The Shounen Hero (Book 2!!)

By Math4523

78K 1.5K 1.6K

Hey everyone (Y/N) is back! And I'm still out there stealing girls' hearts, making new friends/allies, fighti... More

Time to Assassinate The President!
Scary Monsters! (And Super Creeps!)
Washington D.C.!/Airport Duel!/On the Road Again!
The White House Infiltration!
Civil War!
The Wrecking Balls!
Chocolate Disco!
Catch the Rainbow and Tubular Bells!
D4C!/Dio's World!
The Return Home!
Its Time to D-D-D-D-D-Duel!
A Duel with Kaiba!
Dounble Sexyback!/Duke Delvin and Mai Valentine!
The Dark Lord and His Boyfriend!
The Visitor from Egypt!
Marik's Men!
Family Rescue!
Yugi vs Bakura!
Marik Sucks!!
Dueling Confessions!
Dueling Dates!
Riser Phenex!
Rias Captured!
Stop the Wedding!
The Obsessive Villain!
A Battle between Peerages!
Riser's Evolution!/Utopia behind the Scenes!
New Tokyo's Railgun!
Invite to Model!
Let's Model!
Modeling and Curry!
Misaka vs. The Harpy!
Destruction of the Labs!
Caesar's Plans Go Up in Flames!
The Sister's Abode!
Espers sure are Cute!!
Slayers Arc Opening!
Slayers Arc Ending!
Beautiful Sorceress, Lina Inverse!
A New Adventure!
The Hunt Begins!
Naga the White Serpent!!
The Sand Temple!/Gaav, the Demon Dragon King!
The Gold Dragons!
Hellmaster Fibrizo!
The Masked Swordsman!
The City of Souls!
The End of Hellmaster!
Homecoming Confessions!
Misaka's Mom!
Peerage Date 1!
The Kitten and the Chicken Nugget ( Peerage Date 2!!)
A Trip to Britain!
Britain Arc Opening!
Welcome to Your New School, Shouta!
The Seven Deadly Sins!
Someone's Making Magic!
The Commandments!
Let's End This! (Part 1!)
Let's End This (Part 2!!)
Azad of Utopia!
Sinful Confessions!
My Reunion with my Lost Love!
The Marvelous Misadventures of Tohru!
Regular Episodic Opening 1!
The Railgun and the Teleporter!
Maka vs. Gopher!
The Book of Eibon!
Chapters 1-2!/Lust and Gluttony!
Chapters 3 and 4!/Envy and Wrath!
Going forth with Pride!/Shaula and her Troupe!
Getting to the End!
Let's Get Out of this Book!
Happy Birthday to Me!/Azad's Dark Guild!
Kiria's Plaything!
Let's Train!
The Clash of the Dragon Slayers!
Erza gets Payback!
(Y/N) Goes SSJ!
My Name is Pirako Chin!/The Four Devas of Kabukicho!
Otose Dead?!/Gintoki's Rage!
This is Our City!
A Promise is a Promise!
The Devas Disbanded!/ A Promise Fulfilled!
An Invitation to Music!
Meet the Vocaloid Girls!
Azad's New Power!
Pink and Blue!
Summer Saga! Orochimaru Arc Opening!
That Snake Bastard!
Sound Ninja Invasion!
Imprisoned!/Attack on Nirvana!
Army of the Undead!
The Seven Ninja Swordsmen!
The Seven Ninja Swordsmen (Part 2!!)
Power of the Sound Five!
Power of the Sound Five (Part 2!!)
Here Come the Hokage!
We Are the Hokage!
We're Fighting More Undead Freaks!/Naruto vs. Sasuke!
Kage Attack!
The New Six Paths!
(Y/N) vs. Tobi!
Battle the Evil Serpents!
The Girl Hyena!/Extinct Students!
Modern vs Extinct!
Interspecies Yuri!
A New Team is Formed!
The Thunder!
To Stop a Wedding Competition!
The Real Suitors!
The Girl who Doesn't Feel Pain!
Frostbite Fight!
I'm Coming Medaka!
Let's Get Married!
Our Abnormal Wedding!
Our Honeymoon!/Exchange Program!
My Lamia Girl!
Bird Brained Harpy!
The Centaur Knight!
The Slippery, Super Cute Slime!
The Tragic Romance Mermaid Princess!
Papi's Bizarre Eggventure!
The Flirtatious Arachne!
Spoiling My Monster Girls!
Suspect #1: Dragonewt!
Suspect #2: Dryad!
The Trouble Making Lesser Demon!/What's That Body?!
D is for Dullahan!
Hero Arc Opening 1!
The Caped Baldy!
(Y/N) vs. Saitama!
Garou and the Monster Association!
The Monster Attack!
Let's Take the Fight to the Enemy!
Monster Mash!
The Monster War!
Monsters! Monsters! Monsters!
Let's Send those Monsters Packing!
Heroic Confessions!
The Psychic Sisters!
Rich Girl and Mochi Cheek Girl!
Tsuyu Asui, Cutest Frog Girl Around!
The East Blue under Attack!/Shiki the Golden Lion!
The Floating Islands!/Strong World!
A Village of Winged People?! (part 1!)
A Village of Winged People?! (Part 2!!)
Shiki Claims his Prize!
Attack Shiki's Palace!
Bye, Bye Shiki!
One Little Navigator!
Isekai Arc! (Konosuba Opening!)
Let's Go Play an Isekai RPG!
It's Adventure Time!
The Mad Maniac!
The Cute Lich!
Xellos Returns!
My Night with Megumin!
The Dullahan and the Traitor!
Things go Awry Really Fast!
Chimera and Magic Confessions!
My New Girls!
Spoiling Aqua!
The Masochistic Crusader!
My Quest for True Love!
Dragonball Quest!
Bonding with my Partners!
Super Android 13!
Android 21!/Money and a Wedding Ring!
Spoiling Bulma!
My Training with Chi-Chi!
A Real Fucking Vampire!
Catholic Priests! How Irritating!
Bullets from Your Valentine!
Bullets From your Valentine (Part 2!!)
We're Going to Rio!
The Dandyman Can!
I Love War!
What is it Good For?! Absolutely Nothing!
Anderson and his Posse!
Zorin's Attack!
Maxwell's March!
Thanks and Book 3 Teaser Trailer

