Time Awakening - Y/N x 10th D...

Por FanWritingScape

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Y/n is a astronomer at her university but, when she goes to London to build a state of the art telescope, som... Más

The Great Disaster
The Man Who Saved My Life
Doctor? Doctor Who?
Searching, Moving on, Waiting.
Torchwood's Secrets: Part 1
Torchwood's Secrets: Part 2
Come With Me?
Time And Relative Dimension In Space
London, 1969
Planet Eurmia: Part two
An Invitation
A Masquerade
Behind the Curtian (missing chapter)
Maintaining The Illusion?
Why Her?
The Masters Secret
The Truth Revealed
The Confession
Love Heals Wounds
Authors Note: Update Part 2
The Doctors Wife?

Planet Eurmia: Part One

683 17 15
Por FanWritingScape

"Oh my god! That was amazing!" I ran around the Tardis humming the tune to 'I've got a feeling'. "I can't believe they took my dare! Who knew we would go on the roof! And omg omg," I tried to catch my breath from my excitement. "Who knew how cheeky Paul was and how funny John was!" I realized then the Doctor was quiet and he was never quiet. I turned around to see him propped up against the Tardis sofa. He was smiling ear to ear, I blushed.

"What? Why are you smiling like that?" I giggled.

"Oh, Nothing I'm just taking in your first trip excitement." He laughed and ran his hands through his hair.

"What does this feeling wear off? Will I get tired of it?" I walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"Noooo not for me," he said grinning at me. "But for some people yes, some people just want a home and the Tardis isn't that for some. This, what I do it can get...dangerous, I don't just travel in time I sort of," he held out his hands in a weird ball shape. "Delegate it."

I took a deep breath, taking it all in, I patted his thigh. "Okay. So we save some people, aliens, etc. Doctor my whole life has been dedicated to this! Saving people with science and seeing the stars! Don't doubt my passion for traveling with you." He sniffled a laugh and put his arm around my shoulders.

-Doctors POV-

The Tardis had been quiet for a couple of hours now but my two hearts and mind couldn't make up for what they wanted. I wanted y/n to stay, but images of Rose, Donna, Martha, Jack, and everyone flashed in my mind. I had to put aside my second thoughts for now.

"Alright! Tell me Y/n! I think it's about time we see a new planet, what about Gelf or Skaro, or Raxacoricofallapatorius! No no the moon of poosh! No! Oh oh yes I got it!." I started the Tardis and set our destination.

"Doctor! Where are we going?" Y/n yelled over the Tardis wheezing. She grabbed right onto the console.

"It's a surprise ah!" The tardis spun and spun. I pressed button after button as smoke erupted from the tardis core.

Minutes later the Tardis landed with its usual thump and the room stood still. "Where are we?" Y/n said I just had noticed she had landed on the floor.

"O'yes sorry," I walked over and gave her my hand. "Y/n I brought you to a new planet." I threw open the doors and y/n gasped. I could feel my two hearts beating faster, it never got old that look on people's faces, seeing a new world. But with y/n it was different, she didn't care for the wrong reasons. She cared as I cared, she sees things as I see them.

"Oh doctor!" she turned around and hugged me. We laughed together. "Your brilliant."

"Oh I know," I shot her a cheeky wink. "Now come on," I grabbed her hand in mine. "Allonsy!"


The ground beneath our feet was all glass-like mirrors. The entire planet was. then in the distance were four or five white domes. I shuffled small steps. "Whoa," and without noticing my feet slipped on the sleek ground beneath me. But luckily my legs were swept up in the doctor's arms. "Oh thank you."

The doctor snorted, I then laughed at him and him back at me. We locked eyes and I felt my cheeks begin to burn and my heart beat faster and faster.
Replacing me on the ground carefully the doctor held my hand so I wouldn't fall and we journeyed to the white domes.

"What is this planet called then?" I asked the curious doctor.

"Planet Eurmia, located." He paused and put his finger to the sky. "About 2,000 years in your future and can be found right outside the constellation of castaburis." He looked down at me and grinned.

"Brillant." Seemed like the only word I could muster.

