Demonstration (Jikook One-Sho...

By DelaPJ88

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"...wait! Too's t-too much-ahhh!" I gasped. "I said I-I was ahhh sorry," I begged. He pulled away b... More

Author's Note 💛💜
Demonstration- Jimin Top (M) 💛

Demonstration- Jungkook Top (M) 💜

328 8 0
By DelaPJ88

Jimin POV

The director said that he wanted us to show everyone else "how it should be done." And as flattering as that sounds, I was a little more than embarrassed. I know that we do it in front of people all the time, but that's just our crew. It's different when all your colleagues are watching your every move. Sure we know that everyone goes and "studies" each other's techniques, but now there will be twenty plus eyes looking at me. Watching my every move. And that's a little scary...and kinda hot.

The thought of them seeing how much I love to be dominated and worshipped is exciting. Jungkook can be a little possessive sometimes though, so he isn't all that keen on other people seeing us. I reminded my boyfriend that he was the only person I loved and trusted enough to do this with. I had begged him to reconsider and promised that he could mark me so that everyone would see who I belonged to.

Needless to say, he agreed.

And now here I am. Cold and naked in my changing room, trying to decide which outfit to wear. After some thinking, I selected my baby blue booty shorts with a matching choker. I loved how it fit so snug against my neck and accented my caramel skin so perfectly. I felt goosebumps on my arms as I gave it an experimental tug.

Jungkook POV

Today was the day Jimin and I were scheduled to do our demonstration. You could say I was slightly irritated about it, but I wanted to make my boyfriend happy. Whenever we film he always gives me all the control, so I figured I would repay him by letting him accept this sudden proposition on our behalf. Our boss had asked us about it at the end of last week, telling us that he needed our decision by Monday. When Jimin informed him that we would do it, he was ecstatic and immediately went to work on setting things up so that they could have it all in place by our next shoot day.

I changed out of my street clothes and settled on a pair of tight black leather booty shorts which had a neon yellow zipper in the crotch area for 'easy access.' Jimin loved it when I wore clothing that hugged my thighs, so I chose the tightest pair of booty shorts I could find in my wardrobe. My boyfriend also loved it when he could look at my thighs and I loved it when he looked at them. After I did some pushups to help accentuate my abs, I lathered myself in baby oil before putting on my robe.

I took one last look in the full length mirror before slipping out my door. My changing room was at the other end of the hallway from the shooting area and I had to pass by Jimin's room to get there. As I rounded the corner I saw his brown door, the dim light peeking out from underneath indicating that he was still inside. A quick glance at my cellphone showed that we only had six minutes before we had to start, so I decided to check on him.

Jimin POV

Omg why am I so nervous all of a sudden? I'm the one who begged Jungkook to do it in the first place! Ugh, what if I completely clam up? No I'll be fine. I can just focus on Jungkook. Right? Yeah. Although it is kinda hard to ignore ten extra people in the room. With their beady eyes staring me down.

I was pulled out of my chaotic thoughts by a knock on my dressing room door.

"Jiminie! You okay in there?" I smiled to myself when I heard my boyfriend's voice on the other side, slowly approaching the closed door.

"Y-yeah..." I replied as I wrapped my arms around myself, leaning against the door with my hip.

"Alright, well it's almost time."

"Okay, coming babe~!" I called back, trying my best to hide my nervousness.

I could picture his gorgeous smile in my head as he chuckled before I heard his footsteps getting further and further away. My stomach began to tingle and my heart beat faster as I anticipated our upcoming shoot. A wave of anxiety rushed over me, worried about everyone seeing me so vulnerable. When I was out of character, I was bold, flirtatious, and fairly confident. But as soon as I entered the filming area, I became completely submissive, shy, and insecure.

Jungkook always made sure I felt comfortable and loved whenever we filmed. He was aware of my personality change and knew how sensitive I could be. I just hoped that we could be ourselves and perform like we normally would. I took one last look in the mirror as I sprayed my neck with some of my new perfume, before grabbing my silk robe and exiting the dressing room.

As the director barked out orders, the crew members scattered around to fix the ceiling lights and make last minute adjustments to the set. I could feel my hands lightly shaking as I turned to look at the empty observation area, knowing our colleagues would be watching us in a few minutes. As I tore my gaze away from the spot, my eyes naturally made their way to Jungkook who was busy checking the play toys and scanning the scenery.

Somehow just seeing him made me relax almost instantly. As if noticing my gaze, he turned around and smirked. I blushed when I realized he had caught me staring, feeling sweat cascade down my back slowly. Jungkook stared into my eyes for another moment before letting them drop to my body. I still had on my silk robe, but that didn't stop him from trying to see through the thin white fabric.

He always tried to sneak a peak and figure out which outfit I picked out before the shoot. I decided to tease him today and pulled the robe down slightly so he was able to see my blue choker. I chuckled at his shocked expression, his doe eyes widening as he immediately knew what I was wearing. You could say this outfit was one of his favorites...

Jungkook POV

While I was in the middle of scanning one of the handcuffs, I sensed someone's eyes on me. I turned to see my boyfriend ogling me from afar, his beautiful hazel eyes widening slightly when he noticed me staring. I internally groaned when I dared to lower my gaze, his slim but muscular physique shielded behind the sheer robe. I squinted my eyes while I tried to see what he was wearing underneath and my breath hitched when I saw Jimin reveal the baby blue choker to me.

The adorable laugh that left his plump, pink lips made my heart flutter and my knees weak. His tiny hand came up to cover his mouth shyly as he giggled at my reaction. I licked my lips at my boyfriend as he strutted over to the stage, his hips swaying ever so enticingly. My eyes raked up and down his silhouette as my mind thought of different ways to punish him later for taunting me. I turned at the sound of footsteps entering the large room, all our colleagues making their way to the observation area.

