Life's Requiem, Death's Cater...

By TMWolf

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Sequel to Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield Reunited once more, Cassandra and Leon embark on their next journe... More

A Toast
Of Farewells
Welcome to Kalos!
Many Meetings I
The Bug Badge
Many Meetings II
New Friends
Memories & Hints
Team Flare
Beaches & Rock Climbing
Flare & Stone
Good Times & Good Friends
More Questions
Earth & Fire
The Ups & Downs
The Future and Past
The Plot Thickens
Snow & Sun
Breaking Point
The End's Beginning
Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul
What Comes After
A New Lease Part I
New Lease II (18+ Explicit)
A New Life


239 6 8
By TMWolf



"We're here," Leon spoke softly, nudging Cassandra awake. She yawned deeply, lifting her head from his shoulder to stretch. He did the same, rolling his neck and more before leaning towards the window and staring down at the familiar landscape below. Small cottages to two story brick homes spread about with their little farms: rows upon rows of vegetables or flowers and the like, and plenty of Wooloo rolling about or grazing in the fields. His home stood out among the rest, having become quite lavish since his days as an aspiring Gym Challenger over a decade ago, and with the largest field where he could see their reliable Mudsdale. His father's Pokémon once, but now their hardy field plow puller who enjoyed his job in his old age.

"Oh, is that your mom working the field?" the redhead inquired, leaning over his shoulder to look, too.

He nodded, "Mmhmm. She keeps Hengroen on the right track. He can't see as well as he used to, so he needs a bit of help. Hop used to do it before he took his Gym Challenge and became an assistant to Sonia. He's a good old boy."

"It's kinda... weird, thinking he used to be a Ranger Pokémon-fighting dangerous ones in the Wild Area."

"Right?" he chuckled, glancing back at her. "I think it helped him feel useful. He was pretty depressed after Dad died. I think he blamed himself and doing this helped him get through that."

"I know that feeling," she smiled sadly. "He's lucky to have you guys for his family. Remind me to give him some treats."

"Will do! We'll have to get it in before we send him over to the neighbors to till their farm, too. He's kinda the favorite around here," Leon snickered, bracing a little as the taxi began to descend down towards the spacious lot in front of their house. Naturally, his mother and the Mudsdale noticed, and she worked fast to undo the harness for the plow and let the massive beast settle down to rest, ears flicking back and forth to listen.

Both Trainers gave their thanks to the pilot, who only said he was honored to give a ride to the "heroes of Galar and Kalos". They gave a light-hearted chuckle in response, slipping out along with their bags-right into the opened arms of Leon's mother, who squeezed her son so tight he wheezed.

"Hey, now! At least wait a while before trying to kill him!" Cassandra laughed, and laughed more as she, too, was squeezed. Her lover sighed in relief, patting his stomach, and then waited for the older woman to release the younger so he could hug his mother properly and let her kiss his cheeks and forehead.

"You're home! It's so good to see you two... are you alright, though, dear? We all saw the news in Kalos and everyone talking about what happened and then those-those videos! Oooh, that darn Lysandre! I had heard about him before and thought he was such a good man, but now he's gone and done it! He's lucky I wasn't there, or I would have clobbered him for hunting my baby!" Sophie Ramirez spoke, her inner mama-Ursaring coming forth. The two could only laugh lightly in response as she reached up to cup Leon's face gently, looking right into his golden eyes which matched her own. She was quiet for a long while, just staring, and then asked softly, "You're sure you're alright, my little Leon? Don't hide it from me, either. I know when you do."

"I, uh... yeah. We're doing okay now we're home. I think we still need time to rest, but we're doing okay," he replied, smiling softly and embraced her again, burying his face into her hair. "Love you, Mom. Feels good to be home."

"It's good to have you home... and of course you, too, Cassandra! You're doing okay, too, aren't you?" the woman called out, reaching over for the redhead, who took her hand, which squeezed hers.

"As good as I can be. I know this isn't home for me exactly, but-."

Leon's mother scoffed, "Hush. This is your home as well. You're practically my daughter-in-law, anyways."

"Uh-wait-!" Cassandra half-laughed, face going red. "We're just dating still!"

"Oh, please; this boy loves you too much to not marry you," the woman sighed, patting her son's chest. "Anyways, you two go on and head inside-but remember to say hello to Hengroen as well. He misses you."

