I Can See Straight Through Yo...

By RainAndThunderstorms

46.6K 1.6K 643

After Toni's interaction with Cheryl at the Whyte Wyrm she couldn't help but think that something was off. Wa... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five


1.5K 59 12
By RainAndThunderstorms

'I'm sorry,' Cheryl said when she finally pulled herself away.

'You don't have to apologise,' Toni said as she dropped her arm back to her side.

'I do. I brought you here. Away from your family and I'm the one acting like the victim. Typical Cheryl'.

'Hey,' Toni said gently, 'you're a victim too. You don't deserve to be here'.

Cheryl stayed silent, she didn't believe that.

'Can we talk about us?' Toni said out of the blue and she actually surprised herself.

'There is no us,' Cheryl said.

'But there was,' Toni said, 'I may be an adult now but teenage me still has questions... if you'd be willing to answer them?'

'I don't know Toni...' Cheryl hesitated, she was already emotional enough.

She did want to give Toni answers though if she wanted them.

But she wasn't sure if now was the right time.

'I don't want to force you to talk about it but I do think it would be good... for the both of us'.

'You deserve answers Toni. I'm just unsure if now is the right time,' Cheryl said.

'Then when?' Toni asked.

'I'm not sure'.

'Okay,' Toni said, she was a little disappointed but she wouldn't push.

'We should probably head inside,' Cheryl said but she didn't make an effort to move.

Toni stood up and stretched before she held her hand out for the redhead.

Cheryl hesitated for a moment but she took the hand offered to her and allowed herself to be pulled up.

'I can see if Anthony is awake if you'd like?' Cheryl asked, she let go of Toni's hand as soon as she was on her feet.

'Please,' Toni said with a nod.

Cheryl and Toni walked into Thornhill side by side but in silence.

The redhead climbed the staircase since she assumed Anthony would be in his crib.

'Cher what's that?' Toni said pointing to the broken glass on the floor.

'I... I don't know,' Cheryl said taking a step towards the mess, her eyes drifting up to the wall.

She frowned as she spoke, 'the mirrors been broken'.

'How?' Toni asked.

'I'm not sure...'


Cheryl nodded in agreement but she didn't say anything further instead she made her way to Anthony's nursery.

The redhead still felt uncomfortable in here, after decorating the room for a second time she hadn't stepped foot in it again in the real Riverdale.

'Did you do this for Anthony?' Toni asked, she probably shouldn't have but she couldn't help it.

'I...' Cheryl stopped in the middle of the room but she didn't turn around to face the brunette, 'I wanted to right my wrongs. After what I did at the key party I realised my mistake, I hoped that maybe we would become friends but I realise now that I was being foolish'.

'Foolish? Why?' Toni asked.

'Who would want their child in this house of horrors?'

'Cheryl... I didn't mean what I said that night. You caught me off guard. I had some great times at Thistlehouse with you, I just never felt completely at home. Do you understand?'

'I do,' Cheryl said stepping towards the mirror.

Toni silently shook her head, this was the most time she and the redhead had spent together in years and she felt like they were more disconnected than ever.

'There he is,' Cheryl whispered.

Toni stepped forward and looked at her son through the mirror, she felt as if her heart was being squeezed.

She missed him so much.

'He looks fine,' Toni said, 'that's good'.

Cheryl nodded as she looked through the mirror too, Anthony looked just like his mother.

'Do you think Britta is awake?'

'I'm not sure, I'll check on her but first I want to see if Thomasina has had any luck convincing Abigail to leave my body,' Cheryl said.

'You don't think they'll be...'

'I hope not,' Cheryl blushed before heading to her bedroom.

Toni blew a kiss to her baby before following the redhead.

Cheryl was already at her vanity when Toni walked in.

'Are they there?' The brunette asked.

'Yes,' Cheryl said shortly.

'There not... you know...'

Cheryl shook her head and Toni took that as her signal to approach the mirror.

The brunette peered into the mirror, she shifted uncomfortably as she watch Thomasina comfort a sobbing Abigail.

She had deja vu of the many times she'd comforted Cheryl that way, she remembered multiple occasions where she held her tightly as she cried herself to sleep.

Toni took a step back feeling like she was invading their privacy and Cheryl followed suit.

'I wonder what that's about,' Toni said.

'I'm sure they have their own issues and troubles just like everyone else,' Cheryl said before clearing her throat, 'they're human after all'.

'This is too much...' Toni said.

'Toni I'll send you back'.

'Doesn't it mess with your head seeing them like that? That could have been us'.

'Toni you're in a relationship, you have a child with someone else,' Cheryl said.