Jimin had convinced me to do this but, even though I caved in, I still felt my blood boil when I noticed some of the other cam boys looking at my handsome boyfriend. We were the only cam duo in the company who were dating while the rest of the group were single, gay and bi dudes. My jaw grew tight when I saw several guys whispering amongst themselves, fingers pointing in the direction of Jimin. Right when I was about to confront them though, I heard the director's voice.

"Jungkook-ah!" Dong-geun shouted, gesturing me to come over to him with a head nod.

"Yes, sir?" I asked, my eyes wandering over to the other cam boys briefly before I returned his gaze with a sigh.

"I just wanted to see how my favorite star was doing! You're not mad at me are you?" he joked as he lightly nudged my shoulder. I cracked a smile at him as I shook my head.

"No, of course not. It's really an honor that you asked us," I replied with a kind smile.

"Okay, good! Feel nervous?"

"Not really... I just-" I cut myself off abruptly when I heard Jimin giggle across the room.

Apparently Beom Seok, one of the other fairly successful cam boys, had decided to walk over to my boyfriend and strike up a conversation. My tongue poked into my cheek as I saw the taller guy reach down to play with the strings of Jimin's robe. I watched his cheeks flush bright pink as he removed the guy's hand politely, but Beom Seok just smirked and inched forward.

"Something wrong?" the director asked unsurely. I tightened my jaw at their closeness, refusing to tear my eyes away from the jerk's shameless attempt to flirt with my partner. Dong-geun followed my gaze before looking back at me. "Oooh...looks like you have a little bit of competition," he teased.

"He's not competition," I gritted out, my hands balling into fists at my sides. "Some people just don't know when to back off..."

"Yes well, I'm sure they'll get the idea once you two begin your shoot," the director assured as he gave me a pat on the back, walking over to his chair with long strides.

I glanced over at Jimin once more before I forced myself to get into position.

Jimin POV

All at once the lights dimmed down, signaling that our demonstration was starting. I was thankful for the interruption though, feeling a bit uncomfortable with how handsy Beom Seok had been moments ago. I politely excused myself from him as I turned to the set anxiously. It was rather thrilling to notice just how suddenly my demeanor changed. My pupils dilated and my shoulders subconsciously began to curve inward, giving me that innocent look. My legs trembled slightly as I made my way to the bed and sat down on the edge to await instructions from my partner.

"Demonstration stream, take one. Good luck guys. AND ACTION!" the director shouted as he sat down in his chair.

Right on queue, Jungkook emerged from the dark shadows and approached me. My breath hitched as he stopped only a few inches in front of my legs. He shed his black robe to reveal his caramel skin and gorgeous abs. I licked my quivering lips as I saw his big bulge straining in his black boxers. He always managed to make me feel small in the best way possible. I tore my eyes off his boxers to look up, only to see him already staring down at me.

"You like what you see, baby boy?" Jungkook asked with an evil smirk. I felt myself blush as I whispered a quiet 'yes.' He raised an eyebrow as his facial expression became firm. I blushed harder as I said:


"That's a good boy," he smiled.

I shyly smiled back as I lowered my head, the tips of my ears turning pink. While I was busy looking at the floor, Jungkook kneeled in front of me and took my chin with his fingers, gently lifting my head. His big doe eyes pierced through me as he placed his other hand on my thigh, the action causing a tiny shiver to run up my spine. Jungkook inched closer to my face and before I could even open my mouth, he captured my lips in a passionate kiss.

Our mouths moved together perfectly, neither of us fighting for dominance (although I knew he would win anyways). After a couple of minutes we pulled away to catch our breath and I instinctively touched my lips with my right hand as I gasped for air.

"I love it when you dress up so pretty just for me, baby boy," my boyfriend rasped with a sexy look. I giggled as he pecked my cheek, my lips curving into a wide smile at the sweet gesture. Jungkook squeezed my left leg to indicate that we would begin as he caressed my face with his other hand.

He stood up, pulling me along with him by my wrist. I fell into his body as he secured his arms around my waist to steady me. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest as my hand glided across his chest. He kissed my cheek as he untied my robe, letting it fall off my shoulder and drop to the floor. My skin prickled with goosebumps as it was exposed to the cool air.

Jungkook smirked as he stepped back to admire my blue booty shorts. I felt my length twitch in excitement as his lustful gaze lingered. I blushed furiously as he lifted our joined hands and spun me around in a circle, like we were performing a dance move on stage. He lifted my other arm and silently ordered me to keep them there as he smoothed his hands down my body slowly from behind. I whimpered when he grazed his nails down my arms and sides, all the way around to my back where he groped my ass.

"Sir...please touch me. I n-need you," I pleaded. I could feel my cheeks heating up as I looked back at him.

"Hmm, my baby is getting whiney already, huh?" Jungkook teased as he let go of me. I pouted my lips cutely which he pecked once again before turning around.

He instructed me to wait for him on the bed while he selected our toys. I panted as I laid down on my back, eager for my partner to come pleasure me. I glanced to the side and suddenly remembered that we had an audience, all their judging gazes trained in on me. All at once I felt a bit self-conscious and wrapped my arms around myself, my mind filling with a series of thoughts:

Are we doing okay?

What are they thinking?

I can't believe they're all watching us right now.

Jungkook POV

When I had glanced back over to the bed, I noticed Jimin covering his torso with his hands and I immediately stormed over and removed them with a frown. I heard him yelp in surprise at my actions, his bottom lip getting caught between his teeth as he looked up at me with wide eyes. I looked down at my boyfriend sternly as I pinned his arms on the sheets above his head, my legs straddling his thick thighs. The new position had our clothed lengths rubbing against one another and we both choked back a moan at the unexpected contact.

