Showering you with my love~

By xXAiko16xX

635 28 29

Changbin felt like it wasn't enough to show them how serious he was in showing them just how much he loved th... More


635 28 29
By xXAiko16xX


-STARTED : 3/3/2022 , 1.57PM

- END : 13 April 2022, 4.10AM


Changbin has always had a special talent for cooking. He only acts as if he doesn't know how to cook because his mother and sister often chastised him for being clumsy and injuring himself far too much while preparing one basic dish.

However, after years of persuading his mother and sister to supervise him, he has improved his clumsiness in the kitchen. When he does cook, he will be extremely vigilant.

Changbin is also quite loving; he enjoys teasing and playing with his teammates, and they all know how much he adores them.

But Changbin, on the other hand, considered that this was insufficient evidence of his love for his members, his boyfriends. Even though everyone can sense his affection when he did, he always felt like he was simply playing with them. Changbin is surrounded by an air of affection and tenderness.

So one day, he decides to prepare their dinner with some of their favourite dishes to show them how much he appreciates and loves them.

It'll be difficult because it's been a long time since he cooked for anybody other than his family, and he'll be cooking alone.

With that decision on his mind, he is now motivated to cook his best dishes for them. But first, he had to go back to check on their ingredients(in both dorms, yes, though he is gonna be using Minho's kitchen as Minho is the only one in the other dorm that has all the cooking appliances needed) if some is enough or if he needs to buy more. Either way, he still needs to make a trip to the grocery store and he did just that.

It was a good day for him and his plan. Surprisingly he only had a morning meeting that day and the rest of the day off. It's rare especially for him so he's gonna use this day up to cook the best home cooked meals for his hardworking boyfriends who are not as lucky as he was today.

The rest of Stray Kids had a full schedule till evening, enough time for him to prepare all kinds of dishes as carefully as he could.

Now that he had washed all ingredients,cooked some rice and prepared them nicely to cut into smaller pieces to cook, he remembered his mother's words. Cursing to himself he had almost forgotten it with how excited he was.

Changbin rushed to get his phone and a phone stand he found in the living room, possibly belonging to his sunshine lover, Felix.

He quickly sets up his phone and dialed his mom and sister, pouting cutely while waiting for them to answer.

"Oh binnie?"

"Ohohhh binnie binnie changbinnie what's up baby?"

"Eommaaa, noonaaaa" he whined causing then to laughed.

"What's wrong baby, it's rare for you to call us this early in this week and time" his mother asked in a concerned tone.

"Did something happen?" his sister narrowed her eyes looking at the screen and her eyes sharp observing his surroundings.

"Yah wait a sec,why are you in the kitchen-"

"Seo Changbin-"

"Ahhh ahhh! Wa-wait! Please don't scold me first ><"

"Fine you got one minute to explain"


"Starting now"

Changbin sighed at his sister who seemed to have caught on first before his mother on his plan. But he explained it anyway to them.

By the end of his explanation he was fidgeting on the end of his shirt, biting his lips waiting for his mother to scold him but he only heard a sighed from her. Turning to look up at the camera, his mother just smiled at him while shaking her head.

"I'm not happy with you cooking alone knowing how CLUMSY you are but I will allow this once. After this no more you hear me young man" his mother said and warned him with a strict tone she usually used on him if he did something wrong.

He gulped and stared at them wide eyed, agreeing immediately so he could start preparing the ingredients.

He kept his phone near and placed them where his sister and mother could monitor his movements and also hear them.

True to his mother and sister's words, Changbin is really clumsy. Not even half an hour in, he had already dropped utensils here and there making a loud noise ringing in the empty dorm. He pouted at himself while hearing his mother sighed and sister who is now laughing at him.

Continuing to cut the vegetables and other ingredients he needed, which of course goes with him accidentally cutting his hand in the process, he was cooking some kimchi jigae in a big pot fit for 8 people to eat and maybe some leftovers while waiting for the rice he cooked beforehand to cook.

Humming to himself happily, excited to finally be able to cook for his beloved boyfriends. Changbin can't wait to see their reaction when he tells them that he cooked all of this.

Changbin had always loved to cook. He had started picking up his mother's cooking skills at a young age. His mother would teach him too when she had time but because of his clumsiness getting worse and worse by the day in the kitchen, he was banned for a while.

He begged his mother everyday until she relented and gave up and continued teaching him. His sister soon joined to supervise him. The two trained him on how to be more alert and careful of his surroundings while cooking. They also helped in fixing some of his habits and that helped in reducing his clumsiness in the kitchen.

