By A_D_Valeraine

71 5 0

If your a fan of Game of Thrones then you will love this! Dwarf Spy Henry King. Standing at 4 feet and six i... More


71 5 0
By A_D_Valeraine

All rights reserved (c) copyright 2018

A.D. Valeraine :

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Henry King was carefully trudging the wet slippery path on this very cold November morning. Walking in a very dignified manner while moving with confident steps as much as the rainy weather would permit. The light drizzle had begun to grow stronger as thunder rumbled from a distance.  Mr. King steadied himself halfway through the bridge, as an unexpected gust of wind caught his umbrella. With strong hands, Mr. King gripped the umbrella handle with complete ease. Heavily built, and in good physical condition for a thirty-two-year-old man who engages in intense regular and meticulous physical training. Athletic to a fault, and a master of different martial arts disciplines. Mr. King is also an expert fencer and has no problem in wielding a katana, but with all the weapons he was trained to master. One weapon alone has always been his favourite and very advantageous to his humble height of four feet and six inches. The naginata. An elegant, but deadly weapon. In the hands of an expert like Mr. King, is very deadly indeed. Greatly enhancing the force of his attack and reach. Mr. King effectively is able to use the naginata against single or multiple combat opponents to great effect.

Quickening his pace, he stares momentarily at the grey dismal clouds that hovered endlessly above the cityscape. Sighing heavily, remembering the warm and beautiful summer sunset he so missed.

In the summer, Henry would occasionally pause while crossing Vauxhall Bridge. Simply to bask in the beauty of the sun's last rays pleasantly dancing on the surface of the water.

Moving forward, he turns his eyes towards the imposing structure that lay before him. Majestically standing at a distance was his destination. The Secret Intelligence Service building, MI6.

Awkwardly reaching for the door handle, Mr. King enters the receiving area of the director's office.

He is greeted cheerfully by Mr. October, dressed in a bright orange polo shirt. He is the Chief Director's secretary and receptionist but known to everyone as the Big Smile.

The unorthodox choice for her secretary was no surprise to Henry, as he too would also prefer to have someone like October always at his side. Not just a matter of practicality, but definitely a matter of security. Standing at six feet and ten inches. A man built like a tank. October is a highly trained security officer with a very kind and gentle heart.

"A pleasant day to you Mr. King," October happily greeted Henry.

"A pleasant day to you to October, how are you dear chap," Henry says.

"Oh, fine Mr. King, as always," October replied.

"Ah yes, you are truly the sunshine in the cold November morning, and nice shirt by the way." Henry was always fond of October's colourful fashion sense.

"Thank you, Mr. King. It is always a pleasure to see you, but I must hurry you to the director's office, she has been eagerly waiting for your arrival. It seems there is an urgent matter she needs to discuss with you." October says.

"Thank you very much, Mr. October."

Mr. King steps forward, as the door automatically opens.

"Sensors Mr. King," October grins cheerfully at Henry.

"Ah, I see the renovations have proceeded as scheduled." Henry gleefully says. "Oh yes, Mr. King," October replies.

"They should renovate the whole of London, so I won't have any more trouble with door handles," Henry muttered to himself.

Mr. King enters the room, noticing the new glass window offering a spectacular view of the river. Seated at a glass desk, Mr. King's boss and dear friend. Madame Cyprus Albert.

Beautiful and alluring. The current MI6 chief is what Mr. King would describe as sensibly strict with a mind that is both sharp yet open to all possibilities. The fifty-one-year-old no-nonsense Chief Director of MI6 has a well-known reputation as an icy disciplinarian. Expecting no less from her subordinates to equal her sense of what she calls, dedicated disciplined service. Yet with all her commanding and authoritative demeanour. She has a veiled but strong loving concern for those under her leadership.

"If you would kindly take a sit Henry since we are a bit short of time." Madame Cyprus points to a chair, as she coyly smiles at her choice of words.

Henry smiles in return at the friendly pun and moves towards one of the seats. He notices the table has come alive, revealing itself to be a transparent crystal gas element display. A new innovative display system designed by MI6 head scientist and chief designer, Dr. Caralambos Soner. Utilising a rare elemental gas for clearer sharper images.

Blue coloured interactive blue icons appeared on the table. Cyprus systematically touches the icons, activating the large window behind her.

The madame's office window, not only offered a wonderful view of the river but also functioned as a transparent interface screen. Showing multiple images and information like weather, temperature, location and random images while maintaining its full transparency.

"Blimey! Madame, you have a smart window, now that is fancy!" Henry was truly amazed at this new and wonderful technology.

A narrowboat slowly comes to view as it lazily moves over the river. The smart window locks automatically on the boat. Displaying information about the owner, build capacity and skipper of the craft.

Turning slowly towards the window, madame Cyprus begins to describe a mysterious occurrence on Carmarthenshire wales at 0100 hours last night.

The screen moves and begins to display images of what seems to be a crash or explosion site. A collection of images of burned trees and scattered debris from farmhouses and assorted vehicles. All were ripped apart by an unknown explosive force.

Pictures of the wounded and injured began to appear on the screen. Henry felt a deep sense of loss and sadness for the nameless victims. Faces of unknown people, seemingly frozen on the glass display. A sad and bleak reminder of the chaos and devastation that happened at Carmarthenshire.

New images appeared on the transparent screen of the blast crater, with some video clips from surveillance and cell phone cameras. Showing mysterious lights and what seems to be an unknown craft, levitating on the edges of treetops. Glowing green and red, an unearthly mix of enigmatic colours.

"Is it just me, or is this beginning to take a relatively cryptic turn." Henry completely confused and flabbergasted by the images. "If I'm not mistaken, but I do hope I am. Is that by all mortifying reality... An alien UFO?" Henry says.

"Perhaps, if reality is a vague creation of unreal sensibilities. By all means, we can jump to our own personal conclusions. Unfortunately, until all reports and evidence are properly verified. I cannot undermine your imaginative suggestion of alien influence on this matter. Seriously, Mr. King. We have been trained to have a broader sense of analytical understanding in the evidence we collect. This brings me to the next matter." Madame Cyprus continues.

A new image appeared on the screen of a very beautiful woman. Her long hair flowed sensually on her bare shoulders. Wearing a white sleeveless blouse, a woman with distinct Mediterranean features. Her dark brown eyes radiated a mysterious almost magical charm. Her gaze, pure erotic energy. The woman's smooth light olive skin compliments her raven black hair, framing her beautiful face perfectly. Beside her, dressed in a black uniform of a security officer. Stood a large bearded man with a brutish face. His eyes covered with dark glasses, and his hair cut in a standard military crew cut. His hawklike nose pultruding aggressively, making him look like an overgrown vulture.

"I reckon this odd couple are not contestants on a new reality show or aliens disguised as humans. Maybe the reality show is about aliens." Henry comments with profound humour.

"Maybe you should show some reality rather than be interested in shows that offer a vague perception of it, Agent King." Cyprus points out.

"With the information, we have gathered. These two individuals have been spotted together with some uniformed men on a wooded area in Carmarthenshire, about 500 meters away from the explosion site. Claiming to be a research team for Scarp Technologies, their research team have been bringing in equipment in the area and their presence has been observed by the locals. Residents also noticed a small makeshift facility constructed in that area by the said research team. Unfortunately, the blast has erased all traces of the said facilities and all Scarp equipment they might have brought in. With the information, we gathered. The woman is known only as Iria and the man beside her is her brother Gianis. Both individuals are connected to Scarp Technologies. There are no known records on both of them in the MI6 database, nor with our intelligence partners around the world. Sca-rp," Cyprus abruptly stopped as the whole transparent display shifted to a red hue, and a distinct robotic female voice repeatedly saying. "Warning! Warning!" The smart window seemed to have locked on to a craft beneath the river, with all the information parameters showing error.

"Is that a submarine?" Henry alarmingly says as the water above the unknown craft began to turn and move. Emitting a greenish glow, as the water began to move in a circular motion.

The centre of the spiral began to bubble, as sensors detect a rise in temperature and electromagnetic activity. Henry stands up and rushed towards the window while Cyprus was shouting.

"Computer alert! Security this is not a drill!" Sending out an alarm using the communications module in her office. Without warning, electrical sparks very similar to a lightning but moving upwards towards the sky rather than to the ground, rose from the centre of the boiling water. Creating what Henry recognises, as the beginnings of a large tornado.


A tornado has appeared out of nowhere in the middle of London. Within seconds the tornado had made contact with the MI6 building.

Henry King moved quickly to the shocked and frozen Cyprus, as his peripheral vision sees fissures forming on the smart window display. With a loud cracking sound, the smart window breaks and shatters. Cyprus is hurled towards the wall, as an unimaginable force enters the office.

Henry pushes with his legs, with all the strength he can muster. Jumping towards Cyprus while using the winds force as a momentary momentum. Catching her limp unconscious body at her waist while he reached out and grab a metal wall lamp near the door. Holding to dear life as the tornado blew in a chaotic madness. The wind tried to suck them out of the damaged office into the raging chaos of the tornados heart.

Henry could feel his grip weakening upon the wall lamp's metal frame which was surprisingly solidly mounted on the wall.

"Is this death?" Henry thought to himself, as the wall on the right side of the office entrance, began to move. Revealing a small secret room with flashing red lights, a computer monitor and four padded seats equipped with seat-belts.

Henry tried to move towards the room, but the wind's force was just too strong. The horrifying wind trying to pull them out through the shattered window. Slowly Henry felt his strength dwindling as he collects all his energy to try to reach the room, one last time. Without warning, someone grabs his hand shouting through the screaming wind.

"Don't let her go, Mr. King!" Henry was dragged into the panic room while the opening automatically closed with a hiss. Safely inside, Henry loses consciousness from exhaustion.


Henry was in deep thought while the annoying beep from the hospital monitor added to Henry's distress. Beside him, madame Cyprus was sleeping peacefully on a hospital bed. She had been significantly injured with a broken rib and a shattered collarbone.

The last few hours have been quite chaotic even for Henry's standards. His body ached from places where small broken glass had cut into his skin.

"Death, almost but not yet," Henry muttered to himself. Thanks to October who was able to pull Cyprus and him into the panic emergency room before the full force of the tornado reached Cyprus Albert's office.

"October you're a big man with a gentle heart, and you saved us from being shredded in that weather monstrosity." Henry was very much grateful to October, as the big man smiled his signature sunshine filled smile. A smile, not even a category 5 tornado can defeat.

The renovations of the director's office have surely contributed to their survival. It surely gave Henry a sense of wonder and amazement, as he reflected at the safe room that was hidden behind the wall.

"Doctor Caralambos work for sure. Pure genius. Only the great MI6 chief designer would use Italian leather, dyed bright purple, on the seats of the safety room. Let alone the posh gold-plated seatbelt buckles." Henry thought to himself.

The category 5 tornado which appeared out of nowhere has created headlines around the world. News of the devastation flashed in televisions around Europe.

The onslaught of the tornado on the MI6 building has left Henry baffled as he reflected the strange occurrences of the last couple of days. The incident at Carmarthenshire, the exotic beauty and her overgrown vulture like sibling. The mysterious craft that the computer's sensors picked up before the spawning of that dreaded tornado. It all comes back to one thing.

"Sc-arp..." Henry turns his head as he hears the weak but still velvety voice of Director Cyprus.

"Madame Director, please don't strain yourself." Henry gently takes Cyprus pale hands as she tried to speak again.

"Get a team ready Henry. Find Sca-r-p... Behind th-s... Promise me, make them p-a-y..." Madame Cyprus drifts again to a restful slumber, as Henry gently wipes a single tear from his dear director's cheeks.


Henry's temper was getting the better of him, as he stood in front of a malfunctioning vending machine. The stubborn machine was not dispensing Henry's chips, making the agent more irritable by the second.

It was four am in the morning, and it had been hours since he has eaten anything. Kicking the stubborn vending machine. The guards guarding the madame's door shift their gaze momentarily at Henry as he tries to knock some sense into the unyielding device.

"You should try to reach into that. There seems to be a very small gap on its side. A very small gap indeed, paper thin. Who knows your hands might just fit right in." A man spoke behind Henry.

"Ah!" Henry turns to the person behind him, who was speaking with a heavy Scottish accent. "So, the man himself! Mr. Grimaldy Bollington, or shall I'll say, Agent Grim Bolt. Nice to see you old chap." Grim raises his hands, holding two cups of steaming coffee in a paper cardboard holder and some sandwiches.

"A slightly proper English breakfast, Mr. King," Grim says.

"Thank you very much indeed, thank you," Henry repeated his thanks as a bag of chips dropped into the dispenser's bin. "Chips! Now, it is indeed a proper English breakfast." Henry gratefully says.

Agent Grim Bolt is Henry's field partner and very dear friend. A very handsome man in his late twenties. Physically fit with dark brown eyes and thick wavy brown hair. His broad shoulders and heavily calloused hands matched his perfect masculine frame. Scratching his face, feeling the beginnings of his bristle like stubble growing on his rugged face. Agent Grim looked more like a movie star than an MI6 Agent. Born and raised in Scotland, Grim is MI6's top weapons specialist and SIS intelligence officer.

A very talented man indeed, but what is talent? In Grim's case, talent means to have a very rare gift which no other agent has. An ability that borders the line of curiosity or even perhaps an anomaly of the human condition. For Grimaldy Bollington has a high tolerance to electrical energy.

Meaning he can withstand a high voltage current passing through his body. Literally becoming a living and breathing human conductor of electricity, with no harm whatsoever to his body.

