The Elf in the shadow's

By Exorcist_Twins2

45 8 3

This is a story about Patri this book dose not follow the series plot line almost at all. I do not own Black... More

Your my family now.

The sick Elf

27 4 1
By Exorcist_Twins2

Author's Note When Patri is speaking in his head to William's it looks like { bla bla } "in stead of this" also it will switch when Patri is in control.When they are thinking it looks like (..) And when replying in there haeds it looks like ("...."). ok now to the story witch does not follow the series plot line like at all.

Chapter 1

Patri POV 

:William's is in control of his body:

{ William I need to brow the body tonight. }

("Okay that's fine I have no plans or mission, And please don't ever call it 'THE' body it's my body so next time just say your body please.")

{ Fine whatever } Patri said this with additued 

Later That Night

:Patri is in control of William's body:

I slipped out of the Golden Dawn base without being seen by any members

when I got closer to the Eye of the Midnight Sun's base it was raining really hard I was soaked by the time he had made it { Patri it's freezing in here you need to hurry before you catch cold }

("William you need to stop worrying, please.")

{ No because if you get sick I get sick, And I don't want to have to tell my members I went out for a late night walk IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RAINING AGAIN!!!!! }

("Okay you don't have to shout, I'll hurry")

I made it to the base and came in to see Valtos on top of Rades I was so shock I did not know what to do. "Rades, Valtos I think you should stop and start explaing yourself's " I was finally able to speak again. They both jumped up quickly struggling to re-dress them-self's I could hear Wiiliam's trying not to laugh at there pathetic attempt's of getting there close on. I tried not to laugh as hard as I could but a few chuckles came out.

After Rades and Valtos were fully dressed I sat them down to ask some question's .

Right before I asked the first question Sally came in "MASTER LICHT!!!!! I'M SOOO HAPPY YOUR BACK!!!!" she seemed happy then saw how upset Rades and Valtos was " OHHhhh your in trouble aren't you hahaha!!! Look whos the good girl!!" Sally continued to gloat "Sally stop or you will be in trouble as well understood." I said this in a very strike tone " Yes Master Licht. ): "

"Rades, Valtos what is my mane rule when i'm gone? do you remember.?"

"yes." Rades mumbled under his voice "What was that Rades? Sorry I didn't hear that please say that louder."  

 "I can say Master Licht." Vlatos spoke up 

" good what is it then?." 

" It was to not have sex with Rades or in fact anyone in the Eye of the Midnight Sun ever."

"Thank You Valtos. Now do you want to tell me what you were doing Rades.?" I asked but I wasn't expating much.But I guess I was wrong.

"We hadn't really done anything yet we were just making out and removing each others close.So you can't ground us or anything."

"Well your wrong I can. Valtos, Rades your grounded. AND No 'buts', No 'you can't' because I can. If you want to have your revenge on the clover kingdom you will take your punishment and stay here but if you don't want it that bad you can always leave and never return."

" Okay will take your stupid punishment." Rades said

" Great *acho*!!" I was caught off guard by my own sneeze

Rades just laughed at me but I don't even know what for

"Umm sorry about that anyways *acho* *sniffle* ugh, any*acho*ways"

Patri/Lichts Nose was red and the tips of his Eras were red as well Rades notices this 

"Licht are you felling okay?" Rades ask concerned but didn't know why

"I'm fine, just give me one moment alone please."

"Okay." they all said in unison

("William I think I might be sick you know what these means right.")

{ Yes that means we probably can't switch by this point but we should be abel to continue to talk for the next 10 mins. You need to tell them about when you get a fever you~~~~} 


(He was gone I couldn't hear him which mite he couldn't hear me.)

"Oh no." I said to my self but Rades had came bake into the room and asked what was wrong

"Well it's hard to explan so i'll try my best, Okay when Elfs get sick and have high fevers they can sometimes hallucinate."

"Okay let me get this straight okay, your sick and if you get a high fever you could hallucinate, it's not guaranteed that it will happen.?"

"Oh no it will happen it's guaranteed."

"Okay so let me get this straight again, If you get a high enough not only can a high fever kill you but you will also hallucinate.? Did I get it all?"

"Yes I believe so."

"Great this sucks"

To Be Continued in Chapter 2

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