An sbi book lol

By randompotato843

74 7 24

My friend beanie loves the sbi family dynamic. But i want to put her in the sbi. might rate it mature if i ne... More

About beanie and the story :] (backstory) [chapter 1] (im just dumb)
The "Chef" chapter 1
Permanently over

Stupid fucking school

6 1 3
By randompotato843

Tw: swearing, blood, bulling

(Beanie's pov)


I hate school.

I hate Jake too. I wanna futzing kill that bastard. I mean honestly why does he bully me.' I think while walking to the school. I will need to head the bathroom to get the blood off. Again. Whilst walking thru the hallways I think about why he bullies me. I mean we used to be friends... what did I do.. "Ope I'm here" I head in and grab some paper towel, get it wet and then start getting all the blood off. I am surprised he didn't break it. I glance at my beat up phone after and see class is about to start. "Crap" (id put fuck but beanie doesn't swear aloud)

timeskip stupid school shit(fuck school mann)

"Hey ElizAbEtH think fast" 

Knowing it was stupid Jake I put my arm up to block the punch, and honestly he has a good punch, I wont lie. "Just because we are outside the school doesn't make it legal, so just stop. I'd prefer to not leak from my nose, and send another child to the hospital, accident or not. So leave or i wont hesitate you punch you." If he thinks he can get away with this than he must've hit his head. "And your form is wrong"

"aNd yoUr fOrM is WrOnG, shut up already" he says as he aims another punch, this time actually hitting my face. "Who has the wrong form now, miss nose leaker"

"Still you" i say while sweeping his legs out beneath him. "Whats wrong? You upset I'm not running of to mommy because some kid wants to punch me? Shes been dead for a while mate, so unless you gave me one I'm sorry to burst your bubble but that's not happening" I'm hilarious. 

I start walking away when I hear him yell "You're the one who killed her and your dad, Miss mommy issues" dont punch him he isnt worth it, its not worth it, its not worth it.

Shoot, I've gotta leave. People coming over, darn it. Stupid futzing memory. "I gotta get going, so if you could get of the ground, you're sorta in my way, and believe it or not, its not polite to step on people." 

"Step on me, see what happens. I bet your just scared imma beat your ass. You're just bluffing, you arnt actually black belt are you huh?" he says egging me on. I need him to stop. I cant do this crap again.

I jump over him but he grabs my leg. Im done with him, this has been happening for the last 3 years and the one time i need to go he does this. "I will kick you in your face if you dont let go."

"Do it then" he states cockily. 

"Just know you asked for the broken nose" i say while kicking his arm and then his face. 

"What the fuck man thats not fair" 

"language" i mutter under my breath while running back to the orphanage. Im so gonna be late.

Alrighty and thats a wrap. Who is this jake kid? idk honestly. i just came up with some random dickhead oc. (word count rn 527)

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