We had ten rules that went along with our act:

1. He must always refer to me as 'sir'

2. If he wants something, he must ask

3. If I am doing something that makes him uncomfortable, he has to tell me

4. If I ask him a question, he is supposed to respond

5. He is never allowed to hide his body from me, because it belongs to me

6. I will always praise him and shower him with love

7. I am responsible for making sure he's comfortable

8. Only I can choose which toys we play with

9. Our safety word is pancake

10. If he breaks any of these rules, he is to be punished in anyway I seem fit (without causing him too much pain); if I break any of these rules then I must obey his every command

"What have I told you about hiding yourself from me?" I asked in a firm voice. I stared at him for a long moment waiting for an explanation, but he remained silent. Jimin whimpered as I tightened my hold on his wrists. "I asked you a question, baby boy."

"I-I...I'm sorry s-sir. I j-just got self-conscious. P-please forgive me," he said as his eyes teared up, probably afraid that he had upset me.

As soon as I saw him tear up at my question, I knew something was off. Normally he would just apologize for forgetting and we would carry on with our stream. Today, though, he looked fearful and timid (more than usual anyways). I mentally chastised myself for being short with him, especially since I was aware of his personality change during our shoots. My eyes softened as I quickly bent down to kiss his cheek gently, an appreciative mewl escaping his lips at the gesture.

"You have nothing to be self-conscious about, baby. You look absolutely sexy," I assured as I massaged his wrists with my thumbs.

My heart fluttered when I saw the look of relief in his eyes and I forced myself not to embrace him in the middle of our shoot. I knew at that moment that his earlier behavior wasn't a part of our demonstration at all. He just needed some comfort and I was more than happy to be there for him. A beautiful blush rose to Jimin's cheeks as he mumbled a quiet 'thank you, sir' with a bashful smile. I returned the smile as I reached over to grab the handcuffs I had brought over from the table.

Jimin POV

My heart skipped a beat when I watched him grab the handcuffs from the foot of the bed with a grin. He secured them to my wrists and attached them to the headboard before tying my ankles to the bottom bed posts. In this position I felt both vulnerable and excited, which was very evident by the growing bulge in my shorts. I bit my lip as I watched Jungkook retrieve the small bottle of lube and a condom.

Without wasting anymore time, he crawled between my open legs and rubbed my inner thighs. My length twitched once again as I moaned. Jungkook just sat back and watched as I wiggled around, desperate for his touches. Then he hovered over me, trapping me under his large, and undeniably more muscular body.

"I'm going to worship your body, baby boy. Make you see just how beautiful you precious you are to me," Jungkook said as he lowered his head to my neck. I let out a breathy gasp as he gave me a tiny experimental bite to my neck. "But in order to do that I had to tie you up first so you couldn't escape or hide your gorgeous body from me again."

"S-sir, I'm sorry... I just-!"

Before I could even finish, Jungkook attacked me with a fiery kiss. I gasped as he grabbed ahold of my black hair tightly, jerking my head back so he could get a better angle. At this point there was no denying that I was at his mercy. Without even thinking I tried to wrap my arms around him to have him closer and I ended up putting even more strain on my cuffed wrists. After a couple of seconds, Jungkook broke the heated kiss with a sexy smirk.

"Tonight I'm going to pleasure you and make you feel good, baby boy," he mumbled against my lips.

My heart was beating wildly in my chest as he began peppering kisses around my choker. I turned my head off to the side to give him better access. Jungkook hummed in approval and started sucking at the juncture between my neck and my jaw. High-pitched moans spilled from my lips as he created hickeys all over my neck. Soon the area around my choker was decorated in purple and blue marks. During one particularly harsh suck, I arched my back and moaned loudly.

"S-sir! Oh, f-feels so g-good!" I managed to gasp out in between moans. My partner smirked and licked the spot one last time before moving down to my nipples.

I whimpered and thrashed on the bed as he abused my swollen, red nubs. I felt myself leaking more pre-cum as he pleasured me. The way he nipped and swirled his tongue around them afterwards to soothe the pain drove me crazy. There was no doubt that you could hear my desperation every time he purposefully pressed his body down on mine, our lower bodies creating some friction.

I found myself subconsciously arching my back, seeking to feel his length against mine. When I was able to feel his large bulge, I internally groaned and began slowly rutting up against him. My eyes were fluttering shut when all of a sudden I felt him pin my hip down firmly with his left hand, his furrowed eyebrows telling me that he noticed what I was trying to do.

"Just because we have an audience doesn't mean you get to misbehave, baby boy," Jungkook said in hushed tone along the shell of my ear, a soft mewl escaping my lips at the sexy sound.

"Y-yes, sir," I moaned, desperately trying not to cum untouched. His voice did things to me and I would be embarrassed if everyone saw just how much his words affected me.

Jungkook spent a few more minutes on my chest, giving my nipple one last lick before traveling down to my tummy. It fascinated me just how well my boyfriend knew my body. He could probably draw a diagram and give a detailed description about every part of me. He knew exactly how sensitive I was in certain spots and always gave each area special attention.

I watched on as my boyfriend placed loving kisses all over my outstretched ribs and stomach, his doe eyes making eye contact with me the entire time. I choked back a few moans as his hands firmly gripped my thighs, his fingernails digging into my skin. My eyes squeezed shut and my mouth hung open as I felt his plump lips travel from my pelvic bone down to my thighs.

The muscles in my legs spasmed as Jungkook eagerly bunched up my shorts so he could have access to more of my skin. He began to lightly suckle the innermost area of my right thigh, his hands squeezing my calves as I moaned deliriously. I could hear him lewdly groaning each time he added another hickey to my overly sensitive quad. All I could do was moan helplessly as he decorated my skin with red marks possessively. I knew the hickeys would last for at least a couple of days and the thought made me even harder.

