Reincarnation, I Want a Peace...

By al_fluffy1209

167K 8.4K 1.2K

Dying and getting reincarnated in a different world was not something ##### expected. Now going by the name K... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Kocho Family Information
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Guardian OC Information
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
100k Special Chapter
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Specials 2

Chapter 32

2.6K 152 59
By al_fluffy1209

In the training area of the Kocho estate, Milo and Tomoe exchanged blows, Gintoki and Jun watching the two battle it out. They both used wooden weapons in order to not harm each other too badly.

Milo swung down down and Tomoe used her nunchuck to intercept it, her other nunchuck aiming for his head to which he dodged by ducking down. The blond haired teen sweeped her legs from under, causing the girl to grunt as she fell down onto her back. Before Milo could hit her again, she rolled back, still holding on her nunchucks. Tomoe was about to lunge at him, but Milo had thrown his sword at her, making the girl swing her nunchucks to deflect the weapon, causing her view to momentarily be blocked.

As the nunchuck began to swing the sword away, Tomoe was tackled by the older male, causing her to let out a gasp as her breath was momentarily taken away from her. 'Shit!' Before she could do anything, Milo had already unarmed her other hand and elbowed her wrist, causing the nunchucks to fall to the ground. Tomoe kicked his side with what little strength she had, but Milo had already pinned her to the ground.

"That's enough," Gintoki said, his deep voice echoing in the dojo. "Milo wins again, good job."

Getting off of his sister, Milo helped her up before bowing to the older male. "Thank you, Gintoki-sensei."

"Argh, that was painful," Tomoe muttered, rubbing the wrist which Milo elbowed.

Jun winced at the red mark. "I swear I heard a crack. Milo, did you really have to go all out on us?"

"There will be no mercy in a true battle," Milo replied, wiping the sweat off his face with his shirt. "Rather to prolong a battle by not going all out, I prefer to keep them short by giving everything I got."

"How honorable," Jun replied, tying his long blond hair into a bun. "But seriously, I use a bow! A bow! There's no way I could go against a swordsman. You'd charge at me before I could knock on another arrow."

"You chose the weapon," Milo retorted in a monotone voice.

"Still! Mercy!"

"Jun-nii, you could just use martial arts like you do against Kyo-chan," Tomoe argued, taking a large gulp of water. "What makes you not want to do that against Milo-nii?"

"I don't want to injure my beautiful face!"

"???" the two younger siblings titled their heads.

Jun flailed his arms around. "Whenever I fight against Milo it's like fighting against myself. He's my twin, we look the same. Would you want to punch your own beautiful face?! It's our only redeeming quality!"

'True...' Tomoe and Milo sweatdropped, but they had to agree.

Gintoki appeared behind Jun, smacking the back of his head which made the boy squawk. "Enough chatter and slacking. Milo, take a break. Jun and Tomoe, get ready to spar."

The older of the two groaned and Tomoe could only sigh. It would be a long hard day of training with Gintoki.

However, before the two could walk back onto the floor, the dojo doors slid open to reveal a small black haired boy.


"Jun-nii! Milo-nii! Neechan!" the boy exclaimed, happily running over to his sister with all the speed a three year old could have. He latched himself onto her leg. "Play... p-please."

Tomoe kneeled down onto his level and let the boy wrap his arms around him and she habitually picked him up as she stood. "Sorry Arashi, we're busy training."

The boy pouted, looking down slightly. "P-Play..."

Jun grinned, swooping in to take Arashi from Tomoe's arms and twirled him around in the air. "Play? Of course we can play!"

"Jun," Milo said exasperaly while Gintoki sighed, facepalming.

"R-Really?" Arashi seemed to glow and Jun widely grinned.

He turned towards the others. "You heard the little man, we're going to play." Jun looked back at Arashi. "What do you want to play?"

Arashi gave the biggest smile. "Mafia!"

