Journey of a Girl

By LadyInTower

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||Wattys 2022 Shortlist|| "You've got several lines of destiny in you...whether you use your power for good o... More

Destined Meeting
The Purple House: Chapter One
The Purple House: Chapter Two
The Purple House: Chapter Three
The Purple House: Chapter Four
The Purple House: Chapter Five
The Purple House: Chapter Six
The Purple House: Chapter Seven
The Purple House: Chapter Eight
The Purple House: Chapter Nine
The Purple House: Chapter Ten
The Purple House: Chapter Eleven
Polite Society: Chapter One
Polite Society: Chapter Two
Polite Society: Chapter Three
Polite Society: Chapter Four
Polite Society: Chapter Five
Polite Society: Chapter Six
Polite Society: Chapter Seven
Polite Society: Chapter Eight
Polite Society: Chapter Nine
A Proper Education: Chapter One
A Proper Education: Chapter Two
A Proper Education: Chapter Three
A Proper Education: Chapter Four
A Proper Education: Chapter Five
A Proper Education: Chapter Six
A Proper Education: Chapter Seven
A Proper Education: Chapter Eight
A Proper Education: Chapter Nine
A Proper Education: Chapter Ten
A Proper Education: Chapter Eleven
A Proper Education: Chapter Twelve
A Proper Education: Chapter Thirteen
A Proper Education: Chapter Fourteen
A Proper Education: Chapter Fifteen
A Proper Education: Chapter Seventeen
A Proper Education: Chapter Eighteen
A Proper Education: Chapter Nineteen
A Proper Education: Chapter Twenty
A Proper Education: Chapter Twenty-One
A Proper Education: Chapter Twenty-Two
A Proper Education: Chapter Twenty-Three
A Proper Education: Chapter Twenty-Four
A Proper Education: Chapter Twenty-Five
A Proper Education: Chapter Twenty-Six
A Proper Education: Chapter Twenty-Seven
A Proper Education: Chapter Twenty-Eight
A Proper Education: Chapter Twenty-Nine
The Auction: Chapter One
The Auction: Chapter Two
The Auction: Chapter Three
The Auction: Chapter Four
The Auction: Chapter Five
Secrets We Keep: Chapter One
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Two
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Three
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Four
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Five
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Six
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Seven
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Eight
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Nine
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Ten
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Eleven
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Twelve
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Thirteen
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Fourteen
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Fifteen
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Sixteen
Secrets We Keep: Chapter Seventeen
Ajo: Chapter One
Ajo: Chapter Two
Ajo: Chapter Three
Ajo: Chapter Four
Ajo: Chapter Five
Ajo: Chapter Six
Ajo: Chapter Seven
Ajo: Chapter Eight
Ajo: Chapter Nine
Ajo: Chapter Ten
Ajo: Chapter Eleven
Ajo: Chapter Twelve
Ajo: Chapter Thirteen
Ajo: Chapter Fourteen
Ajo: Chapter Fifteen
Ajo: Chapter Sixteen
Ajo: Chapter Seventeen
Ajo: Chapter Eighteen
Ajo: Chapter Nineteen
Ajo: Chapter Twenty
Ajo: Chapter Twenty-One
Ajo: Chapter Twenty-Two
Ajo: Chapter Twenty-Three
Ajo: Chapter Twenty-Four
Journey of a Girl: Chapter One
Journey of a Girl: Chapter Two
Journey of a Girl: Chapter Three
Journey of a Girl: Chapter Four
Journey of a Girl: Chapter Five
Journey of a Girl: Chapter Six
Notes and Thank You's

A Proper Education: Chapter Sixteen

330 58 13
By LadyInTower

Domestics poured into the sleeping quarters, waking everyone by banging large pots with ladles.

It was a jarring, unsettling way to stir from dreaming, and the children were so shocked and confused that they didn't question when the older among them were separated and led away by the domestics.

Credence had been too terrified and angry to return to her bed, but her absence went entirely unnoticed as a throng of students were marched into the washing room, which was the place she had chosen to hide. She quickly joined the group, acting like she had been with them the whole time, and her confusion was just as real as the rest.

