Forbidden Flower of Moriarty...

By yourtypicalgirl_12

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"You are the pure flower trapped inside this cage of evil." Elise Moriarty is the youngest and the only daugh... More

Prologue: The Moriarty's only daughter
Chapter 1: Medicine
Chapter 2: The Perfect Crime
Chapter 3: A New Place
Chapter 4: Tea Party
Chapter 5: Hidden Away
Chapter 6: Kidnapped
Chapter 7: For thirteen years...
Chapter 8: Encounter
Chapter 9: Report
Chapter 10: Annihilation
Chapter 11: Want
Special Chapter 1: Gift
Chapter 12: I'm sorry
Chapter 13: Be honest
Chapter 14: Rivalry
Special Chapter 2: College
Chapter 15: Troubles and worries
Chapter 16: A visit to Baker Street, 221 B
Chapter 17: Fear
Chapter 18: Good morning.
Chapter 19: Silent Prima Donna
Chapter 20: Negotiation
Chapter 21: Old and new comrades
Chapter 22: Whitechapel
Chapter 23: A game of tag
Special chapter 3: Reason
Halloween Fanarts
Chapter 24: A small step
Chapter 25: The Durham guest
Chapter 26: Moriarty Tea Party/Battlefield
Chapter 27: Turmoil
Chapter 28: Enemy
Chapter 29: Lend a hand
Chapter 30: Admit
Chapter 31: The Final Act Begins
Chapter 32: Sign
Chapter 33: His final wish
Chapter 34: Connecting the dots
Chapter 35: Bearing the cross
Chapter 37: I will wait for him
Chapter 38: Three years
Special Chapter 4: Shopping
Chapter 39: Return
Special Chapter 5: Honest
Chapter 40: Trick
Chapter 41: Forgiveness
Special Chapter 6: Friend
Chapter 42: Reunion
Author's final note (an update)

Chapter 36: Live

1.7K 75 7
By yourtypicalgirl_12

A/N: Trigger warning because this is "that" part. Please prepare tissues in advance. Thank you.

I don't own the image used. Credits to the mangaka.

Happy (?) reading!!


"Is there something troubling you?"

"Mhmm. There is." Slender hands made their way to the young woman's cheek as its fingertips lightly grazed the fair skin. "I am troubled that my dearest Elise is so beautiful that invitations from other noble lords never stop coming here in our house."

Elise blinked for a few seconds before letting out a light laugh.

"It's not as if we haven't faced this kind of situation before, William." She tells him with an amused smile as she leaned over him while stroking his head that was on her lap.

William chuckled as he slightly turned his body so he could properly look up at her.

"But the conditions are different now." He says with the same amused smile she has. "Since after all, we are now lovers. Of course this troubles me, my dear."

"Ara ara~... what should I do to ease your troubles, William?" Her fingers intertwined with the male's before she placed a kiss on his ring finger as she smiled softly on him.

Seeing her make the first kiss on his finger, he cannot help but smile back before doing the same thing to her ring finger. His ruby red eyes glanced at her fondly. "Will you indulge to my selfishness?"

"For you, I would." Elise ran her fingers over his blond hair gently. "You can be selfish with your wants, William. You waited for 13 years, don't you?"

"I did.... It has been a long time..." He says while his other hand played with the locks of her chestnut colored hair. "I only want to stay by your side, Elise. Nothing could make happier than that."

"That's all?"

"Mhmm. I want to stay like this for eternity if possible..."

"It won't hurt to dream, don't you think so?"

"Yes, that is true."

A small giggle sounded from her lips. "Sleep for a little longer, William. You must be tired."

"Let's sleep together, Elise. Will you sleep next to me?"

"When have I said no to you, William?" She tells him with a small smile. "Of course I will."

"Thank you, Elise."

"You're welcome, William."


Sherlock sat back on his chair and exhaled loudly, his hand on his forehead in obvious frustration. In the end, William didn't even answer to of his questions and he even dismissed that his feelings doesn't even matter.

Yes, Sherlock Holmes was not satisfied with it.

He took a glance at the two envelopes William gave him earlier. One contained the address where the final stage is set. The other contained an address to the East End.

He opened the drawer under his desk and saw the letter that was addressed to him. The letter Elise had written to him, as said by Louis. The small red journal that the younger blond gave him was safely tucked inside his inner coat pocket.