Tomoe shrieked. "NO-!"

"Where did you go?! Reborn!" Tsuna shouted, running around the neighborhood. 'This is all because of Lambo's 10-Year Bazooka... Still, asking Lambo about the 10-Year Bazooka probably won't help much...' "Ah! If I ask the adult Lambo, maybe he'd know something!"

So, Tsuna ran back to his house, slamming his bedroom door open.

"Lambo, you're here, aren't you?!" The brunette saw the child laying on the floor on his back. "Hey, Lambo! Quick, use the 10-Year Bazooka and become an adult!"

"What are you talking about, Tsuna?" Lambo replied, avoiding eye contact. "Lambo-san doesn't know anything about a 10-Year Bazooka."

"Isn't it popping out of your hair?!"


Getting caught in the lie, Tsuna grabbed the bazooka from Lambo's afro.

"See, it's right here."

"Gupyaaa! You can't use it!" Lambo grabbed the other end, pulling it back. "Boss said nobody should use it!!"

"You're already using it all over the place!" Tsuna yelled, making a tug-a-war happen between the two.

"You can't!!"

"Don't say that, I'm begging you!"

"No way!" Unfortunately, for Tsuna's luck, Lambo accidentally clicked the trigger. Their eyes widened. "Oops?"


The bazooka fired, hitting Tsuna causing pink smoke to appear as he was enveloped, getting sent into the future.

When Tsuna opened his eyes, he was laying down. 'Huh...? Oh no... Don't tell me... I've been hit with the 10-Year Bazooka...?! In that case...?' Suddenly, he fell. "Wa?! AAAAAHHHH! OW!"


'Trees...? No... The scent of flowers...? It's so dark...' He extended his hand out, removing the object that was covering him. 'Ah... It's moving...' Light entered his vision as he pushed the lid of the coffin of him.

"This is ten years in the future...? If I've changed places with my future self, then that means I'm going to be here in ten years... Where's here...?" The brunette looked around before having a realization. "This is a coffin...? This- EH?! WHY AM I IN A COFFIN?!?!?"

"Who's there?! A voice shouted, making him shriek in shock.

The grass crunched below the perpetrators shoe and a familiar silhouette came into view. "Ah... You're...!"

Tsuna gawked at the older looking Gokudera. The man walked up to the coffin before falling onto his knees.

"H...Huh...? That face, it can't be..."

"Tenth!" Gokudera cried out, grabbing Tsuna's shoulders.

"UWAA!" 'It really is 10 years later Gokudera-kun! Wow! He's gotten this big?!'

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The male kept apologizing.


"I mean it, it really hurts!"

Tsuna was in shock. "Uh... I mean..." 'What in the world happened?!'


"I'm sure it's hard to believe, and I don't know how, but... I was... I was hit by the 10-Year Bazooka by accident," Tsuna explained to the disheartened Gokudera.

"I see... Only five minutes..." Tsuna watched as Gokudera clenched his teeth as if he were holding back tears before his face cleared up. "Listen carefully, boss. Please, when you return to the past, you must remember this moment and do exactly as I say."

"Uh... Huh?"

"There's no time for details." 'The older Gokudera-kun is so mature.' "When you get back, you must eliminate the person immediately!"


Gokudera showed him a picture of a red haired teen with glasses, a stoic expression on his face. "This is a picture of him from this time. You should know him from your freshman year of middle school."

"Eh?! Who is this?! Did you say eliminate?!" The brunette freaked out, not remembering him.

"There's no need to hesitate."

"No, but... Wait a minute! By eliminate, you mean to kill, right?"

"If only that guy didn't exist, Byakuran wouldn't be like this," Gokudera revealed and Tsuna began to sweat.

"Byaku......ran?" 'Come to think of it, why has the mood been so serious? What has happened to this world in these ten years?!'

