101 Dalmatians: Dark Deception

By Ericjrwatsongmail

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This revolves around Wallace Dearly, The Dalmatian Squad, Timon & Pumbaa who finds themselves in a ballroom... More

Chapter 2: Into Madness/Level 2: Elementary Evil
Level 3: Deadly Decadence
Chapter 3: Retribution/Level 4: Stranger Sewers
Level 5: Crazy Carnevil
Chapter 4: Mortal Ramifications/ Level 6: Torment Therapy
Level 7: Mascot Mayhem
Level 8: Bearly Buried

Chapter 1: No Way Back/ Level 1: Monkey Business

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By Ericjrwatsongmail

(It was peaceful night in the cities of London, and everyone was just walking back to the farm where they live at)

Lucky: That was a nice walk.

Timon: Hey Wally, thanks for having us hang out with you and the gang.

Pumbaa: Yeah, we grateful for it.

Wallace: You're welcome. Anytime.

Cadpig: Well, I think we should call it a night and head back to home.

(Just as they're walking back, a person came out and stopped them in their tracks)

Person: Hi Kid. What are you and your friends doing at this time of night?

Wile: We're walking the pups.

Person: That's nice. Follow me. I have something I want to show you.

(The Gang followed him but as they followed him into the alley, a timer went....Beep! Beep! Beep!)

Penelope: What's that sound?

Person: Ha! You really thought that I was going to show you something?

Timon: Wait, you mean to tell me that you tricked us?!

Person: Yes I sure did. It's been nice knowing you fellas. So, Bye-Bye!


(There was nothing but darkness. A few hours later, Wallace woke up to the feeling of smoke. He woke up and saw a figure of a woman walking. As the figure stepped closer to him, a light shined to reveal her face.)

Woman: Oh! Another one. How nice to have some company again.

Wallace: Um, thanks?

Woman: Come over here. Let's have a look at you...

(Wallace stood up walked closer to her)

Woman: You disappoint me, love. You really do... So many fears... So many desires... I thought you'd be bigger.

(Wallace looked confused)

Woman: Don't looked so confused... I know everything you got hidden in that brains of yours. I know all the terrible things you've done. So many good intentions laid to waste... I can the regret eating away your soul... Ha! But now your time has come and here you are! To gravel and beg.

Wallace: Okay, what is your name?

Woman: Oh My. What are my manners? I'm Bierce.

Wallace: Well, Bierce, I'm Wallace. So, can I go back?

Bierce: You can't go back.. Only death awaits you there now.

Wallace: Oh.

Bierce: Fear not, love. You've got potential! I see it in you, and I can help change you and your friends fate.

Wallace: Great!

Bierce: But if you and your friends want a new life, you and your friends are going have to suffer quite a bit to get it.

Wallace: OH, Why?

Bierce: Come on let's go to my ballroom.

(A portal opens up and Wallace walks through it with Bierce following behind him. Then, him and Bierce stepped out of the portal and into Bierce's Ballroom. Once inside, Wallace saw his squad on the floor sleep. Wallace went over to them and woke them up)

Wallace: Guys, Wake up! Wake up!

(The gang wakes up)

Cindy: Ugh, where are we?

Precious: I think we're dead.

Simba: Well, not likely.

A/N: Oh and also, I decided to have Simba joined. He wanted to take a vacation from the Pridelands in Africa. 

Penny: I think we're somewhere between Heaven and H-E-L-L.

Patch: You think?

Bierce: Alright Everyone, pay attention. The pieces of a powerful ring are hidden in nightmares behind each of these portals. Find them and bring them to me. And you will get your wish.

Wallace: Okay.

Bierce: Fail, and you'll find there are fates far than death awaiting you here.

Roadrunner: Beep Beep!

Cadpig: So what are we supposed to do in the meantime?

Spot: I think we have to go through these p-p-p-p-p-portals.

(A thunderous sound went off which made the gang jumped as they looked and saw one of the gray locked portals opened up. It shows a picture of a monkey symbol.)

Bierce: Clock's ticking...

Lucky: Seems we got to through this portal.

Emily: Let's Go!

(They entered the portal as they entered a dark red corridor with a open door that lead into darkness at the end of the corridor)

Penelope: I'm really scared to go down that Hallway

Pepe: Don't worry my desert flower, I'll protect you.

Timon: So am I!

Pumbaa: Me too!

Simba: We'll all protect each other!