A gift that has baffled even the good Doctor Soner, and has rightfully earned him the name, Agent Bolt.

Grim Bolt.


Henry gave out a thankful sigh. Finishing the last bits of the sandwich of cheese, eggs and smoked ham in toasted bread.

Henry recounts the recent events to Grim. The explosion at Carmarthenshire, the mysterious siblings, the devastating tornado, and an unknown craft that was always present in all of the incidents.

"Aye, very strange indeed. What's our next move, Mr. King?" Grim asked his friend.

"We need to find the good doctor," Henry replies. "Have you by any means have some sort of transportation that has not been wrecked by the tornado," Henry asked Grim.

"Of course and I know were Doctor Soner is," Agent Grim excitedly replies.

The roar of the 2000cc engine of Grim's new prototype custom-made motorcycle filled the morning air. Henry gripped the handles of the motorcycle's sidecar, as it raced on the concrete road. Not exactly what Henry was expecting, he would have preferred a proper car or sedan. Henry knew Grim would never settle for a boring sedan.

"How do you like it? This baby is awesome, don't you think?" Grim shouted over the sound of the motorcycle's engine.

"It's not what I was expecting," Henry replied.

"Would you rather that I take a bicycle to East Sussex, and put you in a basket!" Grim said.

The two men laughed together like two high school buddies going for a weekend ride.

"Don't worry, this baby is stable. I designed it myself. Doctor Soner helped me on the navigation and computer systems, but most of it is me. You'll be surprised at what this baby can do. You know how much I love motorcycles, and this is one heck of a rig." Henry gives his friend a thumbs up, as the bike was indeed a state of the art piece of machinery.

The futuristic beautiful black body compliments the silver-blue engine. It was perhaps the biggest engine Henry has ever seen on a motorcycle. Even the sidecar connected to it had an elegant paint job with silver chrome fittings and a clear glass windshield to protect the passenger from the rushing wind.

"How far are we from Brighton?" Grim asks Henry.

"How am I suppose to know that?" Henry gave a puzzled look.

"Give your windshield a tap," Grim replied.

"Touch it?" Henry gave Grim a questioning look.

"Oh, I see," Henry said as he gave the windshield a light touch.

The windshield displayed a map chart much like a normal GPS car system but on a transparent display. Where roughly two kilometres from Bedford road.

"Brilliant," Henry said.

"Glad you like it, Mr. King." Grim proudly says.

They rode for about thirty minutes, moving uneventfully on their course when Grim noticed four riders in green motorcycle suits tailing them.

"I think we have company, Hold on!" Grim accelerated the motorcycle, as Henry felt the vehicle come alive. Pushing his body deeper into his seat.

Henry hurriedly fastened his seatbelt buckle, as the 2000cc engine screamed with absolute resounding power.

Grim moved their bike to the left and overtook the trailer truck in front of them, narrowly missing an incoming SUV by a hair.

The four riders moved into position after them, moving dangerously closer. Grim makes a sharp turn, as the brace between the motorcycle and the sidecar moves to compensate. Allowing the motorcycle to freely lean into the turn while the sidecar remained stable.

Henry could smell the pungent smell of burning rubber as they made the sharp turn. One of the riders pulled close to them and with one hand, began to shoot at them as Grim manoeuvred to avoid the rider's shots.

"The windshield display!" Grim shouted pointing to Henry's windshield, as the rider shot at them again.

"Touch the red icon!" Agent Grim made another sharp turn.

Henry quickly looked for and found a small red icon on the screen with the letter G at its centre. Touching the icon, Henry hears a mechanical sound at the back of the sidecar.

Henry looked at his rear to see a mini submachine gun on a movable turret, appear on the sidecar's back. Henry turned his attention back to the windshield screen.

The targeting system for the gun appeared on the display, also showing the view from a camera mounted on the gun. A hostile rider appears on the display.

"How do I fire?" Henry asked Grim.

"Just touch the riders image on the touch-sensitive screen to lock on your target. Just like taking a picture from a modern digital SLR camera, it uses the same autofocusing system!" Grim replied.

"Is that your old camera? The one we used in Spain! You hacked its sensor!" Henry asked pointing at the camera mounted on the machine gun.

"Aye!" Grim nodded in reply.

Henry quickly touched the image of the rider as he moved closer. The gun quickly locks on the rider, as a new green icon appears on the screen labeled F. "Well, that's quite self-explanatory,'' Henry muttered to himself, as he activates the fire button.

The gun comes to life, hitting the driver with successive rounds as he disappeared in a red explosive blur.

"Bloody hell! That guy is truly f-ck as hell!" Henry muttered as he locks on the remaining riders, hitting two more. The last one turns and retreats heading in the opposite direction.

"Guess the last one is camera shy! What's the matter, modelling isn't your cup of tea?" Henry jokingly remarked.

"Great shooting, Mr. King!"

Grim giving Henry the thumbs up. "No," Henry replied. "Great bike, bloody great bike."


1500 hours, Brighton East Sussex

The distant sound of crashing waves grew steadily louder as they neared the edge of the cliff. Grim parked his motorcycle near a rock formation close to the edge of the ravine.

"For a moment there, I thought you were going to fly us over the ridge," Henry says.

"That's a big drop, my friend, so we better stay clear of the edge," Grim warned Henry, as they moved together on the grassy path towards an old dilapidated structure covered in moss. The structure was the remains of an old lighthouse.

"I never heard of this place Grim," Henry observed the overgrown bushes that almost covered the structure giving it a near perfect camouflage on the grassy terrain.

"Nothing is what it seems, Mr. King." Grim walked over to a moss covered concrete beam, leaning haphazardly on the ruined buildings side.

Removing the moss, Grim leans his face close on the concrete, as a small hidden retina scanner scans his eyes. The ground shifted, revealing a trapdoor leading to a narrow opening with a rusted ladder. Grim carefully climbs down, as Henry follows him into the darkness below. Henry and Grim moved slowly in the darkness, as the trapdoor closed above them. A blue eerie light illuminated the hidden underground tunnel. Towards the end of the tunnel, another door was located with a display panel at its side. Grim quickly enters access codes on the touchscreen pad opening the door.

"Welcome to one of our lesser known safe houses," Grim says, as they both enter a very large hall filled with supply boxes and assorted half finished contraptions.

Henry catches a movement on Grim's side as he felt something sharp poking the back of his head.

"Too late," He muttered to himself as he looked over to Grim to see a beautiful red-haired woman resting a military sabre on Grim's exposed neck.

"What do you think are you doing? Grim barks as the red-haired woman moved the sabre's blade below Grim's chin.

"There now pretty boy, we have to make sure you two are not sleeper agents in disguise." The woman said.

"Sleeper agents in disguise! Yer bum's oot the windae lassie! What are you talking about?" Grim says.

"Careful Elena, don't let those lips sweet talk you." The woman behind Henry muttered with a raspy sexy voice.

"I don't think he's sweet talking me!" The red-haired woman replied.

"We are looking for Doctor Caralambos Soner," Henry explained. "Who may you two beautiful, but apparently deadly young ladies be? Please be careful with those swords. My friend and I have been through a lot these last couple of hours. Though it would be a great time for a shave and haircut, we politely decline your offer."

Henry quickly moves and turns. Gripping and twisting the woman's wrist. Disarming her while grabbing the sabre. Moving swiftly to her back, pointing the tip of the sword at her spine.

"Good Lord! Ladies! Gentlemen, please!" A medium built man with a clean-shaven head rushed hurriedly towards them. Speaking with a very deep dignified tone.

"Ah! Henry and Agent Bolt!" The good Doctor exclaimed, catching his breath.

"My apologies! Lower your sword Elena." Looking towards the beautiful red-haired woman.

Henry also lowers his sabre, returning it to the very alluring brunet with the most beautiful green eyes Henry has ever seen. "My apologies," Henry says affectionately.

The red-haired woman walks over to her sister and says. "Don't let those pretty lips sweet talk you, good advice," The redhead comments with sarcasm.

"Allow me to introduce to you my two nieces, Elena and Anna Marie Toby." Doctor Soner waved his hand towards the two young athletic women.

Dressed in stylish black catsuits. Looking so alike, except for the colour of their eyes and hair. Elena with her red hair and blue eyes, Anna Marie with her black hair and green eyes.

"Gentlemen, please forgive their enthusiastic protective drive in guarding their poor uncle," Doctor Soner apologetically says.

"There is nothing to forgive." Grim genuinely smiles.

"No worries Doctor," Henry adds as Elena nods and quickly remarks to Henry.

"Your fast, you move quick. Anna Marie is very capable with the sword and you were able to disarm her. Sweet talk or not, that was amazing." Henry gratefully nods and looks over to the beautiful brunet saying.

"I'm so sorry I twisted your wrist. I cannot say sorry enough. I hope you have in your heart to forgive me." Anna Marie blushed, as she looks back to Henry, nodding.

"We have a lot to discuss, and time is not on our side dear friend." Doctor Soner remarks, ushering the group past the long rows of tables with half-finished gadgets.

They all entered a small conference room with chairs arranged in a semi-circle. A lone green blackboard stood at the centre of the room with equations written in a chaotic manner. Doctor Soner points to the chairs.

"Please take a seat gentlemen. Now, where do we begin?" Doctor Soner sighs deeply.

"Well as you all know, a lot of unexplained incidents have been happening lately. Aberrant weather episodes, to mysterious flying objects. A devastating explosion in a peaceful countryside. Last but not least, a terrifying tornado at the heart of London. I am led to believe that there is more to this." The Doctor moves towards the blackboard. Reaching out to an eraser, he began to gingerly erase the written equations on the green surface.

"Are you sure you don't need those anymore?" Henry asked. "No my dear friend, equations only matter when they are left unsolved. Once solved, one must move on to the next problem." The blackboards green surface slowly changes, revealing itself to be another electronic touchscreen display.

Doctor Soner touches the icons, displaying a scene that Henry clearly remembers, showing a mysterious craft beneath the river's surface. "I've downloaded this from our secure cloud database which is connected and automatically synchronises information from the computer system of the director's office.

It showed the last moments of the computer scanners, locking into an unidentifiable craft under the water's surface.

"The effect of the craft on the environmental factors in its proximity cannot be denied. We can observe a peak rise in electromagnetic radiation with a rapid change in air and water temperature. Going from freezing cold to boiling hot in a matter of seconds. A high aberrant trace of microwave energy focused mainly on a concentrated radius of no more than a few feet. Creating ionisation of the oxygen particles in the air quite similar when a thunderstorm occurs. With all this information, we can safely deduce that the tornado origins are unnatural and intentional and was maliciously directed on the SIS building.

This act caused havoc not only to our headquarters but to parts of our beloved London." Doctor Soner says. His blue eyes showed the anger he deeply felt with the intentional misuse of scientific knowledge.

"Madame Cyprus mentioned something about a Shady Corporation called Scarp Technologies. Can we assume that this incident is somehow connected to this organisation?" Henry asked.

"Yes, Scarp Technologies was brought to my attention by the Madame Director. For some time she has been keeping an eye on its activities, not to mention the companies founder, Lourd Ian Merciner. There have been reports of illegal activities committed by Scarp Technologies, but up until now, we have still fallen short to find substantial evidence of any wrongdoing." The Doctor explains.

"Lord?" Henry gave Doctor Soner an inquiring look.

"No, his first and given name is Lourd. He is not a member or has any connection to any known aristocratic family. He however, inherited from his kind father a substantial fortune, not to mention an old manor house after his father's untimely death.

His father was found disemboweled on a hunting trip, after being mysteriously attacked by something or someone in the forest. No one knows for sure of what kind of animal was responsible. His two companions were never found and when they found his father, his body was already in the early stages of decomposition. The poor man's bowels lay scattered on the forest floor. A witness says the man's face was frozen in an agonising scream. No one knows for sure, but I doubt if it were wolves or any other predatory animal since the body was found still intact. There were no bite marks on the body or any evidence pertaining to an animal attack.

The company is now active in the health renewal sector with their wonder herbal product called Elva. Claiming to cure and remedy a variety of illnesses. A metallic powdery substance, with a distinct luminous indigo hue. Claiming to restore vigour and health, directed mainly at rich clients across Europe. Madame Cyprus was able to procure a sample. Unfortunately, Elva has a very quick half-life of a few hours or even minutes once exposed to oxygen." Doctor Soner tapped the digital blackboard display. An unknown atomic molecule appeared on the screen.

"Ladies and gentlemen! May I introduce you to Elva! An unknown element with atomic properties not found on our common periodic table, and is the main ingredient of Scarp's wonder drug. I have tried to synthesise it but to no avail. Sadly due to its quick half-life and rapid degeneration. No further information on its origins or effects we can collect. There have been reports of adverse side effects due to exposure from the drug, but like I said no evidence can be verified. Almost all of the reported cases, end with the user committing suicide or having mysterious accidents. Resulting in untimely and violent deaths."

A video clip is shown on the screen of a woman moving erratically on a carpark with ripped bloodied clothes. Waving her hands aggressively like a real-life zombie, moving wildly on a street. Out of nowhere, a black sedan appears, hitting her as her maligned body flies in the air.

"That clip came from the carparks CCTV system. Showing a woman who from our investigation was a very successful hotel manager before being addicted the this Elva. Our reports also have found that she was suffering from a dangerous heart condition, and took Elva in the hope that the drug may cure her illness." Doctor Soner sighed as he continued.

"The driver of the sedan was never identified and the abandoned car was found to be stolen. The list goes on and until we can infiltrate Scarp's main facilities. I fear our investigations are at a standstill while the companies benevolent and charismatic founder, continues to make prey on the vulnerable." Doctor Soner sadly says. Reflecting on the fate of the poor woman, who only wanted to find a cure for her sickness.

