The Blight and The Clawthorne...

By NorlaChing

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⚠️Discontinued⚠️ (6/9/2023) A/N: Idk what i've made when i was younger, there is no context or a lot of logic... More

DESCRIPTION (Please read before actually reading the story
CHAPTER 1 - New Clawthorne
CHAPTER 2 - New Day, New Life
CHAPTER 3 - My Blight
CHAPTER 4 - Friendship
CHAPTER 6 - Arranged Marriage
CHAPTER 7 - Two Identities
CHAPTER 8 - Human World..
CHAPTER 9 - Shape Shifter
CHAPTER 10 - Truth (short?)
Chapter 11 - Trouble (Longer than my knowledge)
CHAPTER 12 - Sibling Talk & Faith
CHAPTER 13 - School and Hexsides back!
CHAPTER 14 - Back to the Boiling Isles
CHAPTER 15 - Reunited
CHAPTER 16 - We meet again and a bit of 'fun'
CHAPTER 17 - Family
(Not a chapter)
CHAPTER 18 - Planning and Multi Date (Day 1)
CHAPTER 19 - Clawthornes,Noceda's and Blights (Day 2)
Fun Fact about me right now
Desicion (for ya'll)
Trauma nostalgia
CHAPTER 21 - The Game of Trust and Truths
Question (Not a Chapter)
Very Sad/Important A/N
Remakes Out

CHAPTER 20 - Steve and Tailor (Day 3)

421 10 24
By NorlaChing

A/N: I think by the tittle, you are probably gonna love the plot

TW's: Fluff?, Angst, Wholesomeness, Family Drama, Fight scenes, Blood, Gore

(Day 3 before Wedding)

Narrator/3rd Person POV

Edric groaned, his eyes scrunch up a bit before it slowly opened

his vision was blurry, a few weak blinks managed to get it to clear up a bit though

he saw himself inside his and Hunter's room inside the 'Emperors Castle'

he moved a bit but felt someone cling onto his waist a bit more

he looked down and saw the covers going up and down, not only because of his, but also because of Hunter who was under the covers

he took blanket off to reveal a shorter 'fragile' male that was snuggled up next to him

his hands wrapped around Ed's waist and his face snuggled into the taller males stomach

they were both in their pajamas, Hunter in some dark blue shorts and an oversized light yellow t-shirt with a bunch of words labeled onto it, saying

'Just because a decision hurt, doesn't mean it was a bad decision'.

While Edric, just wore a small white 'sando' (i think thats what you call it in English) that was gifted from Ms. Faith (I'm sure ya'll might not remember them, they're from one of the past chapters.)

it showed a bit of his stomach (where Hunter's face is laid in) from the straps being tight, and the 'sando' being pulled up a bit (a lot). He wore some long puffy star themed pants to a-company the softness of the bed and his lover

he stayed in bed a bit, waiting for his body to fully function before getting up for a bath

after a while, he was still lost in the warm and soft covers, so the only logical thing he did was

To not get up at all.

Until he was probably forced to later on, once Hunter woke up.

Hunter woke up after a minute or two, he was tired from the 'Family Meeting' last night

the two of them have been doing a lot lately ever since he came back

he was originally there to find Vee, but he got distracted with his other family and the wedding and stuff.

Wonder how she's doing... Hunter asked himself, not moving which made Edric think he was still sleeping, but the truth was

his mind was streaming down the gutter and to the sewers of deep thoughts. (ya'll can use this for something)

His mind was lost, wandering through each and every thought he had going on in his (traumatic and depressed) mind

he wondered how his 'other family' was doing, if they were fine and alive, or if they were...

his eyes widened with tears starting to form in his eyes at the thought

he moved a bit and it got Edric's attention, "Hun? You awake?" Edric asked in a soft and quiet voice

trying to make sure he was quiet as possible so if Hunter was still asleep, he would still be sleeping

"Ya-ya..." a sniff stopped him, his tears already streamed down the side of his face without consent (he's sleeping sideways like Edric, meaning his tears would move sideways)(i think-)

Edric's eyes widened, his face filled with worry as he knew Hunter was crying.

he sat up from the bed, and he started to move down a bit

Hunter let go of Ed', Ed' finally reached his level, he put the palm of his hand on Hunter's head

before he moved the piece of fallen hair in his face, just to see Hunter clearly and better.