"The next thing I'm going to say is just as a precaution. Watch out for Ko-"

Before Gokudera could continue, Tsuna interrupted him. "Umm... One thing that's been bugging me... Why am I in a coffin?" The grey haired male was shocked by his question. "Why is the future me... in a coffin?"

Gokudera looked as if he were going to cry. "That is... because..."



A pink smoke appeared and when it cleared, it revealed a younger Gokudera. "Tenth...?"

"Gokudera-kun!" Tsuna's jaw dropped as his eyes turned white. 'Why is Gokudera-kun here?! I missed my chance to find out the truth!'

"Huh? It's the normal tenth! But I thought I went ten years into the future?" he laughed.

"No, Gokudera-kun... this is the future. I also came from ten years ago," Tsuna responded.

"Whoa, is that right?" Gokudera replied. "I wanted to speak with adult Lambo about Reborn-san, so I went to the tenth's house... but I was hit by the 10-Year Bazooka when it came flying out the window."

'He did the same thing...'

"Hmm, what's this?" he touched the object Tsuna was sitting in. "It looks like a coffin."

Tsuna gulped. "It doesn't only look like it..."

A gloomy aura was around Gokudera as he was in a ball. What Tsuna had told him had put him in this state.

"Um, Gokudera...-kun? Gokudera-kun? Are you alright?" Tsuna questioned, squatting down in front of him, no longer in the coffin.

Suddenly, Gokudera stood up, roaring in anger, "What the hell has the future me been up to?! Why is boss in a coffin?!" He fell to the ground, readily pounding his fist against it. "Dammit! I let the tenth die! I'm not fit to be his right hand man!"

"Nobody said I died!" Tsuna shouted. 'Although I was trying to avoid facing that fact!' "And I've been told a way to stop this scenario from happening."

"That's... That's right! In five minutes, when we go back to the past... We just need to kill the person in the photograph!" Gokudera clenched his fist, scowling.

"Nnn... No, no, no! We can't kill people!" Tsuna said, trying to stop him. "The first thing we need to do when we get back in five minutes is to... H-Huh?" His eyes widened and he stood up.

"What's wrong?"

"Hasn't it already been more than five minutes since I got here?"

"What?" Gokudera also stood up. "Now that you mention it, I think I've been here for more than five minutes too."

"That's right!" The brunette put his hands on his head, frantic. "Then... Then why haven't we returned to the past yet?"

"The only thing I could think of... is that there is a problem with the 10-Year bazooka," he theorized."

"N...No way! What's going to happen to us?!"

"We can't be sure what happened. Maybe we won't be able to go back..." Gokudera mumbled and Tsuna pancied even more.

"ARGH! That's terrible!"

Gokudera sweatdropped. "Not really... it's just a guess..."

"What should we doooo?!" Tsuna screamed and his stomach grumbled.

The both went quiet before Gokudera innocently smiled, holding up a plastic bag. "In any case, let's eat yatsuhashi!"

When they two finished eating, the storm looked around seeing only trees in the forest they were in. "But, this place... I wonder where it is? We can be sure that it's not Japan."

"Really? Abroad?!"

Bending down, he picked up the suitcase. "This was left by the older me, right?"


"Let's check it out," Gokudera replied and poured all the contents onto the floor.

Tsuna stood up, flailing. "W-Wait... Gokudera-kun! You can't just open it...!"

The teen shrugged, looking through the items. "It's not a problem. It's mine anyway! What's this? This old... box?" He opened it up. "So, we're still writing on paper in ten years time."

"What's this?" Tsuna asked, seeing the paper having symbols on it. "It kind of looks like a drawing."

"This is G-Script!" Gokudera gasped.


"I created this Gokudera alphabet in class when I was a freshman."

'What does he do during class?! This guy!'

"Let's see..." He began to read off the paper, putting a hand to his chin as he remembered the alphabet. "Guardians... Gather..."


"As I expected...."

Gokudera whipped around. "Who's there?!"