He hasn't opened that letter yet, since he heard William arriving and he hid the letter inside his drawer. Also, with the journal, he's still not sure whether he should read it or not. Although he was given permission, it didn't sit well with him to just read it.

As soon as their conversation was done, he picked it up and was about to open it when John knocked on the door.

"I trust your discussion went without incident?" John said until he noticed the detective mid-opening a letter. "O-Oh sorry, was I interrupting?"

"It's fine." Sherlock tucked the letter in his pocket. He'll just have to read it later after a talk with John. For some reason, he felt it was proper to read it alone. "Anyway, the time and place were specified and then he disappeared."

The doctor noticed the other letter in the black envelope. "And that is?"

Sherlock handed it to him. John looked at the address before nodding in understanding. "I see... The back alley, huh... He has something he only wants you to know, I'm certain of it. If he truly sees you as his friend, you should go and check it out."

"...Right, then..." Sherlock stood up from his seat. "Let's go, John-"

"No." He cut him off before smiling. "He entrusted this to you alone, Sherlock."

The raven haired detective stared at him in surprise. Meanwhile, John continued in an encouraging voice.

"As his friend, you want to save him, right? Do what you think is the right things to do! No matter what happens, I'll be by your side until the very end!"

A smile formed on Sherlock's lips, feeling grateful for John's support and his own understanding. "... I'd be best off, then."

"Yeah. Take care, Sherlock." John bade him off as soon as he left. He nodded before leaving 221B to go to London's East End.

Upon reaching the place, Sherlock was greeted by old and abandoned buildings around him, which is something he already expected. It didn't take him a while to navigate around the dark alley until he reached the location indicated in the letter.

What he saw was an old building, presumably an orphanage, with walls covered in thick vines and mosses. He entered through the broken door and walked inside the dirty hallway.

Go right at the end of the corridor. Back to the innermost room. Look inside the wall behind the bookshelf.

He did what was said in the letter and a small portion of a wall crumbled as soon as he move the bookshelf to the side, revealing the papers and envelopes inside.

"This is..."

He began uncovering every single file and his eyes widened upon realizing the contents. All the files inside contained information of William's criminal plans.

Sherlock didn't expect the blond had actually revealed these to him.

He reached out for the remaining envelope inside and opened it.

"...It's a letter." Sherlock flipped through the other papers inside the envelope. "And two birth records...? One of the names is "Louis"... So this is Liam's real name..."

The only thing left was the letter inside. Sherlock found a few candles after looking around and lit a single one before sitting on a crate, his hands opening the letter that William wrote to him.

Dear Sherlock Holmes,

First of all, thank you for reading this letter. In my profiling, there was a chance that you wouldn't-- though I wasn't worried.

But let's get back to the point. As you know, I will be taking responsibility for this plan. I've heard of the conditions you've set up for the members of the parliament in exchange for settling the case. I thank you for that. My plan was enough but your negotiations will make the world a better place. I truly believe that this project will be successful. Slowly but surely, the hearts of the people living within this country will begin to change.

I won't be able to see that future with my own eyes, and that is why, Sherlock Holmes, I would like to ask you to do that. I want to entrust this world to you. Even as the larger framework begins to change, there will always be small voices calling for help. Please help them.

One more thing... When I visited you, you asked me this question: "Why did you choose me?"

At that time, could I answer you? As it is, I probably wasn't able to do so face-to-face. It's difficult to explain my reasoning in words.

Yes, meeting you was more fun than I could have ever anticipated. And just for a moment, I forgot all about the weight of the sins my plans carry. I felt as though I just had found the only one who could ever understand me asides from Elise.

In a way, you also reminded of myself when I was searching for a cure for Elise's illness. Though I have to admit, I was a little cautious when you noticed her illness when we first met. Regardless, it was thanks to that you gave the cure my most important person. And for that, I thank you again.

You asked me as well another question. Leaving Elise behind...was that how I really feel? Now, I'll give you my answer.

In truth... I felt regret.

I have actually made a promise to her, but I broke that promise myself and in the process, I had hurt her and left in such state. It was my fault for making that kind of promise and I regretted it. It was one of the few things that I was impulsive of my actions.

But at the same time, I don't. A part of me still thinks that making that promise was so I could be with her.

However, the weight of my sins would not allow me to be with her. I pushed her because this was for the best. I don't think I have the right to hold her in my arms, especially now that my hands are too stained with blood.