My toes curled in arousal as he made his way over to my left leg, his lips licking the area closest to my length. I moaned again as he made out with my leg, gasping when he dared to tease me by mouthing at my clothed member through the shorts. I leaked more pre-cum and my shorts became soaked in the crotch area, my aching member pulsing from the pleasurable stimulation.

"P-please, m-more! I can't take it. I'm so, s-so close," I pleaded. Jungkook finally removed his tongue and chuckled as he wiped off his saliva. My chest heaved and you could tell how aroused I was by the light pink tint decorating my torso, little beads of sweat forming along my sides.

Jungkook POV

"Mmm, you have such gorgeous thighs, baby boy," I commented as I gave them each a light squeeze. Jimin moaned again and blushed harder as I massaged his bruised thighs.


"Please what, baby boy?" I asked with a smirk.

"I-I...please...touch me," he begged. His length was oozing pre-cum which was now pooling on his stomach. I chuckled as I gave both his thighs another squeeze.

"But I am touching you, baby. You'll have to be more specific..." I grinned. Jimin whined and pouted his lips, frustrated that I was teasing him. He knew he would have to say it if he wanted me to continue. I was aware that he got embarrassed easily in this role, but I found it adorable when he was begging for me. "What do you want me to do, baby boy?" I asked.

"Please, touch m-my c*ck, s-sir...I w-want you so badly," Jimin whimpered, his lower lip quivering with each word. Tears fell down his rosy cheeks and soaked the sheets under him as he became overwhelmed with emotions. I quickly kissed his tears away and smiled at him.

"Anything for you, baby boy. Especially when you beg so cutely," I cooed as I pecked his pouty lips.

I let Jimin catch his breath a little, pulling away as I got into a seated position between his legs. He shivered as I trailed two fingers up his legs in a walking motion until they came to rest on his aching member. I could tell my boyfriend was turned on when I roughly ripped off his shorts. His length sprang free and he sighed in relief. It was still oozing pre-cum very generously which was now starting to pool on his stomach.

My eyes followed the sticky trail briefly before I nipped at the tiny chub below his belly button and trailed my tongue into his innie. Jimin gasped as I swirled my tongue inside his navel, his cheeks reddening. I pinned his hips to the mattress as I licked around and explored his belly button, making my way to the deepest part of his innie.

I abused the sensitive spot at the bottom with my tongue, groaning at the bittersweet taste of his pre-cum. Once I had, had my fun... I scooted down and settled between his legs as I laid on my stomach. I grabbed both of his thick thighs and stretched them wider to see his dripping hole. He mewled as I groaned at the sight in front of me.

"F*ck,'re already nice and wet for me," I rasped. His breath hitched as I placed my index finger near his rim, lightly tracing a circle around it. "Mmm and your pretty pink hole looks ready for me to wreck..." I added with a dark chuckle. I felt him try to shift so my finger would enter him, but the handcuffs prevented him from moving too much. "But it'll have to wait a little longer."

I watched him pout again as I moved my hand away from his entrance. Jimin began to protest when suddenly, my warm cavern took his c*ck whole. He bucked his hips and moaned as I began to suck him off.


I swirled my tongue around his length and continued to bob my head up and down. Just as I felt his orgasm building, which was clear by his tiny little gasps, I pulled off with a pop. Jimin whined as I gave his tip kitten licks, leaking more pre-cum. But I was quick to gather it all in my mouth before crashing our lips together.

I moaned into the heated kiss as I tasted our spit mixed with his tangy juices. I pulled away to grab the lube to the right of me, my boyfriend's chest rising and falling at a rapid pace. He closed his eyes and his jaw went slack as I entered a finger inside him.

"Ah...ah...ngh...ahhh..." my lover groaned.

"How does that feel, baby boy?" I asked smugly as I twisted my index finger.

"AH! It f-feels so, so g-good, sir," Jimin gasped as he clenched his walls around my finger to add more pressure. I snickered when I heard the handcuffs jangling against the bed posts, probably from his attempts to move his arms.

You're not going anywhere, baby boy~

"Mmm, you feel so tight, baby," I growled. After I was sure he was ready, I added a second finger as I continued to abuse his hole.

"Sir-ahh! Please, please touch me. It hurts," he pleaded. His chest was heaving and I could see the sweat dripping down his torso.

"Don't worry, baby. I've got you..."

He sighed in relief when I used my other hand to wrap around the base of his c*ck. I gave it a few pumps as he bucked up into my hand. Jimin moaned when I dipped a finger into his slit to gather pre-cum. His eyes widened as he saw me suck on the same digit and swallow his pre-cum.

"Mmm, baby you taste so sweet," I moaned as his entire face flushed pink.

I smirked when I saw his reaction, causing him to turn his head to the side in an attempt to hide his face. I instantly removed my hand from his erect length and gave his thigh a firm slap. He released a small whimper from the loss of my touch but I could tell he was doing his best to choke back a moan from the smack to his thigh.

"What did I say about hiding?" I asked sternly. I knew he loved it when I asserted dominance over him, so I did my best to put on a stern face.

My heart raced uncontrollably when he blushed shyly under my intense gaze, making it difficult for me to swallow properly.

"I'm s-sorry, sir," Jimin replied quietly.

"This is the second time you have broken the rules tonight," I reminded.


"Maybe someone needs to be punished," I interjected.

Jimin instantly perked up, clearly keening at the idea of me punishing him. For him, it only made the whole experience more exciting. He lowered his head meekly before responding.

"I'm really sorry, sir."

"Perhaps I shouldn't pleasure you at all tonight," I mused as I ran my fingers along his exposed torso, relishing in the way he squirmed.

"N-no! Please sir...please be kind to me," he begged, his arms struggling to break free.

