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By Ethan4265

170K 3.7K 1.3K

You were from the past, the same past where Madara and Hashirama are from. In fact you are Madara's 2nd son... More

Y/n's Profile
How Y/n Arrived In The Naruto Timeline
One: Enter Naruto Uzumaki
Two: My name is Konohamaru
Three: Sasuke And Sakura, Friend Or Foes?
Four: Pass or Fail Survial Test!
Five: You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision!
Six: A Dangerous Mission! A Journey To The Land Of Waves!
Seven: The Assassin Of The Mist!
Eight: The Oath Of Pain
Nine: Kakashi: Sharingan Warrior!
Ten: The Forest of Chakra + A Bit Of Y/n's Backstory (Sharingan)!!
Eleven: The Land Where A Hero Once Lived!
New story!
Twelve: Battle On The Bridge! Zabuza Returns!
Thirteen: Haku's Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors
Please Read This!!!
Fourteen: Naruto & Sasuke VS Haku + Zabuza VS Y/n
Fiveteen: Nine tails?!
Sixteen: Haku's Sacrifice and Zabuza the demon in the snow
Please read 2!!!!
Seventeen: Sand Sibilings + Joining The Anbu
Vote results!
Eighteen: Rock lee VS Sasuke
Nineteen: Written Exams
Twenty: The tenth question! + The forest of death!
Twenty-One: A terrible disguise
Twenty-Two: Y/n's Clone VS Orochimaru!
Twenty-Three: Sand Siblings
Twenty-Three: The First Kiss: Temari x Y/n!
Christmas Special
Twenty-Four: Is this the power of a Legendary Sannin? I'm disappointed
Twenty-Five: Hyลซga VS Hyลซga
Twenty-Six: Rock lee VS Gaara
Twenty-Seven: The S-Rank Mission
Twenty-Eight: A Jewel?
Twenty-Nine: A Fallen Kingdom
Thirty: Y/n Uchiha: Father like son
Thirty-One: "A" Battle
Thirty-Two: Meeting pervy sage
Backstory: Just like our mother
New Rules From Now On!
Crossover: Assassination Classroom: Fear
Assassination Classroom: ???
Thirty-Three: The Beasts Plan
Thirty-four: The Timeskip Promise
Thirty-five: Itachi Uchiha
Thirty-Six: Uchiha VS Hoshigaki
Backstory: Deepest Desires
Backstory: What Are Their Names?
Thirty-Eight: Y/n VS Kakashi
Thirty-nine: This Has Nothing To Do With Me
Forty: The Darkness Shows
Forty-One: Insanity
Forty-Two: Holding Back
Forty-Three: Y/n Vs Kurama
Forty-Four: I Know
Forty-Five: A New Power
Bonus 1: Master Fighter
Bonus 2: Training Team 7

Thirty-Seven: Paying Your Respects

1.2K 34 12
By Ethan4265

*At the graveyard*

Sometime has passed sinced the last chapter and   Y/n is at the grave yard paying his respects to 5 grave stones when Temari for some reason domes along

Temari: Y/n?

Y/n: Huh? Temari? What are you doing? This is the leafs grave site not the sands

Temari: Yeah I know

Y/n: Then why are you here? Who in the leaf do you care about?

Temari: Firstly that someone is you. Secondly I didn't come here to go to the grave yard. I came here to see you and since your at the grave yard I went to the grave yard

Y/n: Alright

Y/n continues to pay his respects to the 5 graves

Temari: So... who are you paying respects to anyways?

Y/n: Actually I'm paying my respects to more than just one person I'm paying respects to 5 people

Temari: Oh okay but who are they?

Y/n: Well first I have brother

Temari: You had a brother?

Y/n: Yeah

Temari: Oh I'm sorry now did he die?

Y/n: Well Itachi killed him

Temari: Oh... that's... horrible. Wait is that the reason that you tried to kill Itachi? 

Y/n: No

Temari: Huh??

Y/n: I have no grudge on Itachi nor action to take revenge against Itachi

Temari: But why? He killed your brother right?