"Hunter?" Ed' asked

Hunter could only look up at him

"Come here." Ed' said, opening his arms for a warm embrace to give to his 'lover'

Hunter sat up and crawled over to Ed' before wrapping his arms around Ed's chest, his left reaching the back of Ed's neck.

Ed' hugged him back, his hands traveled up to Hunter's hair, he gently stroked it as Hunter sobbed quietly in his chest

he hushed Hunter, over, and over, and over again.

Hunter was calming down a but, but it still didn't get his 'mind' of the 'thought'

still in the 'gutter' of 'deep thoughts'..

"Hunter... its okay.." Ed' hushed his 'lover' who hugged him as he cried in, he was in between his legs

the weight wasn't that much for Ed', which was a bit good as he didn't have to 'fall flat' on the bed

"E-ed..." Hunter said, choking on his sobs of sorrow.

Ed' stopped with the stroking of his hair, along with the hushing tone of his voice

"Yes?" Ed' asked, quiet but loud enough for Hunter to hear, his voice 'gentle' and 'soft'

"D-do.." Hunter stopped, letting go of the hug and looking at Ed' with watery eyes, "Do you think they're 'alive' and 'fine'..?" Hunter asked

Ed's eyes widened, not knowing this was something 'he' had to answer for his 'fiancé'

"I-.. i don't know Hun', but i pray to the Titan with you they are.." was all Ed' could say

"Don't worry, i'm sure they 'might' still be alive, you just gotta believe they are." Ed' continued

"You think?" Hunter asked, not completely knowing if Ed' was 'sure' of what he was saying

"Hmh!" Ed' hummed quietly, a small smile growing on him, trying to 'encourage' his 'fiancé' to 'cheer up' a bit.

"....Okay..." Hunter mumbled

his lips curved into a small smile, before he rested his head into Ed's shoulder

closing his eyes, welcoming some sleep he could have for a bit more.

Ed' smiled, happy his 'lover' was getting a bit better, 'mentally' and both 'physically'

but 'it could never change part' of the 'past' he 'has gone through' and what 'he was going through now'

Ed' laid down on his back with Hunter nuzzled into his chest, he closed his eyes

welcoming 'darkness' and relaxation' as Hunter did

feeling the 'others' warmth next to him, knowing he was safe and with him.

After a while, they both fell asleep.


Hunter's face scrunched up before he opened his eyes, the blinding light didn't seem to bother him

he noticed he was on Ed's chest, moving his arms out of the 'cuddle' and putting it on the mattress beside Ed's body

pushing himself up, he looked around before moving carefully, trying to not wake the 'other one' up from such sleep

he got out of bed, still in his pajamas (well, he calls it pajamas even tho its just an oversized shirt and shorts)

looking around the room, he reached for his phone that was managing to get charged because of Luz showing him a trick for a use of a charger in the Boiling Isles

he opened it, the lock screen appeared in front of him with a background of Camila, Vee and him, celebrating his 'recognition' from 'high school'

the time was 6:00, showing they at least slept for about an hour and a half, Hunter sighed at the sight of the phones background picture

Should be really changing this background while i'm worried sick- Hunter thought to himself

he let out a sigh before swiping up, showing the passcode lock, he put in his passcode and started to look through his own phone as if he never knew what was in it, but he did and was just bored as hell.

He looked through his messages, glad he still had some data and that it worked on the Boiling Isles

he scrolled through each message he had in his contacts, and came across one he forgot even existed

Amber, Vee's girlfriend and possibly soon to be fiancé since Vee had talked to Hunter about advice for proposing, despite him never actually proposing to Ed' as if he mean't it, his 'Uncle' did it for him by 'arranging' them both in one

he managed to give her some advice he had learned, and Camila gave the rest as he was hopeless in that stuff-

Hunter 'pressed on the contact' and 'started to think' if he should 'inform' her of what had happened or if he shouldn't

Amber already knew about magic due to walking in on Vee in her 'Basilisk' form and Hunter flying on his staff at the time.