And all that hard work paid off.

Changbin's cooking improved so much that he would join some competition recommended by his father as a side thing to do once in a while and of course won first place for it.

His father would often brag to his workers and friends on how good his son's cooking are and how proud he was of Changbin's group's success.

"Bin, now that you are done with the jjigae and rice, what are you cooking next?" His mother asked.

"I'm gonna cook some japchae and then bulgogi, and some pajeon for them. I was thinking of some crispy fried chicken with some crunchy fried potatoes but then I remembered Minho hyung had marinated some meat for us but we are too busy for him to cook so yeah bulgogi. Oooohhhh maybe i could make some rice balls too! I bought some brown rice just then. " he excitedly tells his plans to his mother and sister. Smiling fondly thinking of his beloved eating the food he cooked.

"Suddenly i am jealous of your boyfriends-"

"Eyyy noonaaa don't be. I'll cook some delish food for you eomma and appa on my next day off which should be within two weeks hahaha so you better be home by then!" Changbin said to his noona and giggled while closing the lid for the kimchi jjigae to let it cook with medium low heat while he went and fried some japchae.

His sister was about to comment on how he was doing good so far only for him to accidentally burn his hand while frying the japchae, making her and her mother sighed.

"I knew I was about to speak too soon. Go and soak the burn area for a bit bin, before you continue to make other food." Changbin whined with teary eyes at his sister on the phone but knew he had to do that so that the pain would at least ease a little. And he did just that.

An hour later, he managed to cook the japchae in one piece and his jjigae and rice to cook nicely.

Now onto the next thing, the last menu and ingredients to be cooked, the bulgogi and pajeon.

Changbin excitedly prepared the bulgogi sauce, making it a little sweet and lessened the spiciness as some of them could not eat spicy foods much.

He made a last minute decision to cook this because at first he was gonna fry some chicken when he was grocery shopping, only to realize, his Minho hyung had marinated some meat in their fridge but due their busy schedule the elder had no time to cook it and so he cooked it for them instead.

Now onto the tricky part for him, to cook it, Changbin heated 1 tablespoon vegetable oil in the cast iron grill pan that he used over medium-high heat.

Working in batches,he then adds the meat to the grill pan in a single layer and cooks, flipping once, until charred and cooked through, about 2-3 minutes per side. He did that with so much concentration that he didn't even realize some of the hot oil had hit his hands again as he put it near the cooking area. Changbin then repeat with remaining 1 tablespoon vegetable oil and meat.

Only after he was done with the bulgogi did he feel the pain from the oil. Changbin panicked and quickly put his hand under the water for a bit to ease the pain.

"Just... just make sure you treat those wounds carefully after you finish everything yeah bin? I have to go now. Take care of yourself young man. I'll be phoning Chan once in a while to check on you and the others" His mother worried about him before bid him goodbye for the day. He nodded with a big smile to them and promised them to be careful.

"Well now that these are done, onto the pajeon and rice balls!" He giggled and quickly whipped the ingredients for it and fry it.

Soon after he was done, he quickly set up the table as he had an hour left before his beloved came back from their schedules.

Time passes by when you really concentrate on the things you are doing and in the zone. It was nearing 6pm now.

After setting the table up, he quickly unplugged the now cooked rice, put it on their big dining table and arranged the bulgogi, japchae and pajeon before taking a seat to make some rice balls. His final touch. He left the jjigae in the pot so he could heat them again later before they came back.

Now, Changbin concentrates on making the rice balls.

The ingredients for the rice balls are simple ingredients such as a block of cheese that was cut into cute tiny little cubes (like him-) , seaweeds, sausages, egg, anchovies, some mayo for it to not break apart and the main ingredient itself, some brown rice.

Changbin giggled at his cute little rice balls. He managed to get some brown rice when he was shopping and cooked it first before cooking another batch of white rice to go with the bulgogi and jjigae.

"DONEEEE!!!! AHHHHH IM SO EXCITED FOR THEM TO EAT THIS!!!" Changbin shouted, giggling and jumping in joy at his hard work.

Quickly assembling them in a heart shape on the plate on the table, he washed his hands, wincing at the wounds he gained from his war at the kitchen.

" gotta send this to them before i wash up and treat my wounds" he takes out his phone and snaps some pictures of the food on the table before sending it to their group chat and to his mum and noona.

His mother and sister cheered him on his efforts and assured him that it would be wonderful as always. He smiled at them before laughing as he noticed the maknaes spamming the other group chat.

