Shadows and Shades (#4 Post-O...

By Wild_Karrde

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Crosshair and Iden take off on their first solo mission together for the rebellion, heading to Raxus to inves... More

Shadows and Shades - Part 1
Shadows and Shades - Part 2
Shadows and Shades - Part 3
Shadows and Shades - Part 4
Shadows and Shades - Part 5
Shadows and Shades - Part 7
Shadows and Shades - Part 8
Shadows and Shades - Part 9
Shadows and Shades - Part 10
Shadows and Shades - Part 11
Shadows and Shades - Part 12
Shadows and Shades - Part 13
Shadows and Shades - Part 14
Shadows and Shades - Part 15
Shadows and Shades - Part 16
Shadows and Shades - Part 17 (Final Part)

Shadows and Shades - Part 6

124 5 0
By Wild_Karrde

Iden froze. Crosshair didn't really like talking about certain aspects of his Imperial service, and his time on Ryloth had largely gone undiscussed in all of their time together. She knew he'd played a significant part in bringing Ryloth under Imperial control, taking the shot at the Twi'lek senator in order to give the Imperials an excuse to arrest a resistance leader and his family that they considered a threat. Cham Syndulla hadn't gone quietly, and the clone captain sitting in the cell watching them had been integral to the Syndullas' escape. She'd never heard his name before, but watching the way Crosshair's shoulders slumped, she had little doubt that this Howzer was the one he'd vaguely referred to.


"We can't leave him." She stopped, blinking rapidly. He'd said it softly, but it was clear there would be no arguing with him. Iden wet her lips, glancing up and down the hall.

"Open the cell. We can't get caught out here gawking."

Crosshair reached over, punching the button to lower the ray shield. Howzer leapt to his feet as they stepped inside, Iden coming to stand where she could speak quietly enough for only him to hear as Crosshair stood behind her.

"How's your inhibitor chip these days, Captain Howzer?" she asked. His brow furrowed in confusion as he glanced from her to the stormtrooper standing over her shoulder.


"Because I can't bust you out of here unless I have a guarantee that you won't attack me or my friend here for being traitors to the Empire."

Howzer's brow furrowed in confusion. "I don't understand."

Iden sighed. "Yeah, well that makes two of us, but one thing I know is the gentleman standing behind me isn't leaving here without you."

Howzer stared at Crosshair again, his eyes narrowing. "Who are you?"

Crosshair stepped closer, and before Iden could stop him, he reached up and pulled his helmet off. It took Howzer a second to recognize him, his eyes drifting first to the scar on the side of his head and then the tattoo over his eye, but when he did, his face twisted into a snarl.


"Yes, me."

"Rampart's favorite," Howzer spat.

Crosshair huffed something that Iden supposed was meant to be a laugh. "That's hardly true anymore."

Howzer was unconvinced. "Why in the galaxy would I trust you? You're the one that had me arrested in the first place. I've spent the last few years bouncing around various Imperial prisons because of you."

Crosshair stepped closer, his face inches from Howzer's, and Iden could see guilt in his eyes as he spoke. "Your chip never activated, did it?"

Howzer met his gaze, glaring daggers at him. "Why does that matter?"

"Because if it had, you'd understand why I did what I did." He gripped Howzer's chin, turning his face to look at the sheared side of his head. "It's still in though. No scar."

Howzer yanked his chin loose. "I'm not one of them. Never was."

Crosshair hummed, flexing his fingers. Iden could see he was weighing his options, considering whether this was worth the risk or not. Finally, he exhaled sharply, running his hand through his hair.

Vulnerability isn't something he's used to, she thought, watching as Crosshair's guard came down slightly.

"I understand you have no reason to trust me, but I owe you a debt. I'm trying to settle that by getting you out of here," Crosshair said evenly, doing his best to meet Howzer's stare. Iden could see the shame in his posture as he continued. "If you don't trust me, then at least consider the logic of a move like this. What possible reason could I have for offering you an escape?"

The former clone captain watched him carefully before moving his gaze over to Iden. His eyes lingered on the sleeve of her uniform, flicking back up to study her rank before he nodded. "Alright. I'll go. That uniform clearly isn't yours."

Iden's eyebrows raised slightly. "How could you tell?"

Howzer reached for her right arm, holding up the sleeve. "See this stain?"

Iden squinted, finally seeing the faint brownish outline along the cuff of her sleeve. "Didn't even notice it. What about it?"