"Alight, alright. And please stop embarrassing 'Cas mom," Leon chuckled, planting a kiss on her forehead before he walked over towards Mudsdale, the redhead right on his heels. The old Pokémon happily leaned its head towards him, having caught his scent and voice. He was hot and tired from the work, and so was extra pleased to have an affectionate rub along his snout and jaw. He welcomed Cassandra's attention, too, having met her before and found her agreeable.

"Good boy," she cooed softly, earning a pleased grunt. "Alright, well... I guess we can drop our bags off inside?"

"Yep. Mom should have the guest room ready," he explained, giving Hengroen one last pet before turning back and taking her hand.

"You'd think she'd let us sleep in your room-."

"Don't even think about it-she'll give you the look!" he laughed. "Don't worry; once we go back to my apartment in Wyndon, it won't be a problem."

"I guess I can survive. Can you, though? You were quite cuddly the last few days in Kalos," she purred teasingly, bumping his hip.

"And it was wonderful, but I'm a big boy who can survive a few days. Besides, we can just cuddle on the couch," he smirked back, stealing a kiss and opening the door for her.

Only to have a pair of arms tackle him in a hug. He had just barely enough time to step back and brace and then returned the hug that had come from none other than his little brother.

He laughed loudly, "Hoooooop! Oh man it's so good to see you! I swear you're taller and it's only been like two months!"

"Watch out, big bro-I'll end up taller than you before you know it!" he smirked, playfully punching his older sibling before turning his attention to the redhead, who rolled her eyes and opened her arms for him. His grin widened as he engulfed her in a Bewear hug. "Hey, 'Cas!! It's been way too long!! I can't wait to show you some of my research stuff! Your notes have been a big help, too!"

"Pleeeease; they're just about Pokémon behavior. Your stuff is on Dynamax effects, isn't it?" she laughed back, ruffling up his hair since he was still a head shorter.

He swatted her hands away, "It's still a help! Knowing and understanding Pokémon behavior is important! Anyways, come on in, guys! Sonia and Nessa are here, too; they're cooking tonight!"

"Oh, no way! I didn't think she had time to come by!" Leon beamed, hurrying inside to skirt over to the kitchen where, in fact, the two women were by the stove, sampling the curry they were making. The former Champion didn't hesitate to embrace them both, bringing out a shout of surprise, then a heartfelt laugh as they hugged him back. "It's so good to see you two!! Also, that smells amazing! Arceus, I never get tired of your cooking, Sonia."

"Hey now! I cooked just fine for us!" Cassandra called out, dropping her bag and shoes by the door and coming over. To her surprise, Nessa embraced her first, followed by Sonia. She hadn't expected it but found herself glad for it and returned the embrace. "Good to see you both again!"

"Same to you, girl! And Leon don't you insult your girlfriend like that!" Nessa huffed, jabbing a finger at the guilt party, who just grinned.

The redhead snickered, "It's fine; I know he loves me."

"As he should," Sonia added with a nod. "Anyways, you two sit down and relax, okay? We all want you both to take a day off. No more of this 'hero' stuff. Can't believe you got involved with legendary Pokémon again!"

"Hey, it's not like we tried to!" the redhead laughed, plopping down at the dining table. "At least Zacian and Zamazenta didn't try to kill us."

"Didn't she fight you?" Leon smirked, sitting down next to her.

"I-er... okay fair, but she wasn't trying to kill us. Just test us."

"I still can't believe that's all real, and yet they're fighting up at the Battle Tower all the time," Nessa mused, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Are you two just like-attracted to dangerous situations or what?"

"Honestly? Maybe??" Leon sighed, slumping. "It was just...a mess."

"We saw," Sonia replied, placing a hand on his shoulder. He gave her a small smile in kind. "We're glad to have you two back safe and sound. I promise to save our questions for tomorrow."

"Thanks," Cassandra laughed. "We've had enough interviews after Kalos. If you want to know more about Mega Evolution, ask away, though; Sycamore actually let us keep our keystones and mega stones."

"Ooooh? Really!? Can I see? Nessa watch the food!" the Professor gasped, and, with Leon and Cassandra lifting their keystone arms, she was all over them; twisting and turning their limbs this way and that. "Arceus, it's so fascinating! You have to tell me everything! Do you think he'd share his research if I asked? I know I'm still a new Professor but-."