Y/n: Yeah

Temari: He killed the whole of your clan right?

Y/n: Right

Temari: Then why aren't you...?

Y/n: Listen Temari

Temari: Huh?!

Y/n: You haven't known Itachi like I have

Temari: . . .

Y/n: There's always a reason for him doing something. He's been an amazing brother. You couldn't ask for a much better one

Temari: . . .

Y/n: And as much as it seems he turned his back on everyone and betrayed the leaf and as much as I want to hate him for it and kill him for it

Temari: . . .

Y/n: I can never out write the fact that he's doing all of this for a reason

Temari: I don't want to go too deep into this so can we just talk about your brother

Y/n: *Chuckles* Sure whatever you want

Temari: So your brother... was he strong?

Y/n: Well that depends

Temari: What do you mean by that?

Y/n: If it's physically then yes 100% but if we're talking about was he strong enough for his own liking? Then no

Temari: What you mean by own liking?

Y/n: You see my brother for as long as I remember has always had a goal, as for what this goal was? I have now idea

Temari: A goal?

Y/n: Yeah, trained day and night for this goal and every time I tried to ask him what it was he would just say "to protect you" which is utter bull crap but yeah you know

Temari: Well many be you just miss read him?

Y/n: That's highly unlikely but I guess it's a possibility

Temari: And what about his physical strength?

Y/n: Well now do I put this...

Temari: ?

Y/n: He fought 1000 shinobi and won without getting a single scratch on him

Temari: 1000?! Really?!

Y/n: Yeah, and this other time although I don't know which one it was, he fought and beat a rampaging tailed beast that got lose of its jinchuriki's bindings with one move

Temari: That's amazing! But how do you not know which one it was

Y/n: He wouldn't tell me and it was a classified mission as well

Temari: Oh...

Y/n: He also beat Orochimaru with his spit...

Temari: Wow...!

Y/n: And despite all that he still had a lot of time with me and honestly if I want to be truthful if he hadn't been there for me all those times I wouldn't of been dead years ago

Temari: Why would you be dead?

Y/n: Well that's where the 2 guy comes in

Temari: Huh?

Y/n: Well you see I've been in a team before I was in team 7

Temari: So you graduated early?

Y/n: Yeah but the in went back to the academy because Itachi told B/n to tell me to go back to the academy beacuse 'Sasuke' would feel worthless

Temari: Right... who's B/n?

Y/n: Oh right yeah my brothers name was B/n

Temari: Oh ok! That makes more sense now... so why did you listen to them anyways?

Y/n: Well you see...

Temari: ?

Y/n: Well you know the team I had before team 7?

Temari: Yeah? Why?

Y/n: Well we were sent on a mission to escort a movie star to the land of frost for a movie

Temari: And...?

Y/n: And about half way through our adventure Hanzo showed up

Temari: Hanzo?! You mean..?!

Y/n: Yes The Hanzo of the Salamander showed up and killed my friend by punching through his throat in-front of me and my other teammate

Temari: Oh that's disgusting! I'm so sorry you had to see that!

Y/n: It's fine

Temari: So what happens next...?

Y/n: My other teammate had a crush on him and just broke down and started crying after that. She just gave up trying to fight

Temari: And what did you do?

Y/n: I raged

Temari: Raged?

Y/n: Yes I activated my Mangekyō Sharingan and run at the people with Hanzo and murdered all of them but Hanzo who got away within a inch of his life

Temari: . . .

Y/n: Then I got his body and buried him here

Temari: And what about your other teammate?

Y/n: She quit being a shinobi and lived a normal life

Temari: Is she still alive?

Y/n: Yes, but she never got another partner after that

Temari: I can't blame her honestly after seeing that

Y/n: Yeah...

Temari: What about the 3rd grave stone?

Y/n: As I said before it was another friend

Temari: What happened to this one?

Y/n: She was killed by a band of hidden stone shinobi

Temari: When did you find out about her death?