(They all then stated walking towards the door. Once they entered it, all they saw was red for a few seconds until they're visions was cleared to see they're the lobby of a hotel)

Bierce: What a charming little hotel... Bring back any memories?

Wallace: Wait, I remember this place! Me, Timon and Pumbaa used to visit this place! The Spotless Arms Hotel!

Timon: Oh Yeah! How did you remember that?

Wallace: I might be 11 years old but I still has some old memories.

Timon: True.

Cadpig: Hey Guys, take a look at this sign!

(They all went up to the sign Cadpig saw and it says" WELCOME! BREAKFAST & MURDER! FREE EVERYDAY UNTIL 10:00 AM". They were all creeped out.)

Rolly: I like the Breakfast part, but I don't like the murder part.

Pumbaa: Same.

(They walked down a hall with a cutout of a monkey wearing a hotel suit. But as they were about to turn the corner, the cutout falls down startling them)

Woofster: OH! Oh, That brings me back memories back when we were in Joey Drew Studios.

Lucky: Oh, don't remind me. That place gave me the creeps.

(They turned around the corner to find another way. They then heard a "Ding!" sound of elevator play out as they see a elevator at the end of the hallway with a figure of a monkey in it.)

Doug Houser: Is that a monkey?

A/N: Oh Yeah, this is something that I forgot to add. Doug Houser. When I was planning to post 101 Dalmatians: Dark Deception, I was going to have Doug Houser adventure along with them. But hen creating this, I forgot about him. So now here he is.

Wallace: I think it surely is, Doug.

Fifi: It looks like it has.... Knife for hands!

Two-Tone: I don't wanna go near that thing.

Wallace: But I think we have to.

(As they went up closer to the elevator, the monkey screeched and jumped as they the door closes. The elevator went up for a few seconds and came back down. Once it came back down, the doors opened and the gang went in as the doors closes)

Bierce: Going up?

Lucky: Surely indeed.

(Elevator music plays as the elevator went up. Once the elevator stopped, the doors opens as the gang walks out. They stepped out to see a stature with no head with a purple ball in  it's handS)

Bierce: Now listen closely... See those floating bits of crystal?

(The gang saw 2 floating crystals behind some boards)

Pepe: Yes.

Bierce: Those are soul shards.

Wile: Soul shards?

Bierce: Fragments of human spirt, scattered throughout the halls of this little maze. Each crystal is a remnant of one who as met their end here. Gather them all, and the first ring piece will be yours.

(A knock came from the door on their right as it startles them)

Bierce: One more thing. You're not alone.

Precious: What do you mean?

Bierce: There are monsters in here, and they're looking for you.

Timon: Oh great.

Bierce: You'll also need that tablet on the table by the lamp.

(They look at the table with a lamp on it. They also see a tablet. It was a black and sleek tablet.)

Wallace: What do we need this for?

Bierce: It can detect each shards location. It was left by the last... Guest to disappoint me here.

Penny: Last Guess?

Bierce: A very, clever girl. Just not a very fast runner. Enough instruction. Break those boards and let's get this party started!

Wallace: Okay.

Timon: (Looks at the tablet) We have to collect 289 shards! Are you kidding me?!

Wallace: Nope.

(Wallace breaks the boards with his foot and collects the first as t=he breaks down the 2nd one but the 2nd shard absorbs in the first one)

Wallace: Well, Everyone, Let's collect these shards!

(The gang then started going around collecting shards. But as they were collect shards, they started to hear mechanical noises)

Cadpig: What's that noise?

Precious: I don't know but I don't like it.

Doug: Guys, I think we might wanna start running!

(They looked to see what Doug sees and screamed in terror because they see a monkey in a hotel suit, both blades covered in blood for hands and with blood dripping from it's mouth)

Bierce: It's closing in, Hurray!

Wallace: RUN!!!

(They all started to run away from the monkey as they started to hear more noises. Wallace saw on the map that he saw something red. He has the gang follow him as he sees the red crystal. he touches it as the tablet says "ENEMIES REVEALED" as he saw they were 4 monkeys.)

Wallace: There's 4 monkeys?!

Pumbaa: 4 monkeys?! We'll never make it out alive!!

Timon: (Slaps Pumbaa) Get a hold f yourself, Pumbaa! We'll get out of here.

(The gang then continued on as they collected more shards)

*1:30 Minutes later*

Bierce: You all gathered half of the shards, I'm impressed. I would've thought you've been shattered by now.

