I Can See Straight Through Yo...

By RainAndThunderstorms

48.4K 1.6K 650

After Toni's interaction with Cheryl at the Whyte Wyrm she couldn't help but think that something was off. Wa... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five


1.7K 64 20
By RainAndThunderstorms

How is everyone? Thanks to the people who comment on my tweet I've updated! I really hope you like this one. Also who is excited for tonight's episode because I am! Anyway let me know what you think & happy reading xx

When Thomasina awoke the next morning she reached out for Abigail but she wasn't there.

The brunette sat up and stretched out, the mansion was quiet but right now she was unsure if that was a good thing or not.

She pulled on robe that was inside of the closet and made her way to the children's bedrooms.

Neither of them were in sight so she headed downstairs, she needed to tell Abigail about what happened with Fenn yesterday.

Thomasina didn't want their first night together to be filled with worry.

She looked into a few rooms before hearing a sound come from the kitchen.

Her heart melted at the sight in front of her.

Abigail was rocking the baby while Britta sat and ate her breakfast, Thomasina gave herself a moment before stepping further into the kitchen.

'Good morning my love,' Abigail smiled, 'I have prepared breakfast. Take a seat whilst I wait on you'.

'You need not do that,' Thomasina said.

'Nonsense, I want to,' Abigail said as she held Anthony in one arm whilst she dished up some breakfast for Thomasina.

'I have to go to school,' Britta said, 'thank you for breakfast Abigail'.

'Of course. And please keep away from Fogarty,' Abigail said.

'I could stay home,' Britta said hopefully, she was still trying to figure out a way to get Cheryl and Toni back into their bodies.

'Education is important Brittania. Perhaps the most important thing, when young women have knowledge they have power,' Thomasina said.

'Fine,' Britta said, 'I'll see you all later'.

The young redhead grabbed her bag and left Thornhill, Britta had already seen a difference in Abigail now Thomasina was back.

She was softer.


Once Brittania left Thomasina finished her breakfast before taking the baby from Abigail's arms.

'My love, we need to talk'.

Abigail looked at Thomasina, she didn't say a word but she gave her her full attention.

'Yesterday we ran into Fenn, he was not Fenn at first...'

'Why did you not tell me?' Abigail said moving closer to the brunette, 'did he hurt you?'

'No I am fine. I wanted to enjoy being with you but I am afraid that we will not be prepared if Fenn tries to hurt us again'.

'When you left yesterday I placed a protection spell on Thornhill. We are safe here,' Abigail said taking Thomasina's hand, 'I promise'.

Thomasina let out a relieved breath as she nodded, she looked down at the baby in her arms.


'Yes my love?'

'Tell me about Cheryl and Toni, do you know anything about them?'

'What would you like to know?' Abigail asked.

'How are they connected? Cheryl loves Toni I felt that but there is more to it although I am unsure what'.

'Cheryl and Toni were young lovers. After reading my descendants journal I learnt that they have not been together for years'.

'Why?' Thomasina asked.

'Cheryl was frightened. She let Toni go and she never thought she deserved to have her back. I am unsure on your descendants feelings though'.

'I see,' Thomasina said.

The brunette looked down at the baby in her arms, 'he needs his mother'.

Abigail didn't speak, she just diverted her eyes.


'Thomasina must we have this conversation again?'

'My soul could leave this body at any second. Cheryl has the power to do that. When I leave this body I want to leave with you. Go into the beyond together,' Thomasina said.

'You and your descendant are very alike, more alike than I would like to admit. She was very persistent too'.

'It must be a Topaz trait,' Thomasina said with a small smile, 'how long must we be here?'

'I want us to experience what we deserve. A family, growing old together...' Abigail said, her voice was rocky. Sad.

'But in doing that we are robbing our descendants of their future. They are of our blood. Do they not deserve to live?'


'Please think about what you are doing Abigail. I love you deeply. I know you. Please do not let revenge corrupt your soul,' Thomasina said before turning to walk away.

'My love...' Abigail said taking a few steps forward.

'I am taking the babe for some fresh air on the grounds,' Thomasina said as she walked through the hallway and out of the main doors to Thornhill.

Abigail let out a breath, she thought Thomasina would be happy they were back together again.

And even though they were together Abigail's heart still craved destruction.

She was still angry.

Still hurt.

Before she made it worse by chasing Thomasina she decided on cleaning the kitchen.

Both of them were strong women and Thomasina did not take well to being pushed into changing her mind.