'Does that mean that our past wasn't real? Because it was real to me,' Toni said, she shouldn't but seeing Abigail and Thomasina together shifted something inside of her.

Something she'd managed to push away for years.

Her feelings for Cheryl.

'Of course it was real Toni...'

'Then can we talk about what happened between us... please'.

'What do you want to know?' Cheryl asked as she sat on her bed leaving space for Toni.

Toni took a seat across from the redhead, she needed to keep it together, she had to so she could move on.

'Why? Why did you leave me...'

'Toni I... I never left you. I did what I thought was right for you. I never wanted you to have to choose between me and your family. Family is important,' Cheryl said quietly.

'You were important,' Toni said, 'you were there for me when even they weren't. Did you fall out of love with me?'

'What? Of course not. I told you I loved you with every ounce of my soul and I meant it. Letting you go was the hardest decision of my life but I did it for you. Look at how far you've come'.

'I could have done it with you by my side. You know the first few months of Highsmith I did nothing but go to class. I spent the rest of my time in my dorm room crying. Why didn't you ever reply to me or call me back?' Toni asked, she didn't even realise she was picking the skin around her fingernails.

'Wouldn't that have just hurt more? Made it harder?'

'Maybe,' Toni said with a shrug, 'but I just missed you so much'.

'And I missed you. I know you said you never felt like Thistlehouse was your home but I felt you everywhere'.

'Do you regret it?' Toni asked lifting her eyes to meet the redheads.

'Yes,' Cheryl said before taking a deep breath, 'but I'm happy that you have the life you deserve even if it isn't with me'.

Toni nodded but she didn't say anything else.

'Do you want to ask me about anything else?' Cheryl said, she figured she may as well get it all out now.

'How long did it take you to get over our relationship?' Toni said awkwardly.

'I'm not sure I ever have. There will always be something between us Toni. At least for me. I know we were teenagers but our love was true'.

'Is there anyone else in your life right now?'

'Not right now, I've had my flings but nothing close to a relationship,' Cheryl said with a slight blush.


'Did you think I wouldn't?'

'No of course not,' Toni said quickly, 'I just didn't think you went out too often'.

'Sometimes I didn't have to,' Cheryl shrugged.

'The woman from the key party... was she...'

'Yes,' Cheryl said before Toni could finish her sentence, 'not at the time of the key party but afterwards. She comforted me when I was upset. She told me everything I wanted to hear and one thing led to another'.

'You don't have to explain. But why didn't you take things further? You deserve someone who makes you feel special. Loved'.

'Because Toni, I couldn't'.

'Okay,' Toni said, she didn't want to push too much.

'And Fangs, how did that happen?' Cheryl asked before she could stop herself.

'I mean...' Toni hesitated, 'we have a baby. We live together. It just makes sense, right?'

Cheryl shrugged her shoulders, 'if that makes you happy. I didn't realise you and Fangs saw each other that way'.

'We didn't until we became parents,' Toni said.

Awkwardness filled the room.

It needed to be talked about but that didn't make it any easier so maybe they could finish the rest of the conversation at a later date.

'Maybe we should see if Britta's in her room,' Cheryl said hoping this conversation was over.

'Yeah, you're right'.

Cheryl picked up a notepad and pen from her bedside table in hopes that she could get some information from Britta if she was there.

They entered the younger redheads room, Cheryl took a seat in front of the mirror and Toni stood behind her.

Cheryl tried to push away how it felt to have Toni in such close proximity as she tried to concentrate on communicating with Britta.

'She's there,' Toni said as the reflection in the mirror changed.

Cheryl banged on the mirror, somehow it got Britta's attention last time, maybe she could hear the sound against the mirror.

Britta lifted her eyes, a relieved smile took over her lips.

She locked her bedroom door and took a seat in front of the mirror sending a small wave to both of the women.

Cheryl gave her a small smile before writing on her notepad.

Are you and Anthony okay?

Britta nodded as she read the words, she typed out her reply on her phone before turning it around.

We're safe. Are you?

We're fine. Do you know if Thomasina has convinced Abigail to leave my body?

I don't but we have another problem.

What is it?

Fangs. Somehow his ancestor is in his body too.


I don't know but he's dangerous.

Whatever happens Britta you need to keep yourself and Anthony safe. Any signs of danger you take the baby and run.

I will. Can you not just cast a spell to get back to your body.

I wish it was that easy. We have to go Britta, I don't want Abigail sensing our connection. Keep safe.

Britta nodded, a sad look covering her face as she watched Cheryl and Toni fade before her own reflection was looking back at her.

She had to find help.

She quickly put on her coat and left the mansion, she didn't know if anyone would believe her but she had to try.

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