"He'd be happy to, I'm sure," her fellow ginger chuckled. "He's not done with his papers, though, so you'll have to wait a bit, but he might be happy to share his notes."

"Wait-you guys talking about Mega Evolution?" Hop called out, having finally come back in. They nodded and he rushed over to take a look with his mentor, eyes wide and alit with the same curiosity. "Ooooooh wooooooooooow they're so cool! Even more-so in person! You've got to Mega Evolve your Pokémon for us at some point! And-oh! Oh, oh, I wonder! We could study it in comparison to Dynamax! Or, well, you could Sonia!"

"It's tempting! But truth be told, I plan to continue researching Galarian history-especially the myths. Turns out there's a lot more that haven't been explored. The Crown Tundra down south seems to have a lot, and I have a potential contact there to maybe get started."

"Oh what? You never mentioned!" the younger brother pouted, making the ginger laugh.

"Sorry! You've been so busy with prepping to do your work in Spikemuth, and I promise it's recent."

"Also, I've kiiiiiiiiinda been monopolizing her. My girlfriend and all," Nessa piped up, stirring their food.

"Yes, we know, Nessa," Leon chuckled. "She's my best friend, though, by the way."

"Nuh-uh, she's mine, now, sir. You lost that status. Besides, Cas is your bff now-or is it still Raihan? I can never tell with you guys," she snickered.

"Hey, a guy can have two best friends, can't he?"

"I dunno, Gloria's the only bff for me."

"Pretty sure Milo's bff is his Wooloo," the Hulbury Gym Leader hummed.

"And Piers is Marnie."

"Do siblings count, though?" Hop asked.

"Yep!" Cassandra raised her hand. "Silver was my bff until Leon came along."

"Yeah, but he's adopted, right?" Nessa pressed.

"Still my brother. It counts."

"Raihan's still also my bff. Cas is just my girlfriend bff. He's my guy bff," Leon sighed, gesturing.

Sonia shook her head, "Not how it works. You get one bff."

"What? That's absolutely how it works! Every dude is bffs with his gf, but also has his best mate!"

"Yeah, but your best mate is different from your best friend," Nessa mused.

"Gloria's my best mate and friends, though," Hop mused, folding his arms and tilting his head.

The Professor gestured, "Those can be the same."

"Okay now this really makes no sense," Leon huffed, leaning his elbow forward to prop on the table and press his cheek into his palm. A short pause came after, then someone snickered, and they erupted into laughter.

"That got so dumb!" Cassandra laughed, waving her hand. "Arceus, it's good to be back here-and to do it in person! Dittor isn't the same."

"No, it's not. And man, it's so good to have you back!" Hop beamed, then paused. "Oh! Wait, when's Raihan coming? He's late, isn't he?"

"Oh yeah. He said he was gonna join us. He's probably too busy taking a selfie or something," the Gym Leader scoffed, rolling her eyes. Sonia nudged her out of the way, so she hoisted herself up on the counter. "He'll be fashionably late, I'm sure."

"Aw, c'mon, you know he has a lot of responsibilities between the Gym and the Vault. Give him a break," Leon chuckled, leaning back.

"Is Gloria coming?" the redhead inquired, glancing at Hop who sighed.

"Nah. It was bad timing, but she has charity events to do, and she's really focused on training right now for the Gym Challenge. She had a close battle last year so she's worried about this one."

"Well, things can change in an instant, so I don't blame her. Glad I was able to introduce her to my former Master. If anyone can get her where she needs to be, it's him," the former Champion mused. "Aaah, man... I guess I gotta get back to work soon. I've gotten a lot of emails even knowing I'd be on a prolonged vacation. We need to start the final prep for the Gym Challenge."

"How soon do you think you'll have?" his lover inquired, to which he frowned and folded his arms.

"Not long-maybe a few days? They always ask for my direction even though I'm not actually the Chairman or anything."

"You kinda are, though, yeah? You've been leading it since you-know-who pulled his stunt," Nessa chimed in, not bothering to hide the disdain in her tone.

"True... but man it's rough. Things haven't been the same since then-especially the tech part. Oleana basically ran that all on her own, and no one knew it like her. She was a genius."

"Who chose the wrong man to follow."

"Yeah, still-we'd run smoother with her, for sure, but she opted to take jail time."

"Maybe you could ask her for help? I don't think she hates you or Galar-she just... got deluded by the Chairman, too," Hop offered.