But it doesn't mean my feelings for her are also gone. I still love her, and will always love her.

I wish for her happiness and freedom so I have to leave her, since I am the last devil that needs to disappear in order for this curse from this country be lifted. For her sake, I don't want her to witness my end.

Can I ask you to convey my apology and words to her as soon as she is well? This is the last thing I will ask of you.

If it weren't for our respective positions, I should have liked to converse with you at great length. For some reason, I have considered you to be a long-standing friend. Elise also thinks highly of you, did you know that? That's why I want you at my side when I meet my end. That is the reason why, for me, it must be you.

If only... If only we could be reborn into a different world, then this next time, I would hope to be true friends with you.

In another life, I hope that I could fulfill the broken promise I had with Elise.

-William James Moriarty

The letter in Sherlock hands were trembling as he tilted back his head for a good five seconds for William's words to sink in him. He gritted his teeth in frustration seeing the blond's feelings on paper.

"It was the same..." Sherlock seethed with clenched teeth. "All this time... You always felt the same way...!"

It was frustrating for him to see that William had written what he really felt in the letter rather than telling it on his face. What also frustrated him was that the blond might be good with concealing his emotions, but the mere mention or thought of Elise would create a crack on his mask, and yet William still insisted that what he is doing is all for her without thinking of the consequences that could hurt her or his self.

"If you really regret it, then don't you dare try to run away from Lis, you goddamn idiot...!" He thought. "Sacrificing yourself and telling me to convey your last words to her? Bloody hell!"

Sherlock was about to leave when he recalled Elise's letter he was supposed to read. He almost kicked his self for forgetting it. He is already expecting that the content of her letter will be about asking him to stop William.

I mean, it's quite obvious that she cares for William.

He pulled out the letter from his inner pocket and unfolded it.

Dear Mr. Sherlock Holmes,

I know you know fully well what I wanted to ask you. Regardless, knowing the kind of person you are, you would even do it without me asking you beforehand.

Please save William... is what you thought I would say, don't you?

What I would like to ask of you is something close to that or actually, it is that but it is not quite easy. 

I want to save him. I want to save him from that guilt he's shouldering on his own. To do this, I wish for your cooperation.

It goes without saying that you consider William as a dear friend. I have seen the few times the two of you would interact with each other so I am aware. It was as if the two of you the same minds and it was the first time for William to have someone like that. Someone who is on the same level as him.

In all honesty, even though William won't directly say it to your face, he considers you a friend and a rival. He's not an honest man, you know? Especially with admitting what he feels. Sometimes, I feel like he needs a small push in order for him to be honest with his self. Maybe you can tell him to be a bit more honest with his self, as someone who shares the same mind with him.

Perhaps in this way, you could save William where I could not.

At this point, you must be already aware of our family ties with each other. He is not my real brother but I somehow see him as one. He is the man I love more than anything in this world. He saved me and my brother from the cages of our family and he gave me ease from my illness by creating suppressants that could lengthen my life a bit longer. But it was his kindness and selflessness that made me love him for who he is. At the same time, it was also this that terrifies me for him.

I want to help him achieve the equality we seek of. Supposedly, our plan was to have the Moriarty name be the "great evil" of this country in order to unite both nobility and commoners. However, I know William well for thirteen years. When he says it will be us Moriarty family, in reality, he will be the only one taking all the burden because he is that kind of person.

I am also aware of his guilt but I didn't do or say anything. It was something I deeply regret but it was also something that must be done in order for this plan to work. William is the type of person that thinks two steps ahead, and I know I am no match for his intelligence and craftiness. But just this once, I will outsmart him. I have to outsmart him.

The chances are slim but is not zero and I am well aware of its risk. After you read it, I am sure you'd think of me as crazy or even a desperate woman, Holmes-san. But, I ask for your cooperation. You're the only person I can ask you for this, because you are the man who will have to face William on the final stage.

I have to apologize in advance as well, since this could also harm you, Holmes-san. Needless to say, I am sure, you would do it even without me telling you, knowing the kind of person you are. But even so, I still apologize for the consequences this will bring.

In order to save William, both his body and heart, I need your help.





Sherlock's eyes widened when he read the following lines containing her plan. Elise was really not kidding. He could almost, almost, agree to what she said about her being crazy. The plan she had written was insane even that he almost laughed manically.

