I love you so - min yoongi /j...


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This is a story about a girl named Quinn who got her heart broken too many times, She meets basketball team c... Еще

Author's Note


23 3 5

"I've been looking everywhere for you" Kate uttered as she hugged Yoongi
"I was just doing something earlier, is there something you need?" Yoongi replied quickly pulling away from the hug
"Did you tell Quinn that you like her?" Kate asked
"No, not yet maybe it's not the right time" Yoongi replied
"Yoongi, just choose me, I really don't know what I would do if I lose you. I love you Yoongi" Kate replied attempting to kiss Yoongi
"Kate, we already talked about this. I'm in love with Quinn and she's the only girl i want to be with" Yoongi replied making sure the kiss doesn't happen
"I will hurt myself if you choose her, remember that" Kate threatened as she walked away.

"Hey" Dylan whispered
"Bro, what the heck?" Quinn replied
"Can we talk outside? please?" Dylan asked
"Um, okay fine let's go" Quinn replied as she got up and went outside
"Quinn you deserve someone better" Dylan uttered
"Um, what do you mean?" Quinn asked
"Yoongi doesn't deserve you, i know you two are going out" Dylan replied
"No we're not where did you even get that information?" Quinn asked
"It's not important, but i'm telling you now, Yoongi doesn't deserve you" Dylan grabbed Quinn's arms
"Chill man, you're freaking me out" Quinn replied in fear
"Leave him, i can treat you better and i will never keep our relationship a secret" Dylan replied having a stronger grip on Quinn's arms
"You're hurting me-just-just leave me alone and let go of me man" Quinn replied trying to free herself from Dylan
"Stay away from her you freak" Eunwoo rushed towards them and punched Dylan as he fell to the ground.


I went home exhausted, so many things happened today and i'm not here for it. Dylan is freaking me out and it's bothering me. As I was about to lie down someone knocked on my door, when I opened it, i felt better. It was Yoongi
"Are you alright?" Yoong uttered pulling me for a hug
"Yeah, Dylan is just bothering me. I don't understand him sometimes but whatever" I replied
"Don't worry, i'll make sure he'll never hurt you, and i also brought food for us. You must be hungry" Yoongi replied as we went to the dining area
"Thank you Yoongi, i just hope Dylan stops bothering me it's really freaking me out and he even has the same perfume as you" I replied
"Wait, you know what perfume i use?" Yoongi smiled
"Oh-I-Well-I- yeah i know coz um i-" Yoongi cut me off
"It's alright, i'm just happy you know those little details" Yoongi giggled
"Stop that-stop doing your gummy smile i'm gonna melt" I blushed
"Stop blushing then" Yoongi chuckled
"I'm not even blushing shut up" I rolled my eyes
"You look so cute when you're annoyed" Yoongi replied leaning closer to kiss me
"Wait-what are you doing?" I asked
"What do you think am I doing? just relax" Yoongi replied as he kissed me
"Dude you guys are dating!?" Herold suddenly appeared as I pulled away from the kiss
"You piece of shit! what the fuck are you doing here?" I exclaimed
"I needed to talk to you about Via" Herold uttered
"Well you could have atleast told me or something" I replied
"You need better security in your apartment Q" Yoongi added
"You're right, i'll work on that" I replied
"But wait, so you guys are dating? is this some sort of secret relationship?" Herold asked
"Well yeah and you better keep your mouth shut about it" I replied
"But i'm so confused I thought Yoongi liked Via" Herold replied
"I moved on just shut up" Yoongi rolled his eyes
"Okay then, well i need your help. I've been trying to reach out to Via but i think she's still mad please help me out Quinn" Herold uttered
"Fine i'll see what I can do, but can you leave now? i want some quality time with Yoongi" I replied
"Alright, and don't worry your little secret is safe with me" Herold winked as he left.
"Seriously though Quinn you need better security with your apartment, anyone can just come in and rob you or something" Yoongi looked really serious, I don't understand it but i find it so attractive
"Yeah" I replied looking at him
"Is something wrong?" Yoongi moved closer holding my hand
"Oh-nothing don't mind me" I blushed as we ate dinner. We had a pretty good time, we talked about a lot of things such as our plans after we graduate high school.
"It's getting late, thanks for spending time with me Yoongi" I smiled
"Anything for you" He did his gummy smile again, gosh i wish i never told him that it was my weakness damn it
"So-um-good night i'll see you tomorrow" I replied
"Don't you want me to stay here? so we could cuddle" Yoongi giggled
"Wait, you'd do that?" I squinted my eyes
"Yeah, why wouldn't I want to do that with my pretty girlfriend" he smirked leaning closer, I never thought he had this kind of side
"Well, if you insist then okay" I giggled as I sat on the bed
"Don't worry, we're not gonna do anything crazy, just cuddle and little kisses" Yoongi winked
"I don't know if i can trust your wink Yoongi Min" I laughed
"Ouch, my baby doesn't trust me" Yoongi chuckled
"Crap. You just gave me goosebumps when you called me baby" I giggled showing my arms
"What do want me to call you then?" Yoongi replied and before I could even say anything he gently kissed me. I froze and felt my heart beat faster, he was so gentle and sweet and it felt like a dream.
"I love you Quinn" Yoongi uttered as he kissed my forehead and laid me on his chest
"I love you too" I replied hugging him

The next morning...
Yoongi and I woke up early and prepared for school, We walked to school together holding hands, I was filled with joy knowing that i'm finally with him.
"Our basketball practice starts later, wanna watch?" Yoongi asked
"Sure, i'd love to" I smiled
"Great and we could go eat dinner after" Yoongi replied as he let go of my hand as Jungkook approached us
"You guys are early today, wanna go eat some breakfast?" Jungkook asked
"Yeah sure, let's go" I replied as we went to the nearest diner.
"Quinn, do you wanna watch us play basketball later? our training starts and we could go eat and watch some movies after" Jungkook uttered
"Hmm- I'd love to watch but i'll think about the movies, I kinda have plans" I replied
"Oh i see, that's alright" Jungkook smiled as we continued to eat our breakfast and walked to school.

