You saved me

By sadanne101

25.6K 774 371

Meredith Grey, double board certified surgeon in both neuro and general. She is a child prodigy and has been... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Part 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 4

1.1K 28 0
By sadanne101

Derek's POV:

My surgery with Burke had now just finished it's 7:30. My shift ended an hour and a half ago I still have some notes to fill out, but first I need to scrub out and grab some coffee. I was in the scrub room when Dr Burke walked out and I saw those same blonde locks stroll past the door. I dried my hands and flung the door open trying to catch up to her.

'Dr- sorry Chief Grey!' I called out to her.

'What is it! Oh Dr Shepherd Well done on your patient I saw they pulled through, how can I help you?' She said with a smile.

'Thankyou I'm just off to check in on them now.' 

'Alright so what can I do for you?'

I was lost for words I saw a glimpse of her and immediately had to see her but now I had nothing to say.

'Umm never mind Chief I - it's actually okay'

She sent me a sceptical look ' Ok Dr Shepherd I'll see you tomorrow as I'm off now.' She raised her hand to show goodbye.

'See you tomorrow' I mumbled with a smile to her.

Meredith's POV:

I hoped in my car ready to head home and finally see Ellis I have been craving to see that smile all day. I shoved all my paperwork and bag into the seat behind me and drove back to the house. I moved back here to Seattle about a month ago so Ellis and I could get settled before I came here to work but I still have a few boxes still not yet unpacked. I'm living in my mother's house it's rather large for just me and El especially since we don't have a ton of stuff anyway, but recently I ordered her a brand new bed but it still hasn't arrived so she has been sleeping in with me. The house is hardly decorated pretty much because I haven't had time and I need to buy paint for the walls as I don't like the colour no one has lived here for 8 years so my main priority was just checking everything was still intact.

I pulled up to the driveway and turned off the ignition I took a deep breath then walked up the porch steps to meet my little girl standing in the house hallway with her hand up in the air.

'Mamma' She giggled.

'Hey sunshine' I flashed a crazy smile.

'She had a late nap this afternoon so she isn't very tired as you can tell but I fed her bathed her and we put Dolly into bed' Mary told me whilst pointing over to Ellis' baby doll over on the couch with a blanket over her.

'Oh you put dolly to bed did you Ellis?' I picked her up and straddled her in my arms.

'Yeah!' Ellis laughed holding her my face between her hands which lead me to give her a kiss.

'Well now Dolly is in bed, let's get you into bed with dolly shall we? Thankyou Mary so much I promise I won't make you take care of her whilst I'm gone for so long again.'

'Meredith dear please she was no hassle at all and this might surprise you but I enjoy looking after Little Ellis she isn't an issue and I would love to look after her for you' Mary said whilst putting on her coat and grabbing her bag.

'Thankyou so so much Mary your amazing.'

'I wouldn't go that far dear I'll see you two ladies around.'

I closed the door behind Mary and went upstairs to put Ellis to bed. I told her a story and waited till she fell asleep in my bed to creep out. It was about 8:20 so I went downstairs and made myself a sandwich. A sandwich for dinner I know but I can't really cook and I don't exactly want to burn down the house normally I would eat leftovers but I have eaten all that. Tomorrow I must go grocery shopping. After making a sandwich I went to my car to grab my files that's when I got a message.

'Hey Mer, I'm flying out now see you tomorrow, I'll come straight to the hospital text you when I land.' I smiled reading the message it was from my best friend Alex. I'll be able to see him after a month and give him my offer I can't wait to see him. I'll bring him grocery shopping with me he sort of knows what to buy. 

After going over some files on the doctors at Seattle Grace I'm pretty happy with them all, I just needed to find a new head of paediatrics, and I was thinking about asking an old friend of mine who is a Cardiothoracic surgeon. Dr Teddy Altman. To come and have a look round the hospital I'm thinking of making her co head of cardio alongside Dr Burke.