"Lis, you one hell of a woman..." Sherlock leaned back his head as he placed a hand over his eyes. "You have considered all of the factors that will play in this... It is crazy, I agree to that. But with this, we can save him. The smallest percentage is not a meaningless hope. I'll never let that guy say goodbye to you. I will make sure your plan will be a success."

He touched where the diary was kept hidden in his inner coat pocket. If that's the case, he decided that he wouldn't try read her journal. Because Sherlock believed he shouldn't be reading her journal.

The sincerity of Elise words in her letter was enough for him to know that she wanted him to live because she cares and love him.

"You're also an idiot, Lis..." He folded the letter and stuffed it in his inner pocket. "The one who can save his heart is only you. That guy, Liam, is really...!" He let out a frustrated sigh. "Liam is my friend and so are you, Lis. I swear on that. I'll snap him to his senses so he won't push you away again...!"

How or when she wrote this letter, it doesn't matter to him. She had guessed everything that would happen, including the final stage where he would face London's greatest "devil".

As soon as he exited the abandoned East End, the fire had already begun in London.

The fire was noticed by the citizens at the Tower of London but someone said that smoke is rising in all directions. Not to mention, there are some shops that are highly flammable and there's also the wind direction that is adding to their troubles as well.

Just as William and Albert planned, they are setting London to fire. By creating this large scale fire throughout the area, the force of one side is not enough. In order to quell the "hell" the "devil" created, both nobility and common folk must act together. The system which separates them due to their class in society was dissolved in order to save London.

Fred, Bond, and Jack were among those helping the citizens by guiding them. But all the work goes to the nobles and commoners who worked together to put out the fire. They were only there to assist them when needed.

William saw all of this from his standpoint as he stood on the Tower Bridge. Sherlock Holmes was also fast approaching towards him.

Everything was going according to plan.

After the fire finally died down, a bright light coming from the Tower Bridge caught everyone's attention. When the light died, two figures were standing on top of the unfinished bridge.

One was a man standing on the edge wearing a black robe and black hat, holding a cane on his right hand.

Another was a man dressed in his usual black coat with his hands in his pockets, no signs of him carrying a weapon.

"Isn't it Holmes?!"

"That detective...!"

"And James Moriarty...!"

"It's the Lord of Crimes!!"

Finally, the final stage has come.

"I'm glad you came on time." William greets Sherlock with a slight look of contempt. "Sherlock Holmes."

"The eyes of thousands of people who were guided along the river were gathered at once with the current flash of light..." Sherlock says. "Your plan is brilliant. Aristocrats and citizens... By protecting their city together from the great fire, broke the barriers of their classes, and now..."

Below where the crowd is, they were chanting to catch the Lord of Crimes, most likely showing their support to the great detective while jeering to master criminal.

"All the anger and hatred of London have been concentrated on the Lord of Crime..." He continued. "You're the devil for them... The people all consider you to be a devil, Liam. But there is still time...!"

Sherlock held out his hand. "There isn't a single thing in this world that cannot be undone!"

Silence greeted the two men for a few seconds, until William took off his hat.

"This is how you are trying to tempt me to cling to life..."

William knew in his self he is just trying to pin someone for making him want to live. But it is also not a lie that Sherlock is tempting him to live. Rather, the person who gave William the meaning to live is Elise. The one who continuously accepted him for who he is and the one he considered the most precious person in his heart is Elise. Because of her, he is still tempted to cling on to life despite the weight of his sins.

But she is also the same person who he pushed away because he cannot bear to bring her to the grave with him. The same person he promised to spend his life with, only to break that promise because of the cross he bear.

William tells his self he is not wrong. No matter what, he won't be swayed by his words.

"I won't take your hand." William unsheathed the sword from his cane. "I'm not wrong..."

He pointed his sword to the detective and narrowed his eyes as if pining the blame to the other man.

"The devil here is you! Sherlock!"

And a duel between the Lord of Crimes, William James Moriarty, and the great detective and London's light, Sherlock Holmes, began on top of the unfinished Tower Bridge. The blond may be savage with how he attacks the unarmed detective, but it was all for a show. To show a great fight between the greatest evil and the hero to the onlookers.

Everyone watched the fight with bated breath as two men fought each other with their beliefs on the line. Just as William anticipated.