Leon hummed, "I mean... maybe, but I dunno. That feels like a back stab to you guys-after everything."

"Well, at least you are actually trying to improve things properly," the Gym Leader snorted with a shrug.

Sonia glanced over her shoulder, "Have you considered actually becoming Chairman, though? You know you're the right fit."

"See! They agree, too. My Dad was right, y'know," Cassandra gestured with a grin, but the purple-haired man just blushed and rubbed the back of his head. He opened his mouth to speak but was waylaid as the door opened and their final companion arrived. A cheer rang up as the Hammerlock Gym Leader came in, arms spread wide in welcome. Hop got to him first, high-fiving the tall man while Leon clasped his arm tight and pulled him in for a hug. Cassandra properly embraced him, and he happily lifted her up for a spin and then puckered his lips as if asking for a kiss, to which she just laughed while both her and her boyfriend shoved his face away. It was all in good fun, though, and he quickly trotted around to receive a reluctant hug from Nessa who made a mocking face of disgust, whereas Sonia happily received it and the affectionate head kiss that had the Hulbury Gym leader smack him playfully.

"Stop trying to kiss everyone's girlfriends you Impidimp!" she cried out with exasperation.

"But it's so much fun pissing you off," he teased back, a wicked grin on his face. "What? It's just a friendly peck between friends. You worried I'll steal your girl."

"As if. I'm far superior to you, and Sonia knows it," Nessa smirked, tugging the ginger over to give her a proper kiss. "You just don't cut it, tree boy."

"Excuse you-I am a tree man and proudly wave my branches. And, besides, that reaction makes it worth it. Cas n' Lee are so lame. They don't even flinch at my jokes anymore," Raihan practically pouted, casting a side-glance the other couple's way.

Leon shrugged, "Helps I trust you with my life, mate. And besides... I know Cas wouldn't trade me for you."

"Okay, ouch. I'm a catch!"

"I mean, yeah, you got nice looks, but are you Champion grade?" the redhead cooed, and the taller man clutched his chest.

"Ouch! Doth are a cruel mistress!" he sighed, slumping, then grinned, "But I'll take the nice looks. Always knew you found me a hot piece of ass."

"Oh, my Aaaaaaarceus shuuuuut uuuuuuuuuuuuup you weirdo!" Nessa rasped, tossing a dish towel at him. "You're making Hop uncomfy anyways!"

"Oh! I'm fine. I just... Don't have a girlfriend for him to flirt with," he laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Raihan chucked, "One: they'd be underage. And two: Just give it time, kiddo. You'll find the right girl-or dude. Whatever floats your boat. It's all just fun and games, anyways. Really, it's just good to have y'all back. I take it we've already gone through the pleasantries?"

"Yep, and avoiding questions," Leon replied, holding up his hand.

"Oh, I bet. You had like what? Fifty interviews or something? Couldn't look up Poffin recipes without you two coming up. Like damn. Being heroes of Galar wasn't enough, huh?"

"Hey, you're welcome to come on our next trip and become a hero of that region, too," the redhead laughed, to which the man hummed thoughtfully, rubbing his chin.

"I'll think about it. The Great Hero Raihan has a good ring to it," he smirked, eyes twinkling.

"Feel free-it's not worth the trouble," the redhead snickered. "Just be sure to ride in on Flygon while you do it-it will be poetic to have the guy who tames dragons becoming a hero riding on one, too."

"Dang you're right, I should write that down," the dragon Trainer grinned, fang flashing as he whipped out his phone.

"But anyways-glad you could make it to welcome us home. You know Mom is always happy to have a full house. Oh, actually-where are Grandma and Grandpa?" Leon inquired.

Hop snapped his fingers, "Oh, they went on a vacation to their villa in Unova. So, the house has been pretty empty lately."

"Well, not a bad thing-I think they weren't too happy last I was here," Raihan snickered mischievously.

"Yeah!" Sonia scoffed, "because you kept recording everything trying to crack jokes and doing pranks! Not all of us like that, y'know."

"Please, everyone loves me. I'm adorable."

"You're insufferable," Nessa snorted.

"Says the woman who dated me before."

"A mistake I only made once," she replied coolly.

Cassandra looked between them, "Wait-you two dated? But-you act so... well, to be honest like siblings."