She stayed in a corner for about two hours without eating, traumatized and trying to process every shitty thing she saw and what she was informed about by Vee and Hunter

Hunter smirked, remembering those cruel hours for Amber and how 'funny' it was to him

he decided to text her, inform her about everything

well not everything entirely, only the information she needed to know, along with knowing how she was there in the 'human realm'

he started pressing on the keyboard, typing in words before thinking it was not a good tex to send to her, so he scrapped it all away by deleting it and then starting with another one

after a few minutes, he managed to get 'one particular' text he thought was 'good enough' to send.

He pressed the send button, and then waited, going to Youtube to just search any 'shitty or awesome' video he could find that interested him while he waited for the reply

he found one, simply from a youtuber called 'EddieVR' (go check then out, they're amazing), and it was about him becoming an exorcist.

Hunter pressed on the video and put it on 'fullscreen', lowering the sound as best as he could to make sure Ed' doesn'g wake up from a scared man that kept swearing in Spanish as they played VR horror games.

The video started and Hunter was enjoying it so far, he let out a fee quiet chuckles at the 'funny parts'

then s jump-scare happened and Hunter almost dropped his phone splat onto the ground (along with screaming)-

the movement and the noise woke Ed' up, he sat up from the bed quickly and looked around

"What happened-!?" Ed' yelled, thinking something bad happened

Hunter looked at Ed' the phone turned off in his hands as he pressed the 'power off' button by accident, the two stared at each other

Hunter then soon bursted out laughing his guts off, Ed' knew what this mean't and was somewhat 'embarrassed' or 'annoyed', or maybe even a mix of both-

"Hunter, you scared me.." Ed' spat out, "i thought happened to you!" Ed' yelled at him as he began shaking his 'lover' violently with an angered face

Hunter was still laughing his organs out though, despite Ed's expression and mood, he wasn't afraid and Ed' just let him let it all the fuck out-

"Oh Titan... why did i even choose to date you.." Ed' whined, he was 'stressed' and 'annoyed' with his 'fiancés' 'behavior/reaction'

Hunter finally let out one last gasp of laughter before laying on the bed, his phone to his chest along with his hands

he looked at Ed' with a small smile

"Because you love me don't you?" Hunter asked, Ed' looked at him with a 'considering' face, trying to process what he was trying to do

Ed' sighed and looked away, still 'angry' with Hunter for some reason, "I suppose.." He mumbled with an 'angered tone'

Hunter's eyes turned into puppy ones, "You don't love me-!?" Hunter cried out, sitting up and moving next to Ed'

Ed' looked to his side, "What-!? i never said i didn't love yo-" Ed' said but was cut off by Hunter

"Edric~ love~ please forgive me for what i've done-..." Hunter cried out, acting like a small child

Ed' figured out what Hunter was doing, he never seen this side of Hunter, nor has he seen him act like a 'big baby' before

Ed's lips curved up into a small smile, a giggle coming from him

Hunter looked up at Ed' clinging on his 'right arm', "Give me a kiss then~" Ed' said, loving this small little 'dumb' actions

"As you wish~" Hunter purred, Hunter cupped Ed's cheek and they both leaned forward, closer to each other

their lips touched, they 'cherished' the 'warm embrace' of 'love'.

Hunter leaned his head to his left a bit, wanting to at least have more

but not to much as he wanted to save it for the the 'honey moon' that would happen after the wedding

they broke apart, looking at each other with warm hearting smiles, they both giggled and soon cuddled up into a 'little' hug

Hunter was near Ed's chest once again, hearing his heartbeat to a relaxing rhythm, it was nice

till...there was a knock at the door-

Hunter groaned and Ed' chuckled at his slight reaction, Hunter got out of bed with Ed' still sitting on the bed

Hunter walked cup to the door and unlocked it, opening it to see none other than 'Steve'

"Oh," Hunter's 'groany' (not sure if that even is a word) reaction changed once he saw the 'scout', "Hi Steve, what're you doing here?" Hunter asked with a warm tone.