Howzer smirked. "A few weeks ago, a particularly asinine captain came in here looking to start a fight. He got what he wanted when I headbutted him in the nose. He wiped the blood on his sleeve. Stain never did come out." He dropped her hand, glancing between the two of them. "Alright, how are we doing this? I don't exactly have a disguise to walk out of here in, and my face is fairly recognizable around here."

Crosshair nodded at him, slipping his helmet back over his head. "Turn around. I'm going to cuff you."

"Well, that sounds like a terrible idea."

Crosshair shrugged. "It's like you said. No disguise. So you're walking out of here as you are, like a prisoner transfer."

Howzer's eyes flicked between the two of them for another moment before he sighed, turning his back to them and placing his wrists behind his back. Crosshair slipped the binders in place.

"If anything goes sideways, you'll have to let me out," Howzer muttered.

"Will do if I don't get killed," Crosshair replied.

"Alright, ready?" Iden asked. Howzer looked at Crosshair one more time, the suspicion not totally absent from his eyes. Crosshair dipped his bucket, and Howzer returned the nod before turning to Iden.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Iden led the way out of the cell with Howzer behind her, Crosshair bringing up the rear. She stepped closer to Crosshair, speaking under her breath. "You hold him like an escort. I'll lead the way."

Crosshair nodded his understanding as he slipped his fingers around Howzer's bicep, the other holding his blaster.

"I still don't feel great about this," the former captain muttered.

"Yeah, well this is the best chance you're going to get," Iden replied with a hint of annoyance. "You weren't exactly in the original plan, and there's no way I'm risking sneaking back in here again, so you can either come with us now or sit in here until the Empire decides that you're useful for something or better off dead. Now do you want to go back in that cell?"

Howzer scowled down at her but said nothing.

"That's what I thought."

Turning on her heel, she jutted her chin out in what she hoped was an authoritative manner, clasping her hands behind her back and leading them down the hall.

"The atrium had a placard that marked an alternative exit," Crosshair said quietly. "Across the atrium and then turn right into the far hallway."

Iden nodded almost imperceptibly, trying to keep her pace unrushed as she continued forward. Stepping back into the atrium, her heart thumped in her chest as she noted a few officers standing near the opposite hallway, but none of them acknowledged them as they made their way towards the corridor Crosshair had indicated. Just as they reached the intersection, a door to Iden's left opened and an officer stepped out, looking down at a datapad.

Iden's knees shook and her stomach tightened as the young officer looked up, directly into her eyes.


There was no mistake this time, no room for denial. Her sister met her gaze before her eyes widened in recognition.


Iden swallowed hard, turning sharply down the corridor. She wasn't sure if Crosshair had noticed, but her mind was racing.

She definitely recognized me. Need to put more space in between Crosshair and myself so it doesn't look like we're together.

Iden lengthened her strides, hoping Crosshair wouldn't try to do the same. She didn't have to wonder long when another set of footsteps came jogging down the hallway behind her.

"Iden," came a loud whisper, and her throat tightened. She ignored Nisa, trying to put as much space between them as she could. The jogging steps slowed, and Iden rounded a corner, hoping that Nisa had given up. She slowed, listening as her pulse thrummed in her ears. Crosshair and Howzer caught up to her, and she silently jerked her head, hoping he got the message. Keep going. Wordlessly, he passed her by, his helmet hiding what she was certain was a questioning expression similar to the one Howzer gave her. She shook her head quietly, and he nodded, continuing along with Crosshair.

Nisa's footsteps had started back up again, and Iden tried to steady her breathing before stepping back around the corner, almost slamming into her sister. Nisa froze, staring at her. It had been almost a decade since they'd seen each other, but the eyes they shared were unmistakable to the both of them. Iden examined her sister's face, noting the telltale scar on her chin from where she'd fallen off their front stoop as children. Her sister was still infuriatingly a few centimeters taller than her, and the leaf necklace that she'd seen at the factory hung out of her Nisa's collar, swinging against her chest as though it was being blown about by the wind.


Iden said nothing, staring at her, her breath coming in short pants. Nisa's expression cycled through several emotions before she opened her mouth to speak.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice urgent, confused.

Iden wet her lips before glancing over her sister's shoulder, seeing a few officers coming down the hall behind her. They hadn't noticed the pair of women with matching eyes at the end of the hall, and Iden wasn't about to stick around and give them the chance to.