Do Androids Dream of Dragonballs?

288 7 10
By Math4523

You guys are back looking for more Dragonballs, and yet at the same time, a looming threat is approaching!

???: (distorted voice) That is them correct?

???2: Yeah. Those are them.

The two robotic figures begin to head in your direction.

(Y/N): Huh ... what's that? OH CRAP!!!

There was not a split second to react after getting blasted in the face, and having to shield both Chi-Chi and Bulma from said attack as well as the collision with the ground!

(Y/N): What the fuck? Bulma, Chi-Chi stay down here!

Bulma: Good idea!

Chi-Chi: If those are Androids, then I'm leaving this to you and Lazuli.

(Y/N): Right!

With 18...

She begins an energy barrage with the two figures, but they begin to get the jump on her!

18: So, I guess Gero was running out of ideas?

Android 14

Android 15

18: I mean seriously.

15: Can you believe the nerve of this bitch?

14: (distorted) I think she's insulting you.


You punch them together over and over and over and-


A combination of the Mochi Mochi Fruit and the Kamehameha wave blasts the two of them away! And then you swing Enma and Ame no Habikiri which at the two of them!

(Y/N): There! That should take care of them!

They punt you to the side and-

15: Now now 14, give them back.

You near get your katanas stuck in your body.

18 gets you up.

18: Ugh. Out of all the times that the old man has to send more of them.

???: It ain't over yet, varmints.

Another one shows up!

Android 13

13: Howdy folks, name's Android 13. Look at my trucker hat.

(Y/N): Okay, this is offensive to all people in Texas.

13: How did Gero have so much trouble killing you?

(Y/N): I live and die hard.

You punch him to the ground.

13: Wha? MY TRUCKER HAT!!!

He grabs your leg at that moment!

13: You plum done dog darn dad gum done it now son!


He slams you over the place again and again.

(Y/N): Agh! Oh right! SSJ!

You activate SSJ Blue, and then tap into UI!

(Y/N): Let's get this over with!

18: I guess I'll deal with them! Wait, why didn't-

13: Oh you want to know? You see the Doctor deemed us defective. Like he couldn't understand my sense of articulation.

(Y/N): Right. I can tell by your friend's distorted voice why he's defective.

14: (distorted) My sound drivers couldn't be found.

18: And the purple one ... because-

13: No!! Not like that! It's cause he's an alcoholic.


13: He doesn't like to talk about it. Now then-

You punch him again and again, and 18 is fighting against both androids!

Bulma and Chi-Chi are watching from nearby.

Bulma: Why did he not think to do that sooner?

Chi-Chi: I stopped questioning that a long time ago.


18 punches through 15, and he just laughs.

15: HAHAHA! Android or not, you're still just a-

His head falls off right there.

15: bitch.

She then throws a dog biscuit at him.

15: Did you just throw a mother fucking do-


With that, she also holds off 14 as he goes in for the attack.

But then she takes him down.

14: (distorted) By metal, my life was given. By metal, it has been stripped away. No dreams before, nor after. Only the end.

He then blows up.

(Y/N): Ha! Looks like it's-

18: Two against 1!

13: 14 and 15 were destroyed? Good!

(Y/N): What?!

13 gives a very disturbing smile, and before you knew it, the cores and data chips of 14 and 15 were being absorbed into him!

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This is the 5th Book in the Series! enjoy!