"Hello there to you too Hunter, and Ed'." Steve said, spotting the other male on the bed

he looked back at Hunter, "I'm here because the 'emperor' wants me to 'watch and protect' you." Steve said

"Me or Ed' or both of us?" Hunter asked, confused

"Both of you, but Hunter the most." Steve stated with a sigh

Hunter sighed too, "Why does he want you to 'watch and protect' us again?" Hunter asked

"Well, because he said 'he doesn'g wanna lose you again', which is a bit wholesome for the Emperor to say." Steve said, with a smile under his mask

Hunter let out a small laugh, he missed this side of his 'Uncle', the one that was so 'protective' and 'kind' back then.

Hunter looked back at Steve, a smile still carved onto his lips, "Very true, its really 'rare' to see him like that." Hunter told Steve

"Hey, are you tired?" Hunter asked

"Ya.." Steve mumbled, knowing Hunter was fine with him telling each other stuff

"Then why not you come for inside for a bit?" Hunter asked

"No-no, its fine-" Steve reassured Hunter, and Hunter gave him a look that said 'ya, ya.. like i'd believe that'

"No really, i'll just wait in my room, you guys get dressed." Steve said

Hunter sighed in 'defeat', "Fine..." Hunter groaned, "but at least take the rest you need, because we're going places and to a 'tailor'." Hunter spoke out

"Got it!" Steve exclaimed happily before running off to his room

Hunter and Ed' chuckled at how 'Steve' acted like a kid for a second

Hunter closed the door and soon, the two were going to the bathroom, to have a bath.


Hunter, Ed' and Steve walked through the forest, since this was another place to get to their destination

"I always wonder why people live out in the woods" Hunter mumbled to himself

"Hm?" Ed' hummed, curious of what Hunter had said, Hunter looked at him and replied, "Nothing.." He groaned

having somewhat some kind of attitude, as if he was one of those 'rebellious human teens'-

the group walked, and walked, it was a good thing they set out early

"How long does this take?" Ed' asked, feeling as if it was taking centuries to get to their destination

"I think it's just a few more minutes" Steve exclaimed, "at least thats what Hunter said." Steve continued

Hunter was not in the mood to talk at the time, he was somewhat growing distant to the two

he was not in the right place and the right mind to talk.

So the two males left the other alone, just walking to their destination instead

it took while, but soon they got there, it was a medium sized cabin, they walked inside, the door beel rang as it opened, they were greeted by a lovely cozy cottaged themed that the Tailor designed

"This oddly feels familiar.." Steve stated, they walked up to the counter

soon came out a very familiar male, and Steve's jaw dropped from under his mask

"I'm coming-" He cut his sentence off a bit as he looked up, his eyes locking onto Steve

"Steve!? What are you doing here-?" The male yelled in disbelief

"Sorry Matty.... i just had to watch over this lovely couple, Emperor's orders." Steve said with an awkward smile on his face

"Oh," Matt said as he looked at the two beside Steve, "Hunter and Edric, didn't expect you two to come early." Matt said, the trio didn't know if he was being sarcastic though-

"Time flies fast, we thought coming early would at least help us" Hunter replied

"That's good." Matt mumbled, though, nobody heard him nor saw that he said something as he had his back turned and was searching through the drawers for his sewing kit, he found it after a few seconds

turning around to face the group, "So, who's going first?" Matt asked the couple, Ed' and Hunter looked at each other

Ed' asked if he could be first with the look in his face, and Hunter agreed with a nod, Ed' smiled and followed Matt into a room

Hunter sighed before looking back to sit on one of the chairs next to the counter, he looked at Steve before patting another chair next to him, signaling the other to sit down, and Steve did.

"Hey, Hunter?" Steve asked as he sat down onto the chair, "Ya?" Hunter asked in reply

"What's it like in the 'human world'?" Steve asked, fiddling with his fingers as he looked up at the ceiling

Hunter froze, shocked at this, but he answered, lowering his head and laying the palm of his hands on top of his lap

"It's beautiful, no boiling rain, nor seas... theres a cycle of seasons instead of islands, the place is sorta quiet, if you don't live in the city or one that 'New York'."