6.30PM SkIjEU cHAt

binnie_Dwaekki : *inserts the meal pic.jpg*

binnie_Dwaekki : ^_^ hurry up home kiddies~

Father Channie : holy-

Quokka : HYUNG WHAT-



Hyune : nyooming home now hyung!

binnie_Dwaekki : yeah minho hyung i'm at yours ^_^ you all can come straight here. come fast! Else the foods gonna get cold!

He chuckled as he closed his phone, possibly in comment to the maknae's questions about how and where he acquired the meal.

Well maybe Minho hyung too for barging in their dorm and using his utensils and stuff.

Changbin shook his head and went to the bathroom to clean up the mess and odors he had accumulated during his kitchen battle.

Changbin was very proud of his work despites the many cuts and burns he gained from preparing them. It was very worth it. He winced when the cuts and burns hurt him in the shower as he was showering. He pouts when he is done.

"I hope they don't notice this even though it's very obvious and some are big ahhh" he whined as he stared at his hand. He had immediately applied the burn ointments and disinfected his cuts and bandaged it. But of course his luck ran out with the bandage as it isn't long enough nor do they have that many bandage left.

"Urghh leave it to minho hyung to forget to restock their bandages." he groaned.

As soon as he finished, he heard the front door open and noises came barrelling in. Meaning that his members and beloved lovers are home.

Changbin greets them, coming out of their bathroom with a fluffy dark blue hoodie on. A present from his beloved maknae. The youngest had gotten him said hoodie on their 1st date anniversary. Boii had been a blushing mess when Jeongin said some corny things to him and kissed his cheeks before giving him the said present.

"Welcome back!"


"changbin -ah..."

He giggled at their greeting towards him.

"Well what are you all waiting for! Come come! Let's eat before the foods get any cooler than they already are! I'll reheat the bulgogi and jjigae for you~"

Chan and Minho were definitely shook at how much food was waiting for them on the table in front of them. Ultimately making their stomach growl reminding them that they had once again skipped their lunch that day, in which Changbin paused on his way to the table and stared at them both.

He sighed. Knowing the elder lovers bad habits once they are focussed on their work.

"You know what, i'm not gonna scold you today about this but if i found out you do that again tomorrow," he narrowed his eyes at his elder lovers who squirmed at his gazed and clears their throat awkwardly. Changbin sighed.

"Come on, go take your seat. You guyz can clean up after you eat. I'll reheat the bulgogi and jjigae. Sung-ah if you wanna reheat the rice you can"

"Nae hyungie!"

The maknaes were definitely jumping in joys at the food in front of them. Helping each other serve their meal on the table and helping changbin serve the hot stew.

Now comes the most nerve wracking moment for Changbin. It was time for them to dig in his meals.

He gulped at them when they all took a bite at the same time.

Soon after, voices of compliments filled the air.


"Tskkkkk ahhh the jjigae fuhhh it hits jackpot on my taste buds" Chan said, slurping some more before digging in the bulgogi and rice.

"Omg this is the perfect taste," said Minho after digging in the bulgogi. Eyes wide in awe of the taste, also trying to figure out how the sauce was made. Changbin giggled at his hyung, smiling widely now at everyone who complimented the food.

Changbin sighed in relief and at ease smiling warmly at everyone while he too dug in. He too thanked the gods out there for this hoodie to be big and able to hide the bandage on his hand.

Soon enough the conversation starts again, with them all asking him where he got the food because obviously they thought that their lovable resident dwaekki couldn't cook and the food, it's so delicious that they would definitely order again from the restaurant which made Changbin laugh out loud.

"Ahhh hyung!!! Seriously! "

"Yeahhh where did you get the foods hyung? It's soooo goooddd. I wonder if they have other meals as delicious as these" Jisung whined and continued to munch his bulgogi.

Changbin's eyes shined mischievously which made Chan gasped apparently caught on where the food came from when Changbin met his eyes and laughed his cute loud laugh.

"Awww sungiee you keep on complimenting on how its good"

"But hyung it really is!" Jeongin chimed in.

"Thank you honey!"


" It took me a while since it's been a while but thank you! I cooked them all myself!"

Anddd he dropped the bomb.

A big grin on his face as he watched his lovers' reaction to what he just said.

"SURPRISED!!!" he said while laughing at Minho and Hyunjin who choked on their soup. Taking pity on them he rushes and gives them some water while still laughing at their reactions.