Timon: Thanks, Miss Birece.

*Few Minutes Later


Wallace: Hmm...We're doing pretty good so far.

Lucky: And we haven't even died. Not even once.

Wallace: Well, we have to keep going.

Simba: Hey, Wally, I see something yellow on the map.

(Wallace looked at the map and saw that Simba was right, there is something yellow on the map. They went towards to where it is. They reached to where they saw the thing. Wallace touched it and saw that the tablet says, "ENEMIES STUNNED".)

Precious: Nice!! Our enemies are stunned!

Timon: Si! Let's Go!

*1:50 Seconds later*


(Wallace enters one of the hotel room and grabs a note that was left on the wall and ran along with the others)


(The gang collected all of the soul shards)

Doug: We did it!

Bierce: You all gathered all of the soul shards. The ring piece is now exposed. And the monsters will go into a frenzy. Get to the ring piece before Mr. Monkey finds you all!

Gang: On it!

(They start to run to the place where the ring piece is placed as they hear monkeys angrily screeching all over the halls. They got to the ring piece and Wallace collects it.)

Wallace: Yes! YES!! I GOT IT!

???: Hrghh... Who dares?!

Bierce: Shoot, he knows y'all here now. You all need to escape. Get to the portal, hurry!

(The elevator doors opens as the gang enters. As they entered the elevator, a murder monkey emerges from the hotel room door and sees the gang. The doors shut before the monkey could reach them.)

Patch: Phew. That was close.

Timon: Tell me about it.

(The doors opens again and the gang exits)

Bierce: Run, Run!

Lucky: What happening?

(The elevators on each sides opens for each murder monkey to exit)

Pumbaa: Let's get out of here!!

???: There's no escape for you, mortals.

(They started to go down the corner they came from and saw the portal)

Lucky: There's the portal!

(They jumped into the portal)


(They landed in the Ballroom with the first ring piece)

Bierce: Good! Y'all made it. And I see you all met my friend, sooner than I was expecting.

Precious: Who?

(An eyeball appears from a top of the stairs in a hole between two red doors)

???: Bierce! Still so persistent after all this time... Do not listen to her, mortals. She's just using y'all. Give her the ring and there will be... Consequences. This is your only warning... Help her and you will suffer.

Bierce: Pay no attention to him. His powers can not reach y'all here. The ring, place it at the alter, now!

(Wallace places the ring on the alter)

Bierce: It's been so long. The ring is called the Riddle Of Heaven. An ironic name, don't you think? A Demon's power is contained inside: the creature of infinite cruelity that you just met. Malak. 

Doug: Malak.

Bierce: Complete the ring, and you all can use Malak's power to fulfil your darkest desires. Or so that's how the legend goes. 

Cadpig: I hope so.

Wallace: Oh guys, while when were running away from the monkeys, I found a note in one of the rooms.

Lucky: Wanna try and read it?

Wallace: Sure. (Reads the note) I don't remember how I came to this place, but I will not play game. I'll find my own way out. I had to leave the tablet behind, but she thinks I'm gone now. Frightening creatures roam this old hotel. There's something familiar about it all. It seems that I can sense things for some reason. It's as if this world wants to share its dark story with me. I don't want to hear it, but I can't shut it out. I can only record my thoughts on paper to help me clear my mind. The monkeys... I can sense their desires. Their souls whisper to me. The frighten me the most. The mutterings are random and no longer human, but they are the most violent of wishes. I've learned that the mortal souls of murderers are imprisoned inside each one. In life, they abandoned their humanity. They gave in to their urge to kill. They chose to become monsters. Now they continue on this place as monstrous Murder Monkeys. -E

Timon: Wait, wait wait! This note by E is telling us that those monkeys were the souls of people who rejected their humanity and killed every people in that hotel?!

Patch: Most likely. They were close to killing us.

Simba: But we made it out alive.

Bierce: So now, 8 more pieces to go. Are you all ready for another nightmare?

(Another portal opens up next to the monkeys. It shows a creepy girl.)

Cindy: It's a girl?

Emily: I think it's a child.

Wallace: Well, let's go.

(They entered the portal)

*To Be Continued In Chapter 2*

(The screen shows the gang running away from a creepy looking girl with long sharp claws and a creepy smile)

A/N: Guys, this is the first chapter of the story. So, I'll see you all next time. Peace!

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