"Not here," she said more sharply than she meant to. Her sister's mouth drew into a thin line, her eyes hardening. That look hasn't changed at all. "If you want to talk, meet me at the park in the manufacturing district near Factory 31B just before sunset. Come alone. Do not follow me right now."

Before Nisa could reply or object, Iden turned on her heel, walking quickly after Crosshair and Howzer.

Her feet carried her forward as her mind raced, barely comprehending where she was headed. Listening hard, some of her nerves calmed as nothing but silence followed behind her. Luckily, the other entrance was fairly easy to find. Crosshair was waiting for her by a speeder, nodding at her as she stepped out the door. Her eyes searched for Howzer before Crosshair gently patted the rear storage compartment of the speeder.

"Couldn't just have him in the back seat as we drive out the gates."

Iden somehow mustered a laugh at that. "I'm sure he loved that."

"Didn't give him much of a choice."

The two of them climbed into the speeder with Crosshair piloting. They were easily able to exit the main gate with only a nod to the guard that opened it for them. Iden's mind raced as Crosshair piloted the speeder down a few streets before parking it in the alley where they'd stashed their jackets and other clothes earlier. Reaching over, he gripped her arm tightly, snapping her back to the present.

"We have to move. They'll be tracking this speeder."

She blinked rapidly before nodding wordlessly and climbing out of the speeder. Crosshair was already helping Howzer out of the rear compartment. It appeared Crosshair had taken his binders off before shoving him inside, and the captain rubbed his wrists where the cuffs had dug into his skin as Crosshair yanked the bag of clothes from where he and Iden had stashed it. Reaching up, he ripped the prison ID number patch off of Howzer's chest before handing him his jacket. "Put this on. Think you can fit in these pants?"

Howzer eyed Crosshair's trousers. "Kind of a slim fit, yeah?"

Crosshair gave him an indifferent stare. "It's these or the ones I've got on. You can't go walking around in your full prison jumpsuit right now. Unless you're looking to get caught."

Howzer shrugged, taking the trousers from Crosshair's hand and stepping behind the speeder to change. Iden quickly slid out of her Imperial uniform, pulling her jacket on over her undershirt and slipping into her trousers before yanking her boots back on. Crosshair had already swapped shirts, leaving his black compression pants on as he stashed the plastoid armor behind a dumpster along with Iden's uniform. He tossed Howzer his cap to help hide his face, and quickly, the three of them stepped out of the alley without another word.

Iden was grateful that Crosshair took the lead, guiding them down side streets and back alleys, carefully making their way back towards their dwelling. She couldn't stop thinking about the way Nisa had looked at her in the prison, recognition shifting to curiosity before changing into something slightly more hostile.

She was the same. It was as if no time had passed.

Iden hadn't really allowed herself to think too much of what life had been like for Nisa after she'd left. Despite the way things had ended, she still cared for her sister, even if she was ill-equipped to express or show it. There had been many sleepless nights at first where she'd laid awake wondering if her younger sibling was safe, if she was happy, if she was even alive. After a while, she'd gotten used to shrugging that line of thinking off, finding it unhelpful and distracting, not a mindset that benefited a Naboo guard.

An Imperial. Of all things. She's one of them.

The confirmation of that fact sat in her gut like a stone. She wondered if Nisa knew what had happened on their home planet, if she was aware Iden was a wanted fugitive.

At least she didn't slap binders on me right there.


Her eyes snapped up to find Crosshair's amber irises watching her carefully. "Are you alright?" There was a softness to his tone that almost broke the dam that was holding her together. She dug her thumbnail into the knuckle of her pointer, trying to ground herself with the sting of it.

"We'll talk about it when we get home."

He watched her for another half a second before nodding, slipping his hand into hers. Howzer followed behind as they crossed the last stretch of street that led to their front door. Crosshair quickly keyed in the code, and they all stepped inside, the door hissing shut behind them.


"We need to get in touch with Hunter. Now."

Crosshair felt his gut twist with worry at Iden's words, that feeling of guilt that had practically become part of his daily routine settling into his stomach once more. She'll want to be here for this. No way around it. He swallowed hard, nodding before digging for his holopad from his pocket and setting it on the table. As he selected Hunter's frequency, he watched Iden carefully. Her eyes were wild, darting back and forth but unfocused. He noted the way her thumbnail was digging into the knuckle of her pointer finger. It was a habit she had to ground herself, and he was fairly certain he knew what might be troubling her now.