"Sounds like a prick to me!" Grim said in anger.

"A very rich prick, unfortunately," Henry adds. Gritting his teeth in anger, as he felt a growing dislike for Lourd Ian and his scrupulous company. Feeling sorry for the victimised woman, while being reminded of the horrors that happened at Carmarthenshire and London. His heart felt heavy, as his thoughts drift to his dear director's condition. Severely injured and in a critical condition, Henry could not forgive those who were responsible for the attack.

"The deeper we dig in the more we find how intricate and well organised their operations are. We are dealing with a very dangerous entity. A man with a huge financial backbone and aligned with a host of influential people, with sleeper agents scattered all over Europe. We have no idea what they are really up to. Sadly right now, after that devastating tornado attack. Our own network has been greatly crippled and quite frankly we don't know who we can trust at this point. Doctor Soner dismally points out. After a pregnant pause, Henry rose from his seat.

"We need to stop Scarp Technologies at all cost! Deal with this Lourd Ian Merciner and end this madness once and for all! Preying on the weak and vulnerable! Even turning them into human zombies for personal gain! Not to mention weather manipulation causing severe damage to innocent lives and property! I made a promise to our dear Director, and that promise I intend to keep. We will make them pay!


"My sources have informed me that Lourd Ian Merciner will be hosting Scarp's annual gala dinner. The event will be held three days from now at the city of Casablanca. Dignitaries and celebrities from all over Europe will be attending the gala dinner. A red-carpet affair with all the qualms and glitter that accompany such a grand event.

This will give us a rare opportunity to be up close and personal with Lourd Ian himself. A vain man perhaps but he is by no means a man lacking a good measure of intelligence. We must be very cautious and not arouse any suspicion. Though we are severely undermanned, I have arranged for October to rendezvous with both of you at Casablanca's Airport. Doctor Soner says.

"October is worth twenty men," Grim added.

"Uncle we can help!" Elena looks hopefully over to Doctor Soner.

"Yes, Uncle please!" Anna Marie pleadingly exclaims.

"I don't know?" Doctor Soner replies. "This is a very dangerous mission, and these people are way far below any sense of decency." Doctor Soner sadly remarks.

"We need to stop them Uncle, and Mr. King needs all the help he can get. Anna Marie and I are ready, and besides a lot of innocent lives are at stake. If we don't stop this madman, all of Europe will be in jeopardy." Doctor Soner nods his head in defeat.

"Please be careful then. I can never forgive myself if something was to happen to any of you." The kind man resigned.

"Now Mr. King and Agent Bolt, if you be kind enough to follow me. Anna Marie and Elena, I would advise you girls to get ready." Their uncle gave them a wink, as both hurriedly march off.

"Now, where were we? Ah yes, follow me, gentlemen. You know," Doctor Soner continued. "I have my reservation about my nieces joining this dangerous mission, but it was always clear to me of their intention to be SIS Agents from the start. I realise now that yes, they can indeed help you. Don't be deceived by their appearance. They have been well trained in the fighting arts, and they are as sharp as the swords they carry. You would be surprised at what those girls can do, but their greatest asset is their linguistic abilities. They are fluent in different languages and have mastered the art of disguising themselves to completely alter their appearance. Which in our line of business is a unique talent indeed, and is quite appreciated and valued. In this mission that will be quite advantageous since infiltrating Scarp is our primary objective. Though they are not perfect, and quite prone to outbursts of temper. Both have their flaws but are willing to learn and overcome their weaknesses. Learning from experienced operatives such as yourselves will hone their skills as MI6 agents. I see no other better mentors for my nieces, and they truly are in good company. Though this is a difficult and dangerous mission. I know they are in safe hands, which brings me to..."

They all enter the large hallway walking towards a sleek orange sports car. The vehicle had a metallic orange finish and a slight elegant curve on its hood.

Beautiful lines and a sleek low body with long stylish doors graced the elegant vehicle.

The beautiful air intakes on its side were painted in black, matching the intakes on the hood. What caught Henry's attention was the two mufflers at the back of the vehicle.

It was quite large almost covering most of its rear but was completely flat. Making its rear look like the back of a spaceship from a sci-fi movie.

"A beautiful car," Grim observes. "The mufflers at its back are quite odd unless it has? No, you can't be serious? The engine...It can't be?" Doctor Soner nods amusingly at Grim's shock.

"You're telling me that it has a jet engine inside it?" Grim gave Doctor Soner a puzzled look.

"Yes Mr. Grim, I'm telling you that this car is powered by a jet engine, and has been designed to accommodate two modes. The first one, favouring torque for low speeds. The other, favouring thrust on high speeds. The secret is it literally has two engines. One is located at the front of the car which is very small and compact. To skip all the technical details. Simply said, is quite similar to a turboprop engine. Not much thrust, but with innovative gear design, we can achieve optimum torque.

Very good fuel efficiency, not to mention very high cruising speeds. Quite similar to the common combustion engine, but with so much more horsepower. 2500 ponies to be exact." Doctor Soner proudly states.

"In situations when speed is of utmost importance. We turn to our secondary turbojet engine, located at the rear of the car.

This engine can provide us with an extra boost of thrust, which gives the car a burst of speed on a straight trajectory." Doctor Soner politely asks Grim and Henry to take a few steps back, as he taps his smartwatch. The car began to reconfigure itself becoming slightly larger in the process. The car's metal plates began to extend, giving it a more aerodynamic body. Two triangular wings and a smaller wing flap appeared on the side and back of the car respectively, turning the car into a mini jet.

"In its stealth jet configuration, it can easily accommodate four passengers. I have updated its navigation and control systems. Implementing state of the art avionics which can be directly accessed on the car's windshield while on its jet mode. The car is equipped with a weapon system equal to none. Front and rear machine guns, smart bombs and four compact radar-guided BVR missiles. Powerful armaments concealed on the side of the car. I also included new infrared and electromagnetic sensors. Last but not the least, a compact radar system from a certain class of commercial mini jets that are so popular these days. Both of you are qualified pilots and for Mr. King, the cars foot and steering controls can adjust for easy access and convenience. There is no need to use the height-enhancing exoskeleton limbs that I made for you last year, though those mechanical enhancements did prove to be quite useful in that most difficult and dangerous mission. Adding a few inches to your height while enhancing the strength of your legs which you used to great effect in defeating those vile terrorists." A grinning Doctor Soner says.

"I would also like to remind you fine, gentlemen, that this is a powerful and fully weaponised vehicle. It's not the first time that both of you have used experimental equipment, and I assure you this vehicle is safe and ready. It is quite easy to operate and surely with the level of training and expertise, one can expect from our intelligence officers. I know that this car is in good hands." Doctor Soner gingerly moves to a lone table on the far corner.

"Come along gentlemen," as the good doctor shows them more gadgets laid upon a rectangular glass table.

A couple of futuristic smartwatches very similar to what Doctor Soner was wearing. A short grey cane with an elegant lions head handle. A couple of sporty protective eyewear, a bottle of cologne and a black leather jacket.

"Just a few added equipment to your standard issue armaments. I know you men love your munitions, but a few gizmos won't hurt and will go a long way in supplementing the ballistics you carry. These smart watches are equipped with an array of sensors from heat to a rad sensor that measures and warns its wearer of any radioactive hazards. It also has a sterilised micro-needle that checks the blood chemistry of its wearer in medical emergencies, or whenever the need arises. Also includes common functions like heart rate and blood pressure monitoring. These watches also have secure connectivity with the car-jet. You will be able to access the cars navigation and weapon systems, not to mention most of its basic functions." Picking up a pair of transparent protective glasses. The doctor points out that these have been tested with live ammunition, and was proven to greatly protect the wearer's eyes from injury. The soft and well-sculpted nose rest has been proven to not damage the face upon impact nor shatter in the wearer's eyes. It also has been augmented with the new display technology for various applications such as night vision and thermal imaging.

"Up next, is a rather peculiar item." The Doctor continued while picking up the grey cane on the table. The doctor looks directly to the cane's lion head handle as scanners located on the lion's eyes scan the doctor's retina.

The cane began to make a high whirring sound, as three thin blue band shape lights on it began to glow successively one after another. The cane lengthens to a short spear with a short but sharp blade at its end.

"It's constructed from lightweight titanium with nanotechnology mechanisms that allow it to lengthen and shorten. The elegantly crafted loins head works as a counterbalance to the blade on the opposite end of the spear. The lights work as a timer before the cane's nano-mechanisms activate to lengthen the it to a spear. Three lights will give you three seconds." The doctor taps the spear again three times as the blue lights came to life one after the other. On the third and last light, the spear again retracts to its cane configuration. This cane is completely undetectable to scanners, and can only be activated with its retina scan.

"Though you are too young to need a walking stick, Mr. King. A fine gentleman such as yourself can surely find ways to accommodate an elegant gentleman's cane such as this one." The doctor proudly handing the cane to Henry King.

"Ah indeed! Well Grim, how do I look." Henry strikes a distinguished pose with the cane.

"Like a king." Agent Bolt replies. Beaming at his friend.

"The next curious item is this bottle of cologne. Floating within this exquisite and manly perfume are nano-mites that were designed and programmed to release a powerful signal.

This signal can be tracked by our satellites on any point on the planet. A single spray from this cologne will provide a perfect solution to our navigation and location requirements with pinpoint accuracy." Doctor Soner explained.

"Now you don't just look like a king but you'll also smell like one." Grim gave Henry a wink.

Doctor Soner continues on to the last item on the table.

"Agent Bolt, this fine Black leather jacket is for you. This jacket is fire resistant and will provide you an apt protection from bullets and bladed weapons. It also has nanotech batteries within it that can deliver an electric shock quite similar to that produced by a taser but twice more powerful. It locks to your voice signature, and only you can program a command to activate the defensive electric charge when the need arises." Doctor Soner finished as he handed Grim the jacket.

"Wear it, let's see!" Henry King urges Grim.

"It's a good fit, Grim!" Henry comments, as they both strike a pose for the Doctor.

"Wow, you guys look great!" Elena and Anna Marie joined the three men.

"It seems your team is ready Mr. King." Doctor Soner proudly states.

"Our team Doctor," Henry replies and continues.

"The honour is mine, ladies, and gentlemen. Its time to give Lourd Ian Merciner, a visit he'll never forget!"

Chapter  - BIG SMILE

The hot noon sun beats unforgivingly on the grey concrete of the tarmac as the rumbling of the plane's engine slowly fades away into the distance.

It has been an uneventful four-hour flight for Henry and his team and was quite the contrast from the disturbing events at London.

Henry could feel his sweat dripping from his brow as he glances a look at his friend Grim, wearing his new black leather jacket. Looking refreshed and in a very good mood while Elena and Anna Marie walked gracefully side by side. Both women in white dresses with matching white fedora brim hats.

"You seem to be in a really good mood, Bolt. If I may say, you seem very pleased." Henry commented.

"It's the jacket, Henry. It comes with some sort of air-conditioning. A cool jacket in quite a literal sense. It must be its nano-mechanism regulating the jackets inner temperature, keeping its wearer cool and comfortable." Grim explained.

"Well, lucky you." Henry waved his cane. "All I have is this overgrown toothpick," as they laughed at Henry's good humour.

Henry sees a large man from a distance, waving excitedly at their group. Wearing a green neon shirt with black floral patterns, bright orange running shoes, and a rainbow coloured hat. "Ah, yes!" Henry quickened his pace, heading directly to the large man beaming excitedly towards them.

"October my dear friend, nice to see you!" Henry said.

"Hello, welcome to the beautiful city of Morocco," October says while giving Henry and Grim a hug. Turning to the two beautiful women, October gives them a slight bow.

"You must be the nieces of Doctor Soner. It's an honour ladies, and welcome to field duty!" October gives the two young ladies a good-natured hug.

"We're family now!" October declares as both women giggled to finally meet the famous gentle giant of MI6 their uncle told them so much about.

"Friends, the world needs more love, and if people can just share a good-natured hug once in a while what a better place the world would be. Right Grim?" Henry says as Grim looked quite uncomfortable with all the hugging talk to Henry's amusement.

"I suggest we move along. Come on big guy we've got work to do," Grim says as he gives October a brotherly pat.

"All the necessary equipment from Doctor Soner's laboratory has been transferred to our safe house here, Agent Bolt."

October gleefully informs Grim.

"Aye, well-done Man! I have a feeling we will need every bit of Doctor Soner's creations on this mission," as they proceeded to October's waiting black-van.


Henry and the team were in the basement of an old abandoned building that served as a safe house for the agents. Gathered around a curious machine that Doctor Soner has created for his nieces. The contraption resembled something out of a sci-fi horror movie.

"I mean no offence ladies, but what may I politely ask is that abomination?" Henry observes the contraption, noting the metal tentacle-like projections that seem to have scanners on their tips. A transparent screen and a floating mask in a glass vat filled with an unknown liquid completed the funky contraption. Small finger-like protrusions within the vat, stand ready to manipulate the suspended blank mask.

"Our uncle made this for us. It's a mask creator that creates a mask that is programmed to react and feel like actual human skin and can even mimic normal skin temperature. The mask conforms to the wearer's face much better than an ordinary latex mask." Elena explained as Anna Marie takes a seat on the machines chair.

The mask creator comes to life, and the metal protrusions begin to scan her face. Displaying Anna Marie's facial measurements on the screen. A new face of a pretty woman with beautiful almond shape eyes and creamy white skin, appears on the display screen. Amazingly the fingers began to manipulate the mask within the glass vat.