"Uuuugh, yes, yes, we dated. Briefly. It was stupid and we were young and even more stupid because of it," the dark-skinned woman sighed with exasperation, rolling her eyes.

"Well, she's not wrong-we were young and stupid. Just got together really for the glam of it-Pokégram couple of the year n' stuff. Was kinda toxic and just a lot of arguing, so we broke up, didn't talk for a year, and now we ruffle each other's feathers. She's just mad I don't have a girlfriend for her to flirt with to make me jealous," Raihan laughed, wiggling his eyebrows at the Hulbury Gym Leader who rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Unlike you, I'm as loyal as they come. I'd never flirt with anyone else even as a joke. My heart belongs to Sonia and Sonia alone. Ain't that right, babe?" she cooed to the ginger cooking, who paused to giggle and share a quick kiss. "See?"

"Tsk. You're so mean, Nessa. I'd never flirt around on my girl."

"What girl?" Leon snorted, though he grinned while doing so. "You've been a bachelor since you broke up with Nessa."

"Oh yeah, that's true. I think there's even a blog about it," Hop hummed, head tilted thoughtfully.

The redhead grinned, "There is. I read it once."

"Look, whatever people wanna say about me, they can say, but the truth is this," Raihan huffed, leaning forward and gesturing, "I am not a bachelor for life, aight? I just haven't found the right girl, but when I do, she'll be the only one for me. All my kisses and flirting and-

He paused, glancing at their youngest companion, "--and uh... er-affections are just for her and her alone."

"Aww, you're such a romantic," Cassandra purred with a sassy grin.

"You know it, love," he winked.

"And what, you don't get all ruffled from that, 'Lee?" Nessa inquired; brow raised.

The former Champion laughed, "Truth be told? No! Raihan's my best mate. I trust him, and I trust 'Cas. She loves me, and I know that's not gonna change anytime soon, especially not after all we've been through. I mean, she's already gonna move here-."

A chorus of "WHAT" and "REALLY" rang out as the group "converged" on the two, bombarding them with questions that was only finally waylaid by the redhead waving her arms and shouting for them to stop.

"YES, YES, YES-I am considering moving here! It only made sense, I mean-well, I don't plan to break up with 'Lee anytime soon, so I mean, inevitably, well... BUT-UM. So, yeah. And I like being here. This place is the one I've been the longest, and y'all are my friends, too, so it'd be nice to live close by," she went on, blushing and glancing at Leon, who also blushed, but smiled warmly. She cleared her throat, "But-I need to find a place to build another Ranch for my Pokémon. I refuse to keep them in storage, and I have quite a few."

"Hmm there's some spots not far from Hammerlock on the outskirts of the Wild Area-like the nursery. You could try those out. Leon could pull the strings so you could purchase it," Raihan offered. "Wild Area isn't too bad Pokémon-wise, and you got top-tier teams, yeah?"

"Basically. That's not a bad idea, though."

"I wouldn't mind living on a ranch like the one you have. Sure, Wyndon and the Battle Tower are nice, but that country home feel is even better," Leon grinned.

"Dang, they're already moving in. When do you think the wedding will be?" Nessa snickered to Sonia, who laughed.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say they already were. But, hey, technically we live together."

"Uh, more like you live in your lab and just visit me every so often."

"What's this about living where? And moving?" a new voice called out, and the group looked up to find Mrs. Ramirez making her way over, wiping her face with a towel.

"Mom!" Hop shouted. "Cas is gonna move here!"

The woman gasped loudly, "OH, YOU MEAN IT!?"

"THINKING!" Cassandra laughed, waving her hands. "I still have to find a place and then even with Leon's help it's a lot of paperwork to get the approval to bring all my Pokémon here. Even the same species take a lot of time and then the quarantine-."

"Still, this is such good news! Oh, but what did your parents think?"

"Ah, well, to be honest... I haven't said yet-."


"Only because it was just recent! Like within the last few days! I haven't been able to talk to them much with how busy it's been, and we've just been exhausted."

"Alright, alright. Still, you need to call them first thing tomorrow! Do they at least know about what happened in Kalos?" the mother sighed, hand on her hip.

"Yeah, I talked to them briefly when Leon spoke to you. I promise to call first thing tomorrow, though-for real," the redhead chuckled, and the woman nodded with approval.

"Good. Right. So. Sonia, Nessa, how's the food coming along? I'm starving after all that field work!"