Cheryl didn't want to sit in her bedroom anymore, she needed a change of scenery.

She had no idea how long it had been since her and Toni saw Abigail and Thomasina together but she was still embarrassed to face her.

She walked through the halls as quietly as she could, since she couldn't sleep she doubted Toni could but she still didn't want to disturb her.

There was a tree behind Thornhill that she sat against whenever she needed some time to herself.

In this version of Riverdale she could have time to herself anywhere but at least here she could attempt to pretend things were normal.

Even though they were far from it.

Cheryl wasn't sure how long she was sat there for before she felt someone sit down beside her.

She was so zoned out that she didn't even notice.

'You okay?' Toni asked as she picked at the grass.

The tree was big enough for them to both lean against without touching although their shoulders weren't too far apart.

'Yes,' Cheryl said, she wasn't being short, she just didn't want to burden Toni anymore than she already had.

'You can talk to me, you know that right?'

Cheryl didn't answer, there was so much left unsaid between them, things from years ago that should have been discussed but they never were.

'Cher, I didn't want to hurt you when I told you about Fangs,' Toni said, maybe it wasn't the right thing to do but she didn't want Cheryl to think she didn't care about her feelings.

Because she did.

'You deserve to be happy Toni. It has nothing to do with me'.

'Cheryl I can see you're upset'.

'I'm upset because of the huge mess I've made. This is all my fault'.

A single tear fell from Cheryl's eye, she didn't want it to but she couldn't stop it.

'Just so you know...' Toni said quietly, 'everything I have I once wanted with you. I know it doesn't make any difference now but I did believe that we'd always be together. Married. Kids. The whole thing'.

Cheryl couldn't stop the sob escaping from her mouth, she tried to hold it together.

She wanted to.

But she couldn't.

Toni let out a breath.

It hurt her too.

A lot.

Because she knew teenage Cheryl believed the same thing.

Toni wrapped her arm around the redhead, she tried to pull her closer but she was met with resistance.

After another attempt though Cheryl gave in, she fell against Toni's shoulder as she cried.

Toni tried to be strong, her tears were silent but they were there.


Abigail had spent the day thinking about what Thomasina had said but she didn't want to give up this body.

She didn't want to risk being separated from Thomasina again.

Thomasina's heart was pure.

Hers was tainted.


The redhead was sat in front of the fireplace staring into the flames when the brunette walked in.

'Abigail?' Thomasina said as she took a seat, 'is now a convenient time to talk about this morning?'

'Thomasina I know you think I am selfish. You are correct. I want to do right by you. I have never felt for anyone like I have for you. You are my soulmate. My universe revolves around you. You put others before yourself and I love you for it, but I cannot lose you again'.

'Abigail, you will not lose me'.

'Do you really believe my soul can move on? I do not deserve it Thomasina...'

'How can you believe that?' Thomasina asked, she stood from her seat and knelt in front of the redhead.

Abigail looked into her lovers soft brown eyes, 'I am the reason you died'.

Abigail didn't give the brunette a chance to say anything, she quickly stood up and left the room.

She didn't want Thomasina to see her cry.

Abigail held guilt for what happened to Thomasina.

She died because of her.

She left the only person she loved alone with a murderer.

She should have known better.

It was her fault.

As she walked through the hallway she approached the mirror hanging on the wall, it was just her reflection looking back at her.

Anger built up in her chest.

She was angry at the descendants of those who sentence her death by fire.

She was even angrier at Fenn.

But the person she was most angry with was staring right back at her.

Without thinking she lifted her hand and punched the mirror as hard as she could.

All of the hatred she had for herself and the stupid choices she had made made her crumble to the floor.

The shards of broken glass from the mirror surrounded her.

Abigail's cries muted the sound around her as she screamed in pain, not physical but emotional, everything was pouring out and she couldn't stop it.

The sound of footsteps rushing up the stairs were barely audible and her sight was blurry because her eyes were filled with unshed tears.

Abigail felt her though.


A warmth wrapped around her body as she was guided from the ground.

They didn't speak.

They didn't need to.

Thomasina guided Abigail to the bed and laid her down crawling in beside her.

Abigail felt arms wrap around her as she cried.

The tears didn't stop, she couldn't stop them if she wanted to.

She'd held on to these emotions for so long and they had finally escaped, seeping out of her with an unstoppable force.

Abigail had used anger to mask her hurt.

To distract her.

But right now that anger was gone.

And all she was left with was sadness.

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