Hunter continued as he joked around with the noise and what his Uncle had told him about that wasn't so true in the modern era

"The humans aren't always so nice, but there are some that will help you no matter who you are. I met one, she was so kind and caring, dealing with the fact that one of her daughters went away somewhere else,"

He continued even more, his tone slowly changing with each sentence he made

"She had another daughter that replaced the first one, but she soon found out and loved her very well, then i came and we lived happily." His tone changed to pain

"Now.... we're all gone, she's in the Hospital after i came back here, and I'm here, because... i-... i didn't really wanna see my loved ones, because i forgot how much i missed them, i just came back to get the two daughters who are here. Except i've fallen into an endless abyss of pain."

He ended his sentence, anger and sorrow mixed into his tone, he clawed at his lap, wanting to tear himself apart as he held back tears

then, Steve put a hand on his shoulder, causing Hunter to be brought back to reality and look at Steve with the sight of pain, he wanted to let everything out

and, It was like Steve could read his mind as he brought Hunter into a hug, Hunter's head burrowed into the scouts chest before they spoke

"Shhh... it's okay... you can let everything out, i don't mind." Steve hushed the younger one

and with that, Hunter started sobbing quietly, not to quiet for Steve to hear his pain, but quiet enough to make sure the other two in the other room wouldn't hear.

"I-i just wanted to make Mama happy-..." he cried out in a quiet voice, "I wanted to bring Luz and Vee back" Hunter cried once more

and Steve's eyes widened as he now knew who Hunter's two female siblings were, he wanted to ask so much as he knew Luz was the human, but he kept quiet under that mask of his, knowing more than almost everyone knew

"Shhh.. they're gonna be okay, everyone is... you gotta believe that," Steve said as Hunter pulled away and looked at the man

Hunter wiped his eyes with his sleeve before looking back at the scout, "I wanna tell you someth-" but before Steve could finish the other two came out of the room

"Hun', it's your turn!" Ed' chirped, happy as an 'owl', Hunter only smiled, acting as if nothing happened and went inside with Matt'

Edric happily sat with Steve, and they both talked about


(Time skip because motivation's leaving me)

Hunter, Edric, Matt and Steve all stayed for a while just to have some chit-chat, it was nice

getting to know more was something Hunter liked, but then his phone started vibrating in his bag, before a call was started

he took out his phone from his bag and looked at the contact, which he recognized as 'Amber's'

"May i take this?" Hunter asked the trio, and they all responded with a 'yes'

Hunter got off the chair and ran outside before answering the call and bringing it up to his ear

a rough brief of silence was heard for a few seconds before there was a voice on the other end of the call

"Hunter!" Amber yelled in joy, happy that her girlfriends brother answered, "Hey Amber.." He spoke, somewhat dead inside, but still tried to keep joy in his tone

"I read everyone of your messages and heard everything else from Mrs. Noceda-" Amber seemed rushed, Hunter didn't know why though...

"What's going on? Why do you seemed rushed?" Hunter asked, taking his time to talk

Amber replied, "I- i might not have much time, but all i need you to know is ^#£%++%*%€<%%###-" The connection crashed

before it suddenly returned and, there was nothing but silence, it panicked him, but then he heard someone else in the call

"We lost the human!" One of them yelled, and Hunter's eyes widened

before another call from Amber erupted, he pressed it, leading him to a zoom call, the camera was turned to the scouts as it was hidden well along with Amber

Hunter mute himself in order to help her stay quiet, he waited before the camera pan turned to Amber, who had a giant bloody wound on the side of her arm

tears streamed down her face but she remained silent as best as she could, Hunter and her knew she wanted to scream at the top pf her lungs so bad at that injury

Hunter put his finger up to his mouth, signaling her to still keep quiet for as long as had to.

He knew what pain she was going through, he's dealt with it in the past, but he never wanted it to happen again, especially to someone he knew well

he watched, holding back tears, taking in everything carefully and seriously

It was time he stopped goofing around, it was time he actually did something about it.