"I don't know...only good boys deserve to get rewarded," I replied with a shrug, teasing him even more as I laid my arms on top of his chest.

"I'll be a good boy, I promise!"

"Are you sure?" I questioned as I purposefully positioned my knee against his semi hard c*ck.

He nodded his head 'yes' vigorously, a wide smirk on my face when I noticed his shallow breaths. I chuckled darkly before removing my leg from the spot and retrieving the bottle of lube from beside me. Jimin whimpered as I poured a generous amount of liquid on his length and began giving him a handjob. I glanced down at his handsome face, entranced by the small breathy gasps he produced each time I pumped his length. When I saw him on the verge of his climax, I grinned evilly as I suddenly squeezed the base of his c*ck to deny him his release.

"Sir~ please l-let me cum," Jimin whined, my lips curving into a smile when I felt his hard member pulse in my hand probably from having to cum dry.

"Not just yet, baby boy. Sir needs you to do something," I responded in a sympathetic tone. My boyfriend just stared up at me expectantly, waiting for me to continue with bated breaths. "I need you to prep sir's c*ck..."

His tear stained cheeks reddened at that, my eyes observing his face intently. I watched on as his pupils dilated, tongue swiped across his swollen lips, and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down when he swallowed. I cursed under my breath at the sight, internally groaning at the innocent look he gave me. Not wanting to waste any more time I shuffled up his body until I was sitting on top of his chest, careful not to put my full weight on him, my crotch right in front of his face.

I gyrated my hips, making sure that my clothed length brushed against his awaiting mouth. My c*ck twitched at the slight friction as I quickly pulled down my shorts to remove it from the constricted fabric. Jimin's eyes widened as I gripped my glistening member and gave it a few strokes to ease the pain. The undivided attention he was giving me only made me harder. I grazed my length in a circular motion around his plump lips, loving the way they quivered whenever I dared to get closer.

"Can my baby boy do a good job with that pretty mouth of his and give his sir a nice, proper suck?" I asked in a seductive manner, my left eyebrow raising slightly as I cocked my head to the side.

"Y-yes, sir. Please let me," Jimin pleaded.

" suck," I demanded, using my free hand to brush back my sweaty bangs casually.

My boyfriend nodded obediently as he darted out his tongue, the wet muscle licking my tip. I hissed at the light touch, my teeth digging into my lip to stifle my moans. We had an audience after all and I didn't want them to see me fall apart from a blowjob that quickly. Unfortunately for me though, Jimin had a very skilled tongue.

I gasped when I watched him insert half of me into his mouth, my eyes concentrating on his blissed face. Jimin moaned contently as he began suckling my erect member, his jaw going slack to try and accommodate a couple more inches. The pleasurable vibrations that coursed through my c*ck in waves had me choking back a groan, my head falling back as he swirled his tongue.

"That f-feels so...Ahh~ so good, baby boy. Mmm, yes! Just...l-like that," I praised in between moans.

Jimin POV

I keened at his sexy moans, enjoying watching him fall apart from my mouth on his c*ck. For me the only thing more exciting than receiving pleasure from Jungkook was watching him totally lose his resolve when I pleasured him. I heard him gasping for air above me, his abdomen tensing each time I swallowed around him.

I only stopped when he was on the verge of coming, his desperate moans begging me to stop.

"Ahhh~ baby boy! Please...please s-stop...ngh...I-I'm going to- AHH! I'm g-going to cum~" my sir moaned breathily.

I slowly pulled off his member with a lewd pop, my lips curving into a smile at his wrecked face. Jungkook hummed in approval before sliding back a bit, his ass now resting on my stomach. I could tell he wasn't putting his full weight on me and the thought made me swoon. He ran his long fingers over my swollen bottom lip, tugging it down. After it popped back up, I slowly licked it as I stared up at him lustfully.

His doe eyes watched my every move, seemingly hypnotized by me. As if losing his willpower, he attacked my lips with his hungrily. On instinct I tried to wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer, but I quickly winced in pain.

"What's the matter, baby boy?" Jungkook asked with worried eyes.

" wrists, sir," I answered. Without any hesitation, Jungkook removed the cuffs from my wrists and gently massaged them.

"I'm sorry, baby. Is that better?"

"Yes. Thank you, sir." I gave him a faint smile to reassure him that I was okay. He then untied my ankles as well, worried that they might sting. Once Jungkook finished with the restraints, he leaned over to pepper my face with kisses as an apology.

"Sir, I'm okay," I giggled. He sighed in relief as he moved down the bed.

"Now...where were we?" Jungkook teased, giving my length a small squeeze. I bucked my hips at the contact and moaned loudly. With my new freedom, I clutched the sheets tightly as I spread my legs wider.

"P-please, sir..." I begged.

" more teasing," he cooed.

In the next moment, Jungkook's slender fingers were back inside my hole stretching me open. I gasped as he began to pick up the pace and added more pressure. Soon he had three fingers inside me while moans tumbled from my open mouth.

"You're taking my fingers so well, baby," he praised. I blushed as I sunk down on his digits, desperate for him to reach my bundle of nerves.

"S-sir, I-I'm ready. I need you, please..." I whined.

Jungkook removed his fingers and wiped them on the sheets before grabbing the lube. He took off his black boxers with one hand as he prepared to lube his aching member eagerly. I moaned as I gazed at his long c*ck, flushed red and dripping with pre-cum. Jungkook hurriedly rubbed the lube up and down his shaft, thankful for the much needed friction. I started to turn over, ready for him to pound into me. Before I could fully flip, Jungkook grabbed my left arm to stop me. I turned back over as I gave him a confused look.

"Stay on your back, baby boy. I want to see your pretty face as you fall apart beneath me," he husked with an evil smirk. I gave him a shy smile and nodded as I laid back down, face up.