Henry was very impressed with the machine and the mask it was creating. He could see every detail a normal face would have on the mask. The fine veins and almost invisible thin facial hair. The little imperfections and subtle age lines were realistically made that it was almost uncanny. Henry Grinned. "That is truly amazing."

Chapter  - SUPER-CAR

Casablanca–Rabat expressway, A3

For the first time since the events in London, Henry King was in his element. Dressed in his signature pinstriped suit, matched with a simple but elegant dark blue necktie. His gentleman's cane lay ever ready upon the car's passenger seat.

Moving swiftly along the highway, passing other vehicles in an orange blur. The car's front jet engine comes to life, as Henry steps on the car's accelerator. Propelling the orange beast on Morocco's A3, Casablanca–Rabat expressway.

"Enjoying your new toy, Mr. King?" Agent Grim's blue tinge image appears on the far side of the windshield display.

"Oh yes!" Henry accelerates the car a little more making the engine roar as the momentum pushes Henry's body deeper into his seat.

"Easy mate! You don't want to catch too much attention." Grim advised Henry.

"Sorry Grim," Henry replies. "I have to admit, it's so easy to lose yourself in a fine vehicle such as this. Beautiful engineering, smooth as a lady's..." Henry is cut short by a woman's voice.

"Lady's what!" Anna Marie's blue tinge image appeared beside Grim's together with Elena and October.

"Lady's pretty cheeks," Henry says quite apologetically. "Blimey, that came out wrong," an embarrassed Henry muttered to himself.

"Careful Mr. King! We know you look quite dashing and handsome with that elegant suit of yours, but we ladies do not tolerate misplaced comments about women." Anna Marie gave Henry a disapproving look.

"Like I said, you don't want to catch too much attention," Grim amusingly states, as they all laugh at Henry's predicament.

"My apologies ladies, truly women are the greatest gift to mankind and a true treasure in every man's existence," Henry says. Completely flushed with embarrassment.

"That's very sweet, Henry. Men are too. Good men are truly a blessing and deserve great respect. A world without men would be a total bore. You're forgiven." Anne Marie gives him a thumbs up and a wink while October begins to hum a traditional Norwegian tune. Grim closes his eyes, savouring October's melancholic tune while bracing himself for the coming storm.

"God help us," Grim whispers.


The Site of Scarp's gala dinner is Lourd Ian's elegant mansion located in the beautiful city of Casablanca. The well-lighted garden was slowly filling up with vehicles of Scarp's numerous guest, donors, and benefactors.

Henry King moved his car into the front driveway of the mansion to a welcoming young valet attendant. The boy was dressed in an intricate embroidered gold uniform that seemed too big for the young lad's thin frame. Carefully, he opened Henry's car.

The boy was surprised not only by the extraordinary vehicle but also by the short but elegant man behind the wheel. Henry came out of the car as he amusingly nods to the valet saying.

"Don't worry, it won't bite." Henry jokingly said to the young man.

The car controls and steering wheel reverted to its default positions to accommodate its new driver.

"Magnificent car Sir!" The young valet said in perfect English.

"Go, lad!" Henry gave the boy a friendly smile, as he touched and programmed his smartwatch to allow just enough access to the car controls for the valet to park the vehicle. Henry also activated the car's security protocols to prevent any unauthorised use.

The boy drove the car to the parking bay, unable to hide the awe and complete fascination that was clearly painted all over his face.

Henry sighed as he entered the stunning mansion, admiring the twin grand staircases supported by four marble columns. A majestic crystal chandelier cast a warm glow upon the beautiful ornate walls painted in gold. Glittering mysteriously, the light created eerie shadows upon the walls. Reminding Henry of their host hidden sinister and shadowy agenda.

Moving forward, Henry proceeds to a hallway leading to the main reception area. A number of guests have already taken their seats, chatting excitedly among themselves while taking quick sips from their margaritas.

The large hall was already jam-packed with people, as a legion of waiters and staff were busy attending to the needs of the guest. Henry glances at the enormous stage at the front of the hall, admiring the music performed by Anna Marie and Elena. Disguised as two beautiful cellists, performing Tartini's devil's trill sonata arranged for two cellos.

Elena takes the lead as her pale fingers passionately moved upon the cello's dark ebony fingerboard while Anna Marie's quick bow movements, created a wondrous climatic rain of contrapuntal notes as their instruments vibrated in perfect harmony. Their womanly bodies seemed to move in a mesmerising dance of hardwood and flesh. Stretching the bounds of reality and ripping all sense of time. The dark but powerful sound of their instruments, contrasting the two women's soft beautiful faces.

Eyes closed in full artistic concentration. Sensuous lips almost tasting every note like sweet nectar, oozing from a fragrant flower that had bloomed for the very first time. Henry could feel his chest warm as a strong rising energy grows within him. Thrusting him into a whirlpool of emotional ecstasy.

Henry's mind drifts into a void of mental reflections as he remembers her voice. A memory or an illusion? He asks himself. Certainly not a figment of his imagination. A release from his troubled mind perhaps? Yes, he has longed for her touch. The one who he never knew. A distant memory or an unfinished symphony. A violinist with a broken string. A lost soul drowning in a forgotten past.

"Those two are amazing." Henry hears the ever so familiar voice of his friend Grimaldy, returning him to reality. Still wearing his black jacket, while donning classy aviator sunglasses. Posing as the girl's talent agent, Grimaldy's handsome well-chiseled face grinned at Henry.

"Talent Agent Grimaldy." Henry states, suppressing a laughter with the idea of Grim being an agent of entertainment.

"Your artists are extraordinarily gifted, Grim." Henry coyly remarks.

"I agree, Mr. King." Grim answers. "They are women of many abilities indeed, extraordinary ladies." Henry nods and winks at Grim as they both move in the opposite directions as to not arouse any suspicion or any unwarranted attention.

A few minutes have gone by when Henry notices a woman standing in front of a painting. Dressed in an immaculate white gown, her blond hair elegantly styled revealing the curve of her soft neck. Her dress showing the flawless skin of her back, beautifully embracing her frail but feminine body.

As Henry approached the mysterious woman, she turns to look at Henry and gives him a surprised but welcoming smile.

"Hi," she says.

"Hello," Henry replies, as he gazed at her beautiful face. Her green eyes glittering like perfectly polished emeralds, while her red lips the colour of fresh roses.

"Forgive me if I startled you, Madame." Henry apologetically says. "My name is Doctor Henry King, I work for the Ministry of Agricultural Research in London. I could not help but notice your keen interest in the drawn art, my Lady." Henry says.

"Oh," the woman replies. "My name is Florentine Mienardhiem, Mr. King glad to know your acquaintance. The painting," as she points to the portrait of a woman holding a market basket.

"Quite lovely," she says. "She reminds me of my mother. When we were much younger, my brother and I would watch her as she would leave for the market each morning. She would smile at us before leaving and would kiss both of us on our foreheads, always reminding me to take care of my little brother. Memories Mr. King." She sighs. "Seemed just like yesterday." Her glittering eyes gazed at Henry's face.

"Treasured memories indeed, Madame." Henry says. "I'm sure your mother was quite lovely as her beautiful daughter." Henry directs the complement to the flattered woman.

"Why thank you," as Florentine blushes at Henry's words.

"Oh, I feel a little flushed," Florentine says as she steadies herself.

"May I," Henry offers his hand to steady the frail woman.

Florentine smiled quite demurely at Henry as the words escape her perfect lips.

"Yes, please do," Henry guided her to the side of the hall where a wooden ottoman bench was located. Beside the bench, a circular indoor fountain with beautiful ornamental plants flowed peacefully. Stained glass windows depicting Moorish knights mounted on majestic horses, graced the walls around the fountain. The knights laying ruin to fallen foes while scattered fires lay desolation upon all and everything. The decorative windows cast a solemn but dark ambiance against the calming sound of the water fountain.

Henry helped Florentine to the antic ottoman bench, as a wave of concern fills Henry's heart.

"Are you ok, my Lady?" Henry says.

"Yes, thank you, Mr. King." Henry felt the velvety softness of her pale hands brush up on his own well-muscled arms. "Your heaven sent, Mr. King. You're truly an angel." Florentine gave Henry a thankful smile.

"My pleasure, Madam," Henry says.

"Please, Mr. King," as the same wondrous hand points to the empty side of the ottoman bench. "Please join me," she says. Henry takes a seat beside her as their conversation moves to different topics like botany.

Henry gingerly explains the intricacies of flowering plants and the different subspecies of rare orchids found around the world. Henry was surprised that Florentine was very knowledgeable on the subject of botany and that she actually had biology as her major in college. She was on her way to finishing medical school if not for the onset of her illness.

"My life seemed to fade to nothingness," she laments. "I knew that there was a slight chance that like my mother, I would be susceptible to the disease. Yet for my fears to finally become reality, brought me to the threshold of severe depression. Lupus," Florentine explained. Is a chronic autoimmune disease. It is not always hereditary and is not contagious or a communicable disease.

"It's simply a difficult and debilitating disease," Florentine lamentably says, her eyes reflecting a deep overwhelming sadness. Henry's affection for the sickly woman grew but his heart was filled with fear with the realisation that she might find hope with Scarp's wonder product.

"Surely there is hope, my Lady." Henry gives her a reassuring smile.

"You truly are a sweet man, Mr. Henry King." Florentine says. Staring at the honesty of Henry's eyes. Seeing the kindness that emanated from his very soul. A kind and charming gentleman.

His lips gave out a smile that would surely melt any woman's heart.

"I'm just a little man living in a large and overwhelming world, Madame Florentine." Henry gazed at Florentine's glittering green eyes.

"Sometimes the world frightens me, but I guess I have to make do with what fate has given me. It's not always monsters you know," Henry says. "Sometimes fate guides me to a beautiful princess," Henry gently holds Florentine's hand, making her blush.

"When I was a little girl," Florentine continued. "I use to believe that somehow we created our own destinies. That we were the true architects of our own future. The future was drawn in a canvas of life, an artwork drawn from our dreams and aspiration. Created by our own hands, each and every shade reflected every brushstroke from a palette of our human experience. Giving justice to our very existence. Now the sands of time have taken over, and have filled it with decay and darkness. Every brush stroke paints only helplessness and defeat." A teary-eyed Florentine says.

"There is always hope my lady Florentine. You are a good and gentle soul, but I hope you see that sometimes false hope is worse than ignorance. The strength you need is within in you. It is not hidden or forbidden, nor must it be acquired with riches or great wealth. It is right there within you, all it needs is to awaken. Let your heart be filled with hope once more." Henry affectionally declares.

His heart was filled with a drowning urge to protect this frail but beautiful woman.

Florentine gently caresses Henry's cheek. "It's like we have known each other for a very long time my sweet Henry." She had been so alone and helpless, yet this man's presence gave her a sense of hope. He gave her a feeling of assurance that she has long forgotten...Feelings she felt she thought she had forgotten. A warmth and longing fueled by a blank vail of oblique nothingness. A prison of melancholic loneliness. A woman's heart that was now filled with a passionate desire...

Henry could feel Florentine's gentle hands on his face. So close he could hear her breath, as her chest rose and moved with every breath.

Her pale skin seemed to remind him of snow. Not the cold and harsh kind filled with malice and remorse. A cold prison filled with spite, that offers no escape but death. "No!" Henry thought to himself, this snow is the kind that is pure and innocent. Like clouds that have fallen from heaven and has somehow given the earth a blanket of heavenly solace. Awaking the dry parched land and gently covering it with a blissful and wonderful purity while completely nullifying all malice.

"Restless hate," yes the world is filled with a restless hate.

Since the dawn of humanity, the human need for conflict has forever tainted human society. Greed and malice have been sown deep in the fabric of our civilisation. Violence and death have been used again and again to justify the autocracies done in the name of the greater good.

"A lie, it's all a lie!" There is no greater good, most of the time it's the good people who suffer. We live in a world where the innocent become lambs destined to be slaughtered. Victimised and abused, innocence has become a commodity that the rich and the powerful have learned to abuse. They will claim to offer salvation when in reality they only offer ignorance.

Their vile schemes target the weak and the helpless. Sowing false fears in their hearts, driving them to fearful madness. Henry is alarmingly reminded of the rabid woman who was exposed to Scarp's wonder drug.

"Are you alright Mr. King?" Florentine asked a pale Henry.

"Yes, my Lady." Henry replies. "You seemed lost in thought, Mr. King?" Florentine gave Henry a worried look. "A frightening thought has just entered my mind, forgive me, my Lady. I want to ask you, if I may? Are you by any means interested in Scarps wonder drug?" Henry fearfully inquires. The woman paused for a moment, as Henry tried to read what was on Florentine's mind. Deep inside, Henry knew exactly what this beautiful but sickly lady's reason for attending Scarp's gala dinner. "It is not my place but I would like to suggest a great deal of caution with this miracle drug that Scarp has developed and is currently mass producing, selling to their unsuspecting clients and patrons. This drug, medicine or whatever they would wish to call it, have not been thoroughly tested. We have no idea what side effects of this so-called miracle cure can have on its users. I do understand your hope that this medication would be beneficial to your condition, but I fear there are no sufficient studies and test that support Scarp's claim. For all we know, this medicine may do more harm than good and though we have just met my Lady, I am most worried about the effects this wonder drug may have on you." Henry respectfully warned the frail woman.