I went back up to my room and saw Ellis still fast asleep so I hoped in the shower quick and used the last of my lavender conditioner. I need to make sure I buy some more tomorrow. I soon jumped out the shower changed into some joggers and my favourite Dartmouth shirt with a hole in the back of the neck. I didn't take long for me to fall asleep once my head hit the pillows I turned over and brushed Ellis' hair out of her face and kissed her goodnight.

Next morning

I woke up a bit earlier today so I could get to work early, prepare for Alex's visit and get Ellis ready for her first day of preschool.

It was then when I realised I hadn't done a wash load so I was either going in wearing jeans and my Dartmouth shirt or something in the dirty wash pile. I went downstairs looking in the wash room for anything clean. Nope everything is dirty. I went to grab Ellis' backpack off the sofa when I noticed my  purple jumper it was slightly wrinkled but it will be fine to wear today. I put on some coffee then got changed. I know wearing jeans and a sweater isn't a very professional outfit especially now that I am chief, but I am also a surgeon so as soon as I arrive at the hospital I will be changing into my navy scrubs. Just as I had put all my paperwork in my bag I heard some familiar footsteps slowly coming down the stairs.


'Hey Ellis darling I got your backpack and some clothes ready for you but first how about some breakfast.' She waddled over passing me her dolly with a little grin on her face. I picked her up and sat her up to the table placing the green bowl of cheerios cereal in front of her. I sat opposite her watching her try and get the cheerios in her mouth but she kept missing. I drank the last of the coffee that I had earlier made and got up ready to dress Ellis. 

We were just out the door when Ellis began crying.

'Mamma ... dolly' I looked at her confused at first to realise she had left her dolly inside so I had to run back inside to look for dolly which wasn't a long look as I found her still sat where Ellis was having  breakfast. I buckled Ellis into her car seat then hopped in the front seat of my car readjusting the mirror so I could also see El. My phone began to ring so I accepted through the car system once I saw who was calling.

'Hey Mer I know I said I would text you when I landed but I decided to ring you instead where's El?'

'El is right behind me in her seat it's her first day of preschool today I'm dropping her in then off to the hospital to meet you would you like me to grab you from the airport Alex?'

'Oh I wish you good luck Ellis on your first day not that you will need it your something special. And thanks Mer but no I'll let you sort Ellis and yourself out I'll just meet you at the hospital hope you got me a bed made up at yours as I wont be staying in any crap hotel around here.'

I began laughing at his comment and I completely forgot about the other rooms so no I didn't have a room but I couldn't tell him that. 'Yeah Alex I have something set up for you to crash aha also I need to go grocery shopping later and I need your assistance.'

'Seriously Mer?'

'Don't get stroppy Ellis is the baby not you, and yes you need to help me or we will starve.'

'Fine see you in a while Mer.'

'Bye ... Ellis say bye Alex' 

'bu- bai' Ellis excitedly shouted.

Alex began laughing at Ellis' goodbye and soon hang up.

'Well come on sweetie let's get you into school it's just up here.'

Once I had parked the car I went round to Ellis' side and helped her out then we walked hand in hand up to the preschool.


'Hello I'm Mrs Kingsley I'll be your teacher' she flashed a smile at me then looked down to Ellis. 'What's your name also I love your cute backpack I love butterflies.'

Ellis hide behind my leg and didn't say anything she just stared at the new woman. 

'Well this is Ellis-' before I could continue on Mrs Kingsley interrupted me.

'Ohh you're Ellis well there's lots of people in here wanting to meet you and your mummy would want you to see them.' A boy then walked out of the classroom and came up to Ellis.

'Hi my name is Max'

'Hi max 'I waved at him. Immediately Ellis looked up to me and smiled showing her beautiful blue eyes 'Bye Mamma' and she took off holding max's hand into class.

'Well Dr Grey I will see you at pick up'

'See you then Mrs Kingsley'

'Oh please just call me Leanne'

'Ok Leanne just call me Meredith' we both shone a grin then went off in our own little worlds.