I swear he will be the death of me with his kind words and praises.

Jungkook held my hips as he lined himself up to my entrance. His eyes met mine as he silently asked permission to continue. Even though we had done it a million times and he knew that I wanted him, he always made sure to ask. Which was a huge turn on for me. I nodded my head and clutched his shoulder to steady myself. He teased my hole with his tip, moving it around my rim in circular motions. I whimpered, wishing he would end my suffering.

Suddenly I found myself gasping as Jungkook slowly entered me. When he was about halfway in, he paused to let me adjust. After a few deep breaths I squeezed his shoulder, which was his signal to continue. Jungkook slid in to the base, leaving me feeling so incredibly full as I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"That's a good boy. You're taking my c*ck so well, baby," Jungkook cooed as he showered my chest with kisses, waiting patiently until I was ready to start. After a minute, my length was aching again.

"S-sir...please move now. I'm ready," I moaned as I rutted my hips against his pelvis. He groaned as he pulled out to the tip. My head fell back as he began thrusting slow and hard. "Oh my-! S-sir, ahh. M-more...please," I gasped.

My length was bouncing on my stomach, leaking more pre-cum. Jungkook granted my plea and picked up the pace, snapping his hips forcefully. I mewled as I saw him watching my face intently, aroused by my moans. I draped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, wanting to feel him all over.

"Kiss. Sir...please ahh." I begged and Jungkook instantly captured my lips with his.

He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I gladly gave him. His tongue delved into my wet cavern and soaked up all my moans. My hands pulled at the hair on the nape of his neck and scratched his back. Jungkook moaned at the slight pain, increasing his pace further. The intense pleasure began to build up inside me, causing my toes to flex. I wrapped my legs around his waist to bring us impossibly closer.

"Baby...boy-ah...You f-feel so good around me," he moaned between thrusts.

"Sir...ahhh...m-more, please!" I begged. On one particularly hard thrust I screamed and my head arched back, exposing my neck to him. Jungkook took the opportunity to place a hand behind my neck, tugging my choker. I moaned as I felt the fabric become tighter around my bruise littered neck.

"You like that don't you, baby?" Jungkook teased, stilling his hips momentarily.

"Y-yes, yes, yes! H-harder please...sir ple-please ah," I pleaded. Jungkook smirked as he pulled harder on my choker. My eyes closed and my mouth hung open as a wave of pleasure rolled over me. My nails dug into his back more harshly, creating scratch marks on his skin. He began to thrust again as he continued to pull on my choker. After a few moments, he finally released my choker as I gasped for air. Jungkook cursed under his breath as I clenched my walls tightly around his c*ck.

My heart was beating so fast and I could tell that he was close too by the way his thrusts started to become erratic. I felt my orgasm approaching, but I needed just a little bit more to send me over the edge. As if reading my mind, Jungkook started stroking my length in time with his thrusts. I gasped at the unexpected pleasure and blushed harder. Finally he hit my prostate dead on.

"AHHHH, SIR~!" I screamed as he rammed it repeatedly.

"C-cum for me, baby boy," Jungkook grunted as he pumped my c*ck faster and I was sent over the edge when he thumbed my slit. I squeezed my eyes shut and saw white.

"SIR!!" I yelled as I came apart in his arms. He continued to thrust as I came on our chests, helping me ride out my orgasm. Jungkook came soon after when I squeezed around him. I whimpered in sensitivity as he rode out his own orgasm, filling his condom with cum as he hovered over me. I was panting breathlessly when he pulled out, leaving me feeling empty. I whined and pouted at the loss of warmth, making grabby hands at him. Jungkook grinned and caressed my cheek as he leaned closer.

"Don't worry baby boy...I'm not done with you yet," he smirked. I gave him a questioning look as I knit my eyebrows in confusion. "I still have to punish you for earlier..."

My eyes widened and I flushed pink at the implication of his words. He chuckled darkly as he went between my legs again. Jungkook spread my thighs, holding them securely as he laid on his stomach. I was about to protest when I felt something wet on my abused hole.

Finally realizing what was about to happen, I struggled to get out of Jungkook's hold. However, his grip was too strong and I was spent from my recent orgasm. I whimpered and moaned as he began suckling my ring of abused muscles. My c*ck hardened once more as he ate my ass.

"S-sir...wait! Too's t-too much-ahhh!" I gasped. "I said I-I was ahhh sorry," I begged. Jungkook pulled away briefly to reply.

"I know you did, baby but you broke the rules. You know there are consequences."

"B-but I-"

"Now be a good boy and tell all these people who you belong to," he smirked. My heart skipped a beat as I suddenly remembered we had an audience. "...I want to hear you scream my name. Show them how good I make you feel, baby."

I became painfully hard as I thought of them watching us, seeing just how submissive I was to my boyfriend. I was pulled out of my thoughts as Jungkook dragged me to the bottom of the bed. I wasn't even aware that he had climbed off the bed and was standing at the foot of it.

He kneeled between my open legs and yanked me forward until my ass was hanging off the bed. I gasped as I clung onto the sheets while Jungkook hooked my legs over his shoulder. Now I was spread open before him, like I was on display. I blushed harder and I whimpered when he growled.

"Look at my baby's pretty little, pink hole...all ready for me," he teased. I shuttered as he blew on my rim. "Mmm, it's opening and closing around nothing, just waiting for me to fill it up again," my partner added. I panted as I waited for Jungkook to eat me out. He grabbed my thighs, spreading them apart even further. My chest flushed as I imagined what I must look like. I was about to beg him to quit teasing when he eagerly began licking my rim. My back arched and I tensed my thighs as he wrecked my hole.