The Professor gave a thumbs up, "Almost done! Bread is almost baked, too! All that's left is to set the table."

"Oh, wonderful! Raihan, Hop, would you mind setting the table? Lee, 'Cas, you two go put your things up and wash up, and I'll do the same," the mother smiled, and all parties nodded. The Hammerlock Gym Leader gladly gathered up the dishes, tossing cups and silverware-making it a game with the young man-while the two remaining women giggled and rolled their eyes at the display. Sophie Ramirez made her way to her first-floor room while Leon guided his girlfriend up the stairs and to the guest room, which had its own bathroom for her to use, whereas he returned to his own room.

Washing up was a quick matter, and she made her way to Leon's room where he sat on his bed, wiping his face. Truth be told, the room looked more fitting for a teenager than an adult-even his bed seemed a little small. She'd noticed that the first time she stayed over, too, and chuckled as she picked up one of the magazines in his boxes-all old, what with a picture of him in his teens in his champion outfit and cape. He had a wide, silly grin on his face, and his hair only went to his shoulders. She noted his cap was one of the ones on the wall, as opposed to the one he wore at the end.

"Does it feel weird staying in this room?" she asked as she sat down beside him, admiring the cover. He chuckled, taking it from it; a nostalgic glaze came over his eyes.

"A little. To be honest I stayed here for about a month after I lost my title-after all the fanfare was over. Was a pretty low point in my life, truth be told."


He nodded, "Yeah. Pretty bad. Basically, a mid-life crisis at twenty... but it wasn't all bad. Funnily enough... Hop and I got closer during that time. I.... had a breakdown, and he must have sensed something was wrong cuz he was just suddenly there, and he hugged me, and I dunno... it was what I needed. He didn't ask me about anything, but he just let me know I still mattered, and it got me back on my feet. Not that I went about healing properly, but I did go back to the League and started helping Gloria."

"And the Battle Tower."

"And the Battle Tower," he chuckled, setting the magazine down. He sighed, "One hell of a way to cover up my problems... thank Arceus you came along and got me on the right track. Can honestly say things are a lot different than they were years ago. Slowly, but surely, we're getting there... and after everything that's happened... Now more than ever, I need to be better. A lot better."

"You know you already are better than before, and you get better every day," she replied, taking his hand to entwine their fingers. "Better than I've been anyways."

"Oh, please. You're the one who went and faced their past proper. I still haven't done that yet," he grinned, kissing her cheek. "We just gotta keep helping each other. I know I'm happier than I was before I met you."

"Same here. And downstairs? That... that was fun. It felt like back home with my family, but sillier."

"Right? That's what having good friends does-family, too. And if you do move here, you'll get it way more often. They'll never let you stay at home long," he snickered.

"For once, I don't think I'd mind! I never realized how much fun hanging out could be!" she laughed, shaking her head.

A voice made them jump, "That's 'cuz you only been around your folks and that stick-in-a-mud you call your brother."

"Raihan!" they both chimed, finally noticing the tall man leaning against the doorway. He gave a cheeky grin as he wrapped on the door.

"Mom told me to come get you two. Seems I was interrupting," he smirked, brow wiggling.

"'Mom'?" the redhead laughed.

Leon chuckled, "Mom is kinda... the Mom of the group. She considers all of us her kids. Before I moved to Wyndon they came to visit a lot-or well, Nessa visited mostly Sonia since we weren't talking yet, but she'd come here first for some of Mom's treats. Raihan would come by to play my video games."

"And challenge him to mock battles. And your mom's food was great. Best BBQ's by far," Raihan purred, gesturing. They chuckled again, and, after a pause, he regarded them quietly. Then he spoke softly, "You two for real ok? And I don't mean bullshit 'ok' to your mom and the girls and your lil bro. I mean dead ass are you okay? I know when you try to hide shit. I've always been able to read you-and 'Cas I can read you too, girl. You know I can."

The two glanced at one another, then sighed as he had.

"We're still recovering. Don't tell the others, but... we almost died. Again," Cassandra replied, and Raihan's face and arms dropped as he stood up straight. He frowned slightly as he came over and crouched in front of them, placing his hand on their entwined ones.

"You guys wanna talk about it? After dinner-I mean. The others gonna worry if you're not down soon. Your secret be safe with me, though, y'all know that."