The other woman that had passed them in the hall was Nisa, there was no doubt in his mind. When she'd brushed by him and Howzer to get to Iden, he'd noted her eyes, the way her brow dipped with concern. He'd seen an identical expression several times before on Iden's face, and in that moment, his heart had sunk into his toes. He'd never experienced what he was sure Iden was feeling, but he was certain his brothers could relate.

I'm sure she's feeling how Hunter and the others did when I turned. Unsure if I could be saved or if it was even worth it.

He wasn't spared another moment to dwell on the matter before Hunter's form popped into view, glowing blue. Crosshair could see he was concerned about the fact that they'd called so quickly.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. We're safe and we have the file, but there's been...a development." He motioned to Howzer, who hesitantly approached, sitting on the couch next to Crosshair, nodding at Hunter. Crosshair wet his lips nervously. "This is Captain Howzer. He helped the Syndullas escape from Ryloth the night you were all there."

Hunter's eyes widened with recognition. "Captain," he acknowledged, bobbing his head in Howzer's direction. "You likely don't recognize me, but we were there the night you were arrested. You helped us escape."

Howzer's brows furrowed before his eyes widened. "You were the CTs in black and red armor that tried to get me to leave with the Syndullas."

Hunter nodded, grimacing. "Wish we'd have been firmer in convincing you."

Crosshair stifled the look of surprise. They never told me they met with him that night. He rolled his shoulders. Why would they? They may have never known what happened to him. Might have thought it better to not know.

Howzer waved his hand dismissively at Hunter's apology. "Is what it is. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change anything. We needed to take a stand." He glanced at Crosshair, who did his best not to betray the immense guilt he felt. He nodded, and Howzer continued. "I'm out now. What's our next move?"

"We'll need to get you out. Let me talk with our leadership and see what we can do about getting you offworld. I have no doubt the Empire will be scouring the streets shortly looking for you."

Howzer nodded. "Fair enough."

"Are you able to hide him until we can get someone to you?" Hunter asked Crosshair.

Crosshair met Iden's stare, and she nodded. "Shouldn't be a problem."

Hunter stroked his chin, lost in thought. Finally, the sergeant sighed, running his hands through his hair and over his face. "This complicates things. Did anyone see you leave with him?"

"A few people," Iden piped up quickly. "But we looked like an officer and a stormtrooper escorting a prisoner out. Didn't seem to draw much attention." Crosshair looked at her, and she gave him a slight shake of her head. She doesn't want me to mention Nisa. Her eyes were pleading, and for half a second, the serpent inside him reared its ugly head, glad to have something to wield over her, as if this lie to Hunter somehow made them even. He began to dig around for his toothpick pack in his pocket.

Hunter turned to address Crosshair. "That sounds promising, but we need to be sure. Lay low the next few days and monitor Imperial activity. If things get too hot, we'll pull you out with Howzer."

"You know Rampart's on site, right?" Howzer interjected. "He came by to inspect the prison. Walked right by me with that stupid smug look on his face."


"Rampart's there?" Hunter asked, alarm in his voice. "Did you know?"

There it is.

The serpent hissed, coiling in his stomach, knotting it tighter. His jaw clenched, his fingers flexing nervously.

Hold it together.

He felt Iden's eyes on him and met her gaze. She was angrier than he'd ever seen her at the realization that he'd lied to her, but more than that, he could see she was hurt. She was looking at him as if he'd shot her in the chest with his blaster, but she remained silent as he turned back at Hunter.

"No. We didn't know."

He waited for Iden to berate him openly, knowing he would deserve it and all of its consequences, but she held her tongue. His shoulders slumped slightly in relief, and his stomach turned again at the realization that she wouldn't betray him, even when he'd done nothing to deserve her mercy in this moment. Loyal to me even when I'm a liar.

"This really complicates things," Hunter said, even more worried than he had been a second ago, running his hands through his hair and over his face. "We've got to be incredibly careful now. Rampart being there puts you in incredible danger." Crosshair could hear the implication in the statement. Especially me. He knew Hunter wouldn't appear to choose favorites in this instance by valuing his safety over Iden's, but he knew Hunter was more worried for him for a multitude of reasons. Finding me would be personal for Rampart. And perhaps he knows it's personal for me too.

"Rampart has probably been here for a while and hasn't noticed our presence yet, so I'd argue staying put may be worth it as long as we're careful," he said as evenly as he could.