A person wearing a cloak and goggles with black hair was behind them. "Hello fellows," they said and their hands slipped from underneath the cloak, revealing the rings on their fingers and metal device on top of their glove. Flames erupted. "Goodbye."

A woman with short black hair licked her lips, tasting the metallic blood on the sides of her mouth. Pursing her lips, her cheek throbbed in pain from the punch one of the men landed on her. She sighed, holding her bloody knife close to her chest.

"That was a waste of time," she mumbled, feeling a warm liquid spread around the bandages wrapped around her neck. "To try and assassinate me on my territory? What idiots."

Grumbling, she pocketed her knife away back onto the holder wrapped around her thigh. She spat out blood, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

Footsteps were heard behind her and the woman knew they were making their steps loud on purpose. Turning around, her brown eyes met similar brown eyes.

The male looked around, his long black hair falling just over his left shoulder. "They sure sent a lot of men this time," he said, not minding that the bottom of his sandals were getting stained with blood.

"Why are you here?" the black haired woman questioned, raising a brow. "I thought you were on a call with her."

"We had to end it a bit earlier due to, ah, your husband calling me down," he replied, words full of spite when he mentioned her husband.

The woman looked into his eyes, noting the eyebags underneath and his attire. "You're leaving?"

"Yes." He nodded, walking closer to her to whisper in her ear. "I'm heading to Japan, he is sending me to him." A hand was placed onto the top of her head. "It looks like everything is starting now. Stay safe, please."

The woman nodded, embracing the taller male. "Right back at you."

Hugging in the middle of a bloody garden, the two broke apart. The male took a step back and smiled. "This is just the beginning. I'll see you at the end of this, Tomoe."

Tomoe smiled back. "Yeah. See you at the end of this arc, Uncle Ao."

When the male disappeared from view, Tomoe let out a shaky breath, holding her phone. 'This is it...' Writing a text, her thumb pressed down on the send button. 'Time for the beginning of the future arc. Phase one, commencing.'

In different locations, six phones rang.

'It's starting now?'

'Finally, I've been waiting for this!'

'Great, my workload is about to increase.'

'Time to do my part in this act.'

'...Let's get this over with.'

'Don't die, brats.'

Tomoe looked up at the sky with a wishful expression. 'Everyone, stay safe... I'm counting on you, Vongola.'

"Tomoe-chan." The woman turned to see a white haired male with a purple tattoo under his eye walking up to her, a smile on his face as his light purple eyes looked over her. "It seems you took care of the pests."

"Mhm." She walked over to him the moment he stopped. Tomoe knew he wouldn't want to get his shoes dirty from the blood. "You took your time coming to help me, Byakuran."

Byakuran pouted, putting his arms around her waist. "Don't tell me that you're mad at me. I knew you could handle yourself." His eyes crinkled as he smirked. "Perhaps you wanted me to come and save you like a prince?"

She rolled her eyes, playfully slapping his chest. "In your dreams, Gesso."

Smiling, he wrapped her in a hug, burying his head in the crook of her neck. His next words sent shivers down her spine as his breath hit against her skin.

"I don't need to dream of it, after all, you are a Gesso as well, my dear wife."

A/N : Yuh this about to be a wild ride the future. Psychological warfare here we go yay. Seriously, my OCs will never be able to catch a break. 

Anyhow, expect a wild ride, especially with Tomoe being married to Byakuran (I told ya I was gonna crush ur dreams in the future). 

Also updates will probs be slower bc the future arc is SUPER long! Fun fact, it's actually the longest arc in KHR. Plus, I'm going to need to watch the anime for the anime only arcs that occurred and with me having to add all my OCs & plans for them in the future, that's gonna take a while. (like i just wrote this chap and don't have any others written rn so expect me to not update for a WHILE)

Future arc is gonna be fun to write with all my ideas and plans for my OCs & everyone, but my hands are gonna die. 

[Future Tomoe]

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