Maknae line disbelieving and in denial making him pout at them.

"Omg your serious"

"Of course I am!" he pouted but trying to show he's mad at them for not believing but ended up giggling again.



"HEY I CAN! >< i'm just errr" he hesitates and avoided eye contacts

"What bin?" Minho finally finding his voice back after his coughing fit.

Changbin pouted and sighed in defeat as he glared at his hands.

"I'm ... i'm too clumsy to be in the kitchen-'' he said as he lifted his sweater paws revealing his war wounds at the kitchen just then. Still outing and glaring at his hands when he heard his oldest exclaim his name in worry.

"Seo changbin!" Chan gasped at his young lover's hands when he pulled up his sweater paws.

Chan had caught on earlier that Changbin had cooked for them but of course like the others he doubted him because changbin never shows them and always acts like he doesn't know how to cook so hearing that he had always known how was something he needed to process.

Seeing the proof that Changbin did indeed cook for them shocked them even more.

Now, he couldn't help but worry about his younger lover's clumsiness.


"Ahhh but it's not that bad though!"

Jeongin, who had sat next to him, held his hand. Their gazes softened but laced with worry at Changbin's hands.

"Aigoo Changbin-ahhhh"

"AHHHH OK enough about me!!! Continue eating your food! It will get cold again" Changbin exclaimed, waving dramatically at them, at which they laughed and continued. Still in disbelief at the new information they gained today of their precious dwaekki.

"But hyung, *swallows* Since when did you know how to cook? Like I mean at what age?" Seungmin asked.

"Hmmm i don't really remember... maybe when I was 9 or 10? But I was banned from the kitchen after almost stabbing myself-"




"Changbin ah i beg you please don't cook alone again-" Minho sounded faint when he heard that information with the rest of them paling.

"AHHH HYUNG I WONT! I SWEAR I WONT ><" Changbin panicked and promised them.

"Besides... eomma would kill me if i do without anyone supervising me"


Changbin was once again smiling cutely at them all which made them melt and couldn't be mad for him for long. Chan shocked his head in fond looking at his lovers bonding over the delicious food that Changbin made.

"Oh hyung~"


"Is this the meat that Minho hyung marinated a few days ago?"

"Oh yeah! It is! Hehehe i was gonna cook something else for you but i remembered hyungie has the meat somewhere in his fridge so here we are "

"How did you cook this- i mean what kind of sauce did you put to make it taste so nicely? I definitely could not cook this meat as delicious as you did Bin, you need to teach me how you do it" Minho said while eating the last portion of the japchae .

Changbin blushed as red as a tomato as everyone kept on complimenting his food and when his Minho hyung said that ooft, the effect was immediate to him.

" i- err- i- ... I made my own combination of sauce" he said, almost too quiet for the table to hear him. Making him even more red than he already was.

Changbin whined and covered his face embarrassed.

"Holy shit-"

"I think i just fell for you all over again" Minho said with an awestruck expression looking at his lover who was on the verge of running away from his seat.

"Oh god hyung! Please don't say corny stuff like that >< " he whined.

"I... i just make a sauce based on everyone's taste bud... mixing this and that and putting a little spice that's all" he explained which made everyone ohh-ed

"I think we have another day off this weekend" Felix started, hinting at Minho which of course the elder caught it.

"Which means,"

"You are going to teach us your recipes Changbin no butts. Channie, Sungie, we'll be stealing him this weekend" Minho said.

Chan laughed at how determined Minho and Felix were to have Changbin teach them his way in the kitchen and with Han whining at how they were stealing his Binnie time with Chan.

"Ok ok i will stay with you both. Hannie I'll promise to cook you something in return. Hmm would you like some crunchy cheesy potato sticks? It's my specialty go to snacks"



The maknae line erupted in chaos when Binnie suggested that Jeongin had been clinging on his arm now making those puppy eyes he absolutely can't resist and laughed. Ruffling his hair.

"Alright alright i'll make more for everyone and i'll teach lixie and Minho hyung too on how to make them but now, if you are done with your food pile those dishes up. I'm gonna-" Changbin was cut off by Hyunjin and Seungmin who had stood up the moment he was gonna say he's gonna start to do the dishes.

"Nope you have done enough today hyung. Let us handle it from here" Seungmin said and kissed his cheeks before helping the others with their plates to the sink.

"Yeah hyung. Leave the clean ups for us hmmm. You go and rest with the others in the living room." Hyunjin said before joining Seungmin doing the dishes. Changbin pouted but giggled again happily when it was Lixie and Innie turned to shower him with kisses.

