Serenade Of The Night (Flandr...

By unrelatedapterix

44.3K 1.3K 809

Gensokyo, a land that's home to anything that has been lost to time and forgotten. In this strange world call... More

0. Departing Memories
1. Encounters with the Scarlet Devil
2. Burden of Decisions
3. Cold Souls
4. Books & Knowledge
5. Revisiting the Past
6. Carnival Mayhem
7. Garden of the Sun
8. Let's Talk
9. Limbo of Emotions
10. Ineffective Medicine
11. Domino Effect
12. Incident Solvers
13. Open Mind
14. New Heights
15. Cat and Mouse
16. Truth Be Told
17. Second Chance
18. It's Over, Isn't It?
Ending A - No
Ending B - Yes
Ending C - Yes But First...
Ending D - . . .

10.5. Count Down in the Background

1.3K 58 24
By unrelatedapterix

----------  Meiling Pov ----------

It's been two days since I began searchin' for Imouto-Sama and so far, I've only came up empty handed. I checked The Hakurei shrine, Marisa's house, the palace of the earth spirits, the Buddhist temple, The forest around the scarlet mansion, the youkai mountain alongside the shrine that sits on top of it, the bamboo forest and I've even gone as far as to check the sun flower garden but nothing. I've even gone as far as to check all these locations two or three times but that only lead to me hitting a dead end.

At this point, I'm not even sure how long I have left before my short "vacation" ends which was suppose to last for only one day but so far, no one has caught on that I've been sneaking out of doing my duties in order to look for Imouto-Sama but I don't think I'll be able to do this for much longer before I have to go back to guardin' the mansion gate. Who knew that looking for a vampire could be this hard? It's way more exhausting than my usual 24 hour naps I take from time to time at the gate.

The only place I haven't bothered to check was the human village and for good reason too cus there's no way Imouto-Sama would be stickin' there. There's no way a human would just agree to help her out seeing as how famous she is in the village for all the wrong reasons but then again, what other option do I have...

Besides, I'm already here so I might as well have a look around and see if there's anything interesting going on. Making my way down the trafficked streets, I glanced from place to place, making sure to scan each building as well as person as I walked past them in hopes that something would come up but no luck such luck, all I managed to achieve by doing that is get a appetite for something to eat thanks to all the food stalls that I past by. Guess it can't be helped, I might as well go and grab a snack before continuing my search. Approaching one of the food stalls, I was greeted by the person running the stand right I approached them to make my order.

"Scuse me, could I get a... uhh..." I said with my voice quickly trailing off as I looked at the sign with all the options I could choose from which ranged from fried fish to some made up word called burger, whatever that means.

"So what will it be?" The cook asked patiently with a smile on my face as I stared down at the wide array of options that I could choose from.

"Hm... Do you guys have any Chinese food?" I asked as I looked up at the cook who simply yet regrettably shook their head sideways sadly.

"Aw shucks... Alright then I'll have the streak... Actually, I'd want the sausages or wait no, I want-" I kept on changing my mind slowly confusing the cook but right as I was about to tell them my final decisive decision.

"-A LAWYER PLEASE!" A voice yelled out from somewhere not too far away. Turning my head to the direction from where I heard the voice, I was met with a huge crowd of people which piqued my interest and not even a moment later, I was digging my way through the crowd out of curiosity but deep down, I had a guilty feeling that it might have been Imouto-Sama.

Once I made my wat into the inner circle of the grouped up crowd, all my worries vanished as I saw Keine as well as four guards escort a fairy with a jester hat as well as a striped and starred shirt, out of a building and in the direction of one of the exits of the village all the while the crowd cheered things like




Or even


You get the point.

"I have the right to call my attorney!" The fairy protested out loud but nobody paid her any attention, especially Keine who was quick to shut her down.

Keine:"No, you don't. That is unless you tell us why you decided to run rampant in the village, to which we will let you off scott free without any issues."

???:"What is this?! An army camp? I have the right to remain silent!"

Keine:"And why is that exactly?"

???:"The fifth amendment of the United States Constitution says so and I have proof!"

Keine:"The United what? I never heard of it."

???:"Well I do so let me go already!"

Keine along side the entire crowd were confused by the fairies mindless blabber about whatever this constitution thing was and it was obvious to everyone that this was going nowhere and Keine was quick to act on it.

"What do we do?" One of the guards calmly asked Keine as she stared at the fairy with a determined look on her face before giving in and letting out a audible sigh.

"Just dump her somewhere outside the village, it's obvious that she won't say a word." Keine gave in as she motioned her head in defeat, pinching the bridge of her nose as she did so right as The guards lifted the fairy off the ground and began dragging her towards one of the exits leading out of the village moments before the crowd dispersed now that this who ordeal was over, leaving Keine standing alone and visible frustrated with what just went down, and I'm not one to judge but I could sorta relate to her right about now seeing as how little luck I have with finding Imouto-Sama.

"Oh hey, Keine! What'cha up to?" I asked in a friendly tone as I approached Keine who seemed generally surprised to see me here.

"Ah, Meiling. What brings you to the village?" Keine inquired with a slightly surprised face as she finally looked up from the ground and towards me.

