Dance into Our Hearts (Zianou...

By BladeSullivan

9.2K 231 24

Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Louis are together in a fourway relationship. Liam and Zayn are Alphas while Louis and... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
Chapter 8

{Chapter 4}

996 30 2
By BladeSullivan

3rd Person POV:

Liam, Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Niall woke up on Wednesday morning feeling off. They all felt like something was weird, like something was going to happen that day. The part that none of them knew was if what was going to happen was good or bad so all five aired on the side of caution for since they woke up.

Harry and Liam were the only two that had to be up that morning. Liam got a message about an hour after he got home last night that woke him up. The message read that two members of his team that stayed late found evidence to further the investigation. Liam woke up at six am and got dressed in his suit like he always does before leaving at six thirty. Harry woke up at seven am with Louis and Zayn. The three ate breakfast before they took Harry to the elementary school since he didn't want to drive. Louis and Zayn went to the mall to get some things that them and their two boyfriends needed.

The case Liam was working on was closed by eleven o'clock because evidence of a second person being involved. A guy turned himself in and told Liam who his partner was. The team arrested them both and closed the case so they let Liam go home since he wasn't supposed to even be working that day and was home by one.

Harry had a boring day at school. Classes were full of note taking, nothing happened during lunch duty, and no detentions were handed out. Harry had to do bus duty after final bell and when he was done he walked back to his classroom where he saw all three of him boyfriends. Louis was sitting in Harry's teacher chair, Zayn was spinning him around, and Liam was sitting in a student's desk watching the two trouble makers with a love stricken smile on his face. Harry packed up everything he needed to take home before shooing the three loves of his life out of his classroom so he could turn off all the lights and lock the door right as the clock struck four. The foursome couple spent the next three hours at home cuddling on the couch before leaving to pick up Louis' sisters from dance rehearsals.

Niall's day was identical to the day before. Wake up, shower, and getting dressed started the day. Niall wore a pair of black sweatpants, white t-shirt, and a pair of black sneakers. (Picture up top) He had another morning to afternoon class with adults/older teens from eight to two with a break from ten to ten thirty and a lunch from twelve to twelve thirty. Niall had lunch with the adult and teen dancers he was teaching. His break from two to two thirty and spent the next thirty minutes rehearsing the dance numbers that he had to teach the kids that were going to be coming in.

When all the children arrived at the studio at three o'clock they were acting crazy. According to a lot of the kids they all had boring classes that had them stuck at their desk majority of the day so they were ready to move around and let loose. The only two kids that weren't giving Niall problems were the two amazing dancers from yesterday, Ally and Ashton, but they were having some problems with the new dance they had to learn. Niall thought it was very weird that they were having trouble with the dance because the dance from yesterday had some harder moves to do and they had it down pat almost instantly.

It was six fifty when Niall told the kids they are free to run around and play in the room for the last ten minutes, but he asked Ally and Ashton to come talk to him in the corner on the far wall away from the door and away from the other dancers.

Louis' POV:

The boys and I just arrived at the studio that my sisters are doing dance rehearsal. There was still fifteen minutes left before the class ended but we decided to go in and see what they are up to. The lady at the front desk told us the directions to the room that has a window to look in the studio. They have the waiting and dancer areas separated as to not distract the dancers.

Once we sat in the room we started to watch what was going on. The first thing we all noticed was the beautiful teacher teaching the children. "Are you guys looking at what I'm looking at?" I ask my three boyfriends. Through the corner of my eye I saw all three nod their heads while having trouble keeping their jaws off the floor. The cutie was wearing black sweatpants, white t-shirt, a pair of black sneakers, and a snapback holding down his hair that was dyed blond but still had brown roots. He let the kids have the last ten minutes to play with each other, but called my little sisters, Ally and Ashton, over to him to talk in the corner.

Niall's POV:

"Are we in trouble Mr. Horan?" Ashton, one of the little girls standing in front of me, asked. "No, love. You can call me Niall by the way. I just wanted to check in with you both. The two of you did so good yesterday but today, on an easier dance, you both were messing up a lot. Is everything okay?" I ask the twins in front of me while I try to control my concern and not over think anything.

"We are just tired. We have a lot of test coming up at school and have been having to study whenever we have free time even staying up till past our bedtimes to try and keep up." Ally told me while she and Ashton look down at their feet upset. "Hey. Hey. Don't be upset it's okay to be tired due to studying. It is amazing that you two are trying your best to do well in school! The only thing I ask the both of you is to take care of yourselves and understand the you guys can keep up with school without sacrificing the time that you need to sleep. Can you two do that for me?" I ask the twins. They both give me small smiles and nod their heads before taking turns giving me a hug then running off to some of their friends in the group.

Louis' POV:

The boys and I are watching as the blond beauty while he was talking to my sisters. The girls looked down like he was yelling at them, but he wasn't. he said something to them that made them lift their heads and give him a smile and nodded before they each give him a hug then run off to some friends. "What do you think that was about?" Harry asked out loud. Suddenly a woman from behind me spoke up, "Hello, are you related to Ally and Ashton?" she asked me. The woman was middle age with shoulder length brown hair. "That would be me. I'm their older brother." I tell the woman. "I am Caroline, one of the producers. Those two are amazing dancers! Niall was probably just talking to them since they looked a little off today." The lady tells us the information we were wondering. "What do you mean by a little off? Are they in trouble?" I was worried about them maybe getting kicked off the movie.

"Oh, no. Niall, the man they were talking to, is the main instructor meaning the only one that can go to the us working and get dancers kicked off the movie, but he isn't like that. Ally and Ashton have been picking up the dances faster than everyone else. Today's dance was easier than yesterday but for some reason they aren't getting it. Niall just likes to know if something is bothering his dancers to see if it is anything he can help with." Caroline told us. We saw people start to go into the studio to pick up their kids so we said thank you to Caroline for talking to us about our concerns before leaving out of the watching area and into the studio.

3rd Person POV:

The girls saw their brother and his boyfriends walk in. They were talking to the foursome couple about everything they did today when Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Louis smelt this amazing smell in the air. The four men made eye contact with each other before they all smiled, their last mate was in the room. Niall was making rounds and talking to the adults about their children and before they four men knew it he was in front of them. Before he could even get a word out Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Louis gathered him in a group hug before growling out the one word that would change all their lives forever.


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