Bad Ways

By snazzier

102K 2.8K 298

a girl absolutely broken, and a boy who held the sledgehammer. More

Prologue...MUST READ
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 PART 1
Chapter 19 PART 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (oh sh*t a long chapter)
Chapter 39 (to the rescue)
Added another book

Chapter 35

1.6K 61 2
By snazzier

*****Indias' POV*****

It was Monday morning once again, and I was standing at my locker- my head filled to the brim with my amazing boyfriend.

Apparently everyone was talking about the gym. According to everyone I had talked to, it was the prank of the year. Yet at the same time, the principle was very pissed about it and was to the point of accusing random people passing his office in the hallways. Luckily, I hadn't been one of the many and had managed to stay clear. I'm not sure whether Axel had, but I know he hadn't been caught yet- which filled me me with relief.

Apparently the school couldn't afford to have the gym floor changed for a few years, so I was going to leave my mark for some while. I can't believe Axel would go through such measures just for me- it was amazing and just filled me with butterflies. He was amazing in general and I could never really seem to get him out of my head.

Smiling softly, I opened my locker and started to take out my books. I can't believe I was actually happy on a MONDAY morning. It was a miracle.

Suddenly, I felt two strong arms slither around my waist and I squealed quietly as I felt myself being pulled into a hard masculine body.

"Hey there princess..."

I could immediately tell who it was, and I automatically felt myself melting into his warm scent.

"Hey there." I smiled and pecked him on the cheek, having to stand on my toes to do so. Axel grinned at me and pulled me back into a large bear hug, nestling his face in the crook of my neck. I loved this position so much that words honestly couldn't explain what I was feeling at this moment.

"Oh god I missed you..." He whispered huskily into my ear and I laughed softly, pulling away from him slightly.

"I saw you Saturday, idiot."

"Yeah. But I didn't get to see you for a DAY." He whined childishly and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Alright, calm down babe." I chuckled.

"As long as you promise that you're mine forever." He boasted, grinning at me cheekily. I sighed and bit my lip.

"Alright. Forever it is." I muttered, looking up into his eyes hopefully. I smiled, as I saw his eyes were filled with complete joy as they looked down upon me.

"Awesome!!!" He cried dramatically, and suddenly picked me up- slinging me over his shoulder quickly. I began screaming and started hitting his back as hard as I could.

What the heck? Was this guy made of steel?

"PUT ME DOWN YOU IDIOTIC BABOON!!!" I screamed at him. "I HAVE TO GO TO CLASS!!!" I paused to catch my breath. "I don't wanna get expelled..." I whined towards the end.

"Calm down, babe. I have your stuff. We have this class together, remember?" He laughed. I swear his laugh sounded so soft it made shivers run up and down my spine like electricity.

"I can walk to class by myself, you know?"

"That's why I'm carrying you. I knew you'd refuse to walk with me." I heard him say whistfully and blushed heavily, a dark red spreading onto my cheeks-for I knew what he said was right.

I looked around me as best as I could from the uncomfortable position I was in, only to see people staring at me with a shocked expression. Some girls were shooting daggers at me, others were laughing and some were just standing motionless in surprise. Some boys were clenching their fists, and some were laughing so hard tears were running down their cheeks.

"Oh great." I muttered under my breath and gave up trying to wriggle out of Axels' grip.

It was hopeless.

After a few minutes, we finally came to my first period, which was Chemistry. I could practically feel the joy radiating off of Axel as he walked over towards his seat. I could barely see John, Axel, Bell, Dana and Willow as Axel approached them.

They were in this class, too?

Oh great.

"HOLY SHIT!" Lucas cried out first, his eyes wide. Axel smirked and set me down on the ground before pecking me on the cheek, his face flushed. The group looked at us with wide eyes before Lucas continued. "You guys are dating?!" He laughed before turning to John with a cheeky smile. "Told you. Now pay up." Lucas stuck out his hand.

"Ugh why am I even friends with you?" John growled before passing Lucas a 20$ bill as Dana, Bella and Willow started laughing.

"But, yeah, we are dating." Axel smiled sheepishly and shot Bella a knowing look. Bella nodded in reply, giving him the stink eye as she remembered what happened the morning she found out that they were dating. Dana shot Axel a glare, for Bella had told her what had happened.

" did we not know this earlier?" Willow raised an eyebrow and motioned towards her, John and Lucas. They all nodded in agreement.

"Uh...I...I forgot...?" I bit my lip and looked at them cautiously. John scoffed and rolled his eyes in reply.

"Sure, Inds. Thanks for keeping us close to your heart." John tried to hold down his smile.

"You know it." I winked at him playfully before engulfing him in a bear hug. John started choking and pushed me away quickly.

"Are you trying to get me killed by your boyfriend?!" John yelped and motioned towards Axel as we all fell into another fit of laughter.

"Wait. Boyfriend?" I heard a curious voice as Ale suddenly joined the conversation suddenly from out of no where. "Who's boyfriend?" She asked innocently, batting her eyes at Axel. Axel made a disgusted face and inched away from her slowly. I glared at Ale, she could never take a hint. "Really. Whos' boyfriend?" She asked again.

"My boyfriend." I deadpanned, looking at Ale with the most bored expression I could muster.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Stop joking India." Ale rolled her eyes, fingers playing with the ends of her hair. "No one wants to date a stupid emo looking bitch."

"Yeah but no one wants to date a makeup caked slutty bimbo either." I spat venomously and Ale's eyes widened.

"Who do you think you're talking to?!" She screeched.

"Obviously a slutty bimbo." I raised an eyebrow. "I thought I already answered that question."