Chan took it upon him to bring the last dish Changbin had made to the living room along with them bringing him there.

The rice balls.


"Yes hyungie?"

"I'm definitely obsessed with your rice balls now"

Changbin laughed out loud at his hyung who kept on devouring the rice balls until Felix slapped his hands, reminding him to leave some for the others.

"If you like it that much, could I pack some up for you whenever you stay up in your studio for a long time? Or I could bring them to you, I don't mind. The rest of you too of course! They are the easiest to make anyway~" Changbin offers, smiling fondly at his lovers , especially Chan when the older's face lit up brightly before agreeing.

Soon, Hyunjin and Seungmin joined them for the rice ball round.

Mid them eating, Minho laced his hand with Changbin. Smiling fondly.

"What was the occasion for this bin?" minho finally asked making everyone focusing on changbin again who's ears turned red at the sudden attention.

"i- erm i" he stuttered and Minho squeezed his hands reassuring him. He took a big breath and,

"i fe-i feel like I haven't shown you how much I appreciate you all for being there for me, you know and well since I'm the kind who's awkward in this confronting feelings... i err.. I- i feel like this is the best way to do it? Ehehe" changbin said now pouting beside minho who later on kissed his forehead.


"Bin ahh saranghae ❤️"

"saranghaeyoooo uri binnie hyungie!"

The sudden confessions made him blush so red that he whined and buried himself on Minho's now buff chest.



"since when did you get so buff hyung" changbin said in awe of his hyung's chest. Minho got flustered at the suddenness of Changbin saying that. Boii didn't expect the younger to get distracted that easily.

The rest laughed at the couple who's now fighting nonsense things.

Felix and hyunjin then actively talked about their day and how they heard some gossip from their stylist noona who has come to take some new measurements for danceracha for their upcoming stage outfits.

Apparently a staff member was gonna get married this weekend but she found out her fiance was cheating with her supposed bridesmaid and that resulted in them breaking it off.

Minho shook his head disapproving at the man's behavior. The rest chimed in pitying the staff and hoping that she would find someone worthy to be with in the future.

Then it was Hannie's turn to complain on how the pd-nim kept on rejecting his lyrics and chan calming the younger down before the younger could rampage and yeet something at the producer. Jeongin and Seungmin didn't have anything much to share since today they only had vocal practices.

"Alright! Now that you all have finished eating, come go and clean up! After that then maybe we could have a big sleepover and a cuddle party yeah? Sounds good?" Changbin suggested and everyone agreed immediately.

One by one they all went to wash up. The first to be done was of course Minho. The two quickly help each other rearranging the bare furniture aside and put the soft thin mattresses on the floor of their living room. The second and third who finished showering and dressing up, quickly helped them bring out the pillows and blankets for everyone.

The other dorm members who had gone back to shower in theirs have now come back with their own supplies and also Gyu and dwaekki. Changbin's babies.

Changbin squealed when Han passed him his babies and cradled the two dolls close to him. The sight was so cute that Chan couldn't help but back hugged him, pulling him onto his lap.

Everyone was now here and ready to bed. Taking their positions, lying down with their own skzoos to hug beside each other.

"Come let's sleep. We have a long day in the company tomorrow" Chan said and switched off the light since he's the nearest to the switch.

"Binnie-ah" Chan called.


"Thank you so much for this. We love you baby"

"Yeah hyung thank you!"

"Love you our precious"

Chan started and the rest followed suit and the two closest to him aka Chan and Hannie, kissed him on both sides making him whine again and buried himself in his blanket. Shying away from his lovers who showered him back with as much love as he did with his cooking for them.

Deep down, Changbin was very happy at how it turned out great even today.

He couldn't trade his lovers and members for anything.

He loved them all equally and dearly.

They are his home.

"Love you guyz too, my princes" he whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

One by one, they all went to sleep with a happy tummy.


A/N : 


made it early and managed to finished it yesterday ehhehe 

posting it early lol i wanna post on my birthday this 16.4 but then i realized i might be out that that even if i'm not gonna celebrate i'll probably moping around in my room playing genshin lol XD 

but yeahhh ANYWAYYYYY 

made this for my two moots whos there for me for the past rough months i have uwu you know who you are thank you me bby and mama uwu 💖💖💖


//i'm trying to continue mer binnie and i hope by may or june i could post the 2nd part >< 

istg being stuck sucks man skksksks 


altenate posters lol :

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