money to sneak the food back into the barrack for her.

He watched her give the security man money and a list, watching her do things is something he cannot stop himself from doing. He has been trying to picture her face for the past four months that she has consumed him completely. She is this puzzled piece that he wants to solve.

They queued up for Skydiving a.k.a HALO jump, his favorite part of the army he loves the feeling of air around him. Yusuf returned from his date right on time and was not surprised when he saw the masked girl and Aliyu getting on the plane together.

"You have to take that off" The instructor told her pointing to her kimono which was exactly what she was about to do.

He got Aliyu's attention who was fully concentrated on wearing his jumpsuit to look at her. She rolled her eyes at him before backing them and nonetheless removed it. Aliyu lowered his gaze but didn't fail to check her out once again.

Was the instructor expecting her to put on the jumpsuit on her kimono? Why are some people irritating?

"You can remove the mask to feel the air on your face" Aliyu told her as they wore the goggles and helmets. "It's an amazing feeling you may like"

She didn't reply and well they jumped. She shouted all through their flight and has her eyes closed. Despite the falling being terrifying, it was also fun and exhilarating.

It was fun for Aliyu as it's his hobby, he wonder how she will become a soldier if she can't even stand a simple MFF. Well, that's not only what she cannot do, it's the same thing for almost all their practices. Being a soldier is certainly not for her.

They lay down on the ground arms sprawled out.

Will it sound cheesy if he says he liked the feeling of her on his body?

"How was it?" He questioned breaking the comfortable silence they laid in after they landed. "I am never doing it again" He chuckled cause they will be coming again.

"Why are you always masked?"

He don't know whether it was because of the adrenaline in his body or because the skydive got her in a mood that he doesn't feel intimidated by her like he always has since they met that he asked her the only question he has been dying to get the answer to.

"I never ask you why you are still taking the training" She shut him off completely with her reply.

And she was right.

As usual, from the airfield, they moved to the fun fair which is how it has always been. It's indeed an outing to have fun for those that aren't scared of heights. The instructor declared the two rides to choose from, her mood darkened after hearing them. She wasn't happy with the idea of going to the fun fair but the mention of the rides got her more glum.

"The pirate ship and roller coaster are the rides for the day so enjoy yourselves and we hope it helps those with acrophobia to overcome their fears which we hope none of you here has" Everyone cheered after the Instructor's announcement, mostly everyone. Aliyu has been quiet since their conversation earlier, Yusuf noticed he wasn't that way the whole day till after their dive.

"I know you two are always quiet and look like you will kill whoever tries to talk to you but we are here to have fun" Yusuf broke their silence. "Keep whatever it is you have going on till we go back to the barrack"

"How can I ride on the only two rides that I hate?" She voiced her thoughts without even knowing.

The two friends looked at each other.

"You don't have a choice" Aliyu answered her. "If you want to be a soldier you should be okay with doing a lot of things you don't like" He continued.

"You are a product of your own decision after all"

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