Ale scoffed harshly. "Oh you're such a badass, aren't you?"

"I didn't think my ass looked that bad.." I smirked before looking down at my behind. "I think it's quite fine if you asked me."

"That's not what I meant!!!" Ale screeched again and I started laughing crazily.

"Alright! That's enough, students, back into your seats!" The teacher walked into the classroom, and the voice level of the students dropped quickly. Everyone scrambled to find a seat. While Ale went to sit with Audrey in the front, me and my friends decided to sit in the back. Axel purposely decided to sit next to me.

"So, I hope you guys remembered about the New York trip." The teacher mused once the entire classroom was silent. "We leave tomorrow, 6:00 AM."

Oh yeah, the New York trip. I had completely forgot about that. The entire class will be going to New York for a week. I'm really excited, seeing as I'll be getting to go and spend a week in my dream city with my dream boyfriend.

The entire class cheered happily as they remembered the trip as well.

"OK. Now lets' get into our wonderful lesson." The teacher plastered a fake smile on his face before turning towards the board. "We'll have plenty of time to talk about the trip on the way there."


School went by really fast, and before I knew it, I was at home. I was laying on my bed in Axels arms, our breathing matching as our chests rose up and down slowly.

I loved it when he held me in his arms- it made me feel safe and wanted. It made me feel loved.

I loved how he smelled, too. A wonderful mix of pine and spice.

"Hey India...?" I heard him whisper quietly from beside me.


"Do you want to go to the movies?"

"Sure. By ourselves?"

"No." He said gruffly. "John, Lucas and I were going to go. But John decided to invite Dana, so Lucas invited Bella and I want you to come with me."

I laughed softly before pressing my lips to his for a short second before pulling away quickly. "I would love to do that." I smiled.

"Babe that was a terrible kiss." Axel raised an eyebrow at me before diving down and pushing his lips to mine. I melted into his touch and responded to his kiss, our lips moving in perfect sync. The kiss got deep and more passionate as it went on, and I enjoyed every second of it. After a few minutes, He pulled away and looked deep into my eyes.

"That was amazing." I whispered first. "But now I want to go see that movie."

Axel chuckled and pulled me out of bed. He lead me down to his car and we made our way towards the movie theater.

Soon we arrived at the destination and we got out to search for our group of friends. It wasn't really that hard seeing as we found Lucas immediately, ordering a shit load of food at the concession stand while Bella was complaining on how he was going to end up getting diabetes.

"Babe! That's so much food." Bella whined, crossing her arms while pulling a pouty face.

"But I know you'll love me, even if I end up being obese...?" Lucas bit his lip and looked at Bella pleadingly. Bella huffed and gave in, rolling her eyes in the process. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute they were. Taking Axels' hand, I started to drag him over to where they were.

"Hey guys." Me and Axel made our way over towards them. Bella looked up at me, her pout lifting into a smirk.

"Awh here's the golden couple." She smiled.

I laughed and motioned towards Lucas. "But you guys were already here. Anyways where's the other couple?"

Lucas started to collect the food from the counter. "They went in to get us seats, but I bet they're making out already." Sighing, we all made our way towards the movie we were seeing. It was 'Godzilla' and I was excited; I had always wanted to see this movie, but never really had the time to do so.

Sure enough, Dana and John were indeed in the middle of a heated make out session in the back of the theater but the second we came in, they parted away from each other like the opposite sides of a magnet.

"OOOH...John was getting it..." Axel playfully teased and nudged John with his elbow. John glared at Axel and slapped him on the back of the head. I chuckled as Axel recoiled away from John with a pout on his face. John rolled his eyes and put his arm back around Dana.

Soon the movie started, and things were going pretty smoothly. Axel had his arm around me (very cliche, I know) but I was enjoying every second of it. I loved how he made me feel, how he gave me butterflies every single day.

"hey. Can you pass the popcorn?" John whispered to Lucas lowly. Lucas rolled his eyes and turned towards John.

"No. It's my popcorn." Lucas made a face in reply and hugged his popcorn to his chest. "get your own."

"No. That's why I'm asking you for some!" John hissed back.

"Too bad so sad." Lucas mimicked. John glared at him before reaching towards the bucket to grab himself the popcorn. Lucas made what sounded like an animal growl and slapped Johns' hand away hard.

"Bitch!" John growled.

"Fuck you." Lucas hissed at John venomously. John scoffed, and grabbed one of Lucas's slushies. With one quick motion, he threw the contents onto Lucas. Lucas sat still for a few seconds, eyes wide. Bella screeched, seeing as her shirt was covered in slushy too; for John had terrible aim.

"You little...." Bella trailed off angrily before grabbing the nachos and throwing them at John, but missed and hit Dana on the side of the head instead. Bella gasped, and covered her mouth with her hand- trying not to laugh.

"Who did that?!" Dana screeched and threw her soda at Bella but ended up hitting me and Axel.

Did everyone have really bad aim, or was it just me?

I gasped, grabbing one of Lucas's ice cream cones. Scowling, I planted it on the side of Johns' face.

Hence, the start of a food fight in the middle of Godzilla. Yet, after a few minutes of food flying everywhere and screaming, someone reported us.

Unwillingly, we were dragged out of the movie theater.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hey there, my wonderful readers. I wanted to ask you of a favor... I would really like you to follow me please. So I mean, if you are enjoying this book it would mean so much if you followed me. It'll also help get this book more common on the charts so others will be able to read it.

So if you do follow me that'd be amazing. Thanks :)


Oh and btw I am writing longer chapters now. :D

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