Florentine expression changed dramatically, as she gave Henry a cold and calculating stare. "You are right, Mr. King. We have just met and you are truly right that it is not your place to decide on what is good and what is not good for me. I believe that it is my right to decide for myself, and my decision is to fight my disease by whatever means I can find. Right now Scarp Technologies is my only hope. I cannot go on living in the dark, living in uncertainty. Not knowing if this disease will completely consume what little life my frail body has left. I am sorry Mr. King!" Florentine slowly stood up, as Henry tried to apologise.

"Forgive me, Madame." Henry implored. "Please Madame, I was only concerned about your well being. You are truly right. Please forgive me, my Lady." Henry pleaded.

"You're a good person, Mr. King, but I do believe I have the right to decide what is best for my self." Florentine states with conviction.

"I am lost for words my Lady," Henry laments. "Please have the heart to understand this little fool standing before you. I have been truly foolish and I know deep in your heart you will have the understanding to forgive me." Henry pleaded once more.

"It's alright, Mr. King, there is nothing to forgive. Giving Henry an icy stare. "If you'll excuse me, Mr. King. I have certain matters to attend to. It is truly pleasant to know your acquaintance, Henry." Florentine stood up to leave.

"The honour is mine, my Lady," Henry says, as he bows his head at Florentine. Finally, Florentine gives Henry a forgiving smile.

"I do hope to see you again," Henry says.

"It's a small world, Mr. King," as they both laugh at the pun that that was clearly directed at Henry. Finally releasing the tension between them.

"See you around Henry," as Florentine gives Henry a kiss on his forehead. She hurriedly turned to leave while Henry could only sadly nod, as Florentine disappeared into the crowd of people.

Unknown to Henry, a woman standing on the balcony of the main hall was watching him from a distance. Behind her, a large bearded man was maliciously grinning.

His brutish face and vulture-like features looked completely out of place with the beautiful and seductive woman beside him.

"I can crush that man's skull and rip his body apart, Iria," the large man beside the woman angrily exclaims.

"Seems our little friend is enjoying our little soiree, dear brother. Quite a ladies man this Mr. King." Iria says.

"You know how I hate them spies, Iria," Gianis, the large bearded man angrily states. Iria looks menacingly at Gianis, gently touching his cheeks.

"Patience, Gianis. Our time will come," Iria says.

A sickening evil has indeed awakened. So vile and corrupted, a venomous plague of pure poison has begun.


"A fool whose ignorance knows no bounds, and a man whose arrogance will lead him to disaster."


One lives in illusion

While the other craved for life

Why must we find a reason

When all we care for is strife

Why must we declare order

When all we know is violence

A fool will use his mouth to wage war.

While the courageous will stand for what is right

But the most dangerous one of all

Is the thief in the night

The one who walks in the shadows

Will be lost in his own darkness

Those who dance with death

Will they be rewarded

The one who questions life

Will he ever regret it

To seek what is beyond your own comprehension.

But you will never know until the proper time.

So it comes to the point of anonymity

When malice is used as a bridge of obscurity

Oblivion and death

Who will truly suffer

The ones who are ignorant

Or those who justify death.

Will your nightmares ever truly die

Will it ever truly end

"With great fanfare and great applause! Ladies and gentlemen! Let us welcome a great man. A man who has given us hope! A thinker and a doer! A man whose thirst for innovation and discovery can never falter. He who dedicated himself to different scientific disciplines and the study of the healing arts. Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado. Our host and our benefactor, Lourd Ian Merciner!"

A man in his mid-forties, with a stately handsome face and an aristocratic demeanour, was standing behind a podium made of glass. His eyes were the bluest of blue, and his voice deep and commanding. He began to address the crowd that had been waiting eagerly for him to speak.

"Friends!" He began.

"We are gathered here today, on this momentous occasion! Not by chance nor by coincidence. We are here today because we had made a decision, we have made a choice! We choose not to be lost in darkness, to claim what is rightfully ours.

Sickness and weakness can never cast its decaying shadow on us ever again. A new age has begun, and we are here to welcome and embrace it. Yes, we are on the threshold of a new discovery. A journey that no one has yet tried to embark. We are pioneers of a new and glorious world. A world that knows no master but ourselves! You who have this knowledge will raise your hands and grab sickness and disease by its wretched neck, crushing its sickly spine for all the world to see! You will never taste its bitter kiss, nor suffer its insolent cries. Never! Never again! When all others burn, you will rise from their ashes!" Lourd Ian Merciner raises his arm out to his side. Imagining his own glorious accession to a higher realm of self-definition. "My friends! We will be victorious! We will be victorious! We will be victorious! We are the eternal victorious!"

The multitudes of people rose from their seats, shouting and clapping praises to Lourd Ian. Crying out his name, some were in tears while others trembled in absolute devotion to the man at the glass pulpit. The crowd began chanting Lourd Ian's name out loud. "Lord! Lord! Our Lord! They shouted. Clapping louder and louder in frenzied adoration at the man of the hour.

Amidst the commotion, Henry noticed suspicious movement among some of the waiters and servers of the night's event. One of the waiters that moved past Henry had an unmistakable bulge that was clearly some sort of handgun or small firearm. The glint of the dark metal handle caught Henry's ever observant eyes.

"Curious," Henry muttered to himself. Grim appeared beside him, also quite alarmed by the suspicious behaviour of some of the waiters and servers at the ball.

"I don't think those waiters are security personnel," Grim looking quite alarmed.

"Waiters serving drinks while carrying handguns don't add up. Stay sharp, Grim!" Henry said in a steady commanding voice.

"Elena and Anne Marie are still at the stage. I'll try to contact them using my smartwatch." Grim says. Henry could see Elena looking at her own smartwatch as she quickly whispers to her sister. Raising slightly their cello bows at Henry's and Grim's direction, affirming that they completely understood the situation.

"That was quick and efficient, Agent Grim," Henry said.

The crowd continued to listen to Ian Merciner frenzied speech as he spoke fiercely about the benefits of his wonder drug. So dramatic was his speech that his spit flew from his mouth as he uttered a continued babel of words. Almost incoherent and vague to his listeners.

He spoke in a manner that reminded Henry of the past psychotic leaders that humanity had to deal and endure. His voice loud and strong, filled with anger but with no resolution. Then it happened, without warning as the sound of gunfire filled the hall. Panic and chaos ensued! Together with loud explosive noises and screams from the confused crowd.

Henry moved quickly into the ensuing chaos. Raising his cane and revealing its sharp blade. From a distance, he could see Lord Ian Merciner. A drawn silver sabre in his right hand and a pistol on his left. Screaming and cursing as he engaged one of the armed waiters, cutting him down with his sword and firing point blank at the waiter's head.


The Scarp gala dinner had been in full swing as its benevolent leader was addressing his fervent supporters. Unknown to all of them that the event was infiltrated by a group of armed terrorist, posing as the events waiters and servers.

In the chaos and confusion that followed. Secret agent Henry King, together with agent Grim Bolt, quickly moved into action. Doing their best to neutralise the current hostile threat posed by multiple armed individuals, terrorising Scarp's supporters and guest.

Henry manoeuvred over the bodies of people injured or already dying from gunshots and by the stampede caused by the panic-stricken terrorised crowd.

Henry swung his spear-cane at an unsuspecting hostile that was pulling at the hair of a screaming female guest. Using the blunt end of his spear, he quickly knocks the waiter unconscious. Freeing the distraught but grateful woman. Grim threw his knife into the heart of a heavily armed hostile. He then immediately tackled another man twice his size, breaking the man's neck. Three men jumped at Grim. One pinned him down while using his elbow to continuously ram Grim's face while the other two men grabbed Grim's arms and legs. With a bright electric flash, the three men's bodies began to spasm. A high voltage shock from Grim's jacket ran through their bodies, killing all three men.

"That was intense, should have set it to stun." Grim muttered to himself, as he observed the smoking bodies of the three men."

On the stage, the two sisters were fighting off two hostiles as Elena jumped towards the armed man in front of her. A bullet narrowly misses her as the hostile fired directly in her direction. Evading the shot, she lands a kick directly at his spleen as the man collapses from the internal damage delivered by her kick. Her sister Anna Marie was still clutching her cello in a seated position as a terrorist attacked her with his large army knife. Anna Marie blocked and parried his attack with the cello's neck, trusting her cello bow directly into the man's neck. With a sickening sound, the man fell to the floor.

Anna Marie roughly pulled the cello bow from the dead man. She gingerly cleans the bow on her dress. "What?" She says as Elena gave her a calculating and annoyed look.

"It's a good bow, what can I say!" Anna Marie states.

"It's a good dress!" Elena replied.

"Well, if you want this dress so much! It's yours!" Anna Marie gave her sister a taunting look.

"No thanks!" Elena replied, quite disgusted by the reddish stain on her sister's dress.

All around the hostiles were beginning to retreat. Some of them were trying to escape but with the arrival of the local police, the forces of good were able to round up the hostile men.

"Henry, are you ok mate?" A man's voice with a heavy Scottish accent asked behind Henry. Henry turned to see Grim and the Toby sisters right behind him equally disturbed and shocked at the mayhem and violence that they had just witnessed.

"Oh no!" Henry exclaimed, as he ran towards a woman. She was sprawled on the floor a couple of meters away from them, while Grim and the Toby sisters followed right behind him. Gently Henry touched Florentine's hand as the beautiful woman slowly opened her eyes.

A worried Henry softly asked her if she was ok. Florentine slowly moved her trembling lips. "Please Henry, kindly help me up." Henry with all the gentleness he can muster carefully helped the frail woman to her feet. Grim joined to help her sit on one of the nearby chairs.

"Henry, what happened? there was a commotion, and armed men with guns were shooting everyone. People were running and screaming and my heart, it felt like it was going to explode and I lost consciousness. Tears began to form at the corner of Florentines eyes as she recalled the harrowing events that all of them have just witnessed.

"My Lady, everything is all right now, you're safe." Henry says as Florentine's soft hand gently touched Henry's rugged face.

"Thank you, dear Henry," Florentine whispers.

Florentine's gaze moved to Henry's comrades as the beautiful woman forced a pained but genuine smile to Grim and the Toby Sister's.

"Are you Henry's companions?" she politely asks.

No Madame, my name is Alfred Grimaldy. Talent manager for these two beautiful and very talented ladies who had graced us with their wonderful music before this horrendous calamity.

Florentine turned to Elena and Anna Marie.

"I truly enjoyed your musical performance, and I'm glad you ladies are safe and were able to escape unharmed from this massacre." Florentine says.

"No one was trying to escape." Anna Marie murmured to herself, as Elena suppressed a giggle, turning a little red at her sister's growing annoyance and discomfort towards the other woman.

"Thank you, all of you." Florentine sweetly glances at Henry, as she unsteadily stands and gently kissed Henry's cheek. A sign of gratitude to the man who had helped her. Henry could feel the woman's soft lips touch his skin. For a moment as he closed his eyes. He realised what it meant to remember. To remember what it felt like to be alive again.

The sensation of warmth was spreading from his soul into the empty shell of his tortured body, giving it life. Like a tall pillar made of hard stone that could not be broken or bent, and can surely withstand any calamity.

A structure so formidable that it can break the impregnable. A penetrating force to break down any walls created by strife and malice. Releasing a fountain of pure love, to awaken the most desolate and driest barren wasteland.

With a smile at all of them. Florentine hurriedly left and disappeared into the crowd of uniformed medical personnel and police officers, who just arrived to administer to the wounded and dying.

Leaving Henry and his team dumfounded at the mysterious woman, who moments ago had fainted and was lying on the floor almost unconscious.

"Strange pretty little thing," Elena says, as Anna Marie smirks but says nothing. Grim, on the other hand, was smiling at his friend.

"Easy mate, that doll has completely taken you over. Can't blame you, Mr. King, she's quite a lady." Grim gave Henry a brotherly pat.

"Quite a lady indeed," Henry replies. Clearly still basking in the sweet kiss of the beautiful but mysterious woman.

"Gentlemen, I do declare. If I may, and if your testosterone may allow my most fragile womanly self this great honour?" Anna Marie asked the boys, trying hard to comically copy Florentine's speech and movements.

Henry, Grim and Elena laughed at Anna Marie's coy but goodhearted impersonation of Florentine. Giving a most needed relief to the group, after the tragedy and violence they have just witnessed and endured.

Their laughter was cut short by a voice they did not expect, nor did they anticipate. Even if the sole reason why they have traveled such a distance, was for this one purpose, and one purpose alone. To finally come face to face with Lourd Ian Merciner.


Dear poison

My venom

Your time has come

"My friends," as Loured Ian spoke in a smooth and velvety voice, but hiding a sinister roughness that Henry could not place. It felt sincere but was openly malicious. It was neither grave nor maligned, but filled with a total lack of empathy.

"Forgive my manners, I'm sorry if I have startled you. As you well know, my name is Lourd Ian Merciner. The host if this event before it turned into an exercise of complete futility. I do hope that all of you are alright and behalf of Scarp Technologies, I would like to apologise for what has just happened. We had no way to anticipate that these dangerous men would be able to infiltrate our security personnel, let alone the food and service provider for this event." Loured Ian continued.

"They could have easily poisoned us all and be done with it, but this is clearly a move of intimidation. A lot of entities have been troubled by my company's innovations, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. Long have these companies preyed upon the sick and helpless, most of them if not all would love to see Scarp Technologies go out of business." Lourd Ian says.

"Glad to know your acquaintance Mr. Merciner. My name is Henry King, I work for the Ministry of Agricultural Research in London. I must confess, I'm an admirer of your work and your company's innovations. You and your wonder product have become a worldwide sensation." Henry says, shaking Ian's hand.