Y/n: I didn't find out I was there

Temari: Wait if you were there surely you would of been able to stop her getting killed

Y/n: I did try but when I was fighting them. One of them got to her without me noticing killing her by stabbing her through the lungs so she couldn't breath and suffocated to death

Temari: That's... that's not a good way to die...

Y/n: You're telling me

Temari: What happened next?

Y/n: I don't know

Temari: What do you mean you don't know?! You were there went you?

Y/n: Yeah I was but after she died I kinda blacked out and the next thing I knew was in bed and B/n was hugging me

Temari: Well I guess you fainted from the stress Huh?

Y/n: I guess... anyways after that I found out who ordered the assassination on her which was the land of earths Daimyō

Temari: The land of earths Daimyō?!

Y/n: Yeah and I killed him

Temari: Wait so you're telling me you're the one who killed the land of earths Daimyō?!

Y/n: Yeah and no one knows either... well that is until now. Oh and if you happen to tell anyone

Temari: ?

Y/n: I would have to kill you

Temari: 😨 I promise I won't tell anyone

Y/n: That's a relief I really didn't want to kill you

Temari: . . .

Y/n: Also that incident was also how I know medical ninjutsu I learnt it afterwards

Temari: And what about the 4th grave stone

Y/n: Well you see the 4th and 5th come in a pack

Temari: What's meant by that?

Y/n: The 4th one is my blood father and the 5th is my blood mother

Temari: You know about your blood parents?

Y/n: No

Temari: Then why are they...?

Y/n: Because I want to know who on earth they are!

Temari: . . .

Y/n: I mean I've asked B/n about this stuff but all I've got out of him is that my mum was an amazing person and that my dad owned a Sharingan which doesn't help me at all!

Temari: Well there has to be a reason why he despot tell you stuff about your blood parents

Y/n: Yeah I know but it's still annoying

Temari: *Chuckles* Anyways, thanks for that Y/n

Temari gives you a kiss on the lips

Y/n: Oh I do want to say sorry if I sounded a bit down there it's just... it's not easy talking about the ones you've loved that have died

Temari: It's okay Y/n I get it you don't have to be so modest

Y/n: . . .

Temari: Hey Y/n

Y/n: Huh?

Temari: Just letting you know that I'll always love you, no matter what

Y/n: *Chuckles* Thanks Temari

Temari: Well let's get something to eat all this talking has made me hungry for some reason

Y/n: Yeah sure whatever you want babe

Y/n and Temari start walking off

Temari: Oh did you hear?

Y/n: Hear what?

Temari: About the you know

Y/n: What are you on about?

Temari: Oh Nvm! You'll know once we get to the place

Y/n: Wait what??

*Time-skip to tomorrow*

Y/n has finished getting dressed and ready for the day when...

Root: Sir

The root member arrives to give you a little task shall we say?

Y/n: What is it? It better good or else

Root: I've come to tell you that Lord Danzo would like to speak to you

Y/n: And why does we want that?

Root: I don't know sir

Y/n: Oh whatever I'll go, I've got nothing to do today but train anyways

Root: Alright follow me then

Y/n: I know where Danzo is you idiot

*Later with Y/n and Danzo*

Y/n: So why do you need me again?

Danzo: For a classified mission to kill a man that has back stabbed the leaf and you shall also kill anyone that finds out about the assassination attempt

Y/n: Alright a mild mission for my status level but whatever

Danzo: You'll also be the team Captain of a squad of 7 (not including you)

Y/n: Huh?

Y/n turns around and there's 7 root members waiting to start the mission on your command

Y/n: Yeah that's great and all but I don't need a team

Danzo: That doesn't matter they're back up just in case something goes wrong

Y/n: Ugh! Fine!

Danzo: Well go off now

Y/n: You heard the guy move it you masturbating dogs

Root member (T): What a douche bag

Y/n: Come on move it!

Root member 2: Alright! Alright! Calm down kid

Y/n: Say that again and I'll fuck your slutty chick

With that you and the root members leave for the mission but one thing you don't know is...

Ten-tails: . . .

To be continued...

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