The moment we arrived at school, i saw Herold talking to Via, maybe they got it all figured out i just hope that dude keeps his mouth shut or i'll literally hunt him down.
"Why are you frowning?" Jungkook laughed
"What- oh nothing" I replied
"Everyone please go to your seats, you guys can choose who you'll be working with for this laboratory activity" The professor announced
As Kate rushed to Yoongi and wanted to work with him, I didn't understand why Yoongi could never say no to her.
"Wanna work with me?" Jimin asked
"I was gonna ask her your jerk" Jungkook laughed
"I asked her first so go ask someone else" Jimin smirked
"Okay fine" Jungkook replied as he walked towards Jin
I guess Herold and Via are already in good terms since they decided to work together for this activity.
"What's on your mind? is it me?" Jimin chuckled
"Haha you're cute" I giggled
"I know i am" Jimin scrunched his nose
"Stop that, you're too adorable let's just work" I laughed
"Okay" Jimin pouted cutely as we worked on our activity. I was getting uncomfortable by how Kate is always so close and touchy towards Yoongi, why am i feeling this way i'm so annoyed.
"Oh my gosh, wait is it gonna explode?" Kate said as she went behind Yoongi with her arms around him, what the fuck! she doesn't need to do that, this girl is just trying to back hug him at this point. I got so annoyed that I broke the test tube on my hands and cut myself.
"Shit" I removed my gloves and saw my hand bleeding
"Quinn, are you alright? i'll bring you to the clinic" Jimin uttered
"I'm fine don't worry about it" I smiled as Jimin walked me to the clinic
"You need to be more careful next time, how did you even get cut?" The nurse asked
"I-i held onto the test tube to hard and it shattered on my hand" I replied
"Hmm, anger issues, you need to control that okay?" The nurse uttered as she finished putting bandage all over my hand
"Will do, thank's ma'am" I smiled
"You take care now" The nurse uttered as I left
"What even happened back there Q?" Jimin asked
"Nothing, i got carried away with some stuff" I chuckled and we went back to the laboratory to finish our activity.
"Great job everyone, you may have your lunch" The professor announced as I left and went to the locker room. I received another note that says "come meet me at the rooftop" I wonder why Yoongi wants to go there anyways, I rushed to the rooftop and saw him standing.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked
"What happened earlier?" Yoongi asked taking my bruised hand
"Oh-that was nothing don't worry about it" I let out a nervous laugh
"You got hurt, of course i'll worry about that" Yoongi replied as he gave little kisses on my hand
"You don't have to do that i'm not a baby or something" I laughed
"But you're my baby" Yoongi pouted
"I see what you're doing here, tryna cover up the fact that you were letting Kate flirt with you" I rolled my eyes
"Do you want me to ignore her instead? i can do that for you" Yoongi said moving closer
"No, she's gonna get upset and suspicious so don't. I'm just bummed that she gets to hug you and flirt with you in public and I can't even do that to my own boyfriend" I rubbed the back of my neck
"You can always hug me and flirt with me, no one is gonna be suspicious because Jungkook and Jimin flirts with you all the time" Yoongi smirked
"Hey- that's foul, Well atleast they don't have feelings for me, Kate is in love with you" I replied
"Jungkook is- well I could easily just ignore Kate but you can't easily ignore Jungkook and Jimin" Yoongi replied
"Jungkook is what? and no you can't easily ignore her coz you'll break her heart, and JK and Jimin are our friends. JK is my bestfriend" I replied
"Nothing, never mind then i don't want us to fight over this, let's just eat okay?" Yoongi replied as we ate our lunch.

We went back to class and surprisingly it was our free period but we were instructed to just stay in the classroom to do whatever. Jungkook sat beside me while he did his activities and he couldn't be bothered, he would sometimes rest his head on my shoulder whenever he feels tired.
Yoongi and I just decided to text each other to avoid causing any attraction or anything, we really wanted to keep our relationship private for a while.

(Y-Yoongi; Q-Quinn)
Y: i can see you from here stop flirting with Jungkook
Q: not even flirting what r u talking abt🤨
Y: why is he resting his head on ur shoulder
Q: relax just let him do his thing
Y: but im jealous :(
Q: i should be the one saying that💀
Y: u dont need to worry about Kate
Q: i didnt even mention her🙄
Y: can we not fight?
Q: yeah right
Y: look over here
Q: screw you😡
Y: i know you like my gummy smile😏
Q: stop doing it tho😑
"Move it JK i wanna rest my head on her shoulder too" Yoongi uttered
"Just go to Kate instead i'm trying to rest" Jungkook replied
"Fine i'll go on the other side instead, move it Q" Yoongi smirked
"What are you doing?" I asked
"Resting my head on your shoulder" Yoongi smiled, he instantly fell asleep on my shoulder. He looks so peaceful and cute, After a few hours, classes were over and I decided to watch their basketball practice. Kate sat beside me and cheered along.
"Look at him, he's so dreamy and hot" Kate uttered looking at Yoongi
"You really like him a lot, I can see that" I replied
"Well yeah, i don't know what i'll do without him. He's my life now" Kate giggled
"So, what's your plan?" I asked
"I'll find my ways to get him" Kate winked
I don't know why but I got nervous when she said that, I can't afford to lose Yoongi. I love him


Hii i hope you guys are liking the story so far :)) i'm working on the final chapters <3 feel free to dm/comment your thoughts :) votes are also highly appreciated tysm! stay safe

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