"Please call me, Ian. Well, I am profoundly grateful that you took the time and expense to attend our event. Even if it was quite unfortunate that such hostilities have occurred, perpetuated by malicious individuals. I am glad that you and your friends are safe and well. Turning his attention to Grim and the Toby sisters.

Grim introduced himself as Alfred Grimaldy, the talent agent of Elena and Anne Marie. The two classical cellists who had performed in tonight's dinner reception.

"Yes, such excellent performance. I commend you Mr. Grimaldy for managing this two beautiful and amazing women. Truly very talented musicians." A sinister smile flashed in Lourd Ian's lips.

"I myself am, an aspiring musician. A pianist with a love for classical music, but a little jazz now and then never hurt anyone. I say music is like fine wine. Some wines are elegant, exquisite and aged to perfection, while some wines are better off used as vinegar. Sour and bitter. Alas! In the end, its all the same. It's the moment when you lose yourself completely to complacent ignorance, is the point of no return. As the alcohol mixes with your blood, dulling your perception of reality. That is the moment when the scales are tipped. That is when you ask yourself if you drink for victory and celebration? Or do you drink for grief and defeat? A restless sorrow, but it does not matter. For no one is truly victorious nor truly defeated. Only intoxicated by a life filled with illusions, a dream you can't escape." Ian grins, almost tasting the imaginary wine caressing his lifeless lips.

"That's why I prefer scotch Mr. Merciner." Grim interrupted. "No illusions, straight to the point liquid fire, the only hard truth. Who cares about joy and sorrow, or for all the kingdom come and clouds of piss. I just want my throat burned for no reason." Grim declares as Lourd Ian gave the Scotsman an annoyed look of a person passing a kidney stone.

"To each his own gentlemen," Henry adds. "Talk of fine wines, liqueurs of gold and pleasant dreams are truly amusing subjects. To be honest. We all can use a drink right now but unfortunately, all the waiters are dead.

"I apologise, Mr. King. Perhaps I can make up to you and our new-found friends by inviting all of you to my casino tomorrow night. All of you will be my honoured guest. I will be looking forward to continuing our conversations which I find amusing and to be frank, quite intriguing." Mr. Merciner invitingly proposes.

"It will be a great honour, Lourd Ian," Henry replies.

"Very good!" Mr. Merciner nods. "Tomorrow then, gentlemen," nodding once more at the Toby sisters.

"Ladies," as Lourd Ian Merciner quickly turns to leave.


"Lourd Ian Merciner is a man completely divorced from his humanity, a shadowy character playing two roles in an opera made for both fools and wise men," Henry says.

"He is on to us," Grim says. "So we better be careful."

Henry and his companions have retreated to an old rusty container van left to rot near an abandoned building in the outskirts of the city. The dilapidated building looked dismal, as scrap metal and junk lay scattered around the old structure. The dismal sight creating an uninviting environment for anyone curious enough to notice the forlorn spot. A lone MI6 secret agent posing as a security officer was half asleep on a disguised makeshift hut. Flies buzzed around making him occasionally make half-hearted swipes at the annoying insects. Inside the building's garage, Henry's car and the team's black van were parked completely hidden from curious eyes. In contrast to its degraded exterior, the container van's interior was spotlessly clean and well lighted. Although cramped, the secret safe house had simple accommodations. It has a small loo, air-conditioning, two robust double deck beds, a small refrigerator, a microwave oven, and a coffee maker. Small uncomfortable mono block seats were placed at its centre. On one side of the container van, was a glass cabinet with various firearms and weapons. On the opposite side, a display monitor hummed as the image of Doctor Soner's face gave the group a warm smile.

"It seems that Lourd Merciner's little party took a disastrous turn. I'm glad all of you are safe." Looking at her nieces.

"Especially the two of you!" Giving his nieces a stern but relieved look.

"I have received reports that our two friends," the image of the mysterious woman and her vulture-like sibling appeared on the lower right side of the monitor. The unlikely couple was surrounded by their heavily armed mercenaries.

"Our odd couple has been sighted in a heavily guarded complex a couple of kilometres from Ian Merciner's mansion. We must investigate this complex, and find out what these people are up to. No one knows what lies hidden in the bowels of that complex. I would also like to inform you, that our dear Madam Cyprus Albert has recovered from her injuries. Although still shaken, she is quite better and will soon be back in action. That's all for now. I wish you all the luck and please be careful, these are dangerous and very bad people." Doctor Soner's image fades from the monitor.

"A business mogul, inviting a lowly agricultural specialist to his grand casino. Surely demands a great deal of caution. Considering Ian Merciner's reputation as a total git... You can't blame the man, were a peculiar lot indeed." Henry points out.

"A vertically challenged, plant-loving agriculturist. A talent agent in a black jacket with an electrifying personality, and two beautiful and totally badass classical concert artist. Performers who just made mincemeat out of a couple of hardened hostile terrorist, taking the words musical chops to a whole new level. It would not have been less believable if a dragon appeared and breathes purple flames from magical soap suds. It seems this unfortunate attack has completely blown our cover and it would be wise if we carefully tread our next move." Henry sighed heavily as he continued.

"As a principle of safety, I would suggest that only I would attend our sinister benefactor's invitation. Mr. Grim, October, and the Toby sisters, you all will investigate this secret mysterious complex. Lourd Ian Merciner is quite aware of our real identities and mission. He knows that we are here to completely defeat and foil his evil plans and rest assured, he will be ready for us. Like the old saying goes, we need to split up. It is for the best. If anything happens to me, which I hope not. Mr. Grim, October, and you ladies will be able to continue the fight. The battle to halt this evil, delusional, but very dangerous man must continue. He must be stopped. This cannot be left to chance. We must stop him at all cost!"



2690 BC

Darkness slowly crept upon the temple of the undying souls. A lone acolyte stood guard upon the entrance as a sinister chanting echoed upon the halls of the temple. Grotesque statues of serpents lined the great chamber with malformed open mouths lined with sharp teeth. The chanting continued as men and women clad in gold and silver tunics, danced around a large pool filled with an acidic green liquefied substance. Faces covered with silver serpentine masks, they chanted while making graceful snakelike movements. Some of the worshipers threw their bodies upon the stone floor as they slithered on the dust, hissing like maligned beings in a state of animalistic euphoria. The priestess moved towards a weeping woman bound with ropes upon a stone pillar at the centre of the temple. "Hush my dearest, end your tears. Your sacrifice will empower the pool of Lekos. Once your blood mixes with the pool's liquefied essence, the ritual will be complete. The dead will rise again. Immortality will be ours at last, and we will be all gods upon this wretched earth. The priestess laughed, her sinister voice reverberated above the chanting of her evil followers.

A hooded figure lurked behind one of the forbidding snake statues mysteriously lit by fire torches. The man watched as the maligned host continued their frenzied chanting. Staring at the beautiful priestess, the young man felt the painful pangs of his broken heart. His soul torn between a lost love and the reality of consequential truth. Chione, she was once called the lady Chione. He was just a boy when he first met Chione. He was a child of no more than ten.

Completely innocent to the reality of a world in a connate whirlpool of incisive and constant turmoil. He was in one of his so-called misadventures, as his guardian Naize would describe his innate urge to wander upon the lower lands. He was after all a boy. His proud chin loved the warmth of the sun, as dust and sand clung to his boyish face. He would often wonder if by now his lungs contained a desert within its fleshy nodules, as he gratefully inhaled the dust heavy air at every chance. Basking in the glory of the city he so loved. A city he would give his life to protect. Chione, a girl just a year younger than him. Her dark hair and olive skin shimmered upon the light of the setting sun. She was crying as he tried to comfort her. She lost her doll she says. Straw weaved together to become a girl's toy, nothing more than a useless invention made of straw. A thing to be thrown away without a thought. He never understood why girl's cared for such things. He was more interested in golden chariots as they raced on the desert sands. Majestic horses galloping with all the glory of Egypt. Yet why? The young boy asked himself, as he carefully bound pieces of wheat straw to form a peculiar looking contrivance. He looked at the straw doll with pride, as his guardian Naize laughed with the young man's new found interest. He rushed to the same spot in the city's outskirts, hoping to see her one more time. The girl he met at the edge of the city, that was once part of the lower lands. A girl who lost her doll. The girl who's tears burns in his memory. Loitering upon an old well, just when the majestic sun was about to set. He saw her, the girl he could not forget. The wind blew at the sand dunes as it did for thousands of years. This was no more than a juncture in time when days were as insignificant as the dust and dirt on the ground. A single moment in an insurmountable expanse. A single grain of sand, in a vast ocean of nothingness. A relentless barrage of emptiness that would usher change. For millennia, the elements have shaped this land. Changing the landscape and everything that dwell within its influence.

This moment was no different. Two souls, their eyes locked upon each other, as the wind softly blew. The last fingers of the sun's rays danced on their young faces. A deep friendship promised, to last all time.

The hooded man steadied his spear as he gazed upon its blade. Straining to see visions of the past as light danced at the forbidding metal point. He heard the voice of his father echo from a distant memory.

"You will stop this madness at once! Until we have a clear understanding of this so-called plague, all of us must remain within the palace walls!" the man looked at his son. "You are a prince of Egypt and my only heir. I cannot risk to lose you, my son. Your people cannot risk losing their future king. Please listen to me. I'm sorry about your friends on the outskirts of the city. If the reports are true, most likely they have been infected by the plague and have joined the ranks of the living dead. Netjerikhet, my son. Please heed my request. Remain here in the palace, we shall send our soldiers to find your friends. I promise you." His father once again pleaded. "I know I can't keep your here, I can only pray to Horus that you would heed my words." His father sadly left his chambers.

Doleful and dejected, the prince was deeply troubled as he pondered the safety of his friends. He understood his father's concerns, but he was no means a child. It has been nineteen years since the day his infant lungs first breath of Egyptian air. Nineteen summers have passed, yet this summer was clearly very different from its predecessors. The reports came months before, as villagers reported a man who was acting strangely. The man who was a shepherd attacked his own sheep, ripping the flesh of his treasured livestock. At first, the villagers thought that a wolf had attacked the man who was covered in sheep's blood.

Rushing to the aid of the shepherd, the villagers were all surprised as the man turned to attack them. Clearly in an animalistic and madly violent state. The villagers subdued and bound him in ropes. The town seru chose to report the matter to Egyptian officials, but it took days for soldiers from the city to arrive. The man was now in a less human state. His skin turned dark and had a green mouldy colour. A sickening stench surrounded him as he squirmed, trying to escape the ropes that bound his body. Flesh and skin fell off the poor man as he hissed like a feral animal. His fellow villagers tried to offer him food but the man would only feed on raw meat. The soldiers together with the magistrate decided to burn the man who had become a living corpse. The magistrate took a spear from the guards and plunged it into the man's heart, but the man continued to hiss and growl. Showing no signs of dying, he had become an undying monster. The magistrate had no choice but to burn the man alive. Pinning the man with their spears, they poured oil upon the living corpse as he continued to growl at his tormentors. They disposed of him in this effective manner, as the living corpse ceased his aggressive movements. Finally dying upon the burning flames.

More reports came as the number of the infected grew. Whole villages became prey to this pandemic, as reports reached the palace. News of the havoc caused by the living dead on the populace sown fear among the Egyptians. Court magicians and officials tried to find the cause and cure for this so-called plague but to no avail. No one knew the origins of this plague.

Netjerikhet moved quietly along the dark streets in the cold moonlit night. Covered in a black thick cloak and carrying a long bladed spear, he gazed at the full moon shining brightly on the deserted alleyways. Muscular and tall for Egyptian standards. His body moved with the grace and speed of a leopard. The houses that lined the dirt road were truly deserted, not a soul was in sight. Navigating the darkness, Netjerikhet hears a sinister snarling coming towards him. Turning towards the direction of the snarling sounds, he sees three men rushing aggressively towards him.

"The dead have come," He muttered to himself.

He moved to attack rather than to wait for his attackers to reach him. Swinging his long bladed spear, he cuts a zombie in half with a powerful swipe. His large muscles flexed as he turned, swinging the spear one more time. His second attack beheads another zombie as he plunges his spear into the last one. Reaching for his short sword, he cuts the monster's head off. More snarling followed as a hoard of zombies appeared from the darkness.

"Djoser! Over here!" A woman's voice called out to him from the balcony of the magistrate's house, a couple of meters away from his position.

Swiftly, the prince ran towards the house as he reached for a rope with a metal hook from his belt. Swinging the rope, he threw the rope towards the balcony. Climbing quickly, he catches his breath as he reached the top.

"We knew you would come." A beautiful woman smiled at the prince, while a frail man beside her gazed worriedly at Djoser.

"Prince Netjerikhet!" The surprised magistrate exclaimed. "The whole town has been overrun, I've sent my messengers to warn the palace." The magistrate says.

"Yes, and help has arrived." The prince replied.

"For that, we are most grateful my Lord," The magistrate kneeled before the prince.

"Get up my friend," the prince commanded the magistrate. "Lady Chione, are you alright?" Netjerikhet thoughtfully asked the beautiful woman.

"Yes Djoser, never been better. I came to the magistrate's house to warn him about the zombies as you instructed. What took you so long?" The woman annoyingly asked him.

"Father is in one of his moods again." The prince looked at the lady Chione. She gave a sultry smile as she spoke his name, a name she had given him. She was never a fan of the name Netjerikhet. She came out with the name Djoser. A very manly name she says. One befitting his strength and character.

"Hey, Djo-Sir! Wow man, glad you made it! Have you seen those zombies?" A chubby eighteen-year-old boy called out to the prince.