He opened his bag and Rascal came flying out before turning into a staff with him grabbing it without even looking at Rascal

he took one last look at the call and Amber before teleporting back to the castle

he teleported to a room, there it had the portal opened with scouts coming in and out with stuff in hands

he used his staff to change his uniform to a scouts before hiding his Rascal and blending in with the rest of the crowd of scouts

he walked in the portal and when nobody was looking, he secretly left the group and went to out to find Amber

she needed help, and he was going to give it, he wasn't that worried about the portal closing as it was only kept open with scouts going in and out to discover the Human World and collect resources.

Hunter held his staff in hand once again before teleporting around the place, careful to not get seen by everyone before he screaming

he knew who that was and instantly teleported to the sound.

He teleported before seeing two scouts try and hold Amber still, one held a flute that would try and get her to fall asleep

Hunter was angered and round house kicked the one that held Amber into a nearby tree

the scout grunted as their back hit the tree with a thud, Hunter looked at the other scout with anger in his eyes

"Hey! You can't do tha-" The scouts was interrupted as Hunter took of his mask and was shown Hunter's very pissed off face

the scout froze at him, "Go-golden guard-!" The scouts was cut off once again by Hunter

"What the hell do you think you're doing with humans....?" he asked, voice as menacing as his Uncle's

"Emperor Belos told us to-" The scout was never given the chance to speak as Hunter always cut them off with his angered tone but the scout didn't complain as they were scared for dear life

"Emperor Belos..." he mumbled with anger before punching the scout, sending them tumbling to the ground.

"I would thank you for the help, but....I wouldn't want any witnesses" Hunter laughed with a smile as his brows furrowed, giving him an insane look

"No-no, please! i promise to not tell!!!" the scout pleaded, but Hunter scoffed as he pushed that plead away his trust

"Fun Facf; did you know that we store everyones history in files to keep track of what their crimes, skills and values are?" Hunter asked with that insane look on his face, not in a mice way though, it was more of a mock.

"Night little birdie~" he said sweetly before using his left foot to kick into the scouts chest and break all his ribs, causing one to puncture his right lung

he kept doing that over and over again, with a wide smile on his insane face, enjoying every last bit of it

blood splattered onto his clothes, and a bit on his face as he watched the body soon loose its soul

he then slowly lifted up his foot from the fead corpse chest, admiring his look before looking at Amber who watched it all with such a straight face as she was now used to Hunter beating up someone by no mercy.

"You alright there?" Hunter joked around as he folded his arms behind his back

Amber smiled with her brows furrowed, "Ya.... just dying over here.." she said sarcastically as she rolled here eyes at the sentence

Hunter giggled before lending out a hand, "You can still walk right?" He asked as he reached out his hand for the other

"Yup." Amber said as she grabbed the other hand with the non-wounded hand she had

Hunter pulled her up before bringing her into a hug, "I don't know why, but I miss you." Hunter mumbled into the humans ear

"Awww~ is my girlfriends brother being soft~?" Amber joked around as Hunter soon pulled away from the hug she didn't give back

"N-no!" Hunter stuttered angrily as his ears and cheeks flushed pink

he could take teases from Edric and the others, but Vee's girlfriend, he could not take any of it.

Amber laughed before Hunter punched her in her non-wounded arm jokingly, the two laughed, as if they were on drugs and nothing bad had happened-

"I miss you too Baby boy~" she teased, "Why the fuck are you using that nickname now-?" Hunter asked in disbelief

"hmm... thought that would manage to make you blush and more embarrassed." She replied

"You're starting to act like a mom-" Hunter joked before the two laughed again

"Ah-" Amber cut herself off as her arm started to hurt from her moving to much

Huner leaned a bit to her with his hands in the air and pointed to Amber, he was worried and concerned for her

"Maybe we should fix this first.." Amber said, pointing at the wound in her arm with a small smile

"Ya.. come on, before ang other scouts wake up." Hunter said, wrapping Amber's non-wounded arm around his neck and putting another hand near her waist

"What about the one you round housed kick into the tree?" Amber asked, looking at the other scout

"Oh, Elena? nah.. she gets amnesia easily if she hits her head onto something really hard." Hunter spat out, as his half lidded eyes narrowed to the scout

"I'm surprised you know every scouts name and who they are without hearing their voice or seeing their face." Amber spoke as the two started walking away

"It's a skill i had from Uncle Belos.." Hunter mumbled, walking alongside Amber

"So, you not going back to the Boiling Isles?" Amber asked with concern, hinted in her voice.

