Inside Scoop

By Writing-101

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Every week we will let you in on our thoughts, opinions and everything else related to writing. We hope that... More

[1] What do you love most about writing?
[2] Dealing With Negative Comments
[3] Computer vs. Pen & Paper
[4] Character Names
[5] Listening To Music And Writing
[6] Book Covers
[7] Writer's Block
[8] Constructive Criticism
[9] Votes vs. Comments vs. Reads
[10] Cliffhangers
[11] Point Of View Changes
[12] Sticking with the same story
[13] Male vs Female's perspectives
[14] The Length Of A Chapter
[16] Prologues and Epilogues
[17] Book Series
[18] Meaning of Writing
[19] Summaries and/or Descriptions
[20] Getting Into Detail
[21] Uploading to Wattpad
[22] First, Second and Third Person
[23] Last-Minute Checklist

[15] When do you write?

1K 12 4
By Writing-101

When do you write?

Vicky_nfs: When I feel like it

That really depends. I’ve found that most of my writing happens either in the late evening or shortly after midnight. However, it happens every now and then that I wake up with ideas and then I have to write them down right away. Actually, I write whenever I feel like writing because that’s the best time to write.

Several times has it been proved already, I simply can’t write when I’m too relaxed. It’s actually when I’m studying or when I’m extremely busy that I’m inspired the most. When that happens, I usually write short scenes and ideas down in a notebook so I can look at it later on, when I have the time. I tried forgetting about it, but it never worked. I tried remembering all of it, but then I’d forget. So yes, that notebook, sometimes post-it notes, memos on my phone,…they’re all very helpful.

Then again, I write more often than I’m even aware of. Since visualizing what I’m writing is a method that works best for me, I often end up creating whole scenes in my head. And the good thing about that is that you don’t need paper or laptops. Well, maybe you do need a good memory and we all know that is something I don’t have – unfortunately.

Also, I usually write when I’m alone or when it’s quiet around me. That’s probably the main reason why I write the most at night. But yes, I think it’s the best to write whenever you feel like writing.

Leigh19: Mostly at night.

Some days I find myself writing early mornings which is dependent on how my morning goes, if things are quiet and slow I can squeeze in some writing time. Most often I find myself writing at night. With a busy , fast paced lifestyle consisting of catering to the needs of a high maintenance toddler and a very emotionally attached baby I don't find much time to write throughout the day unless I'm lucky enough to catch some free time during naps.  After the girls are in bed and everything settles down I find it the most perfect time to set there and get into a story.

However , inspiration never comes at a set time. After I've had dreams or just randomly had a thought I would jot it down on paper to use as a reference later on. I have this little blue book that fits neatly in my purse and at night by my bedside table. I call it " my writing bible" and find myself scribbling down completely different scenarios that aren't even a part of my story but whenever I need an idea I pop through it and always find something useful in it. I started jotting things down after I've forgotten things several times and decided I needed something for when I couldn't have access to a computer.

The best time to write is always when you're inspired to do so.

Emmiie: It’s easier to answer ‘when don’t you write.’

I’m always writing, as much as I can, as fast as I can. And when I’m not writing, I’m visualizing. I’ve always kind of been like that though, off in my own little world. I daydream a lot, but it’s also how I get my ideas.

If I don’t write, I’m worried my brain will explode with ideas. I need to write my ideas down, before they become too much, because until I get them out of my mind they are just floating around in there—begging to be written. It’s crazy. And as insane as it sounds, I do hear voices inside my head. Well, character quotes, really.

Characters will get inside my head when I’m trying to focus on something…and have their own little conversations, until I eventually hear something I like and HAVE to write it down, or sometimes they’ll just continue talking until I stop what I’m doing and write it out. This happens with scenes also.

And Darien (Helena fans) is horrible with this! Always getting inside my mind and bugging me. Actually, come to think of it, Noah is pretty bad as well. In fact, he annoyed me so much I was forced into giving him his very own story (which should someday be on Wattpad).

But more to the point I was trying to make before I started rambling. I normally write at nighttime, because that’s when most of the ideas come. You know, like when I’m trying to sleep for instance. Ha-ha. But in all honesty, I wouldn’t change it. Writers are very special creatures; we see the world through different eyes. And are constantly brainstorming ideas or/and oozing creativity.

Honestly (I’m ranting again), I can’t even count the amount of times my boyfriend has pulled me out of a daydream and said, “Are you writing in your head again?”

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