William stepped back and lowered his sword after fighting for a while. "That's enough. This showdown between the Lord of crime and the detective has been thoroughly witnessed by our audience. And so... It is time for me to close the curtains..."

"... Is "dying" really your idea of atonement?" Sherlock asks him with a glare. "Don't make me laugh, William! Don't just use death as some cheap escape route!! You're just trying to avoid the pain this way, aren't you?!"

William's hand on his sword tightened its hold as soon as he said that.

"If you really want to repent for your sins, then stop running away when things get hard!! Choose the thorniest path for you!!"

He pursed his lips together while the detective continued. Just why, why is this man telling him these words?

"... With these hands, I put an end to Milverton's life. I'm a criminal now, just like you." Sherlock says. "... So why don't we atone together from now on. There are many ways we can go about it. Live, and atone with your life for what you've done. Right? Isn't that right, Liam?"

William's expression still has that indifference look on it. The light in his ruby red eyes gone blank. The detective's words are really convincing however, he already made up his mind. His decisions will no longer be swayed, not even the detective his self.

The blond smiled and took off his coat. "This is farewell..."

In his mind, he truly appreciated Sherlock here to fight with him one last time. Even it was just for show, he spent one last experience with his supposed nemesis, that one he had considered as a friend in his heart.


It was a signal for Moran, who was in position somewhere in the distance. The hitman aimed at the can of oil that William threw to create an explosion to weaken the bridge on his side.

And now with this, he could finally disappear along with the other "devils" he killed.

"You goddamn idiot!!"

Sherlock leaned on the edge and managed to grab William's hand before he could completely fall, much to his surprise. Seeing the man struggling above him to keep him from falling, he asked.

"...Why would you go this far... for me...?"

"Hah! How many times do I have to repeat this?" Sherlock was smiling smugly but the struggle on his face could be seen as he kept his strength. "It's because you're my friend! That's more than enough of a reason, ain't it...?!"

What a fool. Sherlock's really a fool.

And yet, William can't bring his self to call him that.

"I've read your letter!" The raven haired detective shouts at him. "You never once saw me as a mere chess piece for your plan... And it's the same for me! I never once saw you as simple a puzzle I wanna solve, either! It was never like that to begin with!! We've always felt the same way from the start! Then, we've gotta be able to witness the same future, right?!"

Ah, so he did read the letter he left. William finally looked up at him and met his fiery expression.

"So live!! Live on, Liam!!"

William could feel the strength on the detective's arms weakening with how it is shaking. Sherlock was gritting his teeth in order to keep his strength, but he still has more to say to him and nothing's stopping him.

"Do you think it's okay for you to die by yourself? What about Lis? You love her, don't you?!"

His ruby red eyes widened when her name was brought up. He did mention in his letter what he truly felt to her but... He didn't expect Sherlock would blurt that out. The expression on his face must be read by Sherlock because he continued berating him.

"You're a fool for thinking of pushing her away just because you think of yourself as the "devil"!! Have you ever thought what Lis thinks of you?! Of what she feels?! Do you think she sees you that way?! You know that answer to yourself better than anyone, Liam!!"

Taking advantage of his silence and look of surprise, the detective continued to convince him. "I know that if we go on living, there may be nothing but anguish waiting for us ahead... But still, this new world you created will soon become a place worth living in... Without a doubt...! I'll make sure to protect this world as well! So you should too!!"

"You are important as well. You should also witness the ideal world you worked hard to achieve. It is not something Louis-nii-sama and I to indulge alone... You are also included as well as everyone else who fought alongside you. You deserve it of all people."

Elise's words that she spoke to him the night before the Baskerville came into his mind. What Sherlock said made him recall the words that were buried deep in his heart.

"You..." William looked at him in slight disbelief and surprise. "You came here not as a detective... But as a friend, didn't you?"

He realized he has nothing more to retort and he could only ease up his expression to look at him, finally accepting his defeat. "It's my loss, Sherly..."

The blond finally decided to just admit that Sherlock Holmes, their nemesis of a detective, is someone he now thinks as dear friend of his. However, their current situation is quite cruel indeed, and William know that better than anyone.

"Live on and atone for my sins, you say... There might have been such a future..." He mused. "But now, it seems like fate won't show me any mercy. That scaffold cannot possible support this much weight."

True to his words, the cracking sounds of wood was increasing as Sherlock put his weight on it in order not to let him go.