"We know," Leon smiled. "And... yeah. Later. Wouldn't hurt to talk about it proper. I don't think we even told Sycamore that part."

"No, we didn't. Couldn't, really. He already beat himself up enough just knowing he let himself be blinded to Lysandre's actions."

"You did a good thing then," Raihan reassured them, squeezing. "Y'all did good, so give yourself a break for now, alright? Let's go down and enjoy some good food, good company, and afterwards we can do some therapy talk."

"You don't have to do that for us, Rai," the redhead smiled.

"Hey, we're friends, alright? The Great Raihan always looks out for his friends, and right now you could use some support. You two are too stupid to not try and shoulder everything on your own-idiots, both of ya."

"I want to deny that, but my brother said the same thing," Cassandra giggled.

"And both my Mom and lil bro said it to me, too. And Cas here," Leon laughed. "You brought the drinks we need for that kind of talk?"

"Always-and don't worry; I hid it in the tree like we used to. Momma Bewear ain't gonna find it," the Gym Leader winked, then laughed at the redhead's raised brow as he released their hands and stood up. "You really think we were goody two-shoes, love? We were troublemakers despite appearances. Also, Mom doesn't allow drinking in the house. So, boys gotta make do."

"Clever lads," she mused, rising up herself, and then surprised their companion by hugging him. "Thanks, 'Rai. It's good to know we have someone like you to have our backs."

Leon smiled as he stood up and joined in, wrapping his arms around them both, "Same. It's good to be back."

"Aw, c'mon, mate. 'Cas, I don't mind, but do you gotta be mushy, too?" Raihan half-groaned, half-laughed as he returned the embrace and pat the purple-haired man's back. "Now, c'mon; we save the rest of the mushy talk for after dinner. Time to get some real laughs outta ya, and Hop's been dying to show off his work to ya both. He still looks up to you waaaay too much. It's almost insulting when I'm right here."

"Cuz he always dreamed about being Champion, not Gym Leader, until he decided on being a prof. You just don't make the cut, mate," Leon winked, bringing out a fierce pout from the Dragon Trainer.

"Hey now, I just gave you top tier Raihan bff quality time, and that's how you repay me? A blow below the belt? Harsh."

"Aww, he's just teasing you, 'Rai. You know I love and appreciate you," the redhead grinned, pushing up on her toes to kiss his cheek. "Now c'mon; y'all two can fight later."

"See? She knows how to show proper appreciation," Raihan smirked, a cheeky grin on his face that flashed his fang.

"Oh? You want a kiss from me, too?" Leon laughed, moving closer with puckered lips. Raihan made a sound of disgust and shoved his hand into his friend's face.

"Ugh! Gross! Fuck off, mate!" he laughed and turned to trot off. "'Cas wait up! Your man trynna kiss me!"

"Wow, only been a little over a year and you're cheating on me with your best friend already?" the redhead mock-gasped, clutching her chest as Leon joined them.

"Please, he's the last person I'd cheat on you with. I have standards."

"Okay. Ow. I'm suing you for this slander. I am Galar's number one bachelor I'll have you know."

"Yeah, 'cuz I'm not single anymore."

"You really asking for me to whoop your ass, mate."

"Got the pitch outside."

"Nah, our Pokémon can take the bench this round. 'Bout time I remind you who's real top dog."

"That sounds like a sex thing," Cas interrupted, making both men pause and curl their noses and lips in disgust.

"Ewwwww!! Why'd you go and have to ruin a fun moment, love!?" Raihan scowled, stuffing his hands into his pocket.

"Look, y'all the ones talking like you got unresolved sexual tension-."

"You're not best mates unless you're a little gay with each other," Leon replied, gesturing.

The Gym Leader, "He ain't wrong. When you two marry, you're gonna be a lil married to me, too. I come with the package."

"Well dang, propose to me now, 'Lee. You and Raihan? Now that's a damn good deal."

"Let me just call the ring shop now," the former Champion laughed loudly, making a phone-shape with his hand, which he put to his ear.

"OI. STOP DICKIN' AROUND AND COME DOWN. WE'RE ALL WAITING FOR YOU!" Nessa's voice bellowed from downstairs, and when they looked around the corner to the stairwell she was staring right back, eyes narrowed.

"We're coming!" Cassandra laughed, shaking her head, and then turned to gesture with her head. "C'mon guys; time for dinner."

The two just chuckled and followed her down the stairs.

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