"Ya... i'm not going back for a few hours, plus, the door is never mean't to be closed since Scouts have to gather resources.."

the two walked back into town, they both got inside without anyone seeing them both

Hunter placed Amber onto the couch before leaving with a few sentences made out

"I'll go get the medkit, stay there!" Hunter shouted loud enough for only her to hear

"I will!" Amber shouted back with her right arm cupped near her mouth as she was trying to make her voice a bit louder

Hunter ran through the short hall before into Camila's room, a room where the medkit would be

he walked into the room, slowly flooded with memories he had to brush off to just find the medkit

he opened drawers and cabinets, scattering through his second-moms stuff, trying to find the medkit or something that could help Amber with her wound

then, he finally found it in the closet, "What are you doing there- you're an inanimate object, you don't need to hide anything-" Hunter said, pissed off at the fact that the medkit was hiding in the closet.

He took the medkit before rushing downstairs, he then sat next to Amber, "You need to take off your shirt" Hunter said with a serious face

"What-?" Amber asked, slightly confused at what he just said

"I said take off your shirt, i need to clean the wound" Hunter said once again, this time with a blank face

"No-! Can't i just roll up my sleeve!?" Amber asked, blush flushed on her cheeks from embarrassment

"No, the wound is near your shoulder, rolling up the sleeves with cause more pain and it will be harder to clean and stitch up." Hunter explained

and with those words, Amber finally agreed, "fine..." She sighed before trying to take off her shirt and over her head, but her wound cause her to yelp in pain

Hunter helped her take it off, before tossing it aside on the couch, he opened the medkit before remembering he had to get some towels and hot water

"Be right back, i need to get some towels and hot water." Hunter said with sarcasm and left the room again

"Goodness Hunter..." Amber face palmed herself at Hunter's actions and braincells

He possibly might only have one braincell left right now.. the other must've gone on vacation or some shit- Amber thought to herself before zoning out as she stared at her wound

her mind was kept on the bloody image, something that could not make her puke at how many times Hunter had managed to make someone get beaten really bad and somehow not get caught.

Then, a snap of Hunter'd fingers got her back to reality, "Don'g start zoning out on me like that." Hunter said as he dipped the towel in a small bucket of hot water

"Sorry... just got a bit distracted.." Amber mumbled before she moved her hair yo the other side, letting Hunter have enough space to clean her wound

Hunter used to wet cloth to clean her wound, he gently pressed it onto the wound and Amber gritted her teeth, refusing to make any sort of sound

"This is real bloody, what the hell did they to to you?" Hunter asked, angered at the scouts

"It wasn't the scouts, some of the FBI managed to find them and they also made this wound on me, thinking i was on their side." Amber replied

Hunter stopped, his eyes narrowing to Amber, but the other refused to make eye contact

Hunter huffed, his brows furrowed at the thought, he turned back to the small bucket of water and dipped the cloth in, cleaning the bloody cloth before going back to the wound to clean it once again.

"Does the FBI know?" Hunter asked, full of different mixed up emotions, focusing on problems

"I'm not quiet sure, but i do know that the Scouts managed to defeat the FBI.. i don't think anybody else knows, they didn't seem to contact anybody.. but, it's just a thought." Amber replied

"I wish its true, we don'g need more problems, especially ones that can get us hunted down." Hunter spoke, cleaning the wound

Amber hissed at the pain, "You can cry, even i cry." Hunter spoke

but Amber refused, closing her eyes shut before biting her lip, whimpering at the pain

"It will take a while.." Hunter spat out before placing the cloth down, thinking that he cleaning was enough, since the blood was not smudge or streaming down her left arm.