"Gif, glad to see you too." The town magistrate son smiled at his friend. A little thick in the mid area, Gif was a sharp contrast to his thin and straightforward father.

"Ya! Fortunately, I'm ok Man, just imagine a half-naked zombie Gif strutting in your palace! Shouting obscenities, while attacking the palace kitchens! That would give your father a heart attack!" Gif says as the magistrate gave an embarrassed look as blood left his already anaemic face. His mouth open, he could not believe what his son just said to the future ruler of Egypt. Laughing, the prince gave Gif a brotherly pat.

"We have to get out of here," as the prince looked at the people around him.

Gif's mother and two sisters quietly watched the prince, not uttering a word and was as sullen as the magistrate. A couple of the magistrate's household staff and a few soldiers were all that was left of the inhabitants of the town. All of them cramped in the balcony of the magistrate's house, while some soldiers were barring the doors and windows on the first floor with wood planks to keep the zombies away.

Djoser watched as the zombies began to gather in front of the magistrate's house below as if called by an unknown malicious power. "They are too many zombies, we are outnumbered!" Chione remarked while her eyes glistened at the foreboding sight.

"Can't you call your snake spirit friends to rip those zombies Chione? You're the future priestess snake after all," Gif says. Lady Chione gave him a venomous look.

"I'm not a snake charmer Gif, go f-ck yourself!" Chione turning red at Gif's annoying antics.

"No your not a snake charmer, but believe me your charming, Chione," Djoser smiled at the beautiful woman.

Chione returned Djoser's smile, her eyes shimmered gleefully at the future pharaoh's compliment. Shifting his gaze, the prince once again observed the gathering undead in front of the magistrate's house.

"It won't be long and this place would be overrun with the living dead," the prince trying to devise a means for escape for Chione and the magistrate's household.

"Magistrate, do you have oil in your stores?" The prince asked.

"Yes my Lord, two or three jars of oil are left, but our food-shed is located outside the house." The magistrate pointed at the entrance of an underground shed at the rear of the premises.

"Don't worry about it," as Djoser reached once again for the rope in his belt.

He securely tied the rope in one of the stone beams in the corner of the balcony. Before Chione could protest, he made a quick vertical descent towards the ground below with the agility of a cat. Chione and the magistrate's family worriedly watched as Djoser stealthy approached the shed. Hearing the frighting snarls from a distance, Djoser quietly entered the shed. Luckily the door was not locked. Almost devoid of light, Djoser strained his eyes to see in the darkness. Three jars of oil were stacked at the corner. He then proceeded to take one of the jars and quickly carried it back to the house. From a distance, he could see Gif waving from a small door at the rear of the house.

"A back door," Djoser muttered to himself.

After a few more trips back to the shed, Djoser and Gif were safely back inside the magistrate's house.

Quite satisfied, Djoser instructed the few soldiers left to carry the jars up to the balcony.

"We'll also need old garments Gif." The prince said, catching his breath.

"Boy, those heavy jars must have given you a workout. We could have asked the soldiers to get those slimy jars for you." Gif says.

"No, It's better if i got those jars myself. I'm used to moving in the shadows, too many footsteps will attract those monsters. We can't risk those zombies coming for us on two fronts. That back door is our only way of getting out of here." Djoser gave his friend a hopeful look.

"Gif, I have something for you," as the prince reached under his cloak.

A cloth sack contained a couple of loaves of bread and a few cuts of salted pork.

"Djoser, thank you so much. We have not had a meal since last night. Everyone, even the soldiers were terrified to go to the shed for provisions." Gif smiled gratefully at the prince.

"Four jars Gif, the last jar is wine, my friend. The prince mischievously winked at a smiling and grateful Gif.

After all the survivors had their fill of the meagre meal, Djoser began his work. Carefully he took a pouch from his belt which contained small metallic spheres containing a rare compound of ripened brimstone. A wandering caravan had been captured by his father's soldiers, trying to sneak into Egypt.

A couple of sacks of this mysterious powder had been confiscated together with a host of other curious items, including a fair amount of large metallic stones and a rare purple dye. The stones, the smugglers claimed to be stars from the skies. A gift from the gods they say. Some of those metallic stones were used by Egypt's most skilled blacksmiths to create the blade of his spear. After interrogating the smugglers, the only information they got was that when the brimstone fruit ripens and turns black. Only then will the fire god rise, but only the fire god can ripen brimstone. It made no sense even to the wise men and sorcerers of Egypt, but this black powder did have properties that indeed shared with its alleged creator. The very embodiment of elemental fire.

"Is that it? The mysterious black powder. Man, that is so radical. Very advanced and dangerous tech if you ask me. Some brilliant alchemist from a faraway kingdom must have created that stuff, and you say the palace alchemist have no idea what it is?" Gif gave his friend a worried look. Clearly, disturbed by the dark powdery substance that his friend carried on his waist.

"Father is going to kill me if he finds out I took some of this black powder. He has guards guarding it day and night in an underground storage shed." The prince says as he began to rip pieces of cloth and soaked them in oil.

Stuffing the cloth in mouths of the jars. Using what was left of the cloth, he took three metallic spheres and tied them one each on the three jars.

"Naize thought if the fire god's power is contained in a formidable vessel. The fire god's wrath will multiply to destroy that vessel, for his power cannot be contained. His power will explode with a destructive force." Djoser explained.

"Naize is a wise bloke, but sometimes too wise for his own good. I don't think it's a good idea to antagonise the fire god, Djoser." Gif a bit jittery with the prospect of annoying a fire god.

"We need his power right now, or we'll have to deal with the God of the living dead. Your choice, Gif!" The prince shifted his gaze towards the magistrate.

"Those three jars of oil will burst into an inferno, my friend. When that happens, all of us must be ready to flee through the back door of your house. You'll all follow my lead, while the soldiers will protect us from the rear. I'm so sorry that we must abandon your home, but I swear I shall help you rebuild your home and your town. We shall restore this place and make it even better, I promise. Your lives are more important than any material possessions. We must all be light and quick. Chione, stay close to me." The beautiful woman gently leans her head on Djoser's shoulder.

A short while after, the survivors were ready. Gif began to start a fire with a wooden bow. Djoser and the soldiers carried the jars as they watched the agitated zombies began to snarl more aggressively, as the monsters caught a glimpse of their prey. Gif handed Djoser a burning torch.

"Ready!" Djoser ignited the oil-soaked pieces of cloth on the mouths of the jars. He then proceeded to light the fuses of the metal spheres.

"Now!" the soldiers dropped the jars at the zombies. The three jars exploded in a fiery inferno, burning most of the monsters.

Escaping through the back door of the magistrate's house. The group of survivors ran single pile in the darkness. Djoser steadied his gaze, looking for any sign of movement as he led the frightened group to safety.

It was not long before he spotted two zombies heading towards them. Intercepting the monsters, he quickly disposed of the zombies with his spear. The soldiers began to panic as more zombies began running after them.

"Keep going!" Djoser commanded as he gave out a pleased smile.

Before them, a hundred torches burned while the sound of a hundred chariots thundered in the dark night. His father has sent an army of chariots. His plan worked. By coming here, he forced his father to mobilise his soldiers.

"Whoop, whoop! We are saved!" Gif exclaimed, waving the burning torch. The Chariots surrounded them in a cloud of dust, as Djoser memories shifted once more.

It was high noon, and Djoser's head painfully throbbed. His lack of sleep manifested in dark circles that have formed upon his weary eyes. It was another one of his nightmares. Plagued by troubling dreams since he was a young boy, Djoser lazily got up from his bed. It had been a long time since he had nightmares, and now the pestilent dreams were back with a vengeance. Naize considered it as a gift from the gods. The great one had chosen him and was speaking through his dreams. Naize once told him about a great man his grandfather had once served. The man was well known and respected among the men of the desert. Great was his fame and his riches. He was loved by the one true God and had dreamed of his Lord speaking to him. He was truly blessed by the heavens.

"I pray and hope that the one true God will have mercy on Egypt, Naize. That he may bless the land of Egypt, and spare us from the coming calamities. All I want is for my people to prosper and be a blessing to other nations. That the weary and lost may find refuge and hope in the land of Egypt." Prince Netjerikhet says as he gazed at his friend and guardian Naize.

"You have a good heart, my prince. Sometimes, a humble and contrite heart is all that matters. History will surely remember you as one of the great rulers of this land, and your reign will be long and prosperous." Naize smiled at the young prince.

Djoser tried to shake the images of his nightmares from his head. In his dream, he dreamt of a rotting corpse covered with venomous serpents rising from the Nile. The corpse eyes were as red as crimson and its hair was as white as snow. Wherever it went, death and sickness came, and the land cried in anguish.

Dreadful images crept upon his troubled mind, as his thoughts turn to his beloved Chione. Three years had past since the incident at the magistrate's house. Lady Chione has been acting strange lately and was clearly not well. Her complexion was pale and she had lost a lot of weight. She was now the head priestess of the believers of the pool of Lekos. A sect that worships the god Lekos. Their influence had grown immensely, and even found favour with his father. Chione was born into a holy sect of believers. Her parents were once the priest and priestess of this sacred sect. Sadly, her parents were victims of mysterious and unexplained deaths. Chione was left an orphan at a young age. Cared for only by the sect's elders, Chione grew up in a mysterious and clouded community, filled with shadowy members. Slowly this sect shifted their devotion from the old gods to a more ancient deity called Lekos. A serpentine entity of great power whose origins was lost to time itself.

Djoser sighed heavily as sadness and worry gripped his heavy heart. The epidemic spread throughout the land. Chaos soon followed as the zombie plague grew worst, as the citizens were forced to evacuate their homes. Djoser was back at the old well where he firsts met Chione. Gif told him that Chione wanted to meet him and that he should come alone. Gif wanted to accompany Djoser and was greatly worried about Chione's condition.

"She looked unwell and have lost a lot of weight," as Gif described Lady Chione. "She was speaking to herself and she looked ill and unhinge." Gif explained.

The sun began to set as Djoser's eyes caught sight of a frail woman walking towards him, carrying a dagger.

"Chione !" The prince called out.

The woman rushed towards him as the two locked in a loving embrace. Sadness gripped Djoser's heart as it dawned to him how thin and frail Chione had become. Chione was crying as her trembling fingers gripped the dagger.

"Listen to me, Djoser." She said in a tired and weak voice. "I must ask you one thing...Promise me, my love...You must do this for me for I have not the courage or the will. Before what is left of me is gone and overtaken, you must do this for me... I would have been so happy to spend the rest of my life with you, my prince. There is nothing more my heart desires than my body and soul be yours forever." Chione lamented as she continued with a trembling voice.

"Sadly, such desire had been overpowered by a force I cannot fight or dream to control. The poisonous influence of a demonic entity has corrupted my body like a disease. Its venom has assimilated into every bone and sinew of my body. Every single drop of my blood is contaminated with an insurmountable evil I can no longer suppress!" Chione sadly cried.

"Chione! what are you saying? I don't understand?" A confused Djoser alarmingly replied.

"My Prince, before this evil completely destroys me. Before its evil talons rip my soul apart. I beg you, while my drowning soul still lingers in this world. Don't let this demon completely destroy me. The elders have invoked this entity and had cursed me with a burden to be a vessel for this maligned spirit. Day by day, I feel its grip on my humanity is getting stronger. While there is still Chione left inside me. You must end my misery, my prince! My body cannot be saved, but my soul still has a chance!" Do this before its too late. Not only for my sake but for the sake of the people of Egypt!" Chione handing the dagger to the prince.

"No, never! I can never hurt you. To think that you will die by hand is unthinkable and unbearable. I love you Chione, I loved you the very first time I saw you. Here, on this well. When I first laid my eyes on you, was the best thing that ever happened in my life. Every day I thank the gods that they had given me a chance to be with you. They had given me this wonderful person that I have long cherished. I would give everything up for you, Chione. Even my life!" Djoser fell to his knees as tears formed upon his eyes.

"You must do this, my prince... Before it's too late. This entity is the cause for all this suffering. This plague was brought upon by this maligned spirit. This evil was maliciously invoked by our corrupted sect that has now become a cult of pure evil. The deaths, the zombies, and all this suffering. All of it, is because of my people. I must pay for my sins, my prince. You must stop this evil, and the only way to end this is to take my life. Save the poor survivors of this plague. Save your kingdom, my prince! Have mercy on my poor soul. I know I do not deserve absolution, but my death will save a lot of lives. Please, my prince! I don't know how much longer I can..." Chione's trembling became much stronger. The grip of her hands strengthened as Djoser felt her nails began to bury on his shoulders skin.

Djoser stood up while he tried to calm Chione down. Her face became paler, as her voice became weaker.

"Djoser... Please... Do it. I can't contain this evil much longer. Chione begged.

"No! there must be another way! Give me time to find another way to deal with this evil. You must be strong my love...For me... For our people." Djoser gazed at the pale face of Chione as she gave him a blank frozen look. Her eyes were empty orbs as the prince noticed Chione's eyes change colour. Slowly her eyes became bloody dark crimson orbs while her hair and skin became white as snow. Scales formed upon her once smooth skin. Venomous fangs menacingly protruded from her once beautiful lips.

"Chione! Are you alright?" The prince asked.

Chione gave him a cold look, then gave out an unearthly scream. A sound so loud and ferocious that it resembled the deep growl of a wild beast. Djoser was overwhelmed by Chione's fiendish transformation and heartbreaking request.

Djoser could only run... Not because of fear, but because of love. He could not hurt his beloved Chione.

"Memories... Malignant imaginary images, that fester in a troubled man's mind."