"Enough! Just throw away that damn sword!!" Sherlock shouts at him. "And use both hands to grab onto mine!! Don't die on me, Liam!! Think of Lis!! You have to come back to her with me!! I ain't doing that bloody request of yours!! Go tell her yourself!!"

"Sherly... It's too late for me..." William tells him as he grasped on his sword. "You have read my letter, don't you? Please do that last request of mine. The only one wish I have to return home alive... Is you. Please, tell her... I'm sorry."

In one swift move, William slashed Sherlock's arm that was holding him in order for the man to let him go.

With a relieved smile on his face, William was falling on his back, ready to greet death waiting for him. He was supposed to felt relieved because he, the "devil", is now going to disappear. And yet, when Sherlock brought up the subject about Elise, his heart was in disarray and was aching in pain.

He still... He actually still wanted to live for a little longer.

But he knows that he can't.

It's too late.

"Like hell I'd let you die alone just like that!!"

Sherlock Holmes jumped from the broken bridge after him. He reached out to the surprised blond and held him close to protect his head before replying to what William taunted to him before.

"Finally, I've caught you now." He says to him. "Liam, let's both survive. You're not dying with me. You and I are going to live. What you want to say to Lis, you better say it to her face. I promised to Lis as well, you know? And I'm not breaking that promise."

William didn't understand what the man was talking about the last part but what Sherlock reminded him awakened that selfishness he has for Elise.

That selfishness to live and stay by her side.

The clothed petal from the camellia ornament of Elise, it seems to give him warmth and assurance that it will be all right. Even by falling from this height, William did not feel fear. He did not feel the urge to embrace death either.

But rather, like in a stage performance, the exit of the actors from the stage after it was all over. The performance is now over but the actors are still there, waiting for another stage to be performed.

William was surprised at his own self.

He wanted to keep on living.

To atone for his sins.

To ask for forgiveness.

To never let her go.

He will live on.

That was all in William's mind as he closed his eyes before he and Sherlock plunged to the dark waters of River Thames. 

Dawn broke through the once hellish night of London, giving light to a new future after the last "devil" has disappeared.






Somewhere in a safehouse in London, emerald green eyes opened after being closed for so long, only for a single tear to escape from the left eye the same time two opposing forces dropped on the river.

Bonus scene:

"Heave-ho...! Ah, geez, these two are really heavy!"

"Oi, be more careful with what you're carrying."

"I'm already careful enough with Mr. Ponytail here, you know? You should worry more about that guy you're carrying. I think he got injured worse."

Two figures in the dark, one taller than the other, carrying two drenched bodies covered in wounds and bruises are seen inside the dark sewer. The two laid down the bodies on the drier side of the sewer to check up on their wounds. Moments later, another figure approached them.

"There's a ship bound to sail and everything is prepared there. We can go through without being questioned, thanks to father's influence. My sister has assisted with the papers as well."

"Oh! Nice!" The shorter figure grinned before nudging the other figure beside him teasingly. "Perks of having a nobleman as a lover-"

The taller man bonked the shorter one's head to silence him. "Shut up."

"Is it all right to hit your senior like that...?" The newly arrived figure asked with a sweat drop.

"It's fine. It's not like he'll kick me out anyway." He shrugged like it was all normal.


The taller man sighed before nodding at them. "All set. Let's take these two to the ship to treat them. We're leaving."

The trio carried the unconscious bodies out of the sewers.

"But you know, to think you'd break your own word... I didn't expect that from you, Eddie boy." The shorter teen grinned at him teasingly. "And you said that we are nothing more than observers in this country."

The person that was called "Eddie boy" seems to be annoyed called as that.

"Don't call me "Eddie boy", Billy." Edward sighed as he looked ahead before answering to what Billy said to him.

"...Normally, I wouldn't do this... but I have to repay the favor to Lady Elise for helping Adrien out and for keeping our secret." Edward says. "This is the only favor she is asking, and it's a life or death one. And I intend to follow it. Even if it means breaking my word before."

"So am I..." Adrien nodded. "Though... It was more like a well thought-out plan... Everything went according to what she said that it's honestly giving me chills. Though..."

He spared a glance at the injury of one person Edward was carrying.

"We can't save everything but we have at least saved their lives. That's all that matters. And I think... for Lady Elise... it's better than nothing."


A/N: Aight, I'm gonna rest now~

(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

Love you guys and stay safe <3

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