Huddled together and still rubbing the dreams from their eyes, the students were silently instructed by the domestics to bathe before being handed clothing to wear. The uniform was different from the usual brown pants and shirt; a white tunic with a large, black "S" stitched over the left shoulder. The tunic fell past the ankles of most, though a few were tall enough to shorten its length to their calf.

Once everyone had donned their unusual costume, they were led right past the room for breakfast and ushered outside into the courtyard. There was already a group waiting, all wearing the same white tunic and blinking under the morning sun. The only ones spared the upheaval in routine were the younger children like Tildy, who were no doubt still lounging in their beds without an older student to remind them to get dressed. There must have been at least fifty children congregating outside, and Credence quickly found a group of her classmates and joined them, standing next to Gregory and Lily and another girl with red hair whose name she could never remember.

The world had changed for Credence. The terrible truth of the school and its Headmaster had been discovered only hours ago, and she could think of nothing else. She looked at the bodies huddled close.

We must look like livestock, she thought grimly. We've never been anything more here.

Her eyes found Penny, who was standing at attention, purposefully away from anyone she knew.

She was staring at Credence with a look of furious danger, like her eyes were a blade meant to pierce skin. Credence returned the threatening glare with a look of sympathy.

She knew the horrible truth of what was happening to the girl.

She didn't know if she'd ever get the chance to explain the peril Penny was in, or if the girl would believe her.

Worse yet, Credence didn't know if there was any way to save her.

Penny lifted a finger to her lips, a warning that Credence should keep her mouth shut at all cost. Credence stepped towards her, hoping for a moment to speak, but a voice boomed across the courtyard and stopped her movement.

"Good morning, students!"

"Good morning, Headmaster!"

Credence tore her eyes from Penny to look at the Headmaster, who was standing atop a wooden bench to address the crowd. He looked well-rested and positively glowing with merriment.

The sight of him roused her disgust.

She wondered if he'd recently fed from his secret supply.

Imposter, she thought.

She wondered what might happen if she screamed the truth now and alerted everyone to the fact that he was not human and had the real Headmaster trapped in his room.

"No doubt some of you are questioning what sort of day is ahead, with a morning like this."

A scattered murmur of agreement answered him.

"But I imagine most of you have already guessed it, and quite a few have been here before. I'm pleased to announce that this morning marks your first day of work detail!"

A wave of cheers and excited gasps echoed his reveal. Several people clapped their hands.

Damn it all, Credence thought. She'd forgotten about work detail entirely.

The Headmaster allowed them a moment of celebration before waving his hand to calm them.

"We'll be giving you the name of your family shortly, but first, a few rules."

He gave the crowd a pointed look, implying his next words were to be listened to carefully.

"Rule one: You are never to remove your white tunic unless you are bathing. You will be issued a second tunic to be worn while the first is being cleaned. You will wear no other clothing, or you risk severe punishment and even a possible black stripe."

When a few hands went into the air, the Headmaster explained, "Your tunic designates you as property of this school, and it will keep you from encountering any trouble in the towns. Remember that while you're wearing it, you are a reflection of this institution, and any foul behavior will be met with punishment. I must insist, even if your family gives you other clothing, that you refuse them and inform them of the severity of breaking this rule. Rule two: If someone in the towns offers to purchase you, you may give them your name and direct them to the school. They may not, under any circumstances, purchase you from your work detail family. Rule three: You will return here in seven days. Your family may send you back alone or see you to the gate. There may be a rare occasion when your family wishes to purchase you, but they must bring you back. No exceptions. Seven days, and not a day more or less. Rule four..."

The Headmaster continued with his lecture, but Credence stopped paying attention and returned her gaze to Penny. A curious thing, she could find no hint of the branch that sprouted from the girl's shoulder. There wasn't a single spot of red on her white tunic, suggesting her skin had miraculously closed its ghastly wound. The poor girl looked pale and tired, but otherwise unhurt. She was standing so still that Credence couldn't even see her breathing, and it was obvious Penny was not listening to the lecture either.