Hunter opened the medkit, revealing everything he needed to help his sisters human girlfriend

he took some antibiotic ointment before placing small drops onto the wound, causing Amber to slightly flinch

he then started smudging the ointment a bit with another clean towel he took

"How much does it hurt?" Hunter asked, "a 7 i guess-" Amber joked before flinching and closing her eyes shut, hissing at the pain

"That's a bit good, at least it ain't a 12" Hunter spoke calmly, his half lidded eyes targeted at the wound

he then stopped before placing the cloth on the coffee table and the ointment, he closed before putting it back in the medkit

he then grabbed equipment to stitch up the wound, which Amber didn't like as she was afraid of needles, especially syringes.

"Close your eyes and just think of Vee or anyone you love, it will lessen the pain, it worked for me.." Hunter spoke

"Where's you learn that though? or is that self thought once again?" Amber asked with sarcasm, but she didn't intend that tone and it came out by accident

"....My Uncle..." Hunter mumbled and Amber felt her chest twist with guilt, "I'm so-" she was cut off

"No need to be 'sorry' Amber, we all go through stuff like this, its a common appearance in our lives." Hunter mumbled

as soon as Amber saw the needle, she took Hunter's advice and closed her eyes, imagining Vee and her when they were on a picnic that set a year ago

Amber and Vee where chatting and talking about stuff, Hunter and Camila where walking around a grassy field that was field with dandelions.

Everything was so relaxing as the bright sun glowed and lighted up things on earth, Amber and Vee where under a tree, keeping a coll breeze to flow and them to be protected from the sun

it felt so nostalgic, it looked so beautiful... until Hunter erupted the memory

"Done." he spoke and Amber opened her eyes to see the wound all stitched up and wrapped up in bandages

"that was fast-" Amber said in disbelief as a wide open smile plastered onto her face

"No it wasn't, minutes already past, you were just in you afternoon dream." Hunter spat out

"Afternoon-?" Amber asked, Hunter started to clean up the place and all the stuff he got

"Ya, its afternoon, what's wrong with that?" Hunter asked as he closed the medkit

"Its just, i need to check on Mrs. Noceda now." Amber mumbled, regretting saying that

Hunter's eyes widened before his face became soft, he was flooded with memories

Hunter decided to sit back down on the couch, "I... i understand.." He spoke out gently

"Do you wanna come?" Amber asked, filled with regret for all her words she let out.

"No... not now, the other will look for me and get worried, i'll see if i can come back tomorrow." Hunter said as he sat up

"If i don't or can't, i'll text you." Hunter reminded Amber

"Be safe back there, and please bring back Vee and Luz.. Mrs. Noceda would like to see them one more time again" Amber spoke, fiddling with her fingers

Hunter looked over his shoulders and back at the human, "I will." He spoke gently before summoning his staff and teleporting away

leaving nothing but a bright glowing red trail that soon disappeared by seconds

Amber sighed, before getting up and starting to clean the place before heading to the Hospital.

Hunter snuck into the portal once more and back into the Boiling Isles, he was relieved no one saw him

he then teleported back to where Ed', Steve and Matt was left, he looked around and sighed

"Ahem." someone angrily cleared there throat behind him, he looked around to see Kikimora, Captain, Matt, Steve and Ed'

it was Kikimora who cleared her throat angrily at him, "Where have you been?" Kikimora asked

"None of your damn business you little gremlin." Hunter answered

"Hunter, tell us." Ed' pleaded, he seemed a bit angry which hurt Hunter at his look

Hunter sighed before answering, "I went back to the human world to save a friend.." he mumbled

everyone was shocked and started to look at each other with wide eyes before looking back at Hunter

they all soon calmed down before Captain spoke, "there was something Kikimora and Steve wanted to tell you."

Hunter's brow raised as he looked at them with confusion, "What is it?" he asked as he crossed his hands over his chest

everyone looked at each other once more before back at Hunter, Ed' gulped as he felt nervous

"We know where Vee is."

A/N: I'm sick tight now, but my headache and temperature have gone down

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