"Well, I was just around lookin' for Imou- I mean enjoying my short vacation." I explained, managing to stop myself from mentioning Imouto-Sama at the very last moment. If I were to mention Imouto-Sama to Keine then god knows what will happen if people find out Imouto-Sama is on the loose, they'd loose their heads!

"Well that's great to hear, but I need to get going. There's been a attacking on the village two days ago by a fairy from hell and I still need to make sure that all the villagers that came in contact with her are safe and unharmed. I also have to look into claims made by some of the villagers who claimed to see a girl with a odd pair of branch like wings hail attacks down at the village as well." Keine informed me with a regrettable look smeared on her face as she started to walk past me, seemingly busy with work which was fine and dandy with me after what I just heard.

"A girl with branch like wings, huh?" I whispered to myself as a smile rose on my face, it had to be Imouto-Sama, there's no doubt about it.

She is somewhere in this village, and I'll find her!

---------- Reisen Pov ----------

Walking in the direction of the patient's room. I had a roll of bandages as well as another dose of pain killers readied in my hand, prepared to apply them to him but the thought of what must have happened to him still sort of puzzles me. One of the scarlet sisters brings him here before flying off, then Junko comes over claiming to be his mother and then he tries to escape. That's not exactly something you see every day.

"Sorry to intrude but I have your treatment read-" I apologized as I opened the door to the room that he stayed at but as I peered at the bed where he was last laying in, I was quickly met with one of the worst fears I could possibly have.

The room... 

It was empty...

Instinctively dropping the roll of bandages as well as the syringe that had the pain killers in it, I rushed towards where master was without even wasting a single breath, dashing as quickly as I could without even taking a single breath.

"MASTER! MASTERRRRRRRRRRR!" I yelled out as loudly as I could as I barged into the room head first. Interrupting master, who was in the middle of talking to the princess.

"U-Udongein?! What is it?" Master replied, clearly shocked and taken aback by how frantic I was as I stood at the door, shaken up by what I saw moment ago.

"THE PATIENT, HE'S MISSING AGAIN!" I explained in a rush as I stood in the doorway which made master's eyes widen in shock.

Eirin:"H-How, I was certain that he'd be unable to move for the next twenty four hours after I injected him with that syringe... Did the anti-Depressant fail?" 

"Perhaps you used the wrong drug?" The princess inquired but master simply nodded her head in disapproval.

Eirin:"No, I'm certain that I used the right drug, there's now way he could have escaped."

"Oh, what's this...?" A voice called out from behind me as a divine sensation flooded the room, letting both me and master know who stood behind me without either of us having to face her directly but it was obvious that that someone was none other than...

Junko:"I take it that he ran away a second time? My, how horrible!"


"If you're planning on killing someone then I know a white haired immortal pain the backside that you can kill a few times if that helps you calm down, trust me, it does wonders. I can even tell you where she lives so you can pay her a visit any time you see fit." The princess offered to lighten the mood but her words fell on death ears as Junko's attention was focused solely on me and master.

"It's fine, like I said. It's not your fault that he ran away, I got neglectful of him for only a moment and he vanishes so I'm to blame for that. There is a question I have however." Junko said, a smile clearly visible on her which painted a sinister picture as she casted her attention to master.

Junko:"I'm curious, would it be possible for a human to recover from breaking both of their legs by any chance?"

Eirin:"I suppose so. It would take a human several weeks if not months to recover from breaking both legs so long that the damages aren't too severe."

"Splendid! Anyhow, pardon me but I have to go look for my son, hopefully he hasn't accidentally fallen into a ditch anywhere and hurt his legs." Junko ushered with a malicious voice as she left Eientei but from what she said, it was obvious what she was planning to do to that human if she finds him again.

She's going to break both of his legs.

Kaguya:"You know, now I'm rather curious about that human, just what's so special about him that she wants him that badly anyhow?"

Reisen:"I have no clue."

"Udongein, I need you to find that human before she does, before it's too late." Master suddenly spoke to me, gazing at me with a serious look on her face.

"If your unable to find him, then explain to Keine everything, she'll handle the situation from there on out but make sure not to mention your or our involvement in any of this, otherwise we'll be left facing the wrath of Junko." Master added on and at first I wanted to protest out of fear of Junko finding out that we sorta betrayed her but The terror that awaited the human if Junko really did manage to get to him before we did would be way worse and neither me nor master wanted to be left with that guilt.

Nodding my head, I dashed out the front door and in the direction of the human village, I need to be fast, otherwise the human is done for sure.

---------- Author Note ----------

I wasn't originally intending on making a .5 chapter but considering the amount stuff I ended up leaving out of the previous chapter, I decided to make a follow up just so I can make the following chapters easier to write without having to think of a boring work around as to what happened to who.

Bit of a update for the story going forward, I was planning on putting this story on hiatus for a few weeks or even months originally or even out right cancelling this story as a whole for personally reasons but in the end I managed to convince myself to keep going regardless though I'm not sure if I'll be able to update this story as often as I originally did.

Putting that aside, sorry that this chapter only ended up being half as long compared to my previous chapters (all of which are 4k-5k words each while this one is only 2k), lately I've been busy with work and such (mostly just me being lazy) which has been taking up my time but hopefully I manage to get another chapter out by next week and if I don't then I'm probably being lazy once again.

Take care and have a great Easter!

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