Djoser could not believe his eyes. The camp of the evacuees was completely destroyed by an attack of the living dead.

Tents and bodies lay scattered upon the ground. The stench of death lingered on the deathly shadows. The dismal sight lay heavy upon Djoser's heart. This camp was left under the care of the magistrate.

"Gif and his family," Djoser frantically searched for his friend upon the bodies and broken tents.

Hoping to find survivors... He found none. Djoser continued his search. Finally, he heard a faint cry. The pained voice seemed to be calling out his name. Quickly, Djoser followed the direction of the cry. The voice calling out to him grew louder as he caught a glimpse of a wounded man slumped on a damaged tent. Djoser gently tried to help him up but quickly realised that his midsection was ripped by the monsters. A large angry gash ran across his stomach.

"Oh, Gif. My friend...My brother...I'm so sorry." The teary-eyed prince could not contain the pain he felt at his dear friend's condition. "I failed all of you." Djoser lamented as thunder rumbled from a distance, signalling a coming storm.

"No, It not your fault, Djoser. The zombies they were led by a white-haired woman. She looked exactly like Chione. I could not believe my eyes. It couldn't be her. Chione would never do this." A confused and dying Gif stammered.

"She has been infected by the zombie plague, Gif...She begged me to kill her, but I couldn't." Djoser sadly says.

"Djoser, please burn our bodies so we may not suffer the fate of the undying. My prince, you have been like a brother to me. I have been so thankful to have you as a friend. I'm just a fool of a man, yet you treated me like a brother. For this, I am truly grateful. I longed for the day that I may gaze at you as you are crowned the pharaoh of this land. You are truly worthy, my King. I could see the great chariots of Egypt glistening in the glory of the sun, marching in your honour. The women cheering, while the hearts of the men of Egypt are filled with joy at their new pharaoh. To see your great reign fill this land with prosperous blessing. I rest now my brother," Gif's life faded as Djoser held his hand.

The hooded man grasped his spear as he prayed to Horus. Asking for his aim to be true, for his trembling arm had no strength to accomplish this painful and difficult act. Closing his eyes, his muscles tensed as he gripped the wooden staff of the spear.

"It must be done to stop this evil." A task he must accomplish, to save his people.

At that very moment, images of his childhood friends filled his mind. Happier times flashed before him. Moments that he will always cherish in his heart. Chione and Gif were happily waving to him... He felt the spear leave his hand as it lurched at its target.

Confusion and panic followed as the cults worshipers scrambled in fear as their priestess fell. Djoser grabbed one of the torches while got some metal spheres from his belt.

Lighting up the metal spheres fuses with the torch, he threw the bombs at the confused cult members. The bombs exploded in a flash, while Djoser quickly moved towards the stone pillar.

"Are you alright?" He whispered to the captive woman.

"Yes," she weakly replied.

Retrieving his knife, Djoser cut the ropes holding the young woman.

"There is a hooded man waiting outside this temple. His name is Naize. Tell him Djoser instructed you to go to him. Don't be afraid, now hurry." Djoser then slowly moved towards Chione.

"Djoser," Chione weakly called out to him as she pulled the spear off her chest. Blood began to flow from the wound. Tears ran from Djoser's eyes as he cradled his beloved in his arms. Weakly, Chione spoke.

"Thank you, my love. I am again the lady Chione and will be for all time." Chione says as Djoser gazed at her beautiful face.

Her eyes have returned to their natural color and her hair was raven black once again.

"I love you, Chione." Djoser tearfully says.

"One day, we shall be together once more my prince...For now, I must rest. Don't cry my love, it is your duty to serve and protect the people of Egypt. I love you, my prince..." Losing so much blood, Chione closed her eyes. Her redeemed soul finally found peace in Djoser's arms.

Djoser carried Chione's body out of the temple. Waiting for him was Naize with the woman he had saved.

"Prince Djoser, what happened in there," as Naize gazed at the dead body of Chione. "I'm so sorry, my Lord." Naize sadly says.

Djoser gently laid Chione's body on his horse.

"What is your name?" He asked the young woman.

"Zuleikha, my Lord," she replied, "I'm the betrothed of your servant Potiphar, I owe you my life, my Lord. The young woman knelt before the prince.

"Get up, Zuleikha. We must hurry." The prince said as they watch hundreds of torches appear at the edge of the desert dunes.

"They're here, we must hurry!" Naize exclaimed.

Djoser rode his horse carrying Chione's body, while Zuleikha rode with Naize. Their horses galloped as they swiftly moved on the dark treacherous sand dunes.

Hundreds of chariots arrived, led by the Egyptian General Unas. The soldiers were carrying torches and spears, as they waited for the command to attack.

Djoser proceeds to the centre of the army where General Unas was waiting for him.

"Prince Neterjeriket, glad you are alright. What are your orders, my Lord." The General greeted the prince.

"Glad to see you General," The prince was startled as a teary-eyed soldier approached Naize, while Zuleikha jumped into the soldier's arms.

"Potiphar!" She called out.

The couple embraced, as the prince smiled at the reunited lovers. Potiphar and Zuleikha kneeled before the prince.

"Thank you, my Lord. I am forever in your debt," as they wept with tears of joy at the kindness of their prince.

"Rise Potiphar, take Zuleikha home. She needs to rest after this ordeal. You may take your leave, for now, and tend to her needs." The prince kindly says.

"Thank you, my Lord!" Potiphar gratefully says.

"General Unas, do what you must to end this nightmare. Burn that temple to the ground." The prince commanded his general.

"As you wish my Lord," the general gave the signal to attack.

The golden chariots raced upon the dark desert sands. The soldier's torches dispelled the shadowy darkness. Majestic horses galloping with all the power and glory of Egypt, against this great evil that has plagued its people. In this manner, the reign of terror of the evil cult of lekos ended.

Djoser made a beautiful resting place for her beloved Chione, and it was his wish to be buried beside his beloved. When the great tomb of Djoser was built, the builders expanded and renovated the tomb of Chione. Stone carved cobra heads were placed on the new structure, in memory of the priestess that was buried there.

The wise and great pharaoh Djoser, ruled the land of Egypt. His reign was prosperous, and the land was blessed with abundance. People from other nations traveled to Egypt to survive the great famine, buying grain from this blessed land. Peace and prosperity poured upon its citizens, for their pharaoh's heart was kind and true. A ruler worthy of the throne, and beloved by his people.

In the dark streets of the city. Rumours spread of a hooded figure prowling the darkness. A mysterious soul protecting the city's citizens from evil malicious entities, both human and supernatural. Talks of this great warrior, whose identity is unknown, spread across the land of Egypt. He had the explosive power of the fire and armed with a formidable large spear. Joined by a Hebrew slave, he gave justice to the weak and helpless and protected the Egyptian citizens from harm. The exploits this great warrior and his clever companion became known across the whole east. A bane to all evil men and dark entities who dare prey on the people of Egypt.


Present day, Casablanca

Henry King was greatly impressed by the extravagance of Loured Ian's Casino. The MI6 agent had taken a humble red taxi cab to Ian Merciner's casino, in the hopes of not rousing too much attention.

Henry proceeded to the main lobby as he marvelled at the elegance of the casino. Wall to wall carpeting, with its elegant bohemian style prints of elephants and leaf patterns. Golden chandeliers ware suspended majestically above, casting an immaculate light upon the great hall.

A small orchestra played a heroic classical symphony, upon an elegant balcony supported by ornate marble pillars.

At the centre of the ceiling, Henry was fascinated by a large mural of the sun with a face of a smiling man. Its long tongue grotesquely hanged from its misshapen mouth. Beside the sun was the moon with a sad woman's face. Tears were drawn upon her pitiful cheeks. Flowing from eyes that were hollow orbs, a symbol of futility and defeat. Beneath the sun and the moon, the words were written.

"Chance is the scale in which mortals are measured, but true destiny is only for the divine."

Henry lowered his eyes after looking at the beautiful but disturbing murals. A few feet away, a woman was standing in front of him. A woman with black raven hair and flawless olive skin. Wearing a black lace dress, looking directly at him with a predatory hunger of a tigress ready to pounce on her prey.

Slowly the woman sensually walks towards Henry with slow graceful steps. Her lascivious hips swayed in the most womanly fashion. Giving Henry King a calculated and sinister smile.

"Welcome, Mr. King. It's an honour to finally meet London's most illustrious spy." Iria calmly welcomes Henry.

"Please Mr. King, follow me. Lourd Ian is waiting for you."


A little past ten in the evening. A solitary Scarp fuel truck was moving indolently on the dusty road. Grim followed the truck closely on a motorcycle. Elena with a 12 gauge shotgun and wearing a black catsuit was riding pillion at Grim's back. Sitting with both her legs to one side, she placed her left-hand low on Grim's torso to support herself, while playfully feeling Grim's hard abductor muscles.

"A little closer Tiger," Elena whispered in Grim's ears. Right behind them, October and Anna Marie tailed the duo on the black van. Carefully, Grim accelerated right behind the side of the truck.

"That's a long jump, think you can make it?" Grim asked the woman behind him.

"Just hold it steady, easy does it, Tiger." Elena agilely jumps towards the ladder at the back of the fuel truck.

She quickly climbed the ladder, carefully treading the top of the fuel tank. Moving towards the front of the truck, she positioned herself on the roof of the driver's cabin. Elena stealthily points the shotgun through the open truck window, straight at the surprised driver's head. She forcefully orders the terrified driver to stop the truck. The driver clearly in shock but realising that a 12 gauge shotgun was pointed at his skull, chose to willingly stop the truck. A couple of minutes later, Grim was driving the truck into the Scarp complex as guards did a security check on him. Relieved as the guards signalled him to proceed. Grim smiled with a face he did not own.

Using Doctor Soner's mask machine, at the back of the black van. The girls programmed the drivers face to one of the blank masks for Grim to wear. Stripping the driver's uniform, they tied the driver's hand and feet and gagged his mouth. A smiling October gently carried him and left him at the side of the road, safely among some bushes. Anna Marie giggled as Grim gave an unenthusiastic look as he quickly got into the drivers uniform.

"A bit tight?" Elena said smiling.

"Those muscles are bolt tight, Grim! A little tighter, they'll explode!" Anna Marie exclaimed. Both girls giggled, making the Scotsman's cheeks red.

Taking the driver's identification card, Grim wears his black jacket over the uniform as Elena gave a disapproving shrug.

"It's a chilly night," Grim says.

"They may notice that," Anna Marie warns Grim.

"They won't," Grim assured the two women.

Agent Bolt parked the truck while hurriedly putting on the smart glasses Doctor Soner gave him. He stealthily began walking towards the centre of the complex, right after disembarking from the truck. Grim was a bit startled as Anna Marie's voice cracked in his smart glasses communication module earpiece.

"What's your status, Honey-bolt!" Anna Marie radioed in, as Elena giggled in the background at the new nickname her sister gave Grim. Sighing heavily, Grim replied.

"I'm moving towards the centre of the complex, there seems to be a lot of activity concentrated in one of the structures in that location." The workers were indeed rushing towards a large brightly lit hangar.

Large electrical power cables sprawled on the concrete surrounding the structure. From a safe distance, Grim hid in the corner of one of the houses that served as a storage shed. It was situated upon a hill, overlooking the hanger at the centre of the complex.

Upon this high vantage point, Grim could see the security personnel and workers as they ran in and out of the hanger. Men in white lab coats were checking their equipment and making last minute adjustments. A conventional tractor began to pull something from the hanger which Grim presumed to be an aircraft. Using Doctor Soner's smart glasses, Grim zoomed at the hanger to a large man. Grim recognised him as the same man described by Doctor Soner. He was barking orders to the men rushing out of the hanger. His vulture-like nose ferociously curved outwards, complementing his menacing gait. He moved like a giant ugly raptor, hungry for prey. A large circular craft was pulled out of the hanger. Grim zoomed once more at the strange object with his smart glasses.

"Girls, are you seeing this?" Grim asked.

"Yes, we see it Grim!" Elena replied, but her voice was overpowered by shrieking and howling sounds from a distance.

Two large trucks fitted with large metal cages pulled near the mysterious craft. The cages were filled with people with zombie-like symptoms.

Shrieking and baring their teeth as flesh rotted from their faces, while a feeling of complete dread filled the air around them. Some were men and some were women, but all have a sick reddish tinge to their skin.

All of them dressed in light blue jumpsuits that were now torn and soiled with putrefying body fluids and rotting blood. Cramp into the metal cages, the human zombies tried to lunge at the workers who now began loading the cages into the mysterious craft. A large yellow tele-truck precariously lifted one of the cages filled with zombies. The cage dangerously swayed as the agitated zombie's erratic behaviour almost toppled the tele-truck. Workers and security personnel panicked as they moved towards the craft while the large bearded man yelled orders, instructing his men to create a perimeter around the tele-truck and the enigmatic craft. Scarps security personnel aimed their munitions at the cage of zombies that was being loaded into the ship.

With a low metallic bang, the first of the cages was successfully loaded into the craft. The yellow tele-truck proceeded to load the second cage. This time, however, the zombie's agitation seemed to have doubled as a reaction to the security personnel drawn armaments.

This made the zombies trash and scream more violently. Wildly lunging, trying to reach the armed personnel with a feral hate. The cage dangerously rocked and swayed, until finally. Grim saw the tele-truck tilt and turnover as the metal cage slams hard to the ground.

The impact breaks the cage's door as the zombies escape and pandemonium erupts.

Hope you can help me out by downloading  the book for PART 2. Please help, thank you.



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