"Sir!" I screamed in oversensitivity. Tears began to run down my reddened cheeks as he entered his tongue. "Ahhh...s-sir, sir~," I babbled. He continued to give my rim rough licks and delved into my abused hole. Jungkook occasionally nipped my ring of muscle as well which caused me to screech. I tightly tugged at his hair and moaned his name over and over. "Sir....s-sir... SIR! Ahhhh~!" I yelled, enjoying the feel of him inside me.

Jungkook hummed approvingly, sinking himself deeper into my hole with his skilled tongue. I sobbed from the overwhelming pleasure, feeling my second climax approaching fast. My breath hitched as I felt his tongue inside me, grazing my walls deliciously. I left one of my hands tangled in his hair as I reached between us to pump my length. I only managed a couple before my sir slapped my hand away. I pouted as he removed his tongue from my entrance.

"That's my job. Who do you belong to?" he asked firmly.

"Y-you..." I replied meekly.

"Who?!" Jungkook asked again as he wrapped a hand around my length.

"Ahhh...ngh you, sir. Only you!" I moaned. My boyfriend kissed my inner thigh with a pleased smile.

"That's right...mine. Only I get to touch you... only I can make you moan so beautifully, because you are MINE," Jungkook stated. My heart skipped a beat at his claim on me as I smiled shyly.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now tell me what you want," Jungkook insisted.

"I-I want my sir to touch my little c*ck and I want you to make me cum from your tongue," I answered, looking at him with pleading hazel eyes.

Jungkook dove back down instantly to my quivering red hole and shoved his tongue in forcefully. I gasped and moaned loudly as he pierced me. It didn't take long for me to be so close to the edge again. He ate my ass like he hadn't been fed in years. I keened at the attention, feeling the familiar throb of my c*ck.

"S-sir...more please," I begged.

Jungkook released my left thigh and began pumping my length. I moaned louder and felt my breathing become more erratic as he continued. He buried his head in my ass as he went deeper with his tongue and added a finger next to it. His tongue, finger, and hand on my length sent me over the edge as I squirted cum all over my torso. Jungkook removed his tongue as he hooked two fingers in my hole while he continued to pump my c*ck, riding out my orgasm. I squirmed when it became too much and he came to a halt.

I panted harshly as he rubbed my legs soothingly, only lowering them from his shoulders after he had carefully moved me to the middle of the bed. I laid there on my back, panting from the intense climax as I winced in pain. My gaze drifted to my boyfriend as he began cleaning me up, using his tongue to lick the cum from my thighs before moving up to my torso.

I giggled and squirmed when he sucked and licked the sticky substance from my navel. He continued to lick until my belly button was nice and clean, and slightly pink. After my partner finished licking me clean, he grabbed a wet cloth from the filming crew to clean my abused hole. I flinched at the touch, Jungkook whispering a quiet "sorry" before doing it softer.

Since some of our viewers like watching the aftercare moments, our crew kept rolling the camera a while longer. I gave Jungkook a shy smile as he crawled back into the bed after removing the stained sheets. He returned my smile and pecked my lips, wrapping his arms around me as he covered our naked bodies with the blanket.

I buried my head in his neck as I inhaled his scent. His natural smell calmed me, aroused me, and made me feel safe. Jungkook held me tightly as he maneuvered my body so that I was on top of him. I smiled as he rubbed my back and nosed my neck.

"Mmm, I forgot to tell you how addicting that perfume is. It smells so good on you," he said. I giggled and blushed at his words.

"Thank you, sir. I wanted to wear it just for you."

I laughed as he kissed my nose. We gazed into each other's eyes for a moment, just admiring one another before Jungkook leaned in to kiss my swollen lips. He squeezed my ass causing me to moan as he inserted his tongue. Our tongues danced together for a few minutes until we pulled apart to breathe, our lips connected by a string of saliva as we panted. I felt his breath fan over my face as I closed my eyes, my heart fluttering when he pecked my lips a few more times.

We smiled lazily at each other until I rested my head on his muscular chest; laying there wrapped in the blanket, both exhausted and content.

Author POV

"Aaaand cut! As always, great job you two. See everyone? Now THAT'S how you nitwits put on a performance!" The director yelled as the lights turned back on.

Everyone nodded in agreement, amazed at Jimin and Jungkook's demonstration. People began to shuffle out of the room ready to leave for the day. Their colleagues congratulate the couple, while some rush to the bathrooms with fairly evident boners. Jungkook chuckles at them as he moves to go grab the two of them a glass of water from the staff lounge down the hall.

From the back of the observation area, one person is watching them intently...

As soon as he sees that Jungkook is out of sight, Beom Seok quickly gets up and approaches Jimin from behind. He stands there silently with a wicked smirk as his eyes rake up and down the younger's body, his mind thinking of all the different ways he would love to have his way with him. After a long minute, he strokes Jimin's arm gently, the shorter boy shivering at the unexpected touch.

"B-Beom hyung, scared me! I thought e-everyone had left already," Jimin stuttered, subconsciously backing away from the older man.

"I would never leave without saying goodbye to you, cutie," Beom replied with a wink, closing the distance between them once more.

Jimin felt his heart flutter, a huge lump stuck in his throat at his hyung's attempt to openly flirt with him. He saw the other's gaze drop to his torso and that's when he remembered that he was still adorning his blue booty shorts. Jimin quickly wrapped a blanket around himself, not too keen about Beom staring at his body.

"Aww, why are you getting so shy all of a sudden? I just saw you with even less on..." Beom teased, licking his lips deviously.

"T-that was different!"

"You looked very sexy during your shoot today. It made me jealous that I wasn't the one making you moan like that..." he added in a seductive tone, a huge grin appearing on his face when he saw a pretty blush rise to the younger's cheeks.

"Beom hyung! You s-shouldn't say things like that," Jimin gasped as he started to move away, his grip on the blanket tightening. Beom just chuckled as he grabbed onto his tiny wrist, preventing him from leaving. "P-please let go of me. You know I h-have a boyfriend."