"Oh yes! Come on y/n lots to see!" He walked ahead hands in his trench coat. My heart started to beat faster as I ran to keep up with him.


"Entering outside sanitation," An over-com computer stated, as we entered a sort of quarantine zone and what I assumed to be the entrance of the base.

"What's that for." Then suddenly we both were coated with a spray that smelled like oranges and bleach. I coughed and looked down to see my clothes covered in white powder and over to the doctor who was the same. We both laughed.

"Preparing containment coat." The machine booted up again and then blasted us with some kind of air. Then wrapping us in a thick plastic material, like Christmas presents.

"What?!" I said looking down at my shiny clothes. Somehow the Doctor avoided the 'containment coat'. Doctor! A little help please!" He took out his sonic screwdriver and ran it over my body. Suddenly my clothes made a pop sound and the plastic shed off of me.

"Haha," the Doctor laughed and I shot him a glance. "Your unwrapping like a candy." He pushed the sealed door open and moved on but I would get him back for that joke later. "Come along y/n."

As we walked further into the base we finally reached some sort of greenhouse/laboratory. Now, this was my element and also the doctors. We both walked around looking at every vial, equipment, and plant. The Doctor walked over to me as I scanned over some lab documents. He went to start talking but I cut him off.

"Their studying self-sufficient biological planets, like self-running biomes, that's just gorgeous." I picked up a prickly blue plant that looked like it was breathing. The Doctor exhaled sassily obviously cause I beat him to the punch and flipped his glasses on his face.

"Oh yes, your quite right y/n look how gorgeous you are." My eyes popped out of my head and my face went flush red. The doctor then picked up the plant and put it down. "Also dangerous the flurnce plant."

"Flurnce?" I'd never heard of such a plant.

"Flurnce plants exhale a toxic gas that can kill a human within twenty minutes, so I suggest." He grabbed my side and pulled me back to him. "We move away."

"Freeze!" Someone yelled, me and the doctor turned to be faced with four guns in our faces.

"Oh shi..." I started but the Doctor cut me off.

"Wait wait I have one no three brilliant explanations why were here, one," the Doctor flashed the psychic paper at the people with guns. "And two hello I'm the doctor and this is,"

"Guns down," A lady behind the soldiers ordered. "For god's sake have some humanity. I'm so sorry Doctor, these men are just security." Me and the Doctor grabbed each other's hands in relief. A woman in a lab coat approaches us as the soldiers leave. "I am so sorry, I'm Dr. Mamrie but just call me Mamrie." The Doctor shook her hand.

"Yes hello I'm the doctor as you know and this is,"

"Doctor L/n." The Doctor looked at me strangely but I rolled my eyes. "He never introduces me as a doctor as well."

The lady laughed, "follow me Doctor and Doctor L/n."

Within minutes we arrived in a huge glass dome filled with plants, insects, farms of vegetables and fruits. A whole living ecosystem, "My god what is this?"

"It's a Giabiodome, Oh! Yes of course this is project Utopia! How could I be so thick?!" The Doctor ran around. "Doctor Mamrie, aka one of the earth leading biochemical scientists! Of course." The Doctor shook Mamries hand. She raised her eyebrows in confusion at the doctors sudden excitement.

"Doctor?" I raised my arm, waving the Doctor over quietly.

"Yes, sorry project Utopia around 1,000 years in your future. A group of Humans searching the stars for a planet with geological and ecosystems alike earth. Waaaaay advanced beyond the humans back home, all this is brand new technology to them!"

"Oh, fantastic!" I replied. Both of us giddy with new information and technology.

"O'yes!" The Doctor ran his hands through his hair but I was focused on the beautiful planets. It reminded me of the botanical gardens my sister would take me to when I was a kid. But this one was more it was a living breathing ecosystem! In space! "So Mamrie, give us a tour! I love a good tour!" Doctor mamrie nodded and ushered her arm.
"Allonsy then." The Doctor grabbed my hand.


Sorry this chapter took so long, writers block. But please leave feedback so I know what your enjoying and what your not. Also this chapter will be a part 2 I promise.

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