I got back in my car and went straight over to the hospital.


I walked into the hospital greeted some of the staff though not too many seemed to have the same friendliness as they did at first. I knew I wasn't going to be liked too well around here. But I headed straight to my office hoping Alex would be there soon. I got to my office and found my scrubs ready to change straight into them. I changed my bottoms but just as I took off my top leaving me in just my black lacey bra and scrub pants the door opened . I didn't turn away and hide instead I just looked at the door .

'Oh um ... hi ... sorry ... I didn't mean... to .. I'll - I'll come... I'll come back' The dark haired man was stumbling over his words one by one.

'No, Dr Shepherd just tell me how I can help and next time I suggest you knock before you barge in.' I laughed at him whilst putting on my scrub shirt.

'Yes sorry I - I was just here to ask -'  but before he could finish the door opened again.

'Hey .. Oh sorry I should have knocked.' sniggered the man who just entered.

'Yes people should knock and what was it Dr Shepherd.' I huffed at the men.

'I will come back in ten minutes Chief Grey I actually need Burke here with me. I will remember to knock this time. I'll let you deal with ... this' Shepherd left fast with his head down.

'So that's the one you were talking about. Shepherd was his name? Why has he walked out of here all flustered what did you do?' The man laughed at me.

'Alex god how did you know... and no .. no he's red in the face as like you he just barged in here and saw me in my bra as I was changing' We both began laughing hysterically at the fact Dr Shepherd was embarrassed.

'Anyway Mer how was Ellis this morning?'

'Good she was a little shy at first but then this lovely boy came out of their class and held her hand in he's looking after her today.'

'God Ellis got the boys after her already just like her mother.'

'Oh shut up Alex I hope they become good friends. Just like you and I. But what about you I know we have spoken on the phone etc etc blah blah but how have you been the last month.'

'Honestly everything has been boring nothing interesting ever goes on back at the hospital, well you know that.'



I giggled 'Well not good but good for me I need a new Head of Paediatrics and you would be the perfect fit, now obviously I know you will need to think it over.'

'No. No need my answer is yes I wanted to leave the old place anyway like I said it's getting boring change would be good. Match my salary maybe a little more and I'll start as soon as.'

'Looks like your starting tomorrow Dr Karev' I held out my hand for him to shake.

'Looks like I am, thankyou Chief Grey. Guess I should get house hunting I'll have to crash with you for a while until I'm sorted if that's ok with you Mer?'  

'Of course it is Ellis will get to se her favourite uncle and I'll be able to see my best friend everyday again. But I need to get going so take a look round the hospital today and I'll meet you for lunch or something.'

'Yep okay see you at lunch Mer.'

Just as Alex opened the door Dr Shepherd was back but this time also followed by Dr Burke. 

'Chief Grey' the two surgeons spoke. I raised a brow at them 'No knock?' I sarcastically aimed my question at Dr Shepherd when I saw his face turn red again.

Shepherd cleared his throat 'We have a patient and we can't decide on a way to go for the surgery we need you to choose.' I motioned my hand to the scans and Derek handed them over.

'Hmm this is huge ... Well both work simultaneously and I prefer Shepherd's idea. Looking forward to seeing you boys in the O.R.'

Dr Burke quickly jumped 'But Dr Grey you're not on this case.'

'No but I am Chief so your chief will be seeing you in the O.R. as I will be assisting Dr Shepherd. That's okay with you Dr Shepherd isn't it?'

Derek scratched his head ' I  promised Dr Stevens she could be in the O.R.'

'I'm sorry you want Stevens in the O.R. over me ?' I glared at him.

But then Burke butted in once again. 'She looks as though she has more experience than you.'

I have had enough of Burke already constantly doubting me. 'I'm sorry Burke do you have something to say to me because it seems as though you have a problem with me.'

Before Burke could say anything else Shepherd raised his hand at Burke 'No problem Chief Grey see you in the O.R.'

I gave a smile before ushering out the office.

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