She's in pain, Credence realized. Penny might not show outward evidence of changing, but there could be no mistake that she was distressed. A thin sheen of sweat had broken across her brow, the sign of a fever. Credence hoped that getting out from under the Headmaster's thumb for a few days might improve Penny's condition. It might even delay or reverse her change. Penny shivered, though the air was warm and without any breeze. There was something else about her appearance, something different, though Credence could not put her finger on what.

Had Penny grown—taller?

Credence squinted, unsure if her mind was playing a trick. She turned to Gregory and poked his arm to get his attention.

"Does Penny look different?" she asked, motioning with her head toward the girl.

Annoyed, Gregory tore his eyes from the Headmaster to have a look.

"Different how?" When he found Penny he made a startled scoff. "She looks awful."

"Is she...taller?"

"How should I know? Stop distracting me, woodgirl."

"I cannot stress this enough," the Headmaster said, "there will be no ventures to leave the towns or visit your real family. I will add that attempts have happened in the past, and none of them were successful. If you are caught doing either, it will—"

Credence turned back to Penny.

She's definitely taller, Credence thought.

Applause took her from her thoughts. The students shifted nervously on their feet as the Headmaster produced a roll of parchment and unfurled it.

"With that bit of grimness out of the way," the Headmaster announced, "we can begin with your work detail!"

He went through the older classes first, and everyone waited patiently as one by one he called their name and they took their place before him. Family names and professions were bestowed upon each student called; bakers, butchers, woodcutters, tailors.

When the Headmaster arrived at Credence's class, she watched her peers continue the ceremony.

Gregory was assigned to a tanner. Penny to a woodcutter. Lily to a tailor, and so on. Upon receiving their designation they were given a map to help them find their new home in the towns.

"Credence," the Headmaster called and Credence made her way to stand before him.

The others mistook her uneasy demeanor as nervousness for work detail, but inside Credence was boiling. She didn't want to look the Headmaster in the eyes, not when she knew the monster he really was.

All of their private talks, the times he soothed her fears and put her at ease, had been nothing but deception. He'd made her doubt her instincts. So great was her anger that Credence barely heard when the Headmaster looked at her with a smile and declared, "Hutch family, innkeepers."

Credence took the map offered to her, not uttering a single word in thanks, and when she heard the Headmaster whisper, "Behave," as she turned her back to him, it took all her strength not to strike.

As she walked to the courtyard gate she spared a glance at the cluster of trees. They were all students like her, now trapped forever.

The newest one, she had no doubt, was Adam.

No one would ever look for him.

Adam had been found on the streets, and without any family to feel his loss, and everyone at the school moved on from his disappearance, no one would ever think of him again.

Penny would join him soon.

And Credence had been feeding from them, along with everyone else.

If she stopped and listened, would she be able to hear them crying or calling to her?

It tore at her soul to know she could not help them.

There were a few domestics waiting at the gate, with one final gift to impart: A dose of medicine administered with an unclean spoon. Credence's stomach turned, but to keep suspicion away she took her dose without hesitation, trying her best to look pleased with the taste.

She tried not to think about what—or who—it really was.

When she was beyond the gates of the school, Credence ducked into a corner and tried to gag the foulness up from her stomach, even sliding her fingers as far as she could down her throat, but only succeeded in making herself cry.

She opened her map, revealing a simple drawing of buildings and streets. As almost none of the students could read, the map relied on pictures to guide the way, telling its user through colors and shapes where the school was and where the student was expected to travel. A red 'X' marked one of the buildings several streets up and over, but Credence rolled up the map and decided to take her time getting to her new family.

She needed to become familiar with her surroundings, and she only had seven days to do so.

For the first time since she left Lilith's wretched house, Credence was free. She took a moment to enjoy the sun on her face, pretending she had nowhere to go and no expectations hanging over her. She had a brief notion of giving up her grand designs to save the school, the real Headmaster, and poor, doomed Penny. After all, she wasn't sure they could be saved.

Perhaps I shouldn't care about anyone, she thought as she walked. If people want to keep their eyes shut to the evil among them, what help do I owe them?

It would be foolish not to seize the opportunity to quit the disgusting towns once and for all.

I should help myself. Choose survival over kindness.

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