"I don't see him anywhere..." the elder smirked as he glanced around.

"H-he went to go get us some water," Jimin remarked with a shaky breath, wishing that his hyung would release his arm. "He'll be back soon a-and he wouldn't like you touching me like this..."

"Hmm, well...that's his own fault for leaving you all by yourself. I know I would never leave you alone right after I was through f*cking you, baby boy," he asserted as he took another step, their chests practically touching now.

"D-don't call me that!" the younger pleaded, his cheeks darkening at the name.

"Why? I thought you liked being called that," Beom snickered, his other hand reaching up to caress his face fondly. The other male was still clutching the blanket to cover his body so all he could manage to do was to try and turn his head away.

"Stop! Please just- let go hyung," Jimin tried again, mentally chastising himself for sounding so weak in front of him.

"What do you say we get out of here and go get a bite to eat?"

"I- no, I couldn't possibly-!"

"Why not? Don't you find your hyung attractive?" Beom pressed, his hand wrapping around his petite waist to hold him in place. Jimin whined as he tried to wiggle out of his tight hold.

"B-Beom hyung, please-!"

"Or we could always just go back to my place and I'll show you who you really belong to," the older man chuckled darkly as he slid his hand down his back to give Jimin's ass a firm squeeze.

"Get. Your. F*CKING. Hands. OFF. OF. MY. BOYFRIEND!" Jungkook growled, his pace brisk as he walked towards the set. The paper cups he had been holding a few seconds ago were thrown to the side as he stormed over to the two males.

"J-Jungkook! I-it's not what it looks like," Beom said worriedly, his hands immediately releasing their hold on the younger who fell to the floor weakly with a panicked look. "We, um...I-I was just-!"


Jimin's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched Jungkook punch their hyung in the jaw, the older boy groaning in pain as he dropped to the floor at his feet. The younger male panted heavily as he tried to calm his nerves, feeling satisfied with the right hook he had just delivered to their sleazy colleague. Once the adrenaline from the punch subsided, he turned his attention to his lover who was still on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked sweetly as he kneeled in front of the startled boy, his voice a stark change to the angered look he had a few moments ago. Jimin just nodded slowly as he glanced over at Beom's unconscious body.

"You punched him..."

"He was harassing you! I had to do something," Jungkook reasoned as the gravity of the situation hit him like a truck.

"I can't believe you actually punched him. That was so..." Jimin's words died on his lips, his gaze turning to look up at his boyfriend with an unreadable expression. Jungkook buried his face in his hands dejectedly with a sigh.

"I know! I shouldn't have done that. He could sue me and I could get fired! You know my mother always told me that my jealousy could get me in trouble and look at me! I punched a dude for touching you! And now you're probably freaked out because I lost it and UGH! Sometimes my temper just-!"

" sexy," Jimin finished with his eye smile.

Jungkook's head snapped up at his words, his heart racing for an entirely different reason now. 'Did his boyfriend just say that he thought that was sexy?!' he thought.

"I should have people hit on me more often~" he murmured softly, his blush giving away how shy he felt saying that aloud.

"Do you want me to end up in prison?!" his boyfriend joked as he kissed Jimin's cheek tenderly.

"No!" he laughed as he leaned his head against Jungkook's shoulder.

"Good. Now let's go get cleaned up, hmm?" the younger proposed as they stood up. Jungkook started to walk away but quickly stopped when he noticed that Jimin wasn't following him. "You still sore?"


"Here, let me carry you!" his boyfriend smiled as he swept his boyfriend off his feet. Jimin laughed as he hooked his arm around Jungkook's neck. "Hold on tight~"

"Wait! We can't just leave him here," the older boy pouted as he glanced down at Beom.

"Watch me," Jungkook chuckled as he walked off the set, carrying his boyfriend bridal style.

Once they finished showering together, they went inside Jimin's dressing room where they sat down on the couch. Jungkook gently held his lover in his lap facing him.

"Wow, Jimin! I think we really topped ourselves this time. You did so great, baby!" Jungkook grinned, massaging Jimin's sides.

"Yeah, we did. I can't believe we just performed in front of everyone like that!" Jimin laughed.

"I know I was a little apprehensive at first, but... wow. I can't say I would complain if we had to demonstrate aga- OW! What was that for?" the younger complained as he rubbed his arm.

"For embarrassing me in front of everyone! I totally forgot they were there until you brought it up during my punishment," Jimin pouted.

"Aww, mochi...but you looked so adorable! I couldn't resist," Jungkook cooed as he tried to kiss his boyfriend.

"Hmph!" Jimin exclaimed as he turned his head and crossed his arms, still clearly upset.

"Babyyyy~! I'm sorry, okay? I just wanted you to enjoy yourself and I know how turned on you get by the idea of people watching us..." Jungkook reasoned as he tentatively brushed back Jimin's hair.

Even though the elder had been slightly embarrassed during the shoot, he understood Jungkook's intentions. The shorter male glanced back to see his boyfriend with his bottom lip sticking out. Jimin sighed as he leaned down and kissed Jungkook's pouty lips.


"Does this mean you forgive me, Minie?" Jungkook asked with a spark of hope in his wide eyes.

"Yes..." Jimin replied, rolling his eyes with a small smile.

"Yay! You're the best boyfriend in the whole world. I love you so much!" Jungkook beamed as he linked his arms behind his lover's back.

"I love you too, Kookie," Jimin giggled as he nuzzled into his lover's neck. "And I do have to admit, that," Jimin mumbled with a blush.

Jungkook and Jimin both laughed as they cuddled together on the small couch. After they changed clothes, they went home to relax and most definitely NOT watch their recent video.

~The End~

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