Iden scoffed at that, and he noted Howzer glancing at her. She was staring at the wall, her tongue poking between her teeth as she shifted her weight back and forth on her heels. Her thumbnail dug into the knuckle of her pointer, drawing blood, and his stomach plummeted. The tension was palpable, and he knew he was about to pay for the lies that he'd told her.

Hunter continued, interrupting his internal musings. "We'll think about what the next steps are with Rampart around, but the first priority needs to be getting Howzer off of Raxus. We'll collect the file with him. Need to minimize offworld transmissions right now in case they're looking for them to pinpoint you. Stay by your comm. I'll get back to you shortly with details. Until then, he doesn't leave the dwelling, and you probably shouldn't either if I'm honest. Understood?"


"Alright. I'll comm soon." Hunter's form blinked out of existence.

The room was silent for a few moments, Iden and Crosshair staring at one another. The tension was palpable, as if a too loud of a breath would set off the bomb that had been looming over him for the last week. Howzer finally awkwardly stood, clearing his throat. "May I...uh use the 'fresher? Kind of in need of a shower."

"Down the hall through the bedroom," Iden said quietly, Howzer's words seeming to break her from her anger for a moment. "Let me see if we can find you a towel and some clothes that fit."

She started to follow the former captain down the hall. Crosshair reached for her arm, and she pulled away from him violently, glowering at him almost as if she was daring him to try again. The rage flaring in her irises felt like it was burning him from the inside out.

She may never forgive me for this. Will it all have been worth it, even if I do kill Rampart?

"Don't," she gritted out quietly through clenched teeth.


He felt anger licking at his insides, although he couldn't say that it was justified and he wasn't necessarily sure where it was directed, at him or Iden or elsewhere.

"You know damn well why I did it," he snarled.

"No. I don't." Her voice was low and venomous. "After everything, I don't understand it at all."

She took a step away, and before he could stop it, the serpent slithered out of him, angry and hissing. "You can't possibly hold this against me when you just lied about your sister."

Iden froze, and he watched as her spine straightened and her shoulders squared. Slowly, she turned to face him, and the look on her face nearly ripped his heart from his chest.

"Don't you dare bring her into this. You have no idea what you're talking about."

He gave into his anger as he surged forward, his face inches from hers, his finger jabbing into her chest. "We both have people here that put us at risk of discovery, and we've both lied to hide their presence. An Imperial for an Imperial. A fair trade, wouldn't you say, Lieutenant?"

Iden slapped his hand away from her, her anger rolling off her in waves. "They are nothing alike."

"They're both Imperials."

"She's never done what Rampart has."

"How can you be sure? It's not like you two have been close in the last eight years."

"You don't know her."

He leaned closer, knowing she could feel his breath on her cheek.

"I'd argue that neither do you. Not anymore."

The blow landed sharply. The serpent hissed with satisfaction, but Crosshair reeled internally as he watched the flare in her eyes fade to injury. He'd done what he'd always done in arguments where he had no ground to stand on; he'd swung back with anything he could reach, anything that would land a blow, even if it was a cheap shot. And he'd done it to the woman that he loved.

He wished she'd scream at him, that she'd punch him, slap at his chest, anything. Instead, she glanced down, shook her head, and turned away from him silently. His heart fell as he watched as her figure disappeared into their bedroom, and he heard the shuffling of drawers and the closet being opened. Howzer's muffled baritone floated down the hall, answered by Iden's voice. He couldn't make out the words, but he could hear the tightness in her tone, the forced smile, her embarrassment that Howzer had most certainly heard them. He's probably asking if she's alright. She's probably lying through her teeth, assuring him she's fine. He won't believe her, but he won't press it. Even after the door to the refresher hissed closed, Iden didn't exit the bedroom.

She's never pulled away from me like that. Ever. The look in her eyes and the thought of her pulling away sent a lump to his throat, and he swallowed hard. For the first time in a week, his resolve wavered.

Is Rampart really worth this? She warned me it would consume me. He's taking from me again, and I'm allowing it. Like a fool.

Crosshair walked slowly to the kitchen before leaning heavily on the counter. All at once, his anger and sadness and fear crashed into him. His eyes stung as he hung his head, trying to focus on a fleck of food in the sink in the hopes that focusing on anything else but his feelings would steady him.

She may never forgive me.

He blinked as one of his tears hit the sink with a hollow plunk.

And